Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations
Armenia needs this to happen in Georgia but i got a feeling things are gona go down differently there.
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The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations
Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations
Take the money and run....
Kyrgyz president accused of looting state's coffers
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (CNN) -- The chief of staff of the interim Kyrgyz government, which took over after President Kurmanbek Bakiev fled the capital, accused the president Friday of stealing the country's money when he left.
"The state coffers are almost empty," Edil Baisalov told CNN. "Some funds have been transferred somewhere, which is why we've frozen the banking system, because we are anxious that the banks controlled by the former President Bakiev might take the funds out of the country."
Baisalov said all that's left in the country's bank accounts is the equivalent of 16 million euros ($21.5 million).
Article continue at
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Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the events in Kyrgyzstan yet. This was a big win for Russia against the imperialist West. Putin has already accepted the new government and the new leaders of Kyrgyzstan have openly called for the closure of the Manas air base which is used to continue the invasion of terror of Afghanistan by the US-led NATO. The least that could possibly happen now is that the US might pay an even bigger rent than before.
Russia is piling up the victories lately. It won in Georgia, Ukraine and now in Kyrgyzstan, the only country in the world to host both a Russian and an American military base. Congratulations Moscow!
For more details on the events, click here
Last edited by Federate; 04-09-2010, 01:05 PM.
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Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations
March 30 2010
Ten veterans from Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh will participate in
the Moscow Parade, which is being timed to the 65th anniversary of
the end of the II World War on May 9.
A spokesperson for Armenia's Government said that this item was
discussed at the working session of the commission on celebrations
of the 65th anniversary of WWII's end. According to released by
commission reports, celebrations in occasion of the Victory Day will
be held throughout Armenia.
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Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations
VLADIMIR KASPARYANTS: One of the Main Designers of the S-400
This is VLADIMIR KASPARYANTS, one of the chief designers at "Almaz-Antei" design bureau responsible for the creation of formidable Surface to Air missile defenses systems like the S-300 and S-400. He is being interviewed by Russian journalists last month, on the day of "air defense forces".
The location is Electrosal, near Moscow where an S-400 missile batallion is based. It was an open day for the press.
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Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations
Originally posted by Armanen View PostNotice the subtle yet significant differences in the reporting styles of Russia and America when it comes to the Armenian Genocide. When an official Russian source mentions an event relating to the Armenian Genocide, it is unmistakably presented as the "Armenian Genocide". However, when an American news source, including CIA funded propaganda outlets such as Radio Liberty (the Armenian division of which is run by "proud" Armenians from the Dashnaktsutyun) mentions anything about the Armenian Genocide, the term Genocide is almost always placed in quotation marks and the other side of the story is presented as well. Yet we still have fools that drop their pants and bend-over with hope every single year in Washington... And the excuses given by these proud American-Armenians about to why the American press chooses to undermine and/or ignore the Armenian Genocide is pathetic, to say the least.The excuse is always - America's "national interests."
Well, imagine the public outcry, the severe indignation, the out-pouring of raw anger by us Armenians had another important political player in the region that portrays itself as a defender of democracy and human rights and/or a friend of Armenians, had been working actively against our Hay Dat for their self-serving "interest"... Imagine the fury if Moscow was working against our recognition efforts... It seems that Washington is the only political entity on earth today we Armenians voluntarily and persistently make excuses for. When it come to Washington, or xxxs for that matter, we Armenians understand, we Armenian can wait, we Armenians are hopeful, we Armenians are grateful...
We Armenians are pathetic!
Last I checked, Moscow was trying very hard to move closer to Turkey and encourage Ankara to move away from the Atlantic alliance... Last I checked, Moscow considered Turkey an important regional player it wanted to have good relations with... Last I checked, Turkey controlled one of Russia's most vital trade routes, the Dardanelles... Last I checked, Moscow provided Turkey with over fifty percent of Turkey's energy needs... Last I checked, Turkey was one of Russia's biggest trading partners... Last I checked, tens of thousands of Russians were tanning themselves on Turkish beaches all along the Mediterranean... Moscow has just as many interests in Turkey, if not more, than Washington and Tel Aviv. So why isn't Moscow pathetically kissing Turkish asses like Washington and Tel Aviv do on a regular basis? And why isn't Ankara threatening Moscow on a regular basis?
