Originally posted by 1.5 million
Ann Frankenstein
(no login)
Re: Cilicia.com = xxxx
October 17 2002, 3:48 AM
I think one of our goals should include fighting such xxxx like that. I also went to what was an Armenian site the other day and there was one page that site that continiously compared us to the jews and I wanted to puke. Here it is, I just found it in my saved URLs and whatdayaknow!
It's not the same site as http://www.cilicia.com
I had never seen a link or anything to the other site http://www.cilicia.com/Oldmistakes.htm from http://www.cilicia.com, and I had never seen it before and when I came accross it recently, I didn't pay much attention to the URL because I was buisy looking for other things, however, I did notice they had too much crying for the jews going on and it really pissed me off that they put work into the holohoax industry while the jews deny the Armenian Genocide. I have never been to a jew site that has such extensive coverage of the Armenian Genocide. This is quite sickening and maybe we can do something about it! And I don't mean just one or two e-mails here and there. We're not really ready or organized for such action YET, but we will be! Even if we have to use force!
From there they have a link to this site and it's ONLY about jews, everything is about the poor poor jews. You would think that they would at least have a link back, lrt alone something about the Armenian Genocide G-d forbid, but they don't have a fkn thing that I saw. I'ts all about them and they have a few links to Russian stuff.
(no login)
Re: Cilicia.com = xxxx
October 17 2002, 3:48 AM
I think one of our goals should include fighting such xxxx like that. I also went to what was an Armenian site the other day and there was one page that site that continiously compared us to the jews and I wanted to puke. Here it is, I just found it in my saved URLs and whatdayaknow!
It's not the same site as http://www.cilicia.com
I had never seen a link or anything to the other site http://www.cilicia.com/Oldmistakes.htm from http://www.cilicia.com, and I had never seen it before and when I came accross it recently, I didn't pay much attention to the URL because I was buisy looking for other things, however, I did notice they had too much crying for the jews going on and it really pissed me off that they put work into the holohoax industry while the jews deny the Armenian Genocide. I have never been to a jew site that has such extensive coverage of the Armenian Genocide. This is quite sickening and maybe we can do something about it! And I don't mean just one or two e-mails here and there. We're not really ready or organized for such action YET, but we will be! Even if we have to use force!
From there they have a link to this site and it's ONLY about jews, everything is about the poor poor jews. You would think that they would at least have a link back, lrt alone something about the Armenian Genocide G-d forbid, but they don't have a fkn thing that I saw. I'ts all about them and they have a few links to Russian stuff.
Not good enough. I want da crispy stuff like you said there was. I'll be waiting for it!