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Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black World

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  • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

    Originally posted by gkv View Post
    Levon, if you believe ideology will save the armenian nation from vanishing into insignificance, you are deeply mistaken.
    Which ideology? How did you get that from my post? And Why?

    Originally posted by gkv View Post
    The spiritual desert is winning ground.
    What is this "spiritual desert" you speak of, and Why?

    Originally posted by gkv View Post
    Empty discourses and reasonings won't stop its momentum.
    Elaborate by what you mean "Empty discourses and reasonings". Also, "it" what stop the momentum of what?

    Originally posted by gkv View Post
    As to hatred, it is the road to nothingness.
    You're right, the ottoman hatred of the Armenians did create a road to nothingness, namely the death marches into the desert that meant to create "nothing" out of Armenians.

    But, I have a feeling you mean something more like "Armenians hating Turks is the road to nothingness" If so, please elaborate, just so you don't accidentally appear to be a proponent of the hated.


    • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

      Pretty sure he is refering to blind hatred like "the only good turk is a dead turk", "all turks are murderous animals"....Leading to nothingness probably refers to the fact that so long as you think like this you will most likely get nowhere and never solve the problems you are trying to solve (genocide recognition, justice, ....).
      Hayastan or Bust.


      • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

        Levon, I posted an article in another thread that warns of desertification of armenian lands. But, there is another desertification already happening, one driven by spiritual exhaustion. The former is an allegorical translation of the latter.

        Empty discourses and reasonings refer to a certain form of preaching a number of armenians engage in continuously. Pontifying statements about how others should behave and not behave. But one only preaches by example. The example set by a "pontiff" is that of a pontiff and nothing more. As an example, it is one of vacuity.

        The momentum is the momentum of spiritual desertification.

        There is a lot of misunderstanding on the subject but the gospel is not a doctrine or an ideology. Hermann Hesse says pretty much everything that need be said on the idea of doctrine in his short "Siddhartha"

        For the individual, hatred is destructive. Also it is a sign of weakness. Hatred is feminine. Few people understand Christ, that the love he embodies is solar and virile. Love of the enemies is strength. It stems out of moral superiority.

        I won't add anything else. I don't intend to follow the path of the "pontiff".
        Last edited by gkv; 08-24-2010, 03:46 AM. Reason: missing h


        • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

          Originally posted by gkv View Post
          Levon, I posted an article in another thread that warns of desertification of armenian lands. But, there is another desertification already happening, one driven by spiritual exhaustion. The former is an allegorical translation of the latter.
          Interesting way to connect the two post. However, do explain why you think there is spiritual exhaustion (and what it is specifically that you refer to as spiritual exhaustion).

          Originally posted by gkv View Post
          Empty discourses and reasonings refer to a certain form of preaching a number of armenians engage in continuously. Pontifying statements about how others should behave and not behave. But one only preaches by example. The example set by a "pontiff" is that of a pontiff and nothing more. As an example, it is one of vacuity.
          Your prose vaguely reminds me of T.S. Eliot. However, accusing others of engaging in "empty discourses and reasoning" is nothing more than "empty discourses and reasoning." I'm interested to know what you kind of preaching you are attacking here.

          Originally posted by gkv View Post
          The momentum is the momentum of spiritual desertification.
          Again, what is it exactly, and why is it happening.

          Originally posted by gkv View Post
          There is a lot of misunderstanding on the subject but the gospel is not a doctrine or an ideology. Hermann Hesse says pretty much everything that need be said on the idea of doctrine in his short "Siddhartha"
          Well, that's your opinion; however, in my opinion the gospel is a doctrine and an ideology. If the history of the period when the bible was written is taken into account along with the fact that the religion was very popular with the peasantry, one can almost say that the religion was born to keep the peasants happy as peasants. But that's just a point of view, and there are many ways to argue it. Lets not call it one thing and pretend everyone is wrong.

          Originally posted by gkv View Post
          For the individual, hatred is destructive. Also it is a sign of weakness. Hatred is feminine. Few people understand Christ, that the love he embodies is solar and virile. Love of the enemies is strength. It stems out of moral superiority.
          You're right, hatred is destructive; however, there is much difference between hatred and distrust.
          Love of enemies is not strength. It can only be considered strength if one assumes that life after death exists, and it is of more importance that one's current existence. In that sense, one can say that he/she is morally superior, despite overall weakness in the current existence.

          Being morally superior compared to your enemy is really of little use if you will be killed. Therefore, loving one's enemy is a retarded concept. One may distrust the enemy, hate the enemy, but never love the enemy so long as the enemy loves the idea of your total annihilation.


          • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

            Originally posted by levon
            It can only be considered strength if one assumes that life after death exists, and it is of more importance that one's current existence. In that sense, one can say that he/she is morally superior
            There is no moral superiority if you act in the view of a retribution, be it earthly or not.

            Originally posted by levon
            of little use
            Utilitarian thinking is a mark of spiritual decadence.


            • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

              gospel is not a doctrine or an ideology
              This would only be true if you actually believed that the words in the gospel do really come from god. Believing this would most likely make you delusional or naive at best.
              Hayastan or Bust.


              • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                why hasn't this thread been closed yet? This is spam and vile spam I must say.
                Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
                "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


                • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                  Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                  gospel is not a doctrine or an ideology
                  This would only be true if you actually believed that the words in the gospel do really come from god. Believing this would most likely make you delusional or naive at best.
                  Precisely my point. It's an ideology for those who believe in it.


                  • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                    Originally posted by gkv View Post
                    There is no moral superiority if you act in the view of a retribution, be it earthly or not.
                    You speak of moral superiority as if it's a universal concept. It's not. It's not even a christian concept. Retribution or not, if someone wrongs you, you make sure they don't do it again. You don't go and kiss their forehead and thank them for their wrongdoings. That would be idiotic.

                    Originally posted by gkv View Post
                    Utilitarian thinking is a mark of spiritual decadence.
                    I've never had someone literally cut three words from my post then post a reply to just those words.
                    Damn, you are a master of taking "words" out of context completely and trying to sound smart be creating a response. I'm assuming that since things that "are of use" are creating "utilitarian thinking" which you are against, then you have "no things of use". So I guess the computer is of no use for you. So is the toilet, the car, electricity. In fact, why are you even posting here?


                    • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                      Originally posted by levon
                      why are you even posting here?
                      Good question.

