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  • #91
    Originally posted by Jade View Post
    we are subconsciously taught to never openly lash at someone else's opinions...We may question it but never condemn it...I partially agree with you but I do wish you would use a lighter tone because afterall, these decisions and opinions are personal and who are we to condemn them? It's everyone's own private thought/opinion and I suppose we should respect that???
    But some justified condemnation now might save a hell of a lot of trouble later on. Do you think religious organisations would ever give as much consideration to you as you are giving to them?

    Thanks to a lack of training (or condemnation) there are a lot of dogs (or religious bigots) who think it is OK to bark as loudly as they like, defficate whenever and wherever they want, and bite whoever they dislike.
    Plenipotentiary meow!


    • #92
      We all know there are THREE Holly Books; the Torah, the Bible and the Quran. To me it doesn’t matter, I respect three of them because they all talk about the same GOD, about the same commandments … the difference between those three starts when they start talking about their messengers; Moses for Torah, Jesus for Bible and Mohammed for Quran. Each one of those have its own method of obeying the Lord and how to live, etc. its up to human being to see the most convenient method and live by it. For me, I choose Christianity and Bible to live by…

      Our Genocide is not a religion debate and it wasn’t a religion war … unfortunately, Turkish leaders announced it as a religious duty so everyone can follow those mass-killing orders and they can apply their plan of annihilating the Armenians ASAP.

      On the other hand; do you think we didn’t have Muslims on our side? We didn’t have Turks or Kurds on our side of struggle? Whoever is TASHNAG here knows very well a Kurdish hero who fought next to our heroes (known as FEDAYIs) we even have a song written about him (I can’t remember the name)...


      • #93
        Perhaps all this, very interesting discussion, should be moved from this Introduction thread?
        I'm constantly updating my own planned contribution, but work as always intercedes and then you guys have moved on!
        I'll be banging the keyboard later tonight however as my head tells me to agree with B.t.C.


        • #94
          Originally posted by Jade View Post
          I know this post is not directed at me but personally I too feel that religion can be an inhibitor (it has certainly been for Turkey and Iran, just looking at the status of these two countries should make it clear for everyone just how big an inhibitor religion has been for them) and I don't practice it...Yet I cringe when you say things like that 1.5 million...Perhaps because I go to an international school and we are subconsciously taught to never openly lash at someone else's opinions...We may question it but never condemn it...I partially agree with you but I do wish you would use a lighter tone because afterall, these decisions and opinions are personal and who are we to condemn them? It's everyone's own private thought/opinion and I suppose we should respect that???
          Jade - I am sorry - but I am well past using a lighter tone on this matter (of religion) because (and it should be obvious that - or perhaps will be to you as you live and learn more in the world) religion itself is the primary cause of nearly all our major man-made disputes and calamities - and really now - for what? - some ancient words (often poorly) written in some books by a variety of characters - most of whom had some really out there ideas (some good - much not good) and describing all manner of atrocities then attributing them to a supposedly loving deity who in fact come accorss as more maniacle. And the real trouble is that using these books practically anything - any crime or atrocity - can be justifyed - and we aren't supposed to question these beliefs? Look at the inquisition - 400+ years of horror - where people were tortured to confess farciful supernatural crimes - based on only accusation sof others and because they were non-conformists or because someone had a grudge - all in the name of GOD! Likewise - with horrible crimes in recent history - such as our own Genocide and the Holocaust - where religion was used to justify actions and motivate people to do the worst possible deeds against other humans...well it just has to stop. If it doesn't - and look at the jihadists in the Middle East now - and the uncomprimising religious rhetoric used by Bush....I mean it should be quite obvious....

          Also there is the issue of the Armenian Genocide. I never said faith caused this as I saw someone here write - what I claim is that such an event is a clear disproof of the Christian God. How can there be a loving, all knowing, all powerful God who allows some of his most loyal believers to be tortured and destroyed in such a manner? There can be no explanation for such a thing (and I refuse to accept the twisted illogical religious mumbo jumbo spouted that would jutify such actions) - these events - and atrocities such as the Inquisiton and the actions of Spainards in the New World slaughtering Indians - all in the name of God and Christ - are clear proofs that the doctrine of Christianity is a sham and that its believers are dangerous to the rest of us - the same holds true for Muslims - and the same holds true for anyone who claims that their beliefs and the basis for their beliefs are beyond question.


          • #95
            I cannot reply to that...You are right...And I see your point...But don't you think condemning it will only make people cling even harder to their beliefs?


            • #96
              Originally posted by Jade View Post
              I cannot reply to that...You are right...And I see your point...But don't you think condemning it will only make people cling even harder to their beliefs?
              You would rather I egg them on or just ignore them? - say nothing and look the other way? No can do. Unlike you I can see the end of my life in the not too distant future. As one gets older like I am one starts to care less for (many things) - and certainly being concerned what others think of you is one area where you have much more leeway as you age. I have no reason to care if I offend someone. Particularly when I see the dangers. Why keep quiet? Plus I have had this religion thing shoved down my throat at every stage of my life. I'm quite well tired of it.


              • #97
                I see we have a new member - nationalisturk...should the mods save him the time and trouble of attempting to express himself in English (likely a very difficult and taxing undertaking for him) and just ban him now? He will likely stress quite a bit as he attempts to heap invective against Armenians and extole the virtues of Turkish xenophobia...I suggest we just do him a favor....


                • #98
                  Originally posted by 1.5 million View Post
                  I see we have a new member - nationalisturk...should the mods save him the time and trouble of attempting to express himself in English (likely a very difficult and taxing undertaking for him) and just ban him now? He will likely stress quite a bit as he attempts to heap invective against Armenians and extole the virtues of Turkish xenophobia...I suggest we just do him a favor....
                  General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


                  • #99
                    lol, there is a song written just for you Joseph ...

                    smooth operator ....


                    • wait a minute! correct me if I'm mistaken but this guy hasn't even posted anything yet right? You are banning him/her based on their username?! I mean I might be a nationalist (although I really don't think I am) and I've talked to every one of you for the past few months and you can see that I am perfectly civilized...Have I insulted any of you in all the time I've been here? Even when I might have disagreed with you? Why don't you guys give this guy a chance? I really don't understand:S

