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Armenian-Turkish Relations

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  • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

    AGBU President Says He Supports Armenian-Turkish Protocols

    The presidential press department reports that RoA President Serzh Sargsyan today met with AGBU President Berge Setrakian in Yerevan. President Sargsyan welcomed the active participation shown by the AGBU towards solving issues of a pan-national character and said that he always was glad to hear about the new projects of the organization. President Setrakian informed the RoA President as to the current and future projects of the AGBU.

    The two also touched upon the latest developments regarding Armenian-Turkish dialogue and Mr. Setrakian stated that the AGBU naturally was following events closely and with great anticipation. The press department says that Mr. Setrakian expressed the AGBU’s support for the recent protocols leading to a normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations and stressed the fact that they contain no preconditions.

    4 Responses to “AGBU President Says He Supports Armenian-Turkish Protocols”

    1. levon Says:
    September 4th, 2009 at 20:50

    is AGBU’s president high when he says they contain no preconditions? Has he not read the preconditions for Armenia to recognize Turkey’s current borders and to research the validity of the Genocide with Turkish scholars. This is not to mention the most important precondition that their prime minster always repeats which is Artsakh’s final resolution on Azeri terms.

    2. Koko Says:
    September 4th, 2009 at 21:12

    It is no wonder that Setrakian would go along with the protocols. After all, the AGBU feels it has to suck up to the corrupt government to operate in Armenia.
    It does not surprise me to see Setrakian sell out Armenians. His daughter is also a sellout – a Middle East correspondent for ABC News.
    It seems to run in the family.

    3. Tsol Says:
    September 4th, 2009 at 22:29

    Do these bigwigs at the AGBU really think the Armenian people — and any justice-loving people around the world — are buying this? The AGBU doesn’t represent or speak for the Armenian people. They represent the robber-baron class, looking out for themselves and their own interests. Same goes for the AAA, co-opted organizations, and mainstream international media, parroting what the US State Dept, NATO, Turkey and Israel (and Anti-Defamation League) want to hear!

    4. Aram Says:
    September 4th, 2009 at 22:43

    The AGBU, once a cultural-humanitarian organization and now a business club and monopoly, has once again disgraced the Armenian nation and people. Its 22,000 members around the world should ashamed of having a liar of a president, who not works against the founding principles and mission of the AGBU, but whose words and actions are extremely detrimental to the Armenian Cause.

    Berge Setrakian is wrong on every single account: from working hard to make sure that the Melkonian School in Cyprus does not reopen to aiding and abetting Armenia’s unelected officials in prolonging their illegal rule. He must resign!

    His intellectually dishonest statements assert that the protocols contain no preconditions, when in fact, the protocols explicitly and implicitly state every single known Turkish precondition: a joint study of 1915; recognizing Turkey’s current borders = Turkey forever keeping 90% of indigenous Armenian lands (Western Armenia and Cilicia); recognizing the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan = handing all of Artsakh over to the Azeris; and much, much more.

    Did Setrakian even bother to read the protocols? Or, was he too busy regurgitating “favorable” passages from the Armenian Foreign Ministry and U.S. State Department websites, while thinking of the latest gains of the his, the AGBU’s and other board members’ multiple businesses in Armenia, which are paying little if any taxes to the Armenian government?!

    Once again, Berge Setrakian is a disgrace to the Armenian nation and people. He must resign NOW!

    Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


    • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

      Originally posted by Federate View Post
      If this last piece on Lachin is anywhere true, Sargsyan must soon suffer LTP's fate.
      Yes indeed he must the same as LTP. I can't believe that they are doing all these disgraceful deeds. If ever Sargsyan signs the protocols then he is the disgraceful Merujan of today.

      No Tashnagtsoutyoun and the sane patriotic people in Armenia will not let him sell out - they better not. Before he does though, the people must de-throne him and send him out of Armenia!
      Last edited by Anoush; 09-05-2009, 09:20 PM.


      • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

        Originally posted by Mukuch View Post
        You are dreaming.
        You think, I hope its not just a dream.Tashnaks really haveto develop their political skills, to be a true opposition the country needs.Otherwise, I said these before they will be marginalized like other Armenian political parties.

        Armenia will never discuss the Genocide with Turkey
        Some forces believe that the protocol’s point on formation of historic issues examination subcommittee questions the Armenian Genocide. This opinion is a false one,” RA Republican Party’s Parliamentary Faction Leader Galust Sahakyan told

        05 Eylül 2009 Cumartesi 12:22

        According to Sahakyan, Armenia will never discuss the Genocide with Turkey, moreover, the discussion stage has already passed and many countries of the world recognized the Armenian Genocide. “ Turkey, per se, has also recognized it, the subject of discussion is now the phrasing which would allow Turkish government mitigate Genocide recognition consequences,” Galust Sahakyan added.

        He noted that historic issues examination subcommittee will be in charge of Armenian churches, toponyms, monuments problems and not Genocide issues.
        Last edited by Gavur; 09-05-2009, 10:00 PM.
        "All truth passes through three stages:
        First, it is ridiculed;
        Second, it is violently opposed; and
        Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

        Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


        • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

          Originally posted by Gavur View Post
          You think, I hope its not just a dream.Tashnaks really haveto develop their political skills, to be a true opposition the country needs.Otherwise, I said these before they will be marginalized like other Armenian political parties.

          Armenia will never discuss the Genocide with Turkey
          Some forces believe that the protocol’s point on formation of historic issues examination subcommittee questions the Armenian Genocide. This opinion is a false one,” RA Republican Party’s Parliamentary Faction Leader Galust Sahakyan told

          05 Eylül 2009 Cumartesi 12:22

          According to Sahakyan, Armenia will never discuss the Genocide with Turkey, moreover, the discussion stage has already passed and many countries of the world recognized the Armenian Genocide. “ Turkey, per se, has also recognized it, the subject of discussion is now the phrasing which would allow Turkish government mitigate Genocide recognition consequences,” Galust Sahakyan added.

          He noted that historic issues examination subcommittee will be in charge of Armenian churches, toponyms, monuments problems and not Genocide issues.
          So subject will b e not the Genocide but "Phrasing?" Well turks are very good in "phrasing" they can "phras" it the way that it will not be a Genocide any more...
          In his interview to Wall Street Journal answering to question if AG will be a subject of discussion for historical sub omission Serj Sargsyan said that Turkish side can bring up "any issue" and Armenian side cannot do anything about it.
          Last edited by Mukuch; 09-06-2009, 01:07 AM.


          • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

            Երազն ի՝նչ է` մեկ էլ տեսար կատարվեց,

            Բախտը ի՝նչ է` մեկ էլ տեսար չտվեց,

            Կյանքը ի՝նչ է` մեկ էլ տեսար կտրվեց:

            Եղիշե Չարենց
            Last edited by gegev; 09-06-2009, 04:45 AM.


            • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

              Originally posted by ArmSurvival View Post
              On a societal level you're probably right, even if its on a small scale. But at the government level (where it really counts) there is no change to speak of. Turkey did everything in its power to wipe out Armenians, in fact the only reason we have a country at all is because of the last stand battles made by the remaining Armenians in 1918. Ever since then, Turkey knows the eyes of the world are on the region, and so it pretends to be civilized with Armenia. But even in the modern era, a time when Turkey cannot directly attack Armenia because of Russia's open military support, Turkey has nonetheless taken every aggressive action against Armenia short of full-scale warfare. It supported ethnic cleansing of Armenians in Azerbaijan by giving Azeri bandits weapons and political support (which it still does) and it closed its border with Armenia, which by itself is an act of war under international law. The only thing more aggressive than these policies, is open warfare, which Turkey actually threatened to do in 1993 by putting over 50,000 troops on the Armenian border. This is just a continuation of all the crimes they committed against us under the Ottoman Empire (genocide, pogroms, cultural/political suppression, janissary slavery, harem slavery, etc). No civilized person would want diplomatic relations with such a country, especially when THEY are asking US for preconditions. If anyone should be asking for preconditions and security guarantees, its Armenia.

              The Turkish government won't have any ties with Armenia for two reasons: Turkey wants Armenia to give up Karabagh (even though it has always been an Armenian province), and Turkey wants Armenia to sign the illegal Kars treaty. They basically want us to give up our lands. Thats the bottom line.

