Re: Half Armenians
I don't know how frank I can be with you, I am going to be honest, my honest assessment. The short and cold answer, yes, I am willing to write these people off because I don't consider them (Including myself) a part of Armenia's future. My entire statement thus far has been opposed to your view because there exists a fundimental flaw in the above argument. Your placing too much on emphasis on foreign powers, foreign people, in the process you are not getting guratees in return, while taking away any empowerment in ourselves to better our position in the world. I don't see how this is a "objective" assesment?
The reality is that for every percent that assimilates a fraction come back to their roots, and when they come back they are programmed in a non Armenian manner, this is the reality, assimilation has already taken this person at its roots, there is no way to salvage them. And you can not convince this person to stay within the culture because the very idea is alien to this individual and his or her family. The reality is that most of the time the parents of these children impose a identity on them, its essentially a pickled jar they bought from a store, there is no substance inside.
Enkar Armenian, du stancez hartzheru vor ench droshak erank ga bartazhnen yev erank mesht kasen yec em Amerikai yev Russastani drosha yec ga bartazhnem, eratz atzgutuna kecvala, erank hye hoki karogha unen bytz Amerikai yev Russastani hokin eratz metzh ella. Du essentz martuhet chescharogh haskatznes tarbarachuna Hye azgi het yev otar azgi het, estagh estank tarvatzen, joger?
I am not a war hawk, but I consider the sixteen year old Armenian on the frontlines of Artsahk more important and productive to the future of the Armenian people then any Armenian and Russian politician of Armenian ancestory today. Furthermore, as much as I would like to beleive that a individual is Armenian, the fact of the matter Sergei Lavrov and John Sweeney are only half Armenian, Lavrov has loyalties to the Kremlin and Sweeney to the United States, none have a absolute loyalty to the Armenian people, furthermore, none certainly have no loyalty to the Armenian state. They are elected to serve the interests of the the respective people that elected them, they are not elected to further the cause of the Armenian peopel.
Again, going back to this idea of dilution, every diluation creates fragmentation. Yes, maybe these politicians can sway the greatest common denominator in favor of Armenia, but the reality is that we are only putting our problems on the backs of foreigners instead of solving it ourselves. You are making it seem like the entire Diaspora will grow up to be politicians, the fact of the matter for every large percent that assimilates and dilutes themselves in the melting pots of the world, only a small fraction are successful, and they are successful because of their own merits. I would be selfish of me to try and minipulate these people to serve Armenia, this is wrong, I just don't understand how minipulation and deception, no different then Zionism, can be tolerate by Armenians, but yet the idea of a hard work towards state building is ignored? More than 50% are outside the homeland, when are we going to have a solid population? Never, if this trend continues or what you are advocating is accepted and no one fights the good fight, I will be honest, the future of Armenia does not look good, this is the reality.
Furthermore, what good is all the artillary in the world if no one is willing to use it? Its no good, likewise what good is land concessoin when no one wants to resettle on these lands? Its no good, fundimentally there exists a flaw in this idea of "Diaspora", let us not use this word, its a excuse for assimilation, you are essentially putting more weight on immigration versus resettlement, more weight on foreign powers then on the Armenian people. You are essentially placing the self determination of your people in the hands of foreigners and foreign interests.
Again, this is on a macro level, I don't like to talk about the micro level. Yes, on the micro level you are right, but again, take your suggestions to the infinite power, test it, think it through in your head and you will see that my assessment is the correct assesment. I am not advocating the immidiate return, but rather lets be frank about the realities of the Armenian people, lets stop playing these games of justifying assimilation and our existence by self created reasons for our existence, we are not furthering any cause but our individual cause, I am brave enough to admit it, this is the truth.
Again, Armenain, I respect you and to a certain extent I can tolerate some half Armenians, bytz kec Sev, kec Negh ashk, yev Kec Heria yec chem toni erank gan em azgi mech, well, yec chem entuni. I understand I am minority, but I would rather fight on my feet then walk on my knees, mek atzg chka yetta mank tonenk mahr azga bazhanvi.
I think were hammering this to death, we made our points!
Originally posted by Armenian
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The reality is that for every percent that assimilates a fraction come back to their roots, and when they come back they are programmed in a non Armenian manner, this is the reality, assimilation has already taken this person at its roots, there is no way to salvage them. And you can not convince this person to stay within the culture because the very idea is alien to this individual and his or her family. The reality is that most of the time the parents of these children impose a identity on them, its essentially a pickled jar they bought from a store, there is no substance inside.
Enkar Armenian, du stancez hartzheru vor ench droshak erank ga bartazhnen yev erank mesht kasen yec em Amerikai yev Russastani drosha yec ga bartazhnem, eratz atzgutuna kecvala, erank hye hoki karogha unen bytz Amerikai yev Russastani hokin eratz metzh ella. Du essentz martuhet chescharogh haskatznes tarbarachuna Hye azgi het yev otar azgi het, estagh estank tarvatzen, joger?
I am not a war hawk, but I consider the sixteen year old Armenian on the frontlines of Artsahk more important and productive to the future of the Armenian people then any Armenian and Russian politician of Armenian ancestory today. Furthermore, as much as I would like to beleive that a individual is Armenian, the fact of the matter Sergei Lavrov and John Sweeney are only half Armenian, Lavrov has loyalties to the Kremlin and Sweeney to the United States, none have a absolute loyalty to the Armenian people, furthermore, none certainly have no loyalty to the Armenian state. They are elected to serve the interests of the the respective people that elected them, they are not elected to further the cause of the Armenian peopel.
Again, going back to this idea of dilution, every diluation creates fragmentation. Yes, maybe these politicians can sway the greatest common denominator in favor of Armenia, but the reality is that we are only putting our problems on the backs of foreigners instead of solving it ourselves. You are making it seem like the entire Diaspora will grow up to be politicians, the fact of the matter for every large percent that assimilates and dilutes themselves in the melting pots of the world, only a small fraction are successful, and they are successful because of their own merits. I would be selfish of me to try and minipulate these people to serve Armenia, this is wrong, I just don't understand how minipulation and deception, no different then Zionism, can be tolerate by Armenians, but yet the idea of a hard work towards state building is ignored? More than 50% are outside the homeland, when are we going to have a solid population? Never, if this trend continues or what you are advocating is accepted and no one fights the good fight, I will be honest, the future of Armenia does not look good, this is the reality.
Furthermore, what good is all the artillary in the world if no one is willing to use it? Its no good, likewise what good is land concessoin when no one wants to resettle on these lands? Its no good, fundimentally there exists a flaw in this idea of "Diaspora", let us not use this word, its a excuse for assimilation, you are essentially putting more weight on immigration versus resettlement, more weight on foreign powers then on the Armenian people. You are essentially placing the self determination of your people in the hands of foreigners and foreign interests.
Again, this is on a macro level, I don't like to talk about the micro level. Yes, on the micro level you are right, but again, take your suggestions to the infinite power, test it, think it through in your head and you will see that my assessment is the correct assesment. I am not advocating the immidiate return, but rather lets be frank about the realities of the Armenian people, lets stop playing these games of justifying assimilation and our existence by self created reasons for our existence, we are not furthering any cause but our individual cause, I am brave enough to admit it, this is the truth.
Again, Armenain, I respect you and to a certain extent I can tolerate some half Armenians, bytz kec Sev, kec Negh ashk, yev Kec Heria yec chem toni erank gan em azgi mech, well, yec chem entuni. I understand I am minority, but I would rather fight on my feet then walk on my knees, mek atzg chka yetta mank tonenk mahr azga bazhanvi.
I think were hammering this to death, we made our points!
