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Politics in Hayastan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    Originally posted by gokorik View Post
    Ok i do see a difference but your coming at me like the consessions are 100% rumors.
    I do agree its weird both situations happend so close together but ideas are contagious. Monkey see monkey do.
    Maybe you are right then, I dont know, maybe I'm being too naive and don't want to see it happening , I just simply hope those are 100% rumours because consessions coming from Serj will lead to war.
    I agree tho that this year will be decisive in the future of Karabakh.


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      Originally posted by haydavid View Post
      Maybe you are right then, I dont know, maybe I'm being too naive and don't want to see it happening , I just simply hope those are 100% rumours because consessions coming from Serj will lead to war.
      I agree tho that this year will be decisive in the future of Karabakh.
      Not just Artsakh. The future of Armenia is at stake. Everything our forefathers have suffered for and bleed for.
      Last edited by gokorik; 07-18-2016, 02:44 PM. Reason: Spelling


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Originally posted by Azad View Post
        We get it! Cops are bunch of thieves, there is corruption and all the negative stuff, I am with you.
        Now mixing it all and expect it to be fixed by demonstrating, is not going to change anything.
        The real issue that started it all, is land concession. We as a nation should play chess and start thinking “Gulen” style, remotely destabilize a country like azerbaijan and not the other way around like what is happening in Armenia now. It is called instability.
        Not all cops. I belive most men who sign up to be police officers are good men. It is the culture in the police department that corrupts. I agree I am uneasy over the protests and the attack. I never want to see Armenia destabilised from protest but I belive Armenia will be more destabilise if we give land back. Yes I don't know if consessions are happening for sure, but the consequences of consessions are far great that the destabilisation from protests or a coup.


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          Two pages of depressing arguments that get us nowhere. This thread is not what it used to be.


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            The situation is depressing not the thread. Mods delete the junk I dgaf. I hope I'm wrong.


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              What the hell is going on in Yerevan?


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                Originally posted by Azad View Post
                It started with the Police station, related with a "potential" return of land and release of prisoners.
                Now what do these protestors want?
                Maybe they're fed up with government?


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  Originally posted by Hakob View Post
                  Maybe they're fed up with government?
                  From what people are talking in Yerevan, since there is total black out + disinformation of all medias in Armenia, opposition or pro regime:
                  - They are mostly azatamartiks who faugt during first war, and are mainly alarmed by the prospect of the selling of liberated lands their friends died for by Serjik.
                  - The regime is misinforming, when they are only talking of the liberation of Jiro. The main demand is the change of regime.
                  - They are doing this as a desperate move, hoping on a popular backing, having accepted the idea they will all die as martyrs. They will not surrender.
                  - They are asking first of all the resignation of Serjik and his regime, and the formation of a National Unity governement.
                  - They do not see any other way of regime change, since elections are not a working options in Armenia since 1996.
                  - They are said to be more than 30, people say they are even more than 50.
                  - Pavlik is in there with his son, who just ended his military service and returned from the army. He has with him his brother in law too, the man who was wounded at his head, but refused to be taken care of outside the baracks.
                  - In there is also the brother of a political prisoner, who was harshly condemned, for threatening the police with a toy pistol....
                  - Any way, they have no hope to survive if they surrender, since they do know, the regime will not tolerate this kind of challenge, they will be killed one by one in prison... so they have put themselves in a situation where they seem to exclude surrender.
                  - The oficer that was killed fired first his 9 bullets in his pistol at them, and they were forced to return fire.
                  - They are keeping the control on a large barracks complex, full of arms, since it was one of the main reserves of the police force.
                  - Osipian, a wll known police head, and an other general of the police, whent first in to negociate a surrender, but where kept as hostage during first hours.


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Զինված խմբի ծանր վիրավոր անդամ Թաթուլ Թամրազյանի երիկամը հեռացվել է. բժիշկ (տեսանյութ)


                    Հուլիսի 17-ին Էրեբունու ոստիկանության վրա հարձակման արդյունքում վիրավորված «Սասնա ծռեր» ջոկատի անդամ, 26-ամյա Թաթուլ Թամրազյանի առողջական վիճակը ծանր կայուն է: Նա մի շարք վիրահատությունների է ենթարկվել հիվանդանոցում:

                    «Էրեբունի» ԲԿ վերակենդանացման բաժնի ղեկավար Արմեն Մուրադյանն այսօրի հետ զրույցում ասաց, որ Թաթուլ Թամրազյանը երեկ առավոտյան հիվանդանոց է տեղափոխվել ներքին արյունահոսությամբ ու ծանր վիճակում՝ կյանքին սպառնացող վտանգով: Նա ստացել է որովայնի ձախ կեսի հրազենային վիրավորում և մի շարք վիրահատությունների ենթարկվել, հեռացվել է նրա ձախ երիկամը, հաստաղու մի հատվածը:

                    Դեպքից հետո հիվանդանոց տեղափոխված ոստիկանության լրատվական բաժնի օպերատոր, 33-ամյա Ռոբերտ Հայրապետյանը ստացել է աջ նախաբազկի հրազենային վիրավորում: Նա ևս վիրահատվել է: Լրագրողների հետ զրույցում ասաց, որ իրեն արդեն լավ է զգում:

                    Քաղաքացիական անձ, 40-ամյա Տիգրան Դանիելյանը բախման ժամանակ ձախ բազկոսկրի գլխիկի փակ հոդախախտ է ստացել և այսօր տուն է գնացել:

                    Հիշեցնենք, որ հուլիսի 17-ի առավոտյան մի խումբ զինված անձինք պատանդ են վերցրել ոստիկանության սահմանափակ թվով ծառայողների: Մեկ ոստիկան, նույն գնդի փոխհրամանատար Արթուր Վանոյանը, զոհվել է:

                    Վիրավորվել են երեք ոստիկաններ՝ ոստիկանության գնդապետ Արամ Հովհաննիսյանը, փոխգնդապետ Հրաչ Խոստեղյանը, ոստիկանության ենթասպա Գագիկ Մկրտչյանը։


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Just to have a smile, in this sad situation, latest factual story in Yerevan.
                      First hours of the Sasna Dzrer operation, the police had one priority, to arrest anybody potentially sympathetic to them in town, specially Liberty square(opera).
                      So they came and arrested anybody on the square, at random.
                      They took them to their base, a valleyball covered playground, where they questioned on their links, sympathies, opinions, etc...
                      Evidently, there where lot of people who had no idea of what was all this about. Old people, teenagers, disableds...
                      One was a Greek or Arab (according versions) eating ice cream on the place, where there are lot of cafes..., and the police began to question about his links with Jiro. The guy had no idea who Jiro was...
                      The police where certain it was impossible!
                      How, you do not know Jiro?? Stop BS us!!
                      The guy insisted he was just eating ice cream, and did not know it was such a big crime...
                      So the police began to explain, question... how can you ignore who Jiro is?? The man faught for this country, he is a national hero..., etc...

