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The American Armenian

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  • #11
    Well, I don't live in LA and I don't know how Armenians act there, but my opinion depends on how the people present themselves. If the majority of Armenians who are in America are acting American, it is bad. If they don't know or don't care about Armenian traditions/customs, history, language and etc, it is a downside to Armenians not living in Armenia. However there are Armenians in America who are Armenian, in the sense that they don't act American. This is from what I see though. Maybe I am wrong or maybe it's the majority of Armenians in LA. I don't know.
    Then there's the other side where Armenians are living in US and are happier than they were in Armenia. Is that bad? In my opinion, it isn't. Not that living in Armenia is bad, but compared to U.S. (using it as an example) it is better. Maybe we have to ask ourselves what is more important. Armenian being happy = Living in U.S. (maybe forgetting the culture) or Armenians living in Armenia = Not as happy (keping culture and the nation alive). I'm just writing out ideas that come to mind right now and I don't have a Yes or No answer to this. Most of us are "Armenian - Americans"? Maybe to Americans we are, but just speaking for myself, I'm just Armenian. Surely I everyone who live in America has some American in them, but the majority should be Armenian. Basically I guess what I'm saying is that it depends on how people become when they come to the U.S., so that should also help to see which side is better.
    Originally posted by HyeJinx1984
    I know this is just a message board and I really shouldn't give a xxxx about you people, and believe me, I DON'T, but it seems like lately any time I try to raise a subject and actual care about something all that happens is I get attacked. What the xxxx is wrong with you people?
    WHAT?! You don't? Well, I give a xxxx about you.
    Maybe it is the FINALS. *thunder* My first final is tomorrow.
    Ignore the rude comments because they don't have anything to do with the person's opinion. Relax. OK hun? :-)

    well look at ur posts u dont have that many because this is a dumb topic...
    Not to be rude, but what the heck does this mean? What is "...that many..."?

    Night night all.
    Last edited by SagGal; 12-13-2004, 02:11 AM.
    I see...


    • #12
      Everyone has their own opinion. If you don't agree with it, then it doesn't necessarily mean that it's wrong of the person to think so. You guys can argue of what's Armenian and what's not Armenian all day, there will be no end

      Our great great grandfathers may think our way of life is totally different to the true Armenian way, and their great grandfathers may think so of their way of life. Even though we think our way of life is so Armenian, and may not be so, who's to say? As generations are born, so change the ways of life. We can't remember and pass on everything Armenian that our forefathers past on to us.

      Now, as Good Armenians, lets have a nice conversation on the dinner table with some good old Herisah.


      • #13
        To begin with, Russia has the largest Armenian population outside of Armenia.

        My opinion is, if the Armenians are picking up the good parts of Western society (law, science, philosophy) then it is alright. If they are just going to go for the crap (rap, drugs, alcoholism) then that is horrible!


        • #14
          i dont think people say "hey i am going to be an alcoholic" and do it... i think that just happens...

          and the rap the drugs, the alcohol exist EVERYWHERE, especially in armenia, where what ever you want is easily available with just a call... and in russia, well where should i start... they have more of the terrible things then in the US...

          at least in the US, its not as easy to obtain heavy drugs for the average person... you must be relatively well off and have a lot of hook ups... but in russia, the police sell it, along with the hookers... LOL!

          i am an Armenian American... i like it that way... i have 2 things to be very proud of... one is OLDer then time, and the other is the thing that moves us all forward...


          • #15
            No...see...Armenians seem for the most part to soak up the crap of society. While many Armenians listen to classical rock and classical music, here you have the majority of Armenians hating on Mexicans while dressing and listening to the same music as one another and in some really odd occasions they have the same CULTURE AND LIFESTYLE.

            As far as I see it, there are two types of America. The streets and suburbs. usually Armenians of suburbs "Americanize" differently than those from urban ghettos. So...


            • #16
              Originally posted by Hayq
              No...see...Armenians seem for the most part to soak up the crap of society. While many Armenians listen to classical rock and classical music, here you have the majority of Armenians hating on Mexicans while dressing and listening to the same music as one another and in some really odd occasions they have the same CULTURE AND LIFESTYLE.

              As far as I see it, there are two types of America. The streets and suburbs. usually Armenians of suburbs "Americanize" differently than those from urban ghettos. So...
              As Armenianess goes, I'm definitely a "suburban" Armenian. Those are definitely the type I prefer to associate with as well. The ones that become professionals and like classical music etc. The ones that are more American. Now I noticed from one or two people here the said that kind of Armenian was bad, done in a very incoherant manner. I would much rather be an Armenian who can actually write proper English rather than being some kind of "pure" Armenian. The reason Armenians get some of their bad reputation, esp in CA, is because (NOT ALL of course) but a good deal of them are the "street" Armenians and act much more like other minorities like blacks and Hispanics. That's why they are considered minorities in California, but not out here on the East Coast where many Armenians are much more "suburban". I think some of the street Armenians need to become more suburban and integrated more into the American way of life. Now I am by no means a advocate of assimilation, I hate Armenians who don't even know where they came from or what Armenian really is. But what I think we need is more Armenians not being these ghetto-dwellers who advocate just knowing Armenian, maybe not even bothering to learn English (at least not GOOD English), and propogate the thug mentality. There are people on here who's profiles I come across singing the praises of "the Armenain mafia" in LA and crap like that. We Armenians are a small, proud people, and those factions of our society, which by no means represent the normal well-adjusted majority of Armenian-Americans, give us ALL a really bad reputation to the rest of America. I feel the best kind of Armenians are the second and third generation American ones, who have NOT forgotten their roots and are active members of the Armenian community. This is rare, I know, but certainly not impossible.


              • #17
                Originally posted by IAmMadAtAC
                The reason Armenians get some of their bad reputation, esp in CA, is because (NOT ALL of course) but a good deal of them are the "street" Armenians and act much more like other minorities like blacks and Hispanics.
                As you'll notice, a few of these street rats have been festering the forum lately and comprise most of the backwater Armo thugs here in Hollywood, Little Armenia and Glendale.
                Achkerov kute.


                • #18
                  Originally posted by Anonymouse
                  As you'll notice, a few of these street rats have been festering the forum lately and comprise most of the backwater Armo thugs here in Hollywood, Little Armenia and Glendale.
                  What is so awful is those Hollywood, Little Armenia, and Glendale Armenians are so populous there, so when people think of Armenians they think of there. I know that I as an Armenian do not feel anything like them, it almost seems like a different nationality between my Armenianess and theirs over there.


                  • #19
                    so when people ask me about armenians, and their views as a community on an issue, my response is correct, that there are so many differences on issues between armenians that i cannot answer for all of them... not even about the genocide...

                    armenians dont realize that the "old" armenians werent like those in hollywood, lil armenia, and glendale... they were the ones involved in the arts, philosophy, astronomy, mathamatics, engineering, classical studies, etc... we were the most humble people... small in number, but big in what we covered as far as language, education, etc... is concerned...

                    i think it was on this forum that we talked about this, but werent the armenians the only people who had 75% literacy rate BEFORE the genocide... thats the most relative to anyone else...

                    we are not looking toward that direction anymore, less and less armenians are interested... all they want to do is put on make up or drive their dad's bmws...

                    what a pitty


                    • #20
                      There is a process of degeneration that is like a virus, it only spreads, and it needs to be uprooted if Armenians want to uphold 'quality'.
                      Achkerov kute.