              It hurts to say you are right, but you are right for the most part. Armenians have been considered as a threat and treated according to that. And as Mukuch said, Armenian minority in Istanbul are extremely sensitive not to reval their feelings about the agenda.

              I think Azerbaijan may consider leaving the occupied parts of Karabagh where Armenians are on the majority. Getting the area back wont help them much. The same thing may also go for you Armenians. Unfortunately, where you call Western Armenia is largely inhabited by Kurds who are good at populating, each family raising at least 10 kids.

              Establishing ties with each other will help Armenia more than Turkey, which is not a bad thing indeed. Its populations is said to be dwindling each year. Opening borders will strengthen Armenia's ties with Europe, as many comments here suggested.

              Honestly, I do not find Armenian Diaspora helpful for Armenia and Turkey to establish relations both on govermental and societal level. This may sound nice and revenging to some Armenians here, but Turks always face hardships by Armenian organiations abroad, most of the time due to non-genocidal issues. This does not leave a nice impression on Turks who already suffer from lack of communication with Armenians. For example, the death of Hrant Dink caused more sympathy on Turkish side than Diaspora have accumulated so far.(Not that you are inferior and need sympathy.)

              I suppose we will see if both countries can get close to each other towards the end of the year. I hope the protocol will be approved by both parliamtens, as we do not have any other chance to see if it will work.


              • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

                Originally posted by sephirosuy View Post
                And as Mukuch said, Armenian minority in Istanbul are extremely sensitive not to reval their feelings about the agenda.

                I do not remember writing about that, although it is true… As armenian community in turkey lives in condition of quazy -paranoiac terror (not without reasons). They are horrified to express any opinion about any of this issues as they never know what consequences might be.

                Originally posted by sephirosuy View Post
                Honestly, I do not find Armenian Diaspora helpful for Armenia and Turkey to establish relations both on govermental and societal level. This may sound nice and revenging to some Armenians here, but Turks always face hardships by Armenian organiations abroad, most of the time due to non-genocidal issues. This does not leave a nice impression on Turks who already suffer from lack of communication with Armenians. For example, the death of Hrant Dink caused more sympathy on Turkish side than Diaspora have accumulated so far.(Not that you are inferior and need sympathy.)
                That what I was talking about! The point is we do not need any ties with turkish republic until it recognizes AG. And the only way to make turkey do it is the pressure. And more hardship Diaspora creates for turkey more turkey gets considered about issue. The fact that issue of AG is discussed in turkey now more than ever is direct result of Diasporas Activity.
                Last edited by Mukuch; 09-07-2009, 12:13 AM.


                • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

                  Originally posted by scurtel1
                  Turkey opens borders because america wants it.
                  Turkey wants to open the borders most, because they want to enjoy the EU living standards; as Americans and EU country citizens do. For eating luxury food; turkey. I think it is the best choice for the world to cope with Turkey. Let them eat ....
                  Last edited by gegev; 09-07-2009, 02:47 AM.


                  • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

                    Originally posted by scurtel1
                    our new presindent is pupet of america. i m not agaist to open turkey borders but we shouldt do just because america wants it. and when america build millitary base in armenia you ll lose your two dear friends country iran and russia. and turkey will be very very important part of your diplmacy. because u wont have any friends except us in central asia. but u ll be richer than now.
                    U are totally out of topic USA will never make any proposal for military base in Armenia,do u know what kind of relationship we have with Russia or what is CSTO


                    • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

                      Originally posted by scurtel1
                      turkey opens borders because america wants it. after georgia-russia conflict georgian borders are closed to armenia. 70 percent of armenian import come through from georgia. now georgia closed their borders armenia will be suffer really bad. america wil build millitary base in armenia soon and russia will be really pissed off. and she will also closed her borders. so america uses turkey to help armenia . we ll send you foods medical supplies etc. russia will lose power on central assia. and america ll win agaian as always. turkey and amernia are pupets in this diplomatic games.
                      I heard Kazakhstan is going to close borders with Armenia so China can build a military base in Nicaragua and turks can export donkeys to Tibet.

                      One thing for sure: turkey must continue provide free xxxxxxxes to US other ways no more anal sex toys will be exported to turkey....

