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Iranian-Armenian relations

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  • Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    Originally posted by Persopolis View Post
    Show me pictures that Iranian women walking around half-naked in Armenia. Show some so we can see if you're honest or dishonest ....
    You live in the US don't you? then I'm sure you're very well aware already how wh*re-like your girls dress, you don't need anymore proof than that.

    PS You should see them in Toronto!


    • Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

      Originally posted by Artsakh View Post
      You live in the US don't you? then I'm sure you're very well aware already how wh*re-like your girls dress, you don't need anymore proof than that.

      PS You should see them in Toronto!
      Your mother is late for her checkup.

      PanARMENIAN.Net -- Dermatologist, venereologist Karen Vardanyan said that growth in venereal diseases is observed in Armenia from year to year.

      According to the official statistics of the RA Ministry of Health, 28,000 people diagnosed with venereal diseases were registered in Armenia in 2003, their number exceeding 36,000 in 2007, Vardanyan told a press conference in Yerevan.

      This is the official data of the RA Ministry of Health. The real number of sick people is several times higher, the specialist said.

      According to Vardanyan, candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis (also called Bacterial Vaginitis is the highest cause of embarrassing conditions as vaginal odor and itching) , trichomoniasis and chlamydia infections are among the most common venereal diseases in Armenia.

      As for syphilis in Armenia, Vardanyan said 147 cases of syphilis.

      Also AIDS is increasing rapidly.
      A sexually transmitted disease (STD), also known as a sexually transmitted infection (STI), or venereal disease (VD), is an illness that has a significant probability of transmission between humans by means of human sexual behavior. While in the past, these illnesses have mostly been referred to as STDs or VD, in recent years the term sexually transmitted infections (STIs) has been preferred, as it has a broader range of meaning; a person may be infected, and may potentially infect others, without showing signs of disease.


      • Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

        Originally posted by Persopolis View Post
        Your mother is late for her checkup.

        PanARMENIAN.Net -- Dermatologist, venereologist Karen Vardanyan said that growth in venereal diseases is observed in Armenia from year to year.

        According to the official statistics of the RA Ministry of Health, 28,000 people diagnosed with venereal diseases were registered in Armenia in 2003, their number exceeding 36,000 in 2007, Vardanyan told a press conference in Yerevan.

        This is the official data of the RA Ministry of Health. The real number of sick people is several times higher, the specialist said.

        According to Vardanyan, candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis (also called Bacterial Vaginitis is the highest cause of embarrassing conditions as vaginal odor and itching) , trichomoniasis and chlamydia infections are among the most common venereal diseases in Armenia.

        As for syphilis in Armenia, Vardanyan said 147 cases of syphilis.

        Also AIDS is increasing rapidly.
        A sexually transmitted disease (STD), also known as a sexually transmitted infection (STI), or venereal disease (VD), is an illness that has a significant probability of transmission between humans by means of human sexual behavior. While in the past, these illnesses have mostly been referred to as STDs or VD, in recent years the term sexually transmitted infections (STIs) has been preferred, as it has a broader range of meaning; a person may be infected, and may potentially infect others, without showing signs of disease.
        Oh great - now we see your real intentions here....You are just like exact copy of Azar
        Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
        "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


        • Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

          Persepolis thanks for the news if you continue making stupid threads about armenia you should take a time off from here.

          from my point of view,i don't judge tourists in armenia,no matter if he is iranian or russian,for me he will be subject to the armenian law like i do.

          Artsakh and Mos apparently he his insulted from your words just tell what you like to tell him in some other way, explain to him what you mean about iranian women, apparently he his pro mullah,just dont say half naked we all know how beautifully woman are and western style of clothing are the best one for them and men.

          I will prefer summer vacations in Spain Greece Brazil Australia Armenia rather Iran for that reason!!


          • Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

            Originally posted by Persopolis View Post
            Your mother is late for her checkup.

            PanARMENIAN.Net -- Dermatologist, venereologist Karen Vardanyan said that growth in venereal diseases is observed in Armenia from year to year.

            According to the official statistics of the RA Ministry of Health, 28,000 people diagnosed with venereal diseases were registered in Armenia in 2003, their number exceeding 36,000 in 2007, Vardanyan told a press conference in Yerevan.

            This is the official data of the RA Ministry of Health. The real number of sick people is several times higher, the specialist said.

            According to Vardanyan, candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis (also called Bacterial Vaginitis is the highest cause of embarrassing conditions as vaginal odor and itching) , trichomoniasis and chlamydia infections are among the most common venereal diseases in Armenia.

            As for syphilis in Armenia, Vardanyan said 147 cases of syphilis.

            Also AIDS is increasing rapidly.
            A sexually transmitted disease (STD), also known as a sexually transmitted infection (STI), or venereal disease (VD), is an illness that has a significant probability of transmission between humans by means of human sexual behavior. While in the past, these illnesses have mostly been referred to as STDs or VD, in recent years the term sexually transmitted infections (STIs) has been preferred, as it has a broader range of meaning; a person may be infected, and may potentially infect others, without showing signs of disease.
            Now we are starting to insult people real mature. Are you sad that it's out in the open that you don't live in Iran?


            • Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

              Originally posted by UrMistake View Post
              Artsakh and Mos apparently he his insulted from your words just tell what you like to tell him in some other way, explain to him what you mean about iranian women, apparently he his pro mullah,just dont say half naked we all know how beautifully woman are and western style of clothing are the best one for them and men. I will prefer summer vacations in Spain Greece Brazil Australia Armenia rather Iran for that reason!!
              Armenia has less than 3 million people left and a host of social ills - If the Turks or Azerbaijanis invade (in light of Soviet-Armenian attitudes like those exhibited here against Iran) Iranians will make a national security determination and it's doubtful they will let Armenians in this time. While you're on vacation in "in Spain Greece Brazil Australia Armenia rather Iran" scout out new living arrangements because people with Mos's attitude may need it. Why on earth do you think you will find safe haven in Iran with these sorts of attitudes? Like I said before - I am Iranian; if the attitudes like the ones we've seen here are mainstream in Armenia, it's best for Iran to seal off the border and let the lunatics who only know how to create problems do their thing. Iran is not afraid of Turkey for the same reason Afghanistan wasn't afraid of the *mighty* USSR at its peak. One thing is for certain: Iran will not let a Soviet-style 5th column into its population and if Iranian-Armenians are duped into that type of mindset, they will be asked to leave or dealt with like PJAK and PMOI.

              The anti-Iranian Armenians on this forum remind me of puppies that bark at lions. I came here to help you, but I see that you are a people on a mission to commit suicide.

              Originally posted by KarotheGreat View Post
              Now we are starting to insult people real mature. Are you sad that it's out in the open that you don't live in Iran?
              Pay close attention princess ... I am smiling.


              Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
              ...and how the hell did you get my real name....
              Enjoy your delusions. (Even the moderators don't know where I am, and could not know, even with the help of a professional IT expert.)

              "Iran is one of the two countries through which we communicate with the outer world. To have problems with Iran means to further narrow the pipe through which Armenia breathes. Certainly, they [Armenians] are Iranian citizens but the Armenian state is to some extent responsible for the Armenians who live in this or that country, and we are just obliged not to provoke bad actions towards that community.”

              -- Serzh Sargsyan

              Last edited by Persopolis; 04-21-2011, 04:23 PM.


              • Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

                You should also look at your own faults, suppressing people and imposing to them something they dont wont is no good,with this attitude you will further isolate yourself.
                The only problem armenia has is linked with economy and its oligarchs.

                I never said i liked summer vacation in Iran or Bahrain for the same suppressing reasons other european nations dont like to put into.

                You are feeling a threat of change cause of armenia,but only you can change your self and your nation.
                Attitude of superiority will not pass towards armenians we are laughing to those that impose them selfs to such acts,cause we know the truth.


                • Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

                  Originally posted by Persopolis View Post
                  Enjoy your delusions. (Even the moderators don't know where I am, and could not know, even with the help of a professional IT expert.)
                  I could care less where you are, I just know where you are not.....Iran.

                  Ridi.....batche mitarsooni? ha
                  B0zkurt Hunter


                  • Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

                    Alright guys, no need to argue over which ethnicity has the biggest wh0res. We know it's rampant everywhere in the free world so there is no need to argue over it. Remember though, it's western culture that's encouraging it, so it's a problem that every community has to deal with. As long as you don't fall victim to the prey, it shouldn't concern you anyways.
                    "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


                    • Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

                      Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
                      Alright guys, no need to argue over which ethnicity has the biggest wh0res. We know it's rampant everywhere in the free world so there is no need to argue over it. Remember though, it's western culture that's encouraging it, so it's a problem that every community has to deal with. As long as you don't fall victim to the prey, it shouldn't concern you anyways.
                      'Western culture' is too vague - I would say Hollywood culture is the biggest contributor.
                      Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
                      "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."

