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Politics in Hayastan

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  • Re: Politics in Hayastan

    Originally posted by Artashes View Post
    You've missed the point (completly)!!!
    To recognize democracy is and has been corrupted does not mean the only alternative is dictator or oligarch. Thats simply dumb or baiting.
    first, one needs to recognize the corruption. Without this recognition, one cannot move forward.
    Where does moving forward lead ? Thats what we are searching for !!!
    Original democracy in Greece was inherently corrupt, because it was only for the wealthy land owners.
    modern democracy is precisely the same with the uninformed masses being manipulated to come out with the identical outcome desired by the wealthy manipulators.
    To point out that democracy is corrupted does NOT mean dictatorship or oligarchy is the only alternative.
    Thats simply ridiculous.
    How is democracy in countries like Switzerland corrupt?


    • Re: Politics in Hayastan

      Originally posted by HyeSocialist View Post
      How is democracy in countries like Switzerland corrupt?
      You dancing around the point.
      The accusation of corruption of democracy is clearly aimed at usa, euro fraudulent manipulation which is leading the world dialog.
      To bring in examples of places like swiss or nordic is adeception to point away from the BLATANT fraud of democracy as practiced by the corruption of democracy by usa/euro which are the undisputed lead democracys.
      Your using miniscule Switzerland. As a definition when the conversation is clearly about the cor ruption of the giants, usa/euro ???
      Your argument is merit less and fraudlent in its represent.
      And for the record, have you seen any documentary wirks on the heroin park in Switzerland ?


      • Re: Politics in Hayastan

        Originally posted by Artashes View Post
        You dancing around the point.
        The accusation of corruption of democracy is clearly aimed at usa, euro fraudulent manipulation which is leading the world dialog.
        To bring in examples of places like swiss or nordic is adeception to point away from the BLATANT fraud of democracy as practiced by the corruption of democracy by usa/euro which are the undisputed lead democracys.
        Your using miniscule Switzerland. As a definition when the conversation is clearly about the cor ruption of the giants, usa/euro ???
        Your argument is merit less and fraudlent in its represent.
        And for the record, have you seen any documentary wirks on the heroin park in Switzerland ?
        I would hardly call the Swiss miniscule. And for what it's worth, the EU is a democracy. A functioning one with checks and balances. The United States is as well, but there is a heavy capitalist influence in the USA that is deteriorating it. It seems you have a problem with the United States and some Western European countries, not democracy.


        • Re: Politics in Hayastan

          Originally posted by HyeSocialist View Post
          How is democracy in countries like Switzerland corrupt?
          That country is not only corrupt it is the world hub for corrupt people from all around the world.
          As for their "democracy", they are just lucky to be surrounded by countries that have been their sand bags.
          Check WWII history and on.

          Dozens of Swiss banks have been spilling their secrets to the Justice Department this year about how they encouraged U.S. clients to hide money abroad.


          • Re: Politics in Hayastan

            Artsakh elections are model of democracy......even the west admitted this fact.
            B0zkurt Hunter


            • Re: Politics in Hayastan


              Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
              Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
              Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


              • Re: Politics in Hayastan

                Originally posted by Azad View Post
                That country is not only corrupt it is the world hub for corrupt people from all around the world.
                As for their "democracy", they are just lucky to be surrounded by countries that have been their sand bags.
                Check WWII history and on.

                I think you're taking small instances of illegal activity and trying to make people believe that the entire society or swiss system, or even the EU system is corrupt. I don't see corruption there. See the list below. I think Armenians have lived in so many truly corrupt countries that when they hear of or end up living in functioning societies they have no idea how to explain it.


                • Re: Politics in Hayastan

                  I strongly encourage most of my country men not to confuse democracy and human rights with siding with the West or the USA. Human Rights and Democracy are universal. Don't let the US led wars of imperialism under the name of democracy and human rights sway you away from what those concepts really are! That is how people like Asad and Putin scare their people away from their full potential in order for their authoritarian regimes to thrive. Armenia CAN be a democracy, Armenia CAN have human rights for all, and it doesn't have anything to do with the EU or USA. It's all about empowering all Armenians, in Armenia and the diaspora. There are non-Western models for this success in Uruguay, in Singapore, in South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Look at the positive society's on this planet for ideas, not the negative ones!


                  • Re: Politics in Hayastan

                    btw, the US of A is not a is a republic with some democratic values.
                    Europe is democracy.
                    B0zkurt Hunter


                    • Re: Politics in Hayastan

                      Originally posted by HyeSocialist View Post
                      I strongly encourage most of my country men not to confuse democracy and human rights with siding with the West or the USA. Human Rights and Democracy are universal. Don't let the US led wars of imperialism under the name of democracy and human rights sway you away from what those concepts really are! That is how people like Asad and Putin scare their people away from their full potential in order for their authoritarian regimes to thrive. Armenia CAN be a democracy, Armenia CAN have human rights for all, and it doesn't have anything to do with the EU or USA. It's all about empowering all Armenians, in Armenia and the diaspora. There are non-Western models for this success in Uruguay, in Singapore, in South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Look at the positive society's on this planet for ideas, not the negative ones!
                      My problem is not with Democracy but with the notion that Democracy is inherently a good thing and the best option. Democracy is just another form of government and it has its strengths and weaknesses when compared to the other forms. The long history of corruption and wars sets this form apart from the others. There is plenty of evidence that democracy can work and plenty of evidence that it fails miserably. My point is advocating democracy as the best option or as a cure for a country's ills is misguided and usually wrong as the problems facing a country usually have nothing to do with the form of government. Time and context need to be considered when analyzing democracy in today's environment. USA today is using democracy to take over other countries. It is taking advantage of how easy it is to corrupt people and to sway people in the modern era(due to technology and mass media). Democracy provides the ideal platform as the will of the brainwashed will prevail. I would have no problem with any of the forms of government for Armenia so long as the government's motive was improving the lives of the people in that country and strengthening it. I do not rule out the possibility of a successful democracy in Armenia but I am wary of these color revolutions and their track record of democracy being used to destroy countries. I think most people (including you) see democracy as the only good alternative but that is not the case. The form of government is not that important. The motives of those doing the governing are very important!
                      Hayastan or Bust.

