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Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black World

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  • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

    Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
    Name sounds "Azeri".... what did it get renamed to?
    the town of Vayk in Armenia was officially called Azizbekov until 1994; the towns of Aregnadem and Zarritap, both in Armenia were also called Azizbekov
    Hayastan or Bust.


    • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

      Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
      the town of Vayk in Armenia was officially called Azizbekov until 1994; the towns of Aregnadem and Zarritap, both in Armenia were also called Azizbekov
      Meshadi Azimbey oghlu (Azimbekovich) Azizbekov

      He took part in the Russian Revolution of 1905. After that, he was an organizer of the Baku oil workers union. During World War I, he was one of the members of Baku city government and helped war refugees and wounded.

      After the 1917 revolution, he was elected to the Baku Soviet. In March, he began participation in Tummet and then Gummet organizations. In April, he became part of the bureau of the Muslim Social Party in Baku. He continued similar activities for the rest of the year. He was one of the 26 Baku Commissars of the Soviet Commune that was established in the city after the October Revolution. When the Commune was toppled by the Centro Caspian Dictatorship, a British-backed coalition of Dashnaks, SRs and Mensheviks, Azizbekov and his comrades were captured by British troops and executed by firing squad between the stations of Pereval and Akhcha-Kuyma of the Transcaucasian Railroad.
      "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


      • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

        Originally posted by Armanen View Post
        LOL! Tamils are NOT in anyway, shape or form, closer to Armenians than Swedes. There was one person saying africans will destory Armenia. I don't see any rush of foreigners wanting to move into Armenia. But I would rather have Armenian immigrants or at least some immigrants with a culture close to ours. Africans don't fall into either category. Sorry Pedro, but it was you who kept lumping Europeans as the only Caucasians by constantly bringing them up. The IE population of Europe, the vast majority, came from the Near East, so they are related to Armenians, and Persians, and all other IE people who do not reside in Europe. Africians didn't come from the the Near East, unless Noah's story is true Regardless whatever similarities we have with Caucasians and Negroids, we, Armenians, have more with Caucasians.

        Again, I will say that I care more about an Armenian's patriotic beliefs and acts than if he is 100% Armenian. The idle, as I have been saying, is for Armenians to marry Armenians.
        According to Cranial Anthropometry, they have high nasal bridges, high cheekbones, black hair and large dark eyes, also they are brachycephalic with a straight backing to their skulls che? Swedes don't get that, so in terms of cranial anthropometry they are closer, also in terms of genes they are Caucasoid.

        I never said Europeans are the only Caucasoids, read my first post, my points is that saying Europeans and people from the Caucasus are the same is ridiculous as the genes and features differ too rapidly, my point I've been making this whole time is that Caucasoid is a lumped category, which ranges from pale white people to African colored people who don't even have similar facial features or in many cases DNA, they just aren't Mongoloid or Negroid, so they are called the same.

        You and Mos keep lumping Armenians, Caucasians and Europeans, not me.
        My point the whole time is that on a DNA level you cannot tell the difference between a Persian and an Armenian, just like if an Armenian walks in Sweden I can point her/him out in a heartbeat, however in Iran it's a different story.

        Culturally Africans have just as little in common with Armenians as Swedes, so my point is that if there is a half Armenian who happens to have African ancestry, would you really hate him, would you shun him even if he fights for Armenia?

        The IE population of Europe btw were not from the Near East, they were conquered by Indo European tribes, the Basques for example are remnants of a pre Indo European culture, most of them probably spoke a totally different unrelated language and picked up Indo European languages and cultures due to being conquered, just like Turks became Turkified yet are Caucasoid


        • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

          I remind that the original topic was at the beginning : Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks FAMILIES: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black World

          This thread shifted quickly to racism, to (frustrated ?) sex with matters dealing on "national" or "cultural" considerations...

          Has been also some debates on EVERYDAY INTER-LIFE of (such particular) FAMILIES ? based on love, based on mutual understanding or values ? Here, it seems there are some difficulties of open minded awareness.

          Finally, has been also debates on these valuable bridges between Armenia and the Black World ? Do I have once more to remind such relations are important to the diplomaty of Armenia ?

          Here is a page in English on several important historical and cultural points on Armenian Diplomacy with Africa, West Indies & African Americans :

          Nil (Paris)
          Last edited by CRDA-France; 02-06-2010, 06:11 PM.


          • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

            Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
            You have much to learn about biology and genetics and appearently history to. When i was a young boy my parents moved from Yerevan to Aziz Bekov, a small city/town surrounded by beutifull nature. My father was a surgeon and my mom a internest and we lived pretty happily there untill my uncle invited us to the usa. As that towns name sugggests it has a nonarmenian influence and many of its residents had mixed backgrounds. That towns name has been changed to a armenian name now and it is a excellent example of what i am talking about. You can believe whatever you want but the fact that your beliefs dont translate to reality means that your beliefs are false beliefs but then again that fact doesnt seem stop people.

            Are you aware that before it was called aziz, that it had an Armenian name? Do you realize that many towns and villages in Armenia are over 2000 years old and they have had many names throughout history? Trust me, I know my history rather well. Not in the simplistic terms that you do, as evidenced by your constant family and/or personal examples. Broad examples tend to be better.

            And again, you haven't said anything to change my mind, other than continue to show how your time growing up in the u.s. has made you a typical liberal who is doing the bidding of the elites without realizing it.
            For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
            to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.



            • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

              Originally posted by Pedro Xaramillo View Post
              According to Cranial Anthropometry, they have high nasal bridges, high cheekbones, black hair and large dark eyes, also they are brachycephalic with a straight backing to their skulls che? Swedes don't get that, so in terms of cranial anthropometry they are closer, also in terms of genes they are Caucasoid.

              I never said Europeans are the only Caucasoids, read my first post, my points is that saying Europeans and people from the Caucasus are the same is ridiculous as the genes and features differ too rapidly, my point I've been making this whole time is that Caucasoid is a lumped category, which ranges from pale white people to African colored people who don't even have similar facial features or in many cases DNA, they just aren't Mongoloid or Negroid, so they are called the same.

              You and Mos keep lumping Armenians, Caucasians and Europeans, not me.
              My point the whole time is that on a DNA level you cannot tell the difference between a Persian and an Armenian, just like if an Armenian walks in Sweden I can point her/him out in a heartbeat, however in Iran it's a different story.

              Culturally Africans have just as little in common with Armenians as Swedes, so my point is that if there is a half Armenian who happens to have African ancestry, would you really hate him, would you shun him even if he fights for Armenia?

              The IE population of Europe btw were not from the Near East, they were conquered by Indo European tribes, the Basques for example are remnants of a pre Indo European culture, most of them probably spoke a totally different unrelated language and picked up Indo European languages and cultures due to being conquered, just like Turks became Turkified yet are Caucasoid

              Yes, in that aspect tamils do have what you mention. But as we have noted, Armenians have quite a diversie mix, we see some Armenians as more Alpine, and others as more Med. In tamils you don't see this mix and they tend to look more 'Med' if you will.

              I didn't say the people of the Caucasus and Europeans are the same, and as I have been saying Europe and European is more a political term than geographic. Armenians are closer to Europeans than non IE peoples of the Caucasus, I think we can agree on this.

              Likewise, there are peoples who don't perfectly fit the mold of Mongoloid or Negroid and this is why there is debate about Australoid, it is only normal that differing theories will arise and often one theory will get a push over others for political reasons rather than scientific. I haven't been disagreeing about Armenians and Persians, so we can drop this point as I seem to keep repeating myself.

              Swedes have a language, and religion (traditionaly), if not genetic, in common with Armenians. No African country has a traditional IE language.

              I already explained what my thoughts on mix ethnic and mix racial marriages are, and what the ideal is and/or should be.

              The IE population is either from the Near East, specifically Asia Minor, or the Russian steppes above the Black Sea. Before the IE invasion of Europe there lived other non IE, but Caucasoid peoples, such as the Basques, Etruscians, and Beaker peoples of the British isles.
              On a side note, it is interesting that Armenian and Basque language share over 400 or so common root words. I think jgk3 may have more info on this.

              Anyway, I have said all the needs to be said, so unless something new is brought up I'm not going to re hash this over and over again.
              For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
              to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.



              • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                Originally posted by Armanen View Post
                Are you aware that before it was called aziz, that it had an Armenian name? Do you realize that many towns and villages in Armenia are over 2000 years old and they have had many names throughout history? Trust me, I know my history rather well. Not in the simplistic terms that you do, as evidenced by your constant family and/or personal examples. Broad examples tend to be better.

                And again, you haven't said anything to change my mind, other than continue to show how your time growing up in the u.s. has made you a typical liberal who is doing the bidding of the elites without realizing it.
                Do you realize that all this changing of names means intermixing of the population there? As you mentioned this has happened a lot throughout history. I have proof for the things i say, what do you have?
                Hayastan or Bust.


                • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                  Fortunately the number of blacks in Armenia I could probably count on my hands and really most of them just play on the soccer teams. Armenians are a talented people with rich culture, we don't have any thing in common blacks, never had, never will. end of conversation, this is just ridiculous, don't understand why any armenian would want blacks to be all around armenia, and there be all black/armenian people, that's just nauseating to think about.

                  Armenians should marry Armenians, because as a small race this is only to stay united. Strength in unity. If we are to intermarry which is unavoidable it has to be at least with Christian Europeans, because only with those people is there a chance that some Armenians culture/identity will be preserved.
                  Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
                  "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


                  • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                    Originally posted by Mos View Post
                    Fortunately the number of blacks in Armenia I could probably count on my hands and really most of them just play on the soccer teams. Armenians are a talented people with rich culture, we don't have any thing in common blacks, never had, never will. end of conversation, this is just ridiculous, don't understand why any armenian would want blacks to be all around armenia, and there be all black/armenian people, that's just nauseating to think about.

                    Armenians should marry Armenians, because as a small race this is only to stay united. Strength in unity. If we are to intermarry which is unavoidable it has to be at least with Christian Europeans, because only with those people is there a chance that some Armenians culture/identity will be preserved.
                    Actually, that increases the risk of assimilation, look at the Armenians and the Georgians, how many became Georgian, they are Caucasian and Christian, closer to you, but most assimilate, people assimilate due to racism and pressure and lack of awareness, welcome in mixed kids the same and they wil want to learn about their culture too


                    • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                      Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                      Do you realize that all this changing of names means intermixing of the population there? As you mentioned this has happened a lot throughout history. I have proof for the things i say, what do you have?
                      Alexandropol was renamed to Leninakan in 1924. Does that mean there was automatically intermixing then too? It would be fitting for you to have proof.
                      For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
                      to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.


