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The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

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  • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

    Originally posted by Mher View Post
    I'm no military expert, but I think its because it would create too much international attention and tip the military balance too far in favor of Armenia. They have yet to sell them to any foreign nation I believe. I think even if they were to be deployed in the Russian bases in Armenia, or Armenia was to purchase them, Armenia would try to keep it a secret, similar to the S-300 years back. Unlike our baboon neighbors we do a good job of revealing only a fraction of what we have and do, unlike the baboons who not only reveal everything, they even talk of things which they have no access to and no potential to ever get.
    Yeah I can attest to that. We have some really nice weapons, but we don't brag about them nor make it public. And let me just hint that Israel is somehow involved in some of our nice weapons, believe it or not. Baboons like talking big, but when it comes to actually fighting, they can't do it.
    Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
    "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


    • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

      Originally posted by Mos View Post
      ..... And let me just hint that Israel is somehow involved in some of our nice weapons, believe it or not.

      Can you elaborate on that a bit.

      My view is Israel would not piss on us if we were on fire.

      We are too close to Iran ( for them).

      P.S. From our perspective

      I would not trust them either for the way they betrayed the Georgians in the middle of their war.
      I am only looking at the principle of their action.

      Its been said before, Israel has two type of friends those it has betrayed and those it will.
      Last edited by londontsi; 10-18-2012, 11:32 PM.
      Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
      Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
      Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


      • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

        Originally posted by londontsi View Post
        Can you elaborate on that a bit.

        My view is Israel would not piss on us if we were on fire.

        We are too close to Iran ( for them).

        P.S. From our perspective

        I would not trust them either for the way they betrayed the Georgians in the middle of their war.
        I am only looking at the principle of their action.

        Its been said before, Israel has two type of friends those it has betrayed and those it will.
        They even tend to bite the hand that feeds them, when the going gets rough,
        Of course, they got a pass, cuz it's Israel.

        And pissing off their new buddy Turkey.. boy that was hilarious to watch


        • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

          Big operation in North Caucus

          The security forces conducted a large-scale security operation in the North Caucasus to eliminate thugs - NAC
          October 21, 2012 9:20

          Moscow. October 21. Interfax - A large-scale massive special operation of all power structures was planned and executed in several republics of the North Caucasus under the leadership of the Federal Operations Staff, according to the National Anti-Terrorism Committee.

          "A package of coordinated measures possible to stop the activities of several notorious leaders, members and supporters of the bandit groups, significantly disrupt supply system of the bandits," - said in a statement.
          In the course of a special operation in the armed resistance were eliminated 49 militants, including nine leaders. In particular, the special forces of the Russian FSB and the Interior Ministry of Russia in a private house in Nalchik were neutralized leaders thugs Batyrbekov Kabardino-Balkaria, Ulbashev, croaking, mulberry, on account of which the murder of a judge Bykov in Baksan, two employees of the FSB, as well as numerous murder police officers, including Deputy Chief of the Ministry of Interior to combat extremism CBD, commander of the Interior Ministry special forces, as well as a military pilot school in Nalchik, said NAC.
          In the basement of the village kindergarten Khutro Dagestan leader neutralized "Tsuntin" gang Magomedov and four bandits who in 2010 brutally killed two local residents, as well as Lieutenant Colonel of the Border Guard Service of Russia and his driver. May 31 of this year in the village Tsibari they set fire to a local school and killed Zairbeka Gazimagomedov gym teacher, as he left a mosque. Identified and destroyed laboratory manufacturing IEDs, six ready to use explosive devices with total capacity up to 12 kg of TNT. The gang members were wanted in connection with a series of other crimes.
          In the forest Buinaksk district of Dagestan was neutralized Abdulkerimov involved in a number of terrorism-related crimes, including the murder of chief of the FSB in Dagestan in Russia Tsumandinskiy area. In 2005 Abdulkerimov was convicted in Azerbaijan to seven years for involvement in terrorist activities. Was the brother of the famous gang leaders Abdulkerimov (nicknamed Rod), destroyed in 2010.
          During the period of operation detained 30, bowed to surrender more than 20 members of bandit groups and their supporters. Discovered and destroyed more than 90 camps and bases militants, uncovered 26 caches.
          Of illicit seized 30 IEDs, about 100 kg of explosives, 109 weapons and more than 530 mines, shells and grenades, about 19 thousand ammunition.
          Special operations also contributed to the total decriminalization of the region. During this period revealed 470 crimes, and over 8 thousand administrative violations, arrested 219 people who were wanted.


          • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

            B0zkurt Hunter


            • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

              Tribute to the Russian - Armenian Strategic Alliance


              • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                10 newest Su-25SM3 arrived at an air base in SOUTH
                The first batch of new Su-25SM3 at about ten units entering service airbase in the Krasnodar region, told reporters on Friday, a representative of the Southern Military District (SOUTH).
                "As part of the state defense order for the air base SOUTH unit located in the Krasnodar region, received the first batch of new Su-25SM3 in an amount of about 10 units," - said the officer.
                He noted that at the same time with the rearmament of aircraft conducted retraining pilots to control this type of aircraft at the Center deployment and retraining of crew in the Lipetsk region.
                Read more: Laos received the first Superjet!

                According to the representative SOUTH, today over 60% of pilots have been trained air base on the Su-25SM3. "At present, the newly arrived cars completed maintenance work. First scheduled flights newest attack aircraft combat training program is scheduled next week. Su-25SM3 an extensively modified version of the Su-25, and unlike its predecessor, can destroy tiny, movable and stationary ground objects without their visibility by day and night, as well as aerial targets, "- said the representative of the SOUTH.
                This modern aircraft is equipped with a satellite navigation system GLONASS (GPS) with the ability to program the end point on the map with an accuracy of 10 meters, which allows the pilot to operate independently without the support of ground services, not only in normal weather conditions, but also in the complex, with "zero" visibility. The cab has a digital display that shows the ground and air situation. Through a new satellite system aircraft was able to perform operational use at a height of almost 2 times higher than the Su-25. Thanks to extensive modernization, the combat effectiveness of the use of lethal Su-25SM3 increased to three times.


                Первая партия новейших самолетов Су-25СМ3 в количестве около десяти единиц поступила на вооружение авиабазы в Краснодарском крае, сообщил журналистам в пятницу представитель Южного военного округа (ЮВО). 'В рамках...


                • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                  Russia's central bank governor Sergei Ignatiev says that $49bn (£33bn), or 2.5% of GDP, left the country illegally last year.

                  Russia bank chief says billions leaving country illegally

                  The illegal capital flight was organised by
                  a select group of individuals, said Mr Ignatiev

                  Russia's central bank governor Sergei Ignatiev has said that $49bn (£33bn) left the country illegally last year.

                  The capital flight, some 2.5% of Russia's annual economic output, was controlled by "one well-organised group of individuals."

                  Mr Ignatiev told a Russian newspaper that the money transfers could have been used to pay for supplies of narcotics, bribes and avoiding taxes.

                  But a government spokesman said the figure was "highly exaggerated".

                  "You get the impression that they are all controlled by one well organised group of people," Mr Ignatiev told local newspaper Vedomosti, although he declined to name the individuals.

                  "With a serious concentration of efforts by law enforcement agencies, I think it is possible to find these people," he added.

                  Mr Ignatiev said the $49bn figure was drawn from a central bank study that showed more than half the flows were made up of "dubious" capital transfers, "payments made by Russian organisations to non-residents, the stated aims of which are clearly false".

                  "It can be payment for narcotics... illegal imports... bribes and kickbacks to officials (and) managers making large-scale purchases. It can be schemes to avoid tax," he added.

                  Mr Ignatiev, who is expected to step down in June after 11 years at the helm of the central bank, also highlighted the prevalence of what are known in Russia as "one-day companies" used as conduits for money transfers that then vanish before paying taxes.

                  They are "the bane of our economy", he said.

                  But Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for President Vladimir Putin, dismissed the central bank's findings, saying the figure was "highly exaggerated".

                  A study by Washington-based Global Financial Integrity found that an average of $62bn in income earned from corruption, weapons smuggling, human trafficking, and other illicit activities has entered or left Russia each year since 2004.

                  Alexander Lebedev, who owns The Independent and Evening Standard newspapers and is a frequent critic of the Kremlin, wrote in a blog that Mr Ignatiev's comments were long overdue.

                  "Let's hope the next head of the central bank heeds these words," he said.

                  However, Mr Ignatiev did not refer to the subject when he testified in front of Russia's upper house of parliament on Wednesday.
                  Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
                  Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
                  Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


                  • Armenia-Russia relations


                    President of the Russian Federation website, Kremlin
                    March 12 2013

                    Meeting with President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan; 12 March 2013, 1700
                    [1300 gmt], Novo-Ogarevo, Moscow Region

                    The two leaders discussed bilateral cooperation issues.

                    Vladimir Putin congratulated Serzh Sargsyan on his victory in the
                    presidential election, which was held in Armenia on 18 February. The
                    working visit to Russia is the first foreign visit of the Armenian
                    president since the election.

                    [President of Russia Vladimir Putin] Mr Sargsyan, thank you very
                    much for your visit. This is your first foreign visit, your first
                    trip abroad since the presidential election in Armenia. I want to
                    congratulate you again on a convincing victory: you gained over 60
                    per cent of the vote, which is an excellent result. It shows the
                    Armenian people's confidence in you and gives you the opportunity
                    to meet all the objectives you set for yourself when you embarked on
                    the election campaign.