Logic would dictate that Moscow has every reason in the "political interests" book to ignore and/or undermine the Armenian Genocide like Washington/Tel Aviv does. Since Russia has important interests and strategic ties with Ankara, why is it that the Russian Duma continues to recognize the Armenian Genocide? Why is it that Russia's official press continues to treat the Armenian Genocide as a historical fact? Why is it that Putin, Medvedev, Lavrov, Ivanov... and now, the Russian Patriarch Kirill have visited the Armenian Genocide memorial? The reality of the matter is Russians don't really have to do us Armenians any favors simply because Armenia exists today as a result of Russian presence in the Caucasus. But by not doing us Armenians any favors Moscow can actually have a freer hand in encouraging Ankara to move closer to Moscow; and through it all Armenia would still not have the option of breaking away from its total dependence on Moscow.
So, taking all these nuances into consideration, why does Moscow continue towing the Armenian line when it comes to a topic that has no real political value for it, despite clear advantages for it if it stops doing so? Is it perhaps because the Russian Federation sees Armenia as a natural partner, a natural ally that needs to be nurtured and protected, unlike Washington that sees everything as dollar signs and would even sell its mother to the highest bidder (of course none of this applies to Washington's relationship with Israel which is a symbiotic relationship, for the two cannot live without each other). I think our many Russophobic "nationalists" in America and elsewhere seriously need to think about this one.
Can any one of you imagine the orgasmic euphoria Armenians in America would have felt had a high ranking official from Washington... wait, strike that. Can any one of you imagine the orgasmic euphoria Armenians in America would have felt had virtually 'anybody' from Maryland visited Tsitsernakaberd? To think of all our limited resources and efforts being wasted by our idiots in America in a corrupt place like Washington is sicking. To tell you the truth, as far as I'm concerned, it is immensely more important for the Russian Federation to continue recognizing the Armenian Genocide than it is for Washington. Instead of wasting time writing letters to American politicians and begging them for favors, American-Armenians would do better if they wrote letters of appreciation to the Russian Duma.
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Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations
RIA Novosti
March 26, 2010
Russia's new main battle tank (MBT), the T-95, could be exhibited
for the first time at an arms show in the Urals Region this summer,
the developer and future manufacturer of the tank has said.
The development of the new tank dubbed "Item 195" began at the
Uralvagonzavod design bureau in the early 1990s. Russia will become
the first country in the world to have the 5th-generartion MBT if
the military commissions the vehicle.
"The work on the project has been conducted for many years. If the
government gives us a 'green light' we will exhibit the tank at the
[Russian Expo Arms 2010] arms show in Nizhny Tagil this summer,"
general director of the Uralvagonzavod plant Oleg Siyenko told RIA
Novosti in an exclusive interview.
"I cannot disclose the characteristics of the tank, but I can assure
you that we have met all the requirements put forward by the military,"
he said.
According to unofficial sources, the T-95 will feature better
firepower, maneuverability, electronics and armor protection than
Russia's latest T-90 MBT or comparable foreign models.
It will weigh about 55 tons and its speed will increase from 30-50
kph to 50-65 kph (19-31 mph to 31-40 mph).
The new tank may be equipped with a 152-mm smoothbore gun capable of
firing guided missiles with a range of 6,000-7,000 meters.
In contrast to existing designs, the gun will be located in a
remotely-controlled turret to improve 3-men crew survivability.
Meanwhile, the T-90 MBT, developed in the 1990s on the basis of the
T-72B tank, will be the backbone of the armored units until 2025,
according to the Russian military.
Russia currently produces up to 100 T-90 MBTs annually and plans to
have at least 1,500 vehicles in service with the Ground Forces.
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Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations
Notice the subtle yet significant differences in the reporting styles of Russia and America when it comes to the Armenian Genocide. When an official Russian source mentions an event relating to the Armenian Genocide, it is unmistakably presented as the "Armenian Genocide". However, when an American news source, including CIA funded propaganda outlets such as Radio Liberty (the Armenian division of which is run by "proud" Armenians from the Dashnaktsutyun) mentions anything about the Armenian Genocide, the term Genocide is almost always placed in quotation marks and the other side of the story is presented as well. Yet we still have fools that drop their pants and bend-over with hope every single year in Washington... And the excuses given by these proud American-Armenians about to why the American press chooses to undermine and/or ignore the Armenian Genocide is pathetic, to say the least.The excuse is always - America's "national interests."
