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Iranian-Armenian relations

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  • Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    Originally posted by Mos View Post
    This is what Azeris try to do in separating Iran and Armenia:

    I'll make a thread about this later; but remember that the *Azeris* stole the identity of the *Azaris* - it's confusing I know. In the information war it's important to distinguish the Iranian-Azaris (the real ones) from the Fake-Rep. of Azerbaijanis (remember that Aliyev also called Armenians living within his jurisdiction *Azerbaijanis* & *Azeris* and if you do a quick tally you can count at least half-a-dozen ethnic groups in the Rep. of Az. that get branded as Turkic, Azeri, or Azerbaijani.)

    Iranian-Azaris actually saved many Armenians during the AG; it would be Aliyev's dream for people to confuse the groups (that's what they want).

    Quick history lesson: Mongol/Turkic groups in the 11th-13th centuries raided Greater Iran; they came from the North-East and worked their way into the Caucuses; the legacy they left behind is that Iranian-Azaris picked up a NEW Turkic dialect as a substitute for their original Persian language to appease the invaders; Eventually through the use of force the Turkic/Mongol invaders were pushed out of the borders of Iran as they exist today and ended-up in Turkmenistan & and in the very center of Afghanistan (there is a group that were mixed with Iranian people called Hazaras that live in central Afghanistan; they're basically the mixed children of Iranians-&-Turkic/Mongols). You can see photos of them here so you get an idea: (Incidentally, I don't have a grudge against these people, as they human beings too, but as long as they don't get caught up in a Pan-Turkic adventure.)

    Then Armenia & Aran (now called Rep. of Az.) fell to Russia. More Turkification took place in the Rep. of Az. (Aran) from the Northern Caucusus and from Turkey. This helps to dispel a few lies: *Azerbaijanis* -- "one nation/two states" -- Iranian-Azaris (ethnic Iranians that may speak a Turkic dialect - though not all do) as distinguished from the mish-mash of Turkic groups in the Rep. of Az., some of which came from other places.

    Iranian-Azari Below: 100% Iranian. I promise you that she is NOT from Mongolia or Tataria; she is simply a native of Iran.

    What we need is a new term for the people that live in Aliyev-Land. Soviet-Azeris? Tatar/Mongols? Counterfeit-Azaris? There seriously needs to be a new term. What they have done is the functional equivalent of China renaming France as China - and then calling everybody in the two states "Chinese."

    You also have to bear in mind that a lot of the people that got stuck in Azerbaijan-SSR were put through Soviet and Pan-Turkic education policies - a lot of those fools (Azerbaboons) don't even know who they are today and just parrot whatever Aliyev tells them. Look at Turkey - it's exactly the same situation - just a mish-mash of people who lost their identities along the way. In Azerbaijan-SSR Stalin actually promoted the policy of Turkification because it was in the interests of the Soviet Union at the time.

    So, regarding the Azerbaboons -- the first thing you always do is challenge their identity. Tell them to their face that most of them do not look like real Turks OR Iranians; and that it is clear that they are brainwashed; that they derive from many different ethnic groups; while falsely leading others to to believe that they are descendants of the guy below. What they are actually engaged in is a form of identity theft & historical revisionism.

    These are the people that invaded Iran and Armenia and were pushed out into Turkmenistan and central Afghanistan:

    Compare their features with the features of the President of Turkmenistan & Hazaras (of central Afghanistan):

    The HQ of HAZARA NEWS from all around the world!

    After you look at the information above -- study one of the guys making trouble for Armenians (Iran kicked him out): Now he works with the CIA, Pentagon, a group called A.D.A.P.P., the "Free So. Az. Movement."
    Last edited by Persopolis; 05-01-2011, 12:17 AM.


    • Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

      Persians and Armenians have one common enemy, the Turks. Below an interesting article posted on


      Favstos Buzand - Armenian historian of V century - in the book "History of Armenia" left for posterity the story of the Armenian-Persian war, one of the episodes which is a textbook example of the generosity of the Armenian and Persian soldiers.
      "And the Armenian military commander and Sparapet Musheg with its forty thousand attacked the camp (the enemy) and defeated them. The Persian king fled Shapuh one on horseback, and everything else a lot of his troops Musheg headed by Armenian troops put to the sword. Many were killed, many Persian nobles prisoner, and took the spoil of the treasures of the Persian king, took the queen of queens, along with other wives.
      But the wives of the Persian king insult Shapuha commander Armenian Musheg no one allowed, and ordered them to prepare for the sedan chairs and all of them were released to their husband, the king Shapuhu. From the Persians, too, let the men go with them so that they safely traveled to the Persian king Shapuhu. The Persian king was surprised virtues of courage and nobility Mushegh, not who caused him no insult against women. In those days Mushegh was a white horse, and the Persian king Shapuh, when serving, per hour of fun of his troops took the (cup) of wine in hand, saying: "Belokonnaya him drink wine." And on one side, he ordered to paint the image Mushegh riding a white horse, and during this fun bowl put in front of him and constantly repeating the same thing: "Belokonnaya him drink wine."