                    Russia has special relations with Armenia, and people in both countries
                    are aware of that. Overall, our relations are developing successfully,
                    despite the problems in the global economy. Last year trade between
                    our states grew by over 20 per cent. I am also very pleased to note
                    that Russia continues to steadily hold first place among Armenia's
                    trade and economic partners.

                    Russia is also in first place in terms of accumulated foreign
                    investment (over 3bn dollars) in Armenia, and this trend continues. We
                    have ambitious major long-term joint investment plans. I hope that
                    today we will have the opportunity to talk about the entire range
                    of issues.

                    Our political contacts are developing equally actively. We are
                    cooperating at all levels and in all areas: there are contacts
                    among our parliaments, our Governments, political parties and public
                    organizations. All this provides a very good basis for strengthening
                    our relations, especially interpersonal contacts and ties in the
                    humanitarian sphere.

                    A very important role is played in this area by the public associations
                    of the Armenian diaspora in the Russian Federation. There are many
                    Armenians living in Russia, as you know, and they are very respectable
                    and hard working citizens of our country. They continue to maintain
                    close contacts with their historical homeland. This is the additional
                    human capital that unites us.

                    I am very glad to see you. Welcome.

                    [President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan] Thank you, Mr Putin.

                    Thank you for the invitation and for your congratulations on my
                    election as president of Armenia.

                    It is absolutely natural that my first visit abroad is to Moscow, to
                    Russia. Russia is our strategic partner and ally, and that says it all.

                    Last year was a special year for us. We celebrated the 20th anniversary
                    of diplomatic relations between our states. During this period, we
                    have seen very positive development and achieved exceptional results
                    in all fields: in politics, the economy, defence, the humanitarian
                    sphere and integration. Therefore, we believe the potential we have
                    accumulated is good and now we must develop it further.

                    Mr President, I want to thank you especially for the progress in the
                    defence sphere since our last meeting. The Russian defence minister and
                    chief of the General Staff have visited Armenia. The Armenian public
                    very much appreciated the fact that the Russian defence minister came
                    to Armenia on Armenian Armed Forces Day.

                    I agree with you that there has been some solid progress in the
                    economy. Certain issues remain, but we hope for Russia's help and

                    I am very happy to be here and thank you for your kind words. Once
                    again, Mr President, I confirm my invitation to you to come to Armenia
                    on a state visit. Thank you.

                    [Vladimir Putin] Thank you.
                    Hayastan or Bust.


                    • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                      Putin Congratulated And Gave Nothing: What Will Martens Say?

                      Naira Hayrumyan
                      Comments - Wednesday, 13 March 2013, 13:49

                      Tomorrow, Serzh Sargsyan, who is already back from Moscow, will leave for Brussels to meet with the Chairman of European People’s Party Wilfred Martens. The visit was not announced, and it is not ruled out that it was decided after Serzh Sargsyan’s meeting with Vladimir Putin.

                      The fact that after the meetings, the presidents didn’t make any statement means that they hadn’t reached any agreement on the issues. The only concrete thing Serzh Sargsyan said was his gratitude for the “progress in military cooperation after our last meeting”. At the “last meeting” Serzh Sargsyan had called on Russia not to sell weapons to Azerbaijan. It is possible that Moscow decided not to sell weapons to Baku, moreover, Aliyev achieved the withdrawal of the Russian Gabala military base from Azerbaijan.

                      Though it is not ruled out that the point is about the growth of weapon supply to Armenia and the strengthening of military cooperation. Let’s say that during the visits of the Russian minister of defense Shoygu and CSTO Secretary General Bordyuzha to Armenia, a new military-technical agreement was mentioned. Besides, the Russian military base in Armenia has become more active which holds military exercises in mountains and in the air. But the apogee has been the statement by General Shamanov that the CSTO troops may be deployed in Armenia to overcome the “crisis”.

                      That is “progress” has really been recorded in the military cooperation, but only in military. Other spheres, most likely, are Brussels’ prerogative, and so Serzh Sargsyan is leaving there.

                      Serzh Sargsyan said in Moscow that he expects economic support from Russia. In the end, it is evident that the loans are over and it is time for a new fundraising. Perhaps, Sargsyan asked Putin the next allocation of the billion loan, but after refusal, he decided to leave for Brussels – “the West will help”.

                      Experts think that despite congratulations, the lack of concrete investments, agreements and Carrefour supermarket in Yerevan prove that world leaders are not sure whether Serzh Sargsyan will keep his office. It is possible that Sargsyan’s visits to Moscow and Brussels aim to get new guarantees. Putin congratulated but gave nothing. Let’s see what Martens will say.
                      Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
                      Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
                      Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests

