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Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black World

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  • #21
    Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

    Diversity and growth are not selling the future they build it. Wouldn't it be nice to have other people learn our customs, languadge, culture.....
    Hayastan or Bust.


    • #22
      Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

      This debate is positionned on several different spaces :

      - 1/ race
      - 2/ sexuality (or lack of sexuality)
      - 3/ sociological : 2a/ integration 2b/ assimilation
      - 4/ (unspoken) psychology (personality, agressivity, guilt, etc.)
      - 5/ psychic (Collective unconscious : )
      - 6/ social (labor)
      - 7/ economical
      - 8/ political
      - 9/ diplomatical
      - 10/ cultural
      -11a/ patriotism -11b/ nationalism - 11c/ racism
      -12/ Armenia
      -13/ Diaspora
      with different environments :
      -14/ (Old*) West Europe [* = according to former US State Department Minister, Rumsfeld . LOL ]
      -15/ Russia
      -16/ Turkey
      -17/ Middle East
      -18/ Africa
      -19/ Asia
      -20/ America, Canada, Australia, New Zeeland

      Please analyze this debate topics by topics and try not to mix every thing in the same soup, as we say in French. It can become indigestible.

      Anyway, on the political level here is an article on a new unusual event. Please just have a look :

      Kind regards to all from Paris. Nil

      Last edited by CRDA-France; 09-10-2009, 04:20 AM.


      • #23
        Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

        Originally posted by CRDA-France View Post
        This debate is positionned on several different spaces... Anyway, on the political level here is an article on a new unusual event...
        We can find more (and more) pages on this sociological political event :

        Even we have notified it in our Armenian website of Paris -with our French shortsightness confusing African Americans with Africans : "L’Obama russe est marié à une arménienne"


        Last edited by CRDA-France; 10-27-2009, 07:12 AM.


        • #24
          Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

          First, let me say that I've met many half-Armenians that would put many full Armenians to shame in both knowledge and passion.

          Second, I've also seen many 'flowers' in Pasadena, LA, ect not only dating blacks but dating blacks exclusively. I think that's worse, when you hear Armenian men/women talk about how they don't date their own for reasons, x, y, and z. Talk about AYF failures.

          Third, Armenia needs fresh blood. I would prefer Assyrian, Greek, or other cultured Christian peoples but we should also focus on the greater issue, maintaining the Armenian identity. This is a very important issue, both in Armenia but also in the Diaspora. Just as so many Hayastancis say they're Russian, not Armenian, or Beirutsis Arab, not Armenian, or some Americans, not Armenian...we need to raise our self image, so that Russians, Arabs, and Americans will want to identify themselves (for whatever reason) as an Armenian. There are protestant whites in America that identify themselves as Israelis...therefore its possible.
          kurtçul kangal


          • #25
            Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

            Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
            Diversity and growth are not selling the future they build it. Wouldn't it be nice to have other people learn our customs, languadge, culture.....
            and from Joseph:
            For all tha Armenians have been through, they should not be prejudiced against other races. While I can understand concerns regarding assimiliation for the diaspora and anger towards Turks/Azeris, we should not have hatred/abhorrence towards other ethnicities. We are humans, no better no worse. I'm not lecturing anyone, I just ask that you take a step back.

            This is the heart of the matter. If everyone whose ancestry on both sides was not purely Armenian were excluded from membership in the group it would be very harmful to sustaining the Armenian cultural narrative in history. If you look at any number of Armenian figures who made great contributions to Armenian culture in the past you will find more than you can count of those who married outside the group but remained passionately devoted to Armenian culture and the Armenian narrative AND passing them on. It's necessary to overcome this "village sheep dog" mentality that dictates to others whom they should or shouldn't marry. There is no advantage to provincialism and intolerance. Armenians should have more confidence in their culture and traditions than to think their survival depends on such narrow and unkind attitudes. Racism is a dead end street.


            • #26
              Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

              Marrying otars and especially non Caucasian otars is a dead end street for the Armenian ethnicity.
              For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
              to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.



              • #27
                Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                WOW i cant imagine what it would be like living in armenia with a black husband/wife... you would have to tolerate some serious insult from the community not even mentioning family. Imagine what your children would have to deal with growing up.... if u dont care then ok, but dont do this to ur kids....

                And if you are one of the people that support this by saying that its makes your community stronger and more diverse, then you are quite ignorant and dont understand how this would effect your lives as well as the lives of the people around you. Long story short, who would want to be the parent of the girl that married a "nigger".


                • #28
                  Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                  I repeat: racism is a dead-end street. As proof I take the previous post with its abhorrent descent into hateful and violent sputtering.
                  This does no honor to the memory of those who lost their lives in a convulsion of bigotry and annihilation directed against them because they were a defenseless and unwanted minority. There should be a little more "live and let live". Otherwise one should go and find an isolated village somewhere where everyone looks like oneself and talks like oneself. That doesn't sound like much of a future to me.


                  • #29
                    Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                    I think you guys are missing a important point here. These people in the example live in Armenia! They are adding to her population, economy, diversity, strength... which is exactly what Armenia needs. Being closed minded will drive away all immigrants and you already know the emigration situation so do the math. Anoush you seem like a nice girl whose heart is in the right place (unlike mukuch) but you have to stop living in the past and see the world for what it really is. Armenias population lacks diversity and this holds back our society, accepting others will make us a stronger and better country. Marrying a fellow armenian has more merit if you are living in a foreign country but it looses it's argument when it comes to inside Armenia because as long as they live in Armenia chances are they will eventually assimilate.
                    I see that you have failed to simply read the article. If you had, you would have noticed that your statement of "They are adding to her population, economy, diversity, strength", is ridiculous due to this excerpt: "Despite living in Armenia for nine years, Michael has not integrated well and speaks only a few phrases of Armenian".

                    No matter what, a weakening of Armenian ethnicity will ALWAYS ensue after a mixed marriage; being true no matter how far the non-Armenian side assimilates.

                    Let us differentiate the debate between racial tolerance and preservation of culture. It is not racist to contend that one wishes to see, more often than not, marriages between Armenians; which would, on average, more successfully preserve our dying culture. (Yes, dying)


                    • #30
                      Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                      I wonder if Michael was more accepted by people like you if he wouldnt be speaking a few more phrases and feeling more intigrated? It is sad that instead of choosing to be open minded and accepting many are choosing to be biggets and racists. I think people like you are the rediculous ones not the fact that people like michael are adding to armenias population, economy diversity, strength... If preservation of culture is based on bigetry, discrimination and racism then that culture is not worth preserving. A person, a village, a town, a city, a country can only grow by accepting others to be a part of him/her/it. Racism, prejidice.. will only ensure the death of the very culture you claim your trying to save. It really does saden me to see so much racism in this forum especially since armenians have many times been the victims of it. I hate isreal because it is based on hypocracy, the people who have been the victims of itolarance have decided to be intolorant themselves and embraced racism as their credo, this is not what i want for Armenia. Education is the best weapon against racism and ignorence and obviously many here lack it badly.
                      Hayastan or Bust.

