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  • #41
    When they tryed to reshape the culture of Asia minor they searched (Kemal and his gang)desparatly to fill the void with nonsense.
    "All truth passes through three stages:
    First, it is ridiculed;
    Second, it is violently opposed; and
    Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

    Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


    • #42

      June 26, 2006
      Occupied Byzantium: Denigrating Dervishes Dance on Image of Christ, and the World Yawns

      Russian and western media are ignoring how the Turkish Tourism Board is airing an advertisement where drug-entranced Muslim dervishes dance on an image of Christ taken from a destroyed church, reports, a web-based newspaper in St. Petersburg.

      So far, the offending advertisement has been seen on St. Petersburg's Channel 22, Rambler NBN, and was most likely shown elsewhere in Russia and the world, but the Turks who paid for the advertisement cannot be reached.

      Until the mid 15th century, the Muslim country now referred to as `Turkey' was the Christian Byzantine Empire, one of the most advanced civilizations in the world. After the Muslim conquest, most Christian inhabitants were slaughtered or forced to convert. Thousands of churches were destroyed or converted into mosques. The Turks then launched an invasion of Europe, occupying most of the Balkans for centuries, and carrying out similar destruction and carnage.

      Even though Russia is primarily a Christian Orthodox country, no one objected to the offending advertisement, until finally an Armenian resident of St. Petersburg, Artak Aleksanyan, undertook his own investigation. He hired a lawyer at the prominent firm of Naryshkin and Associates, which made a number of inquiries that revealed the advertisement violates Russian law, specifically Article 152 of the Criminal Code, ``Protection of the Honor and Dignity of Citizens.'' The offending Muslims who made the advertisement can be brought up on criminal charges.

      Still, neither the authorities, nor the broader republic has reacted with demonstrations and righteous anger.

      History has shown that the Turks, as most other Muslim countries, are very adept at destroying and stealing things from the civilizations they've conquered. Bringing something positive into the world has never been a strong point for Muslims.

      People who are educated in history and Islam will find this offending advertisement yet another reminder of the vast destruction that Islam has brought on civilizations throughout the Middle East, Persia, Central Asia, India, and Africa. (Before Islam, these regions used to be the most advanced in the world. After Islam came, it was all downhill.) This history should serve as a warning that our civilization is not immune to falling victim to Islamic invasion, destruction and savagery.

      The reaction to the offending advertisement in St. Petersburg, more specifically the lack of one, should also serve as a reminder that Islam's success in conquest was primarily due to the passivity of the targeted population, and to a lack of will to fend off the invaders.
      General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


      • #43

        June 26, 2006
        Occupied Byzantium: Denigrating Dervishes Dance on Image of Christ, and the World Yawns

        Russian and western media are ignoring how the Turkish Tourism Board is airing an advertisement where drug-entranced Muslim dervishes dance on an image of Christ taken from a destroyed church, reports, a web-based newspaper in St. Petersburg.

        So far, the offending advertisement has been seen on St. Petersburg's Channel 22, Rambler NBN, and was most likely shown elsewhere in Russia and the world, but the Turks who paid for the advertisement cannot be reached.

        Until the mid 15th century, the Muslim country now referred to as `Turkey' was the Christian Byzantine Empire, one of the most advanced civilizations in the world. After the Muslim conquest, most Christian inhabitants were slaughtered or forced to convert. Thousands of churches were destroyed or converted into mosques. The Turks then launched an invasion of Europe, occupying most of the Balkans for centuries, and carrying out similar destruction and carnage.

        Even though Russia is primarily a Christian Orthodox country, no one objected to the offending advertisement, until finally an Armenian resident of St. Petersburg, Artak Aleksanyan, undertook his own investigation. He hired a lawyer at the prominent firm of Naryshkin and Associates, which made a number of inquiries that revealed the advertisement violates Russian law, specifically Article 152 of the Criminal Code, ``Protection of the Honor and Dignity of Citizens.'' The offending Muslims who made the advertisement can be brought up on criminal charges.

        Still, neither the authorities, nor the broader republic has reacted with demonstrations and righteous anger.

        History has shown that the Turks, as most other Muslim countries, are very adept at destroying and stealing things from the civilizations they've conquered. Bringing something positive into the world has never been a strong point for Muslims.

        People who are educated in history and Islam will find this offending advertisement yet another reminder of the vast destruction that Islam has brought on civilizations throughout the Middle East, Persia, Central Asia, India, and Africa. (Before Islam, these regions used to be the most advanced in the world. After Islam came, it was all downhill.) This history should serve as a warning that our civilization is not immune to falling victim to Islamic invasion, destruction and savagery.

        The reaction to the offending advertisement in St. Petersburg, more specifically the lack of one, should also serve as a reminder that Islam's success in conquest was primarily due to the passivity of the targeted population, and to a lack of will to fend off the invaders.
        General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”

