Why is it sad? I dont see anything sad. I dont know what it is you find so sad the children of a murdered and pillaged nation hating muslims those who for hundreds of years have run over their land whenever they have pleased, taken what they have pleased and killed who they pleased. Muslims who to this day are our biggest foes in the international arena(with the exception of Iran), who do everything they possibly can to help the other muslims in the world and in the meanwhile F'ck over every Christian or non-muslim that they can.
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y are armenians so racist?
Originally posted by jessoussiok....if there's one thing that i've really noticed about all armenians, it's that they're all racist...
Having pride in ones cultue is not rascism. Choosing to live a certain way is not racism. Wanting certain values passed to your children is not (in itself) racism (depends on the values)...etc....What you'all are basically espousing falls more within the category of ethno-centrisim...though , of course taken to extreme or if applied incorrectly and irrationaly (a la Amouses beliefs etc) - yeah it quickly becomes racism..
Racism is when you generalize and ascribe certain (negative) traits and characteristics to others and voice or act on such in a negative manner (well I just cae up with that definition) - lets see what webster or such has to say...(well how to spell it correctly for one - lol)...
Main Entry: rac·ism
Pronunciation: 'rA-"si-z&m also -"shi-
Function: noun
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 : racial prejudice or discrimination
- rac·ist /-sist also -shist/ noun or adjective
and from Britannica (free trunciated version):
also called racialism any action, practice, or belief that reflects the racial worldview—the ideology that humans are divided into separate and exclusive biological entities called "races," that there is a causal link between inherited physical traits and traits of personality, intellect, morality, and other cultural behavioral features, and that some races are innately superior to…
And another useful definition (my bold):
The ICERD (International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination) defines racism as follows:
“Any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment, or exercise, on equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, or any other field of public life.”
Originally posted by TigranJamharianWhy is it sad? I dont see anything sad. I dont know what it is you find so sad the children of a murdered and pillaged nation hating muslims those who for hundreds of years have run over their land whenever they have pleased, taken what they have pleased and killed who they pleased. Muslims who to this day are our biggest foes in the international arena(with the exception of Iran), who do everything they possibly can to help the other muslims in the world and in the meanwhile F'ck over every Christian or non-muslim that they can.
Eventually, I decided that I was letting my irrational side get the best of me. Not all Azeries, by far, deserve to be hated or blamed for this. Its normal to blame and hate the people who are guilty, but its not normal to make others guilty by association. To hate an entire nation over the actions of some members or even the government is sad.
Should Europe be laughing at you and me (calling us stupid) because of the government we happen to "elect"? Should Iraqies hate all Americans because Bush has caused innocent Iraqies to die? The entire population is never to blame.
i DO know the definition of racism, but what i'm saying is, that they don't really want to mix in with other cultures and stuff? u know what i mean? i know that they are trying to preserve the armenian culture and all, but it's reached a point where all they think is armenian...and they start like somewhat rejecting other cultures, and not really accepting to blend in, and become part of those other cultures.
Originally posted by WSXV3STTLSWouldn't you want to mix? I mean, Most Armenian's I know try to pass themselves off as Italian. Of course the smell gives them away. Especially the Russian Armenians.
I personally know about several hundreds of Armeinans, both western and eastern, and not ONE SINGLE soul out of them tries to pass as Italian.
Originally posted by ArmoBarbiEventually, I decided that I was letting my irrational side get the best of me. Not all Azeries, by far, deserve to be hated or blamed for this. Its normal to blame and hate the people who are guilty, but its not normal to make others guilty by association. To hate an entire nation over the actions of some members or even the government is sad.
And I have to agree with Tigran (hi Tigran) there is nothing sad in being suspicious towards muslims - the more I have contact with them, the more suspicious I become. Religious fanatism, even in small portions, can be fatal to the brain. And Islam comes to these guys not in small portions, but in big smelly chunks
Originally posted by jessoussii DO know the definition of racism, but what i'm saying is, that they don't really want to mix in with other cultures and stuff? u know what i mean? i know that they are trying to preserve the armenian culture and all, but it's reached a point where all they think is armenian...and they start like somewhat rejecting other cultures, and not really accepting to blend in, and become part of those other cultures.
I live in a small town in US that doesnt know what Armenia is. I simply explain and teach when asked. They end up appreciating what I shared with them and respecting our nation.
I get along perfectly well with Otars. I have no Armenian friends here. I have friends who were born here and know nothing else, friends who were born in Africa, in Ukraine, etc. People are people. Friendship isnt something one should base on ethnicity or race.
I grew up without Armenian influence, and now am studying to become an Armenologist against my family's wishes. Can you imagine how difficult it has been and still is for me?
I wish that I had grown up in an Armenian environment. Now that I am older, and know that in the near future I may meet my future husband, I choose for myself. I will have an Armenian family like the one I wish I had. I will honor my ancestors by passing on all that I can learn to my children. I will create a good environment for them, where they can be free to have any friends they want but still feel like they belong to something that is their own.
Do you consider this negative??
Originally posted by rabinovichArmoBarbi, alas Azeris don't think that way. By the way, I couldn't watch the Sumgait videos too, and neither read that stuff. I really feel sorry for all the people who had to go through the hands of those beasts...
And I have to agree with Tigran (hi Tigran) there is nothing sad in being suspicious towards muslims - the more I have contact with them, the more suspicious I become. Religious fanatism, even in small portions, can be fatal to the brain. And Islam comes to these guys not in small portions, but in big smelly chunks
People are people. There is good and bad in every nation. Do you guys not understand this?
Tigran talked about hating all Muslims. That is not the same as "being suspicious", which even I am. To HATE anyone is saying a lot. Hate is a very strong negative feeling.
I HATE those Azeri men who raped and killed Armenian women in Sumgait/Baku. I have no right to hate a Muslim girl from Uzbekistan who had nothing to do with such things, and would cry from reading about it just like I do. That would be absurd.