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The Turks

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  • Call of the wild!
    Somebody just heard it and joined the Krok+Bulgarian+Joobian+Kelkurk+Parandzem pack!

    Originally posted by Reincarnated Am
    Very well said!!!!!
    I will frame this and hang it on my wall.
    Guys there's no point talking to these people it is very obvious who they are and what they represent.


    • Gondorian
      I think it is the wise thing to do
      but you can have fun with those people, sometimes we need to entertain ourselves

      Originally posted by Gondorian
      Well Turq I assure you that Greeks have no more love for Neo-Nazis like Joobian and Pandarzen as you do.

      Turq I advise you to just ignore the forum Neo-Nazis, speaking to them only gives them dignity that is totally undeserved.

      Kharpert I have the same advise for you that I do for Turq, ignore the Neo-Nazis, they do not deserve the dignity of being spoken to by humans.


      • Just as I expected: the brilliant response by Jooboian is...blame the Jews! And how ironic that I'm the one being called a Nazi! Tell me, how can I be a Jew-lover and Nazi at the same time? Or are have you just run out of insults?

        Well, seeing as that this thread is too intellectually bankrupt to offer a real solution, there's no point in continuing this. I believe we've exceeded the quota for verbal abuse for the month.


        • Originally posted by Kharpert
          Just as I expected: the brilliant response by Jooboian is...blame the Jews! And how ironic that I'm the one being called a Nazi! Tell me, how can I be a Jew-lover and Nazi at the same time? Or are have you just run out of insults?

          Well, seeing as that this thread is too intellectually bankrupt to offer a real solution, there's no point in continuing this. I believe we've exceeded the quota for verbal abuse for the month.
          Armenian National Committee of America
          888 17th Street, NW, Suite 904, Washington, DC 20006
          Tel. (202) 775-1918 * Fax. (202) 775-5648 * [email protected]


          For Immediate Release ~ 2002-02-20
          Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian ~ Tel: (202) 775-1918


          Joint Letter Comes in Wake of Official Armenian Government Protest over Statements by Israeli Ambassador Minimizing the Armenian Genocide
          WASHINGTON, DC - The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) has joined with the American Hellenic Institute (AHI) and the American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) in expressing their collective reservations regarding a December 18th letter signed by nine major Jewish American organizations praising Turkey unconditionally and calling upon President Bush to provide additional economic and military aid to the Turkish government.

          The joint Armenian-Greek-Kurdish letter, dated February 13th, includes a point-by-point response to a series of fundamental errors and important omissions in the letter signed by the nine Jewish American groups. The joint letter points out that the Jewish groups decision to avoid any reference of Turkey's past genocides and ongoing human rights abuses, "appears to represent a retreat from the Jewish American community's proud tradition of standing up for human rights, universal values, and the cause of international justice." It also challenges the assertion by these nine groups that "additional American support for Turkey," in the form of "debt forgiveness, trade concessions, and/or further International Monetary Fund relief," will serve either U.S. interests or advance American values.

          "In turning a blind eye to Turkey's genocidal past and ongoing human rights abuses, these organizations are out of step with the Jewish American community's proud tradition of moral leadership, and, sadly, in sharp contrast to the warm relations that have always characterized the Jewish community's relations at the grassroots level with Greeks, Armenians, and other minorities," said Aram Hamparian, Executive Director of the ANCA.

          "We are especially disappointed that the representatives of these groups, by advocating so aggressively and uncritically for an unrepentant perpetrator of genocide, threaten to undermine a strong Jewish-Armenian relationship that has endured for thousands of years, and that has, in the past century, been so tragically but also powerfully reinforced by our common experience as victims of genocide, who must now confront the denial of these terrible atrocities."

          The nine Jewish American organizations that cosigned the plea for U.S. assistance to Turkey were: the American Jewish Committee, American Jewish Congress, Anti-Defamation League, B’nai B’rith International, Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Hadassah – The Women's Zionist Organization of America, Jewish Council for Public Affairs, Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, and Orthodox Union.

          The full text of both the letter by Jewish organizations and the collective response by the ANCA and other Greek and Kurdish groups may be found on the ANCA website –

          Armenian Foreign Ministry Protests Statements by Israeli Ambassador
          In Armenia this week, fallout continued from a highly charged statement by Israeli Ambassador Rivki Kohen in which she downplayed the significance of the Armenian Genocide. During a February 8th press conference in Yerevan, Kohen argued that the "Holocaust was a unique phenomenon, since it had always been planned and aimed to destroy the whole nation. At this stage nothing should be compared with Holocaust."

          The Armenian Foreign Ministry responded to these remarks by issuing a diplomatic note of protest this week arguing that Armenia considers any attempt to reject or belittle the significance of the Armenian Genocide as inadmissible, regardless of the motivation. According to the Armenian government, Armenia has never specific drawn parallels between the Armenian Genocide and the Jewish Holocaust, considering any crime against the human race "unique" with its political, legal, historical, and moral consequences.

          The Israeli Foreign Ministry responded to Yerevan’s concerns stating that, "Israel recognizes the tragedy of the Armenians and the plight of the Armenian people. Nevertheless, the events cannot be compared to genocide, and that does not in any way diminish the magnitude of the tragedy." The Israeli Foreign Ministry, consistent with the Turkish government's strategy of endlessly deferring judgment on the Armenian Genocide, argued that there was a lack of evidence of the Genocide, stating that, "this issue requires extensive research by a wide spectrum of people and academic dialogue that are based on testimony and proof.”

          Turkish/Israeli Lobby Step up Cooperation on Capitol Hill
          Meanwhile in the House of Representatives last week, Congressional Turkish Caucus Co-Chairman Robert Wexler (D-FL), introduced legislation "commending the Republic of Turkey and the State of Israel for the continued strengthening of their political, economic, cultural, and strategic partnership and for their actions in support of the war on terrorism." The legislation, H. Con. Res. 327, introduced on February 12th, currently has six co-sponsors including Representatives Ander Crenshaw, Eliot Engel (D-NY), Mark Foley (R-FL), Tom Lantos (D-CA), James Moran (D-VA), and Ed Whitfield (R-KY).

          Rep. Wexler is currently leading a Congressional delegation to Turkey, which is scheduled to meet with Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit, President Ahmet Necdet Sezer, Foreign Minister Ismail Cem, Speaker of the Parliament Omer Izgi, and other top Turkish officials. Rep. Wexler also plans on meeting with religious leaders of the Greek, Armenian, and Jewish communities. Joining Wexler on the trip are fellow Congressional Turkish Caucus members Kay Granger (R-TX), Jim Moran (D-VA), Cliff Stearns (R-FL) and Tom Tancredo (R-CO).

          Other legislation, H.Con. Res. 265, introduced by Rep. Albert Wynn (D-MD) last November, praises Turkey for its role in the U.S.-led war on terrorism. This resolution currently has 30 cosponsors.


          Additional Articles/Documentation

          Text of the Letter by Nine Jewish American Groups Urging Increased U.S. Assistance to Turkey

          Armenian-Greek-Kurdish Response to Pro-Turkey Letter by Nine Jewish American Groups

          I guess the ANCA must be run by a bunch of Nazis.


          • Armenian National Committee of America
            Western Region
            104 N. Belmont, Suite 208, Glendale, CA 91206 * Tel. (818) 500-1918
            Fax. (818) 246-7353 * [email protected]

            PRESS RELEASE

            For Immediate Release ~ 2002-05-21
            Contact: Naiery Misserlian ~ Tel: (818) 500-1918


            Northern California Congressman, a Holocaust Survivor, Has Taken a Leading Role in Denying the First Genocide of the 20th Century
            LOS ANGELES, CA - Representatives of the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA), in meetings in Washington, DC and in his northern California District Office, have challenged Congressman Tom Lantos (D-CA) to abandon his policy of Armenian Genocide denial.

            The meeting in northern California took place at the Congressman's San Mateo office and included his human rights aide Margery Farrar and the Congressman's constituent Haig Baghdassarian, who serves as a member of the San Francisco Human Rights Commission, as well as ANCA-Western U.S. Government Relations Director Ardashes Kassakhian. On April 18th, Baghdassarian, a longtime member of the San Francisco ANC, met again with a Lantos aide, this time in Washington, DC. At that meeting he conferred with the Congressman's Senior Policy Advisor Dr. Kay King. Dr. King explained that Rep. Lantos' opposition to Congressional recognition of the Armenian Genocide was based on national security grounds. The aide went on to suggest the Representative might be supportive of creating a historical commission to examine the Armenian issue to sort out what he described as ambiguity surrounding the events of 1915.

            Lantos took a leading role in the 106th Congress in attempting to block passage of legislation recognizing the Armenian Genocide. As a senior member of the House International Relations Committee, which had jurisdiction over the Armenian Genocide Resolution (H.R. 596), Lantos worked feverishly to strike all mention of the word genocide from the legislation. Despite his best efforts, Lantos failed to secure passage of an amendment that would have struck the word genocide from the bill.

            "It is most unfortunate that Tom Lantos has stained his distinguished legislative career by actively working to deny the Armenian Genocide," commented ANC Government Affairs Director Ardashes Kassakhian.

            "The denial of the Armenian Genocide or any other genocide is wrong," Haig Baghdassarian explained. "For Rep. Lantos, my Congressman, to suggest that his denial of the Armenian Genocide is based on national security is, quite simply, immoral. Does Tom Lantos really want to live in a world where genocides and holocausts are only recognized when doing so does not disturb what he or others define as U.S. national interests?" Baghdassarian added.

            In a letter hand-delivered to an aide of Representative Lantos in early March of this year the ANC wrote:

            "The Armenian-American community of California's 12th Congressional District, throughout California, and nationwide is mindful of the destructive role you and your staff played in seeking to defeat H.Res. 596, legislation concerning the Armenian Genocide, which was considered and passed by the House International Relations Committee during the 106th Congress. Your role in seeking to defeat this legislation runs contrary to your otherwise distinguished career in the U.S. House of Representatives.

            We are particularly concerned that you inferred that the Armenian Genocide resolution should be defeated for fear that America's ally, the Republic of Turkey, would be offended. Specifically, during committee consideration of the bill you remarked, "This legislation at this moment in U.S.-Turkish relations is singularly counterproductive to our national interest." Is this your litmus test for acknowledging crimes against humanity?

            We are also concerned that there may be other reasons - which you did not state - for your opposition to U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide. Some have suggested that your newfound denial of the Armenian Genocide may be unrelated to our country, but of concern to a third party. We would appreciate a full and open explanation of your new position concerning the Armenian Genocide."

            To date the ANCA-WR has received no reply to this letter.

            The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) is the largest and most influential Armenian American grassroots political organization. Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the United States and affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCA actively advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of issues.


            The Armenian Nazi Committee of America at it again. Blame the jews, blame the jews.


            • Madness

              Why doesnt Bulgaria, Armenia, Greece, Cyprus, Kurds, Arabs and Europe just destroy Turkey now once and for all before its too late??
              You,idiot(sorry) ARE YOU A DAYDREAMER?Are you living in Age of Empires?
              Okey,kill all Turks,then do you think all PROBLEMS will be solved by killing them?You think like Talat Paşa and his idiot friends whose only solution to problems is killing.


              • Jooboian, Reincarnated Am, Krokodil, Parandzem and all Armenians that want Armenia to be a strong and successful nation.

                Firstly Kharpert no offence but you are talking about it being the 21st century and Armenia cant be a hostile nation. NOW LISTEN MAN THERE MIGHT NOT BE AN ARMENIA IN THE 22ST CENTURY.

                The Turks and Azeris are very clear in what they want. They want the extermination of every Armenian, they also want to destroy every building or monument or piece of art that is Armenian. They want to make a pan-Turkic state and guess what Kharpert your tiny little nation which had suffered horrendously over the centuries is that little obstacle that is in the way for their dreams coming true.

                You are probably going to say no I am wrong but what happened to an Armenian cemetry in Azerbaijan a few months ago? That is all the proof any person with a speck of intelligence needs to see to come to the conclusion that Turkey and Azerbaijan want Armenia destroyed and dissolved.

                Armenians need to become even more politically active to promote Armenia abroad. Try and demonise Turkey and Azerbaijan and make them see Armenia as the victim.

                Armenians in the diaspora need to do military service for Armenia. You may never know when Armenia needs to be defended.

                Armenian needs to provoke a war with Azerbaijan. A very simple way of doing this without looking so bad is to say enough is enough the Azeris have treated the Armenians of Artsakh like second class citizens and due to this fact it is impossible for the Armenians of Artsakh to live under an Azeri government.


                This will mean no peace negotiations (i.e Azeris trying to get Armenian land back) with Azerbaijan. It also means that Armenia will have increased in size and as we all know Artsakh is rich in minerals and it will help Armenia become a richer nation.

                When Artsakh is annexed by Armenia Azerbaijan will have two choices (1) To accept what has happened and move on, or (2) Declare war on Armenia to try and "reclaim their land". Both of these situations will benefit Armenia, infact I cant comprehend why Armenia hasnt done this yet?

                Some people may now be thinking wait a minute surely option (2) will be very bad for Armenia? The answer is no, the reason is because the Armenian army is quite simply a much better army than the Azeri army, Armenians have already proven this in the early 1990s. Armenia also had Russian bases in Armenia which will mean that Russia will intervene on Armenias behalf if a miracle somehow happens and the Azeris manage to defeat the Armenian army and push into Armenian territory. Essentially Armenia cant lose.

                Another benefit would be Armenia being able to dictate peace terms (much more land and maybe a percentage share of Azerbaijans oil revenue for the next 100 years times, etc....) with Azerbaijan.

                If Azerbaijan choses the second option and they lose a war Armenia could demand all of western Azerbaijan and many have access to the Caspian sea.


                • Commander???

                  Thanks for the support guys. You see if your Bulgarian, Kurdish or Armenian (Im presuming your Armenian Parandzem) you are still united in the fact that the Turks have caused so much murder on our lands to our peoples.
                  You talk like a terrorist commander.Think twice before talking.
                  By the way,being a Kurd,I never hate Turks.Because all Turks aren't responsible for murders and genocides.


                  • Originally posted by RUDO
                    You,idiot(sorry) ARE YOU A DAYDREAMER?Are you living in Age of Empires?
                    Okey,kill all Turks,then do you think all PROBLEMS will be solved by killing them?You think like Talat Paşa and his idiot friends whose only solution to problems is killing.
                    I didnt mean killing all the Turks. Armenia can become strong by annexing half of Azerbaijan. Armenia then can annoy Turkey to extreme levels. When the time is right Cyprus, Greece, Bulgaria, Armenia, the Kurds of Turkey, the Kurds of northern Iraq and Syria can invade Turkey. Turkey can hardly deal with TAK and the PKK now imagine if all these nations invaded Turkey in a unified and brutal fashion? The Turkish facist republic will be destroyed and perminantly relegated to the footnotes of a history.

                    Everyone will be happy Cyprus can be united, Armenia reclaim its some of its lands, Bulgaria can get Thrace, Greece and get Smyrna, Syria can get Hatay back and the Kurds who are the largest race on this planet without a nation of their very own can finally have the human right of self determination.

                    Rudo you will be living in Kurdistan not Turkey, Rudo you wouldnt sing the facist Turkish national anthem in schools you would be singing the Kurdish national anthem in school, there will be Kurdish flags everywhere, everyone will be speaking Kurdish you would get arrested for doing things that people in other parts of the world can do freely on a daily basis.


                    • Originally posted by Bulgarian
                      The Turks and Azeris are very clear in what they want. They want the extermination of every Armenian, they also want to destroy every building or monument or piece of art that is Armenian. They want to make a pan-Turkic state and guess what Kharpert your tiny little nation which had suffered horrendously over the centuries is that little obstacle that is in the way for their dreams coming true.

                      You are probably going to say no I am wrong but what happened to an Armenian cemetry in Azerbaijan a few months ago? That is all the proof any person with a speck of intelligence needs to see to come to the conclusion that Turkey and Azerbaijan want Armenia destroyed and dissolved.
                      No you are not wrong as this is a well known fact. They have been doing those kinds of things for years, so it's just one of many many examples of their destructive behaviour. Both turkey and azerbaboonistan are full of Armenian ruins which is the real proof and they have forever been trying to get rid of the evidence of their crimes.

                      Try and demonise Turkey and Azerbaijan and make them see Armenia as the victim.
                      Try? These facts have already been well established.

                      Armenian needs to provoke a war with Azerbaijan.
                      That's out of the question and would be a stupid move as we would be seen as the aggressors. If you want to provoke a war for Bulgaria, go right ahead, but please stop with these foolish statements..


                      This will mean no peace negotiations (i.e Azeris trying to get Armenian land back) with Azerbaijan. It also means that Armenia will have increased in size and as we all know Artsakh is rich in minerals and it will help Armenia become a richer nation.

                      When Artsakh is annexed by Armenia Azerbaijan will have two choices (1) To accept what has happened and move on, or (2) Declare war on Armenia to try and "reclaim their land". Both of these situations will benefit Armenia, infact I cant comprehend why Armenia hasnt done this yet?

                      Some people may now be thinking wait a minute surely option (2) will be very bad for Armenia? The answer is no, the reason is because the Armenian army is quite simply a much better army than the Azeri army, Armenians have already proven this in the early 1990s. Armenia also had Russian bases in Armenia which will mean that Russia will intervene on Armenias behalf if a miracle somehow happens and the Azeris manage to defeat the Armenian army and push into Armenian territory. Essentially Armenia cant lose.

                      Another benefit would be Armenia being able to dictate peace terms (much more land and maybe a percentage share of Azerbaijans oil revenue for the next 100 years times, etc....) with Azerbaijan.

                      If Azerbaijan choses the second option and they lose a war Armenia could demand all of western Azerbaijan and many have access to the Caspian sea.
                      Most of what you wrote above has already happened. We know that the azerbaboons are preparing to attack us again, but the next time they do, they will lose ALL of their country. Anyway, I think you should really stop with your war mongering for Armenians.

