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Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black World

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  • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

    Originally posted by ashot24 View Post
    You are right, maybe "race" is not the most proper word. But then you say, "Human specie", if you say HUMAN SPECIE is one and only, and from there we take different regional variations ("races" or as you want). In the end this has nothing to do with races, of species, or any of those things...what makes us different is the culture we have as a distinctive group (call it "Armenians", call it "Germans", call it "Indians"), but what makes us the same is the fact we all share a common human culture, and by human culture I mean we all have created our different languages, or different music, or different dances, or different clothing, we all share a common history, independently of the different paths we have walked.

    What I try to say here is not that we all look the same, we all share the same genetic features; I believe you have either misunderstood me or I just explained it wrong. What I try to say is that independently of how different we may look, how different our traditions may be, we all have a common history and a common culture as human beings, we are all pieces of the same puzzle called "humanity". Hence we are all the same, but we have differences, and we should accept those differences in order to realize how alike we are.


    As for the other stance, Yes, you are right. I know many Armenians don't share my view, either in Armenia or in the diaspora, and I know very well why, I know my history...I have also my issues with going friendly and "no hard feelings" with every single Azeri and Turk. I also agree, if we want peace we have to prepared for war...we can't show any weakness, for they will attack us with all they have if they sense we are in that position. We must be strong and lay our feet steady on our ground. I also know, killing each other is peoples all-time favorite pass time, and death is part of life...and we have always killed ourselves.

    However, being steady and ready if we are endangered doesn't mean that we must not look for peace in our region. I highly doubt any Armenian would like to be fighting a war, right? And not because he doesn't love his country and wants to protect it, but because war brings destruction and death and bad situations for both sides, regardless who has the advantage or who results victorious. We don't need more wars, we need peace, and if not peace, at least some degree of stability.

    I am not saying we should all go and hug each other, but Armenian people, as well as the Turks and the Azeries, must be open to the end a stupid land border is not what separates people, land borders can change, can be open and can be closed, what separates us is a mental border, prejudices, fears (some of them with a reason and others are just pure nonsense) and that has to change if we ever expect to live in a normal situation in our region.

    And I don't need to have gone to Armenia to realize that.

    Well this makes more sense. Positive change would be nice, of course, yet there are so many elements at play here both domestic and foreign to the area that it is unlikely. Except during Soviet times, and even then it was going on culturally, Armenians have fought the tatars aka azeris. I don't expect them or turks to change their culture any time soon, and notice how I say culture. It is in their culture to be anti-Armenian, and pan-turkic. Only with the small effect of the West have some turks mellowed out a bit in recent decades, but as you can see with azerbaijan they have only become even more anti-Armenian. Then you have to factor the meddling Great Powers, Russia, EU, the U.S. Like I said, there are so many factors that any change of ideas among the people of the region is nearly impossible, it's like fighting against gravity.

    This is why I am arguing against Armenians thinking that we are all one, we can marry others and make love not peace. That is all lethal to the existence of the Armenian nation, especially when you are 10-12 million in the world, 3 million in a small, poor, resource-less, blockaded Homeland, surrounded by hostile nations on two, if not three (georgia) fronts.
    For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
    to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.


    • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

      Originally posted by Armanen View Post
      Well this makes more sense. Positive change would be nice, of course, yet there are so many elements at play here both domestic and foreign to the area that it is unlikely. Except during Soviet times, and even then it was going on culturally, Armenians have fought the tatars aka azeris. I don't expect them or turks to change their culture any time soon, and notice how I say culture. It is in their culture to be anti-Armenian, and pan-turkic. Only with the small effect of the West have some turks mellowed out a bit in recent decades, but as you can see with azerbaijan they have only become even more anti-Armenian. Then you have to factor the meddling Great Powers, Russia, EU, the U.S. Like I said, there are so many factors that any change of ideas among the people of the region is nearly impossible, it's like fighting against gravity.
      Well I have to disagree on some points, I don't believe it is the "culture" of the Turks or the Azeries to be anti-Armenian or pan-turkic. Culture means beauty and human spirit expressed through different mediums, not hate...that is not culture, that is feelings/beliefs/prejudices people have which have spread on a massive level, at such point that they cover a whole group of people (I underline group of people), with the appearance that every single one of them must share such feelings/beliefs/prejudices as a cultural feature. But that is not true.

      Culture covers a whole human group (I underline whole human group) and are present as part of their identity, so it is in everyone of them as a birth mark. But you see Turkish people who don't hate Armenians, enjoy Armenian music, enjoy our culture, etc. So, because they don't hate Armenians they must not be Turkish? No, it's because those stupid feelings the majority of them may have doesn't cover the whole human group called Turkish people, these stupid people have spread the idea that hating Armenians is a must-have characteristic in every single person, and do it through brainwashing because they can't accept, since it's not good for their interests, that a person doesn't think the same way...but these persons are real and live between their society, and even though they've been through the whole process of brainwashing as everybody else, they beg to differ. The same goes to Azeri people, in a much lesser level I must say, but there are in fact Azeri people who don't hate Armenians...the problem is not hating Armenians in Azerbaijan is a state crime punishable by law, while in Turkey gains you bad glances, social segregation and some other issues. That's why we see and hear so few of them, because they are afraid of making their thoughts public, for what consequences it may have to them and their loved ones...but these people are real, and I know because I have been able to make some acquaintances and get to know some people, and they have told me a lot of stories, which are really eye-opening and give you hope about a distant but still a brighter future. Knowing this, I strongly disagree in the fact many people believe hate is inside their culture, is inside their society as a strong virus, but there are people who are not sick.


      Originally posted by Armanen View Post
      This is why I am arguing against Armenians thinking that we are all one, we can marry others and make love not peace. That is all lethal to the existence of the Armenian nation, especially when you are 10-12 million in the world, 3 million in a small, poor, resource-less, blockaded Homeland, surrounded by hostile nations on two, if not three (georgia) fronts.
      One thing is to ask for peace, and we can and should ask for peace and a relationship of respect towards each other with other nations, although it may be off from reality, but we can and we should do so. We have to look for our similarities instead of looking for our differences, that is the only way to stop hating each other. However, another issue, and a very contested one I must say, is the fact of inter ethnic marriages.

      I believe love is free, and anybody is free to love whoever he/she wants, as well as not to love, you can't just be against it, is as well human nature. The issue here is that people believes we might be endangered as an ethnicity by mixing with each other...the thing here is that we are all already mixed with each other. For centuries we lived alongside the Turks and the Kurds, and it just the most normal thing people married each other regardless of their religion or their ethnicity.

      I don't think the fact we marry with someone else outside of our religious or ethnic group may endanger or may be lethal to the Armenian nation; what endangers the Armenian nation is the voluntarily and slow loss of our our values and our morals as Armenians, of our culture as a whole, the assimilation people suffers inside their own homeland, which is more and more common in nowadays young people, which are supposed to be the bearers of our traditions to the next generations...but they are every time starting to adopt other customs and values and mixing them with, if not completely ignoring, our traditional customs and values. I believe that's what's lethal to the Armenian nation, the voluntarily assimilation by our own people of foreign cultures which are aimed to the total destruction of our traditions by replacing them with their own. Our Armenians are Armenians when they have to on certain days, the rest of the days of the year they are everything but Armenians.
      Last edited by ashot24; 02-03-2010, 11:30 PM.


      • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

        Originally posted by Armanen View Post
        Europe may have been backwater before the arrival of the IE tribes, but the Near East was the Cradle of Civilization. Cities, governments, agriculture, writing, astronomy, arithmatic all were invented there or more advanced there than before any such thing occured in either China, the Hindus Valley, Egypt or Mesoamerica.

        Not sure why you brought up Germanic civilization, since it didn't exist until after 1000 BC and even then it wasn't very far developed. Sumerians, Hitties, Metsamorians, Minoians, Akkadians all had quite advanced cultures prior to 2000 BC.

        I may not know as much about Mesoamerica as you but I know enough to say that Mesoamerica was never more advanced than the Caucasian peoples of the Near East. Also, I don't remember losing any debate to you about Native Americans, if I remember correctly, you were trying to say that Armenians are as close to Ossetians, if not more, than the peoples of Latin America are to one another. Which just isn't true.

        And when you say Europe, I do hope you are including all of Europe, not just the western states. What is termed the Dark Ages in the U.S. and Western Europe, didn't exist in many parts of eastern and south-eastern Europe.
        In which terms, in terms of Astronomy and Medicine, we actually were more advanced, Mayan astronomy is the most advanced, but that's an aside, you see things again racially, the fact that "Caucasians" of Europe were still climbing trees when we were debating philosophy, and the fact that when the French debated politics, there were still tribal groups half naked in Brazil negates race as relative to advancement and intelligence now doesnt it.

        And with the exception of the Balkans, most of Europe was backward, Celts only really got prominence at 1800 B.C.
        As to Germanic, I thought them as they were the main conquerers, mainly a backwater people that were every bit as savage as the Turks originally, once again proving that so called "fellow Indo European Caucasians" can be every bit as brutal as Turks. There again ethnolinguistics is proven as bullxxxx.

        This is the thing that I am pointing out, also you seem to forget that Caucasian is anything not Mongoloid or Negroid, as to Australoid, thats a huge debate, many anthropologists dont even include it, most people define Dravidian as Caucasoid, as to Native Americans, we used to be seperate, then Mongoloid, at a stage called Caucasoid, now we are seen as in between Mongoloid and Caucasoid, as said, anthropology is very unreliabe if we take the old models which were steeped with racial nonsense.

        As to culture, Swedes might have more in common with Armenians than Hutus, but less than Ethiopians and Armenians, you are aware of the great Christian presense there I am sure?


        • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

          Originally posted by ashot24 View Post
          Well I have to disagree on some points, I don't believe it is the "culture" of the Turks or the Azeries to be anti-Armenian or pan-turkic. Culture means beauty and human spirit expressed through different mediums, not hate...that is not culture, that is feelings/beliefs/prejudices people have which have spread on a massive level, at such point that they cover a whole group of people (I underline group of people), with the appearance that every single one of them must share such feelings/beliefs/prejudices as a cultural feature. But that is not true.

          Culture covers a whole human group (I underline whole human group) and are present as part of their identity, so it is in everyone of them as a birth mark. But you see Turkish people who don't hate Armenians, enjoy Armenian music, enjoy our culture, etc. So, because they don't hate Armenians they must not be Turkish? No, it's because those stupid feelings the majority of them may have doesn't cover the whole human group called Turkish people, these stupid people have spread the idea that hating Armenians is a must-have characteristic in every single person, and do it through brainwashing because they can't accept, since it's not good for their interests, that a person doesn't think the same way...but these persons are real and live between their society, and even though they've been through the whole process of brainwashing as everybody else, they beg to differ. The same goes to Azeri people, in a much lesser level I must say, but there are in fact Azeri people who don't hate Armenians...the problem is not hating Armenians in Azerbaijan is a state crime punishable by law, while in Turkey gains you bad glances, social segregation and some other issues. That's why we see and hear so few of them, because they are afraid of making their thoughts public, for what consequences it may have to them and their loved ones...but these people are real, and I know because I have been able to make some acquaintances and get to know some people, and they have told me a lot of stories, which are really eye-opening and give you hope about a distant but still a brighter future. Knowing this, I strongly disagree in the fact many people believe hate is inside their culture, is inside their society as a strong virus, but there are people who are not sick.


          One thing is to ask for peace, and we can and should ask for peace and a relationship of respect towards each other with other nations, although it may be off from reality, but we can and we should do so. We have to look for our similarities instead of looking for our differences, that is the only way to stop hating each other. However, another issue, and a very contested one I must say, is the fact of inter ethnic marriages.

          I believe love is free, and anybody is free to love whoever he/she wants, as well as not to love, you can't just be against it, is as well human nature. The issue here is that people believes we might be endangered as an ethnicity by mixing with each other...the thing here is that we are all already mixed with each other. For centuries we lived alongside the Turks and the Kurds, and it just the most normal thing people married each other regardless of their religion or their ethnicity.

          I don't think the fact we marry with someone else outside of our religious or ethnic group may endanger or may be lethal to the Armenian nation; what endangers the Armenian nation is the voluntarily and slow loss of our our values and our morals as Armenians, of our culture as a whole, the assimilation people suffers inside their own homeland, which is more and more common in nowadays young people, which are supposed to be the bearers of our traditions to the next generations...but they are every time starting to adopt other customs and values and mixing them with, if not completely ignoring, our traditional customs and values. I believe that's what's lethal to the Armenian nation, the voluntarily assimilation by our own people of foreign cultures which are aimed to the total destruction of our traditions by replacing them with their own. Our Armenians are Armenians when they have to on certain days, the rest of the days of the year they are everything but Armenians.

          Yes, maybe pan-turkism and anti-Armenianism are not in their culture but part of their society but that alone is a great danger for Armenia and Armenians.

          What you describe at the end, the loss of culture voluntarily, I see it as the result of the spread of some of the ideas which you and others are supporting. Mixing is encouraged by the global elite because they would like to see one culture, one race, and no religion or a consumerist religion. They see us as animals and ones that will be controlled the sooner we all become the same. That is what mtv culture is all about, and it is this same culture that supports your point of it being ok to mix with others and do what you feel is right, instead of what is best for the group. It's a very narcisstic culture of me me me! The voluntary loss is because elements with influence over our government don't allow it to pursue patriotic policies, they in fact encourage the opposite, the we are all one doctrine which is a cover for their sinister plans. If people aren't explained what is wrong and right, or encouraged to be patriotic, care about their culture, then of course they will attach less importance to it.

          Love is not free in the sense that you describe. If one is surrounded by Armenians and is encouraged to marry Armenian they will. If one is not surrounded by Armenians but otars with no encouragement to marry Armenian they will marry an otar. And a whole host of likely outcomes in between. The mixing with turks and kurds WAS NOT voluntary it was thru rape and other forceful measures, and always them toward us not the other way round.
          For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
          to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.


          • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

            Originally posted by Pedro Xaramillo View Post
            In which terms, in terms of Astronomy and Medicine, we actually were more advanced, Mayan astronomy is the most advanced, but that's an aside, you see things again racially, the fact that "Caucasians" of Europe were still climbing trees when we were debating philosophy, and the fact that when the French debated politics, there were still tribal groups half naked in Brazil negates race as relative to advancement and intelligence now doesnt it.

            And with the exception of the Balkans, most of Europe was backward, Celts only really got prominence at 1800 B.C.
            As to Germanic, I thought them as they were the main conquerers, mainly a backwater people that were every bit as savage as the Turks originally, once again proving that so called "fellow Indo European Caucasians" can be every bit as brutal as Turks. There again ethnolinguistics is proven as bullxxxx.

            This is the thing that I am pointing out, also you seem to forget that Caucasian is anything not Mongoloid or Negroid, as to Australoid, thats a huge debate, many anthropologists dont even include it, most people define Dravidian as Caucasoid, as to Native Americans, we used to be seperate, then Mongoloid, at a stage called Caucasoid, now we are seen as in between Mongoloid and Caucasoid, as said, anthropology is very unreliabe if we take the old models which were steeped with racial nonsense.

            As to culture, Swedes might have more in common with Armenians than Hutus, but less than Ethiopians and Armenians, you are aware of the great Christian presense there I am sure?
            Why do you say the Mesoamericans were more advanced in astronomy and and medicine? Again, you are the one bringing up European Caucasians and ignore the Caucasians of the Near East who pretty much came up with most of what the ancient world would come to use either thru contact with the Near East or thru later discovery on their own, although there are some theories that Egyptians may have made contact with Amerindians.

            Not sure what you are getting at by pointing out that at times some Natives of the Americas were advanced and other times Caucasian Europeans were, so what? Did I ever make a blanket statement that all Caucasians were always ahead of non-Caucasians at all times throughout history?

            It is common mis-conception that Germanic tribes were just savages, it was the Roman historian Tacitus who even wrote about how much more noble in spirit and life the Germanic tribes of Germania were than the decadent peoples of Rome.

            "also you seem to forget that Caucasian is anything not Mongoloid or Negroid"

            What's your point? That's like me saying 'you seem to be forgeting that a Latino is anyone not born outside a Spanish speaking country in the western hemisphere. Ok????

            What you see as racial nonesense I see as new discoveries forcing the theories to change, it is quite common in the field of science and occurs often. But with anthropology you have more political influence, especially now when you actually have people believeing that race doesn't exist, and even more absurdly that ethnicity doesn't either.

            Honestly bro, outside of language, and Christianity we don't have too much in common with Swedes, and outside of Christianity we don't have much in common with Ethiopians. It's obvious that the people we live next to and/or have been under their rule, are going to be closer to us culturally and genetically.
            Last edited by Armanen; 02-04-2010, 12:35 AM.
            For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
            to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.



            • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

              Originally posted by Armanen View Post
              Why do you say the Mesoamericans were more advanced in astronomy and and medicine? Again, you are the one bringing up European Caucasians and ignore the Caucasians of the Near East who pretty much came up with most of what the ancient world would come to use either thru contact with the Near East or thru later discovery on their own, although there are some theories that Egyptians may have made contact with Amerindians.

              Not sure what you are getting at by pointing out that at times some Natives of the Americas were advanced and other times Caucasian Europeans were, so what? Did I ever make a blanket statement that all Caucasians were always ahead of non-Caucasians at all times throughout history?

              It is common mis-conception that Germanic tribes were just savages, it was the Roman historian Tacitus who even wrote about how much more noble in spirit and life the Germanic tribes of Germania were than the decadent peoples of Rome.

              "also you seem to forget that Caucasian is anything not Mongoloid or Negroid"

              What's your point? That's like me saying 'you seem to be forgeting that a Latino is anyone not born outside a Spanish speaking country in the western hemisphere. Ok????

              What you see as racial nonesense I see as new discoveries forcing the theories to change, it is quite common in the field of science and occurs often. But with anthropology you have more political influence, especially now when you actually have people believeing that race doesn't exist, and even more absurdly that ethnicity doesn't either.

              Honestly bro, outside of language, and Christianity we don't have too much in common with Swedes, and outside of Christianity we don't have much in common with Ethiopians. It's obvious that the people we live next to and/or have been under their rule, are going to be closer to us culturally and genetically.
              Check Mayan astronomy, it was ahead of even that of the near east, my point is not to lump caucasians together, it's to point out that Swedes are about as similar to you as you are to Tamils, in fact less as Tamils share closer DNA markers and more similar cranial anthropometry, who are btw a Dravidian people. The point I am making is, saying it's better a Swede than an African is senseless as you yourself said they have little in common more than Christianity, same goes for Ethiopians.

              I do not claim there is no such thing as race, although it has no bearing on ability, thought or behaviour as we mapped the human genome and these have no factors to it. My point with you is, people who claim Africans will destroy Armenia are people idiotic, directly put, they won't do so anymore than Germans, xxxs or for that matter Russians, who have done a great job of Russianizing Armenia already.

              Your fault is you lump Europeans with Caucasians and you don't see this was more done out of politics than anything else, as to Egyptians and Amerinds, based on what accounts? Step Pyramids doesn't mean Egyptian involvement, and as to cranial features, we resembles near easterners with certain features (High cheekbones, large hooked nose, black hair and thick eyebrows) so it's not indicative of anything, for that matter genetics, we are closer to Caucasoids, than to Mongoloids as we do not descended from the NO haplogroup, but P which is the forebear of R (some European and Middle Eastern) and Q (Native American is Q3 and found in low rate in India and the Caucasus, Q5 is the Indian one).

              I'm not denying the Near East is the cradle of human history, what I am saying is that you can't compare Europeans to people from the Middle East anymore you can Turks to Chinese, in fact due to the proximity there have been mass intermixing of races and racial groups. So, who cares if three Africans enter Yerevan on business, and if there is a half African, if he is willing to give his life for Armenia or Artsakh, is it so bad, is it not better than the Armo in Glendale who is assimilated (not all are, but a quick example)?


              • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                Originally posted by Pedro Xaramillo View Post
                It inherently causes problems, look at it this one, one group of people will expland, one group will want more land, one group will need to find new areas to work, they don't have enough areas alotted either its ethnic conflict or forced removals like what happened with the SA Indian population when they were thrown from their homes to give whites land. It's inherently corrupt, sorry but saying only one ethnicity is gonna create a wealthmine of problems in all areas, specially business, trade etc.

                Also, while we are on it, why does it need to be enforced, if a person is so weak in their culture that meeting people of a different race diminishes their culture, it's their inferiority issues, not the rest of us's, sink or swim or shut the xxxx up is the bottom line, if you need a government to control you and be your father figure, chances are something went wrong in the Oedipal phase
                So you don't pay taxes or participate in elections? Your country doesn't have borders? The walls are up for a reason, the world can't function without races otherwise the only race is man vs. time. You'd be watching the Olympics and there would be no countries. Competition would cease to exist. There would be no more development in technology. There would be no need for it since everyone is living in peace and harmony, getting high and sleeping all day. Bottom line, you are a product of government institutions from the day you're born whether you want to admit it or not. You have no choice in the matter, the decision is made for you. There cannot be peace without justice and Africans will never be first class citizens in Armenia just like they aren't in Europe or America. Yes, Obama might have African roots but he isn't in any position to use his power towards improving the lives of Africans in America or Africa or Haiti or anywhere else because the people who line his pockets aren't African. If the goal is to empower a certain race, you put them in charge of their own destiny. Obama was a product of an inter racial marriage and at one point he had to choose between his two sides. It's obvious which side he chose by the woman who stands by his side today. The only bridges that matter are political and economic and unless Armenia is directly doing trade with Africa, inter-racial marriages has no benefit to its society. So the question remains, does Armenia have relations with African nations?

                On a side note, I went to a highschool graduation at an AGBU school and there were black kids in the graduating class. They knew some phrases in Armenian and had even participated in the trip to Armenia. One had made a speech about how great is was to be exposed to the Armenian culture, see that part of the world and be part of the AGBU school and organization. I don't think anyone else in that class appreciated our culture as much as she did because for her it was drastically different than what she would have experienced had her parents sent her to a local public school.
                Last edited by KanadaHye; 02-04-2010, 06:31 AM.
                "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


                • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                  Armanen you dont seem to realize that the fact that we are now genetically the same as the persians and even the turcks means that the racial distinctions are gone and the only real differences are cutlural. This fact alone destroys pretty much your whole argument. Even the small genetic differenced that do occure among us and lets say blacks or chinese are irrelavent, they hardly ever translate into anything of significance and even on the rare occasion when they do, the cultural(environmental) factors far outweigh them. You can dwell on differences if you like and pretent that your geneticaly superior but its just a load of crap. Sure our culture was more advanced then that of many others for a long time but you dont realize that the difference was not because of race-genetics. A black guy can be more armenian then you because being armenian is a cultural thing not as you think in racial terms. There are whole villeges in hayastan that had turckish populations and were converted culturaly, the people are the same they did not leave, they intermarried with armenians and are now armenian. This has happened for many generations going both ways some armenians became turcks and some turcks became armenians. The same with persians. As much as you and tigran want to believe that our genes are somehow pure and better and superioe and special and holly.... it just is not true. What makes us different is our culture not our race.
                  Hayastan or Bust.


                  • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                    Armanen you dont seem to realize that the fact that we are now genetically the same as the persians and even the turcks means that the racial distinctions are gone and the only real differences are cutlural. This fact alone destroys pretty much your whole argument. Even the small genetic differenced that do occure among us and lets say blacks or chinese are irrelavent, they hardly ever translate into anything of significance and even on the rare occasion when they do, the cultural(environmental) factors far outweigh them. You can dwell on differences if you like and pretent that your geneticaly superior but its just a load of crap. Sure our culture was more advanced then that of many others for a long time but you dont realize that the difference was not because of race-genetics. A black guy can be more armenian then you because being armenian is a cultural thing not as you think in racial terms. There are whole villeges in hayastan that had turckish populations and were converted culturaly, the people are the same they did not leave, they intermarried with armenians and are now armenian. This has happened for many generations going both ways some armenians became turcks and some turcks became armenians. The same with persians. As much as you and tigran want to believe that our genes are somehow pure and better and superioe and special and holly.... it just is not true. What makes us different is our culture not our race.
                    You do realize that the intellectual Armenians among us were the first to be eliminated during the Genocide? The Germans and Turks knew very well that without our intellectuals, their attempt of succeeding in their plans to eliminate Armenians from the face of the Earth would be better. Apparently it's working!!
                    "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


                    • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                      Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
                      You do realize that the intellectual Armenians among us were the first to be eliminated during the Genocide? The Germans and Turks knew very well that without our intellectuals, their attempt of succeeding in their plans to eliminate Armenians from the face of the Earth would be better. Apparently it's working!!
                      How is it working exactly? Once again your display your distinct ability of coming up with bad examples and this time its really lame because there is no punchline. Like i used to atleast laughf at the stuff you write.
                      Hayastan or Bust.