      This story is remembered not by accident: I have long and many times had to say and write that to migrations in our region of Turkic tribes in the Near East and Asia Minor, on the Iranian and Armenian Highland triumphant spirit of generosity. Aboriginal peoples of the region were able to fight, win and lose. Yes, the play too, because the true nobility of the Warrior is, including and in the ability to adequately endure defeat, and make conclusions from it, respect for the courage of the enemy. So it was ...

      So till the end of the tenth century, before the arrival of the Turks in the region. Outlook Turks did not know no mercy to women or to children, nor old, nor sick. To kill the woman, kill a child in the cradle, and ... escape from an armed enemy - all this was part of the code of honor Turk. Not accidentally went down in history the phrase of one of the Turkic heroes Keroglu: "In some cases, be able to escape - also the courage." How easy to understand, "some cases" it is when in front of you is a warrior.

      Such "courage" demonstrated the Turks all the time. Any battle, regardless of its outcome, the Turks finished the "holiday heart", the massacre of civilians of the enemy. Turks celebrated the success or vented their anger at yet another defeat by the massacre of defenseless people. Otherwise, he could not, so it brought the history, life and psychology of man-burglar and dastardly killer. Psychology of a slave, but not a warrior. It is this mentality has helped in his time a Turk empire, because the Turks initially bypassed enemy forces and cut people subjected to the aggression of the country, depriving future war sense.

      Has passed almost ten centuries, both in our region have moved the first nomadic tribes of the Turks. It would seem that the term sufficient to ensure that the Turks could humanize, to learn to live according to generally accepted rules of men, to renounce instinct eater. But unfortunately, this did not happen. Yes, it could not happen, because for the humanization Turks should go at least as many centuries as he survived a bloodthirsty killer and a robber. That is why today we see a Turk in exactly the same as it arrived in our region for a thousand years ago: both bloodthirsty and ruthless, cowardly and pathetic, or capable of killing the helpless, whining or under the fence.

      Generosity Turks to face, it is abhorrent to his nature. Yes, and what may be a noble creature, foaming at the mouth, forsaking their own parents? Turk, day and night in composing his biography, which seeks to find new parents. No matter who will "liberate" the place: Schumer, or Vikings, Albanian or the Median, the Hittites or ... Cyclops (some Turkish scholars seriously stuck on this version), - come down any, because the Turks understand: there's no one dirtier and meaner his true biological parents. In this case, the Turks trying to steal and to assign not only the ancestors of others, but someone else's history, culture and homeland. Is it any wonder that the Turks was not changed for many centuries? And whether to blame the Turks for his lack of any sign of virtue?

      Turk born a way we see it and know. He was ready to cry and grovel before the strong (remember Heydar Aliyev and his tearful pleas for a truce after the failure of aggression against Nagorno Karabakh), ready to run in the same underwear from the advancing enemy (as did the defense minister of Azerbaijan) and ... he is always ready to yelp from a safe distance .

      Observed Turks bark louder than it is farther from the enemy. From the U.S. and Germany, for example, makes it particularly safe and convenient. " And more recently from Moscow, where the relocated "to study" one of shavok azagitpropa Hamid Hamid. And they are barking at a safe distant than the moon, and more unattainable for themselves - the Armenian generals and Defense Minister Seyran Ohanian. The very generals and that the minister himself, that in the years of aggression against the Republic of Azerbaijan, Artsakh made ​​to kneel and grovel forced the Azeri national leader "after Heydar Aliyev and Safar Abiyev, Defense Minister of Azerbaijan. We see that the centuries-old neighborhood with Armenia and Iran, as well as examples of generosity Sparapet Mushegh Mamikonian and Shah Shapuha not reached the consciousness of the Turk. Otherwise, Ilham Aliyev would drink from the glass with chiseled arms of the Republic of Artsakh, because that NKR naively noble allowed his father to stay in power in Azerbaijan.

      The Turk has not changed: he habitually groveling before authority and familiar cuts as feeble. In this case, the Turks never miss the opportunity to curry favor with the owner, that means in today's Azerbaijan - tyavknut around the corner. Be the Caucasian Turks have little bolder, they did not fail to appeal to the Safar Abiyev with the question: how did it happen that the Armenian army, much less armed and far outnumbered the armed forces of Azerbaijan, was able to resist the aggression of Azerbaijan? And not only reflect but also to reintegrate into the Republic of Artsakh 8,000 square kilometers before the Armenian-controlled Azerbaijani lands. They could address his president a question: where, from what you Kurdemir, like his father, become to his knees to apologize to the Armenians? But the Turks will never give up breastfeeding pleasure to lick his hand scraps, which means that we are doomed to listen to him yapping. Until such time as we do not get bored. Then, in Baku could have no doubt that Ilham just lose the opportunity to transfer power by right of succession to Heydar younger.

      Levon Melik-Shahnazaryan

      Last edited by Tigranakert; 05-01-2011, 02:13 AM.


      • Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

        I love the comments on this video: Iranians, Armenians, and Syrians are ganging up on the Azerbaboons.

        * We need to organize joint cultural events and festivals (fun things).
        * Iranian-Armenians need to take a leadership position in dispelling any suspicions Hayastanis may have (remember they fell under the Bolshevik reeducation programs and were traumatized by war, etc. so they will be naturally suspicious) - don't play into the Pan-Turkic hands. Iran-&-Armenia need strong relations and genuine friendship.
        * Someone should make an Iranian-Armenian music channel: look at some the videos I posted above. Anyone Iranian, Armenian, or Iranian-Armenian who doesn't know the music of Vigen Derderian is missing out:
        * The Armenian Diaspora needs to be educated to about Pan-Turkic policies and to reach-out and hold conferences on this subject with the Iranian diaspora (people do not stay in your own bubble).
        * Remember to make friends with REAL Iranian-Azaris; the Pan-Turkists want to you to believe that everyone THEY call Azeri is against you; in some ways that friendship is one of the most important for Armenians. Don't get baited into generalizing about Iranian-Azaris -- by and large, they are not the same people as the Azerbaboons (though some of those characters have found their way into Northern Iran when the SSR borders fell).
        Last edited by Persopolis; 05-01-2011, 12:04 PM.


        • Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

          Originally posted by Persopolis View Post
          I love the comments on this video: Iranians, Armenians, and Syrians are ganging up on the Azerbaboons.

          Other Iran-Armenia videos:

          Video made by Iranian

          Remember, I fully support Iran, and our friendship, but I don't support the inclusion of Armenia into Greater Iran. Even though we have cultural connections with Persians, we are still a independent country and nation with unique culture and history.
          Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
          "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


          • Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

            Originally posted by Mos View Post
            Remember, I fully support Iran, and our friendship, but I don't support the inclusion of Armenia into Greater Iran. Even though we have cultural connections with Persians, we are still a independent country and nation with unique culture and history.
            Make a youtube channel; put some music on there and these videos -- let's not keep going in circles on this "Greater Iran" subject. Nobody from Iran wants to deprive Armenia of self-rule or make you wear a turban.
            FROM ARMENIAN NEWS SOURCE: MAY 01, 2011 -

            Iranian website: Azerbaijan as anti-Iranian platform for Israel

            US State Department secret cables has approved that Israel is engaged in secret intelligence activities through the territory of Azerbaijan against Iran, Iranian “” website writes referring to London based “Alarab aliom” daily.

            According to the source, US Embassy in Baku reported to the State Department, which particularly said: “Azerbaijan and Israel have signed arms trade deals for hundred million of dollars. Azerbaijan and Israel have another deal on the production of pilotless jets.”

            Iranian websites and Iranian experts have repeatedly referred to the issue criticizing Azerbaijan. Iranian “” website reported recently that Israel’s special services buy lands along the Iranian-Azerbaijani border to hold intelligence activities against Iran.


            • Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

              Originally posted by Persopolis View Post
              Make a youtube channel; put some music on there and these videos -- let's not keep going in circles on this "Greater Iran" subject. Nobody from Iran wants to deprive Armenia of self-rule or make you wear a turban.
              FROM ARMENIAN NEWS SOURCE: MAY 01, 2011 -

              Iranian website: Azerbaijan as anti-Iranian platform for Israel

              US State Department secret cables has approved that Israel is engaged in secret intelligence activities through the territory of Azerbaijan against Iran, Iranian “” website writes referring to London based “Alarab aliom” daily.

              According to the source, US Embassy in Baku reported to the State Department, which particularly said: “Azerbaijan and Israel have signed arms trade deals for hundred million of dollars. Azerbaijan and Israel have another deal on the production of pilotless jets.”

              Iranian websites and Iranian experts have repeatedly referred to the issue criticizing Azerbaijan. Iranian “” website reported recently that Israel’s special services buy lands along the Iranian-Azerbaijani border to hold intelligence activities against Iran.
              Did you know that Mossad and Azeri Intelligence have cooperation? Iran should cut relations with Azerbaijan, it's a second Israel on its doorstep.
              Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
              "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


              • Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

                Nice Photo:

                Iranian Embassy in Armenia

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                Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
                "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


                • Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

                  Persians and Armenians kissing each others arses. Whats new?

                  Just wait for liberation of Southern Azerbaijan.


                  • Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

                    Originally posted by OguzKhan View Post
                    Persians and Armenians kissing each others arses. Whats new?

                    Just wait for liberation of Southern Azerbaijan.
                    And just wait until Russia-Armena-Iran alliance crushes Azerbaijan.

                    You dreams about liberation of S. Azerbaijan are laughable at best.
                    Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
                    "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


                    • Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

                      Originally posted by Mos View Post
                      And just wait until Russia-Armena-Iran alliance crushes Azerbaijan.

                      You dreams about liberation of S. Azerbaijan are laughable at best.
                      Laughable? Are you aware of increasing nationalism in Southern Azerbaijan?

