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  • Originally posted by Vrej1915 View Post

    So you want to built a big reservoir in Mataghis.
    What's its supposed capacity?
    What's the hight of the dam?
    And how much is the cost of the project?
    I am not an expert in dam building. Attached will be a rough idea and new location?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	dam1.jpg
Views:	115
Size:	74.1 KB
ID:	576716Click image for larger version

Name:	Dam2.jpg
Views:	111
Size:	71.5 KB
ID:	576717


    • Ok, let alone the cost .
      What capacity are you intending to have?
      What will be the height of your lake mirror?
      Where is your water supposed to flow? What is the hight of that entry point?


      • If the Sarsang is 560 million cubic meters the new addition will be 1053.2 million cubic meters.
        "height of your lake mirror"??? I searched it and nothing on "lake mirror"???
        Flow into millions of hydroponic vegetables to export.
        Hight is 200m x 410m see measurement in pictures.


        • Water flow to >> 1000 000 000 Water x Cubic meter to weight 1000kg x 10 (tomatoes to 1 kg) = Tomatoes to export


          • Originally posted by Azad View Post
            If the Sarsang is 560 million cubic meters the new addition will be 1053.2 million cubic meters.
            "height of your lake mirror"??? I searched it and nothing on "lake mirror"???
            Flow into millions of hydroponic vegetables to export.
            Hight is 200m x 410m see measurement in pictures.
            we do not understand each other, or we do not live in same world.

            If you are intending to build a reservoir of 1 billion Cubic meters, that will roughly be a cost somewhere above a billion dollar.
            Just to remind, Armenia is willing to build a much smaller dam in Meghri, on Araks, with 50% cost paid by Barsgastan, and unable to finance it for 2 decades.
            Where is your billion for Mataghis?
            With much, much less, you can finance a Sarsang-Martakert tunel/kanal system I guess.
            But since no one dreams of such budgets, no one ever calculated that cost..., but I presume it be much less.

            I do not get the point of such a fantastic project by armenian standards, since you already have a reservoir of major importance, Sarsang, and are unable to use the water.
            What's the point of building at lower location, closer to front??
            If you had proposed to built in Dzar or Karvadjar, above 2000 m, higher than lake Sevan mirror, I might understand a very ambitious vision.
            But building lower than an existing major dam is hard to understand.
            Same as your Areni dam proposal.

            You want to build a dam?
            Perfect, build it on many other rivers we do not have dams on, to begin with.
            First being Aghsdev in Davush, or Hakaru/Aghavno in Kashatagh.

            But before or after building a dam, that is keeping a given amount of water under control, you need to use it.
            I am trying to explain, that for Arpa/Areni case, or for Tartar/Mataghis case you are talking about, we have a water transportation problem.
            You are talking of rather rare cases, where we do have controlling reservoirs, and yet are unable to manage the water.
            Or else, most of other rivers going out of Armenia to enemy lands, have not even those dams...

            Look well at the images of the google earth you are posting.
            Less than a Km after our last trench is the diversion point from where some of the water from Mataghis kanal was sent to Martakert, via big metallig twin pipes, near Leonarkh village .
            That's why they captured and hold it, since they appreciated better than us the value of water politics.
            If you want to do something with that huge water reserves, propose not a dam, you already have, but rather a way to bring the water from Sarsang to a useful location....


            • Originally posted by Azad View Post
              Water flow to >> 1000 000 000 Water x Cubic meter to weight 1000kg x 10 (tomatoes to 1 kg) = Tomatoes to export
              Yeah, perfect.
              Where are you supposed to cultivate your tomatoes exactly?
              And how do you get the water at that location, with what cost?
              The Tartar gorge between Sarsang and Madaghis is a marvelous natural gorge, but is good just for tourism or rafting.
              There is no land to cultivate, it is densely forested, canyon like, and never used to cultivate tomatoes.... at best some small orchards.
              Nothing that can "drink' such amounts of water.
              To end with, there is not even the population there... since no land


              • Sorry for my lake mirror expression.
                That is a bad translation from Armenian.
                It refers to the exact hight of the water surface in a given lake or reservoir.
                For example, for lake Sevan the mark is 1900.56 m today...
                For Joghas dam now useless since under partial azeri control, it is 650 m

                For Sarsang dam, the mirror at its maximum fill is 728 m.

                It gives you the possibility to transport it to lower points by gravity.
                If you need to take it to a higher point, it consumes energy.
                All pumping stations of soviet era were virtually abandoned, and thousands of hectars of valuable orchards dried after independence...
                Given the amount of Tartar, transportation problems excluded, it is enough for roughly 40-50.000 hectars of cultivated land, with old style, armenian irrigation standards. If you use modern drop irrigation, it makes at least 5-10 times more.
                Where are those surfaces?
                How do you bring your water at that place.
                At what cost?
                Last edited by Vrej1915; 09-30-2018, 02:37 PM.


                • Originally posted by Vrej1915 View Post

                  Yeah, perfect.
                  Where are you supposed to cultivate your tomatoes exactly?
                  And how do you get the water at that location, with what cost?

                  Rows of healthy hydroponic tomatoes are nurtured and grown in a high-tech greenhouse facility in Camarillo, California.Houweling's Tomatoes is a family-owned...


                  • Originally posted by Azad View Post

                    Rows of healthy hydroponic tomatoes are nurtured and grown in a high-tech greenhouse facility in Camarillo, California.Houweling's Tomatoes is a family-owned...
                    I know what hydroponic is.
                    It is fantastika till now for Armenia, yet small pilots projects in Shirak and Ararat valley...

                    Anyway, not the problem.
                    Where are you planning to install those farms?
                    Location please?
                    How do you bring your 800 M3 of annual outflow to that point? At what cost?


                    • Originally posted by Vrej1915 View Post
                      Where is your billion for Mataghis?
                      You have to think Piramids and not a Chines Dam in Africa. If you have the labor, raw materials, all you need to import are machinery.
                      For thousand of years Egypt put their people to work building pyramids and structures without going “bankrupt” or worrying about cost.
                      This modern “cost” is one big BS created by international monetary structures to be the middle man. We “finance” as in we take your money and pay your own people to work.
                      How did they build all of the structures during the Soviet time? They imported some machinery and the rest was local labors.
                      If you pay your labor in Dram who cares how much you issue dram as long it is not abused.

