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The Turks

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  • Originally posted by hitite
    Are you accusing Turkey of a canine genocide now? Bulgarian, I just love reading your posts when they are orignially yours and not cut and paste stuff.

    Ok, Turks may be the root of all evil you can ever imagine and I can only try to understand your deep hatred towards Turks but I would sincerely like to offer you something. The next time you come to Bulgaria please try to take a bus trip to Turkey which will only take a few hours and will cost you peanuts. If you are a student and cant pay I offer to pay for your bus ticket. You must get to know the people you hate and want to "do something about" and if it turns out that you really cannot find 1 or 2 things good about Turks you will at least go back home with some 'strategic' information.
    Why dont animals have rights? In western nations such as England you could go to prison if you are cruel to animals. But it seems like in Turkey its acceptable to murder 100000s of dogs and other animals. Infact its state policy.

    Im not that ignorant about Turks and I find it laughable that TurQ thinks that I dont know anything about Turks or Islam. I think the really reason is because I critise both. It is a known fact that a major problem (if not the biggest problem) is the fact that open discussion doesnt exist. In Judaism you are encouraged to keep on asking questions. In Muslim countries people get killed when they ask some type of questions. Muslims kill other Muslims if they question the status quo. Turkey has a similar situation and I believe these reforms that they are passing are mainly in name only because people still hold backward views (things like honour killings).

    By the way Im not totally ignorant about Turks I even like some songs even thought I dont understand them - theres Tarkan and there that song that goes "lay lalay lalay lay lala lay lay" and theres that Eurovision song which Turkey won with (that was in English).

    PS I wont go to Turkey because I dont want to contribute to the Turkish denial of the Armenian Genocide or the current ethnic cleansing/cultural oppression and genocide against the Kurdish population of Turkey or the running of the illegal so-called Turkish puppet state the TRNC(KKTC).

    I would go if it was all expenses paid trip .


    • Originally posted by kerkuk_kurdista
      Yes Bulgarian, they have changed the names of some animals because they were a threat to the unity of Turkey.

      They changed Vulpes Vulpes Kurdistanica to Vulpes Vulpes
      And something with an Armenian fox, they changed it too.

      They even hate animals not only humans.
      Yes I have heard about this.

      They really are pathetic and desperate. If they want to stop being a joke they should change their own countries name from Turkey.

      The whole world will just ignore the names changes of these animals. If Turkey wants to convince people in Turkey that the Vulpes Vulpes Kurdistanica is just called Vulpes Vulpes then thats their problem.


      • Originally posted by Bulgarian
        Why dont animals have rights? In western nations such as England you could go to prison if you are cruel to animals. But it seems like in Turkey its acceptable to murder 100000s of dogs and other animals. Infact its state policy.

        Im not that ignorant about Turks and I find it laughable that TurQ thinks that I dont know anything about Turks or Islam. I think the really reason is because I critise both. It is a known fact that a major problem (if not the biggest problem) is the fact that open discussion doesnt exist. In Judaism you are encouraged to keep on asking questions. In Muslim countries people get killed when they ask some type of questions. Muslims kill other Muslims if they question the status quo. Turkey has a similar situation and I believe these reforms that they are passing are mainly in name only because people still hold backward views (things like honour killings).

        By the way Im not totally ignorant about Turks I even like some songs even thought I dont understand them - theres Tarkan and there that song that goes "lay lalay lalay lay lala lay lay" and theres that Eurovision song which Turkey won with (that was in English).

        PS I wont go to Turkey because I dont want to contribute to the Turkish denial of the Armenian Genocide or the current ethnic cleansing/cultural oppression and genocide against the Kurdish population of Turkey or the running of the illegal so-called Turkish puppet state the TRNC(KKTC).

        I would go if it was all expenses paid trip .
        Ok Bulgarian. I quit. You have outspoken me and rammed my face into some serious xxxxe. I accept that you have a very clear and accurate picture of Turkey and Islam and there is nothing left for you to learn. I bow with respect.


        • You forgot one thing, Kurds joined Turkey while the Genocide. Kurds and Turks did the genocide together. And German leaders were involved!


          • why r u so agressive, bulgarian?

            Dont be so agressive! Everyone dislike Turks but I dont understand your anger?


            • Don't forget Kurds helping Armenians during the genocide

              Originally posted by Romik
              You forgot one thing, Kurds joined Turkey while the Genocide. Kurds and Turks did the genocide together. And German leaders were involved!
              But don't forget Kurds which helped Armenians during the genocide.(for example Dersim Kurds)
              And don't forget that Ottomans usually used them for murders and genocides.