Well, imagine the public outcry, the severe indignation, the out-pouring of raw anger by us Armenians had another important political player in the region that portrays itself as a defender of democracy and human rights and/or a friend of Armenians, had been working actively against our Hay Dat for their self-serving "interest"... Imagine the fury if Moscow was working against our recognition efforts... It seems that Washington is the only political entity on earth today we Armenians voluntarily and persistently make excuses for. When it come to Washington, or xxxs for that matter, we Armenians understand, we Armenian can wait, we Armenians are hopeful, we Armenians are grateful...
We Armenians are pathetic!
Last I checked, Moscow was trying very hard to move closer to Turkey and encourage Ankara to move away from the Atlantic alliance... Last I checked, Moscow considered Turkey an important regional player it wanted to have good relations with... Last I checked, Turkey controlled one of Russia's most vital trade routes, the Dardanelles... Last I checked, Moscow provided Turkey with over fifty percent of Turkey's energy needs... Last I checked, Turkey was one of Russia's biggest trading partners... Last I checked, tens of thousands of Russians were tanning themselves on Turkish beaches all along the Mediterranean... Moscow has just as many interests in Turkey, if not more, than Washington and Tel Aviv. So why isn't Moscow pathetically kissing Turkish asses like Washington and Tel Aviv do on a regular basis? And why isn't Ankara threatening Moscow on a regular basis?
Logic would dictate that Moscow has every reason in the "political interests" book to ignore and/or undermine the Armenian Genocide like Washington/Tel Aviv does. Since Russia has important interests and strategic ties with Ankara, why is it that the Russian Duma continues to recognize the Armenian Genocide? Why is it that Russia's official press continues to treat the Armenian Genocide as a historical fact? Why is it that Putin, Medvedev, Lavrov, Ivanov... and now, the Russian Patriarch Kirill have visited the Armenian Genocide memorial? The reality of the matter is Russians don't really have to do us Armenians any favors simply because Armenia exists today as a result of Russian presence in the Caucasus. But by not doing us Armenians any favors Moscow can actually have a freer hand in encouraging Ankara to move closer to Moscow; and through it all Armenia would still not have the option of breaking away from its total dependence on Moscow.
So, taking all these nuances into consideration, why does Moscow continue towing the Armenian line when it comes to a topic that has no real political value for it, despite clear advantages for it if it stops doing so? Is it perhaps because the Russian Federation sees Armenia as a natural partner, a natural ally that needs to be nurtured and protected, unlike Washington that sees everything as dollar signs and would even sell its mother to the highest bidder (of course none of this applies to Washington's relationship with Israel which is a symbiotic relationship, for the two cannot live without each other). I think our many Russophobic "nationalists" in America and elsewhere seriously need to think about this one.
Can any one of you imagine the orgasmic euphoria Armenians in America would have felt had a high ranking official from Washington... wait, strike that. Can any one of you imagine the orgasmic euphoria Armenians in America would have felt had virtually 'anybody' from Maryland visited Tsitsernakaberd? To think of all our limited resources and efforts being wasted by our idiots in America in a corrupt place like Washington is sicking. To tell you the truth, as far as I'm concerned, it is immensely more important for the Russian Federation to continue recognizing the Armenian Genocide than it is for Washington. Instead of wasting time writing letters to American politicians and begging them for favors, American-Armenians would do better if they wrote letters of appreciation to the Russian Duma.
Russian Patriarch Visits Armenian Genocide Memorial in Yerevan
The head of the Russian Orthodox Church paid tribute on Wednesday to the victims of Armenian genocide, laying flowers to a memorial in the South Caucasus country's capital Yerevan.Turkey has always refused to recognize the killings of an estimated 1.5 million Armenians in the dying days of the Ottoman Empire in 1915 as an act of genocide. A number of countries have recognized the killings in Armenia as the first genocide of the 20th century. Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia began a three-day visit to Armenia on Tuesday to meet the country's leadership and lay the foundation of a new Russian church. Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II, who leads the Armenian Apostolic Church, also laid flowers to the Tsitsernakaberd memorial dedicated to the victims of the genocide. Armenian priests then held a short service for the dead. Kirill called on the Russian community in Yerevan to study Armenian and to actively integrate into society. "I am calling on you to be active members of Armenian society, to make your contribution to its culture, to study the language so that nothing prevents you from actively participating in the country's public life," the Russian Church leader told hundreds of Russians who gathered in Yerevan's main Russian Orthodox church. The patriarch said Christian roots are "the firmest basis for good relations" between Armenia and Russia and thanked Garegin II for promoting good relations with the Russian people. He also thanked Armenia for its respectful attitude toward the Russian language. More than 90% of Armenians belong to the Armenian Apostolic Church, which is in dialogue but not in communion with most Eastern Orthodox Churches, including Russian, due to certain dogmatic differences.
