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Armenian women: should play a bigger role in our economy, politics and military.

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  • Re: Armenian women: should play a bigger role in our economy, politics and military.

    Originally posted by Tigranakert View Post
    What a boring story levon, couldn't you do better than that? It's a waste of your time writing so much nonsense.
    Boring to you, or are you a b!tch to toy to some feminist?

    Originally posted by Tigranakert View Post
    I am pleading for a bigger role of women in our society, not out of respect, but for the benefit of our country. I will support everything, that is for the best our country.
    I couldn't care less who does what, women or men. I don't support advancement of men over women, nor advancement of women over men, but you do, and that's where we differ. You'd like to see women advance, but could care less about equal advancement. You aim to rack up more privilege for women all in the name of advancement, but it's all bullxxxx. 50 years and women are still b!tching about the glass ceiling even though the school system is in favor of girls, and women get more university degrees than men. Women b!tch, it's in their nature, and it never stops. They're too used to getting things by flashing some skin, promising sex or threatening to stop giving.

    Advancement is all good on paper, but someone has to do the child-bearing and child-rearing. Men can't do that, so some women will have to stay home at least part-time to take care of the young. In fact, it would have to be a large number of women for our country to grow in population. Your just a b!tch toy who thinks he's doing something godly just because he supports women and their advancement. Guess what, they don't give two sh!ts about you, so all your efforts are misplaced. At the end of the day they'll be in bed with some a$$hole who don't give a sh!t about her, and you'll be raising someone's kid and thanking her everyday for keeping your nuts in a jar.

    F#ck that, but you go ahead.


    • Re: Armenian women: should play a bigger role in our economy, politics and military.

      Originally posted by levon View Post
      Advancement is all good on paper, but someone has to do the child-bearing and child-rearing. Men can't do that, so some women will have to stay home at least part-time to take care of the young. In fact, it would have to be a large number of women for our country to grow in population. Your just a b!tch toy who thinks he's doing something godly just because he supports women and their advancement. Guess what, they don't give two sh!ts about you, so all your efforts are misplaced. At the end of the day they'll be in bed with some a$$hole who don't give a sh!t about her, and you'll be raising someone's kid and thanking her everyday for keeping your nuts in a jar.

      F#ck that, but you go ahead.
      The globalists have thought of this which is why every country is some sort of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Nth order. Immigration allows them to take the poorest from one country and migrate them to others for jobs such as being a nanny or cheap day care by paying just enough to allow another woman to work. In the end, everyone is a slave to someone else and children are less likely to be influenced by their parents. All the while, the only people profiting off the labour are the globalists.
      "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


      • Re: Armenian women: should play a bigger role in our economy, politics and military.

        Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
        The globalists have thought of this which is why every country is some sort of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Nth order. Immigration allows them to take the poorest from one country and migrate them to others for jobs such as being a nanny or cheap day care by paying just enough to allow another woman to work. In the end, everyone is a slave to someone else and children are less likely to be influenced by their parents. All the while, the only people profiting off the labour are the globalists.
        It's really an awesome scam. Get women to work, then make everything twice as expensive. More taxes, more spending, and more debt. This means bigger corporations, bigger governments and more control. And just so better off married women don't suddenly start raising their own children, push propaganda, put a wedge between men and women, encourage divorce. That way, everyone is single, everyone works, and everyone pays.


        • Re: Armenian women: should play a bigger role in our economy, politics and military.

          Some random history... Coincidence?

          In 1909, the Socialist Party of America established National Women's Day, to be held across the United States on the last Sunday in February.

          Radical labour reforms were forthcoming, however, as socialism fell out of favour with many Americans leading up to the First World war, and that country's last National Women's Day was held in 1913 (Same year the Federal Reserve was created)

          No-fault divorce was pioneered by the Bolsheviks following the Russian Revolution of 1917. Before the Revolution, churches, mosques, and synagogues defined family life.

          The United States did not acknowledge International Women's Day again until 1975..... about the same time that divorce and family law acts were created around the world.

          Bolsheviks: No Fault Divorce
          "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


          • Re: Armenian women: should play a bigger role in our economy, politics and military.

            I don't know what's worse: Cosmo publishing in Armenia (in Armenian) or Kim Kardashian being on its first cover. Double whammy.

            Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


            • Re: Armenian women: should play a bigger role in our economy, politics and military.

              Originally posted by Federate View Post
              I don't know what's worse: Cosmo publishing in Armenia (in Armenian) or Kim Kardashian being on its first cover. Double whammy.
              Double whammy indeed. Put the manifestation of a westernized wh0re on the cover of a magazine and with big letters proclaim "Orgasm Together". Ten years ago our country was much more resistant to western crap, but it's not any longer it seems.


              • Re: Armenian women: should play a bigger role in our economy, politics and military.

                Originally posted by Tigranakert View Post
                . Go Armenian women! Without you, our country is doomed. We don't only need you to make kids, but to stand next to us men, to think with us, to fight with us! We can't do without their potential.
                I think the best place for Armenian women (the hot ones at least) would be under their man, not next to him. If they open up when necessary, the men will do enough thinking and fighting for two (well, actually since most women don't like thinking nor fighting does it really make sense to say this?).
                Last edited by levon; 03-08-2011, 04:23 PM.


                • Re: Armenian women: should play a bigger role in our economy, politics and military.

                  Cosmo in Armenian?

                  Does anyone buy this crap or are people just forced to stare at it while waiting in line to checkout groceries? I don't think they even care if 1 issue is sold, it's like free flyers for them.

                  It's owned by Hearst Corporation, a media conglomerate.

                  Hearst is one of the largest diversified communications companies in the world. Its major interests include 15 daily and 38 weekly newspapers, including the Houston Chronicle and Albany Times Union; nearly 200 magazines around the world, including Cosmopolitan and O, The Oprah Magazine; 29 television stations through Hearst Television Inc. which reach a combined 18% of U.S. viewers; ownership in leading cable networks, including A&E Television Networks, and ESPN; as well as business publishing, Internet businesses, television production, newspaper features distribution and real estate.
                  "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


                  • Re: Armenian women: should play a bigger role in our economy, politics and military.

                    Reminds me of someone....

                    One Good Man..
                    By Typhonblue

                    The One Good Man sees in Woman what men lack. Woman is bright and charming and good. Men are dark and sinister and bad.
                    To maintain the image of Woman as bright and charming and good, the One Good Man swallows Her darkness. Her rages, Her excesses, Her cruelties are his responsibility, not Hers. All Her goodness is not chosen because She is helpless in Her goodness—as She is helpless in Her femininity. But because it is not chosen, it is not goodness and it feeds nothing in the One Good Man.
                    Without shadow there is no depth.
                    He craves dimension and he receives only bright, charming images as thin as a whisper. To compensate he tries to capture as many as he can, but they flit through his fingers like sunlight and his hunger grows.
                    He needs a Harem.
                    The politician signs into law one-sided advocacy that ignores the pain of men to help women: Domestic Violence, Rape, Sexual Harrassment, it doesn’t matter. He sees it all as an avenue to destroy his competitors and win an adoring harem, even if it’s only the myth of himself in his own mind. He is the One Good Man, good because of his influence, which he uses to advance women.
                    The family judge eviscerates his rival—a father and husband—and in the woman’s approval he sees another adoring harem member. He knows that her husband has failed her otherwise why would she be here before him? But he won’t fail her. He is the One Good Man, good because of his power, which he uses to benefit women.
                    The priest condemns the imperfect morality of his flock’s husbands and in their admiration he sees a harem. He knows the church women are there to hear his words and uses them to throw petty sins of their husbands into high relief. He won’t fail them. He is the One Good Man, good because of his morality, which he uses to lionize women.
                    The petty bully brutalizes a smaller boy, cheered on by girls. The girls have a grievance; the boy presumed to ask one of them out, or maybe he was staring at her breasts too long? He won’t fail them. He is the One Good Man, good because of his strength, which he uses to avenge women.
                    The One Good Man sees all other men as feckless, immoral, weak, beneath him. The One Good Man is good because he knows he is the only good man. He is special. He regales of stories of his goodness, all with the same refrain: I have used my strengths to woman’s service, I have crushed men so that women may walk upon them. And thus he is deserving of the admiration and approval of many woman. He has a Harem. But that is not enough.
                    The One Good Man has enemies.
                    The One Good Man hates the Hungry Man because they are the same man. The Hungry Man hungers for women’s bodies; The One Good Man hungers for their approval. The Hungry Man says, ‘women’s only use is their sex.’ And the One Good Man disagrees because a ‘woman’s only use is their approval.’ That’s why the One Good Man cannot allow himself to see Woman’s shadow; because if he did, she might not approve.
                    Hungry Man and One Good Man are the same man, but they will never admit it. Hungry Man says he does not care for women’s approval, yet he needs it to access her sex; One Good Man says he does not care for a woman’s sex, but it’s her sex that makes her approval worth so much.
                    Both the Hungry Man and the One Good Man fear the Bad Man, perhaps better called the Broken Man, for he is the Hungry Man having fed to little and the One Good Man having swallowed too much.
                    The Bad Man says ‘look, Woman has a shadow! A shadow that She casts, not me! Every shadow is Hers!’
                    The One Good Man hates the Bad Man’s words; he points to an obvious flaw, ‘Some of those shadows are cast by you!’ and dismisses the greater truth.
                    The One Good Man has a final enemy; and this one is most insidious of all because he is part of the One Good Man, the Hungry Man and the Bad Man.
                    He is just a man. Not a bad man, not a good man, not a real man or a fake man, not a strong man or a powerful man or an aggressive man or a useful man or a useless man. Just a man. A man who sees that words like good, strong, bad, real, fake, powerful, useless and useful are just words the One Good Man uses to divide himself from other men, to make himself special and thus worthy of his Harem.
                    The man, just a man, sees a woman as just a woman. She is made of light and shadow in equal measure to the light, and so she has depth and form and substance. When she hurts him he says ‘you have hurt me. You take responsibility for it. I will not take responsibility for having been hurt.’ And if she does, he stays, because she feeds him.
                    With shadow, there is depth.
                    He does not need a Harem. And so he does not need to hate or hurt other men to have a Harem.
                    He is not the One Good Man. The Bad Man or the Hungry Man.
                    He is a man, just a man.


                    • Re: Armenian women: should play a bigger role in our economy, politics and military.

                      Originally posted by levon View Post
                      The One Good Man has a final enemy; and this one is most insidious of all because he is part of the One Good Man, the Hungry Man and the Bad Man.
                      He is just a man. Not a bad man, not a good man, not a real man or a fake man, not a strong man or a powerful man or an aggressive man or a useful man or a useless man. Just a man. A man who sees that words like good, strong, bad, real, fake, powerful, useless and useful are just words the One Good Man uses to divide himself from other men, to make himself special and thus worthy of his Harem.
                      The man, just a man, sees a woman as just a woman. She is made of light and shadow in equal measure to the light, and so she has depth and form and substance. When she hurts him he says ‘you have hurt me. You take responsibility for it. I will not take responsibility for having been hurt.’ And if she does, he stays, because she feeds him.
                      With shadow, there is depth.
                      He does not need a Harem. And so he does not need to hate or hurt other men to have a Harem.
                      He is not the One Good Man. The Bad Man or the Hungry Man.
                      He is a man, just a man.
                      This part made me choke up
                      "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X