              • Originally posted by Bulgarian
                Why dont animals have rights? In western nations such as England you could go to prison if you are cruel to animals. But it seems like in Turkey its acceptable to murder 100000s of dogs and other animals. Infact its state policy.

                Im not that ignorant about Turks and I find it laughable that TurQ thinks that I dont know anything about Turks or Islam. I think the really reason is because I critise both. It is a known fact that a major problem (if not the biggest problem) is the fact that open discussion doesnt exist. In Judaism you are encouraged to keep on asking questions. In Muslim countries people get killed when they ask some type of questions. Muslims kill other Muslims if they question the status quo. Turkey has a similar situation and I believe these reforms that they are passing are mainly in name only because people still hold backward views (things like honour killings).

                By the way Im not totally ignorant about Turks I even like some songs even thought I dont understand them - theres Tarkan and there that song that goes "lay lalay lalay lay lala lay lay" and theres that Eurovision song which Turkey won with (that was in English).

                PS I wont go to Turkey because I dont want to contribute to the Turkish denial of the Armenian Genocide or the current ethnic cleansing/cultural oppression and genocide against the Kurdish population of Turkey or the running of the illegal so-called Turkish puppet state the TRNC(KKTC).

                I would go if it was all expenses paid trip .

                Perhaps, some western intercourse with the animals on the net is what you call advanceness. In Turkey, animals are treated pretty well, particularly in rural areas.

                Unfortunately, you are quite ignorant about the Turks and Islam, and all you seem to know, appears to be some information derived from some Bulgar folklore, nothing more.

                Furthermore, if you look at the number of honour killings and the racist attacks and murders happening in Europe, then you would realize who is more violent and barbaric than the other.

                Finally, if you are so conscious about the issues of ethnic cleansing and oppression, then perhaps it is time for you to depart from Bulgaria since the human right records of Bulgaria appears to be no better than the Turkish one, particularly in relation to how you treated to the Roma peoples (unemployment rates, education level, crime involvement and so on) and other minorities.


                • Originally posted by Bulgarian here:[url
        ]TurQ[/url] do you understand me when I say (Ill try and make this easier for you to digest):




                  Ok, you seem to have ignored me here: So this makes the second post by you in this thread where you CAPS everything...

                  I even asked nicely, but as I know if a person is going to ignore you they're going to ignore you...So, I'm gonna block your account for a couple days so you can have some time to reflect on two things:

                  1: Respecting other members wishes about not using caps obnoxiously in the forum.
                  2: Listening to and respecting moderators

                  Thanks, see you back soon, hopefully we can turn a new leaf



                  • Originally posted by 1.5 million
                    Kurds are Turks, Bulgarians are Turks, Finns are Turks - and so on and so forth.....and if you believe some Azeris...everyone is descended from Turks and the Azeris invented all languages and cultures of the world....dream on...
                    I am not sure about the others, but I am a Karachai-Balkar (Bolgar Turk also known as Circassian Turks), and in fact, the Bolgars (Bulgars) are one of the ancient Turkish tribes.

                    If you would read a bit about Karachai-Balkar, Tatar, Chuvash and other Turkic Bolgar tribes, then you would find that only the ones residing in Bulgaria can not speak a Turkic dialect, but the rest still retains their heritage even they are Christians or Muslims.


                    • Originally posted by ScythianVizier
                      I am not sure about the others, but I am a Karachai-Balkar (Bolgar Turk also known as Circassian Turks), and in fact, the Bolgars (Bulgars) are one of the ancient Turkish tribes.

                      If you would read a bit about Karachai-Balkar, Tatar, Chuvash and other Turkic Bolgar tribes, then you would find that only the ones residing in Bulgaria can not speak a Turkic dialect, but the rest still retains their heritage even they are Christians or Muslims.
                      I don't at all doubt what you say....however there is also a tendency among some Turks to claim just about every once nomadic tribe on earth as having been a Turk - and more. My comment was making light of this. In no way was I trying to disparage your history or that of various Turks - many of whom in all likelyhood have a varied and interesting background such as yourself and other Turks I know. Its quite a shame that Kemal saw no value in these identities and instead attempted to broad brush this definition of who/what is a Turk...(rather sucessfully - though not completely - and this has been at the root of much of the unrest in your nation - the cultural/identity supression...which is directly related to the Armenain Genocide and its denail BTW - all part of the same cloth woven by Ataturk...)