In related news:
Russian Patriarch Given Armenian Church's Highest Honor
Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia received on Wednesday the highest award of the Armenian Apostolic Church - the Order of St. Gregory the Illuminator. St. Gregory, also known as Gregory the Enlightener, is credited with having converted Armenia to Christianity over 1,700 years ago. The award was given to the head of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Yerevan cathedral dedicated to the saint. Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan attended the ceremony. Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II, who heads the Armenian Church, said the award was a token of fraternal love and respect from Armenians worldwide. More than 90% of Armenians belong to the Armenian Apostolic Church, which is in dialogue but not in communion with most Eastern Orthodox Churches, including Russian, due to certain dogmatic differences. Patriarch Kirill began a three-day visit to Armenia on Tuesday to meet the country's leadership and lay the foundation of a new Russian church. On Wednesday he paid tribute to the victims of Armenian genocide, laying flowers to a memorial in the South Caucasus country's capital. Turkey has always refused to recognize the killings of an estimated 1.5 million Armenians in the dying days of the Ottoman Empire in 1915 as an act of genocide. A number of countries have recognized the killings in Armenia as the first genocide of the 20th century.
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Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations
Russia-Georgia crossing re-opens
News, analysis from the Middle East & worldwide, multimedia & interactives, opinions, documentaries, podcasts, long reads and broadcast schedule.
March 1st, 2010
Georgia and Russia have re-opened their only usable land border crossing for traffic and trade for the first time in four years.
The border post, in the Caucasus town of Kazbegi in Georgia, opened to traffic on Monday at 7am (0300GMT) after a brief, pre-dawn ceremony.
"The Daryal checkpoint, which was closed for several years, had been officially opened today," Georgy Gegechkori, a local police chief, told reporters.
The crossing runs through a narrow pass in the Caucasus mountains, about 170km from Tbilisi, the Georgian capital.
It was closed in 2006 after tensions between Russia and Georgia escalated in a situation that eventually led to a five-day war in 2008.
Tensions between the two sides reached a flashpoint in August 2008, when Russian forces poured into Georgia to repel a Georgian military attempt to retake South Ossetia, which had received extensive backing from Moscow for years.
Russia later mostly withdrew to within South Ossetia and Abkhazia, which Moscow recognised as independent states in August 2008.
'No warming ties'
The crossing is the only land border point that does not go through South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
But Nino Kalandadze, Georgia's deputy foreign minister, said the move "does not mean [a] warming" in ties with Moscow.
"The opening of the crossing will not have significant economic or political consequences for Georgia," the AFP news agency quoted Kalandadze as saying.
"But it is a positive fact that the differences between Georgia and Russia did not impede the opening."
He said Georgia's consent to the re-opening was "motivated exclusively by our will to give a helping hand to our neighbour Armenia".
The closing of the crossing dealt a heavy blow to Armenia, which relied on the crossing as its only overland route to Russia, the country's key economic partner.
Utube Video of the openning:
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Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations
Great news. This is Armenia's way of endorsing Yanukovych (friend of Armenia since 1988 earthquake) and Ukraine's new pro-Russian shift.
RA President to attend inauguration of Ukrainian President
RA President Serzh Sargsyan will attend the new Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych’s inauguration ceremony, RA Presidential Press Secretary informed
“Prosperous Armenia” Party (PAP) leader Gagik Tsarukyan, Adviser to RA President Andranik Manukyan and RA Ambassador to Ukraine Armen Khachatryan will escort him.
On February 14, Leader of oppositional “Party of Regions” Viktor Yanukovych was declared president-elect with 48.95% of the votes. He won the elections by a 3.5% margin over incumbent Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko.
The ceremony of inauguration will be held on February 25, 2010.
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