Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

ANKARA - Yenicag, Turkish daily, reports that the Armenian voters preferred a murder as President of the country:
“Serj Sarkissian organized the armed militants in the Mountanious Karabakh conflicts, he ordered massacres in Hocali, and now he is the President of Armenia. Sarkissian controls all armed forces and at the same time a good businessman. He has very good relations with the Armenian diaspora as well.”
“Armenia has a murderer president and it is expected that Mr. Sarkissian will follow similar policies to previous President Kocharian. It is expected that Armenia will continue to occupy Azerbaijani territories in his period. New President Sarkissian was the first responsible commander in Hocali Massacre and he order his militants to kill women, children and old people in Hocali. Hocali was a 10.000-people town and about 1.300 of Hocali people were killed by the armed Armenian forces under Sarkissian command.” The previous Armenian President Robert Kocharian was also Karabakh veteran and responsible for many murders in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan.
‘Armenia’s New President is a Murderer’

ANKARA - Yenicag, Turkish daily, reports that the Armenian voters preferred a murder as President of the country:
“Serj Sarkissian organized the armed militants in the Mountanious Karabakh conflicts, he ordered massacres in Hocali, and now he is the President of Armenia. Sarkissian controls all armed forces and at the same time a good businessman. He has very good relations with the Armenian diaspora as well.”
“Armenia has a murderer president and it is expected that Mr. Sarkissian will follow similar policies to previous President Kocharian. It is expected that Armenia will continue to occupy Azerbaijani territories in his period. New President Sarkissian was the first responsible commander in Hocali Massacre and he order his militants to kill women, children and old people in Hocali. Hocali was a 10.000-people town and about 1.300 of Hocali people were killed by the armed Armenian forces under Sarkissian command.” The previous Armenian President Robert Kocharian was also Karabakh veteran and responsible for many murders in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan.