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  • Originally posted by lal View Post
    I have similar negative feelings about you. a typical clash starts like this. Even if one side is very much willing to reconcile, if the other side rejects it,then you never can have peace.

    your attitude is normal ,because you are a good christian. You are proud of your 4,000 years of historic past ,roots in Anatolia.the only correct way is christians way.And most logical solution is first to make Turks to confess their crimes and than take the lands back.and best ,to christianize all anatolia since turks are originally anatolians anyway.

    My answer is very simple to you. take your crusaders and attack to islamic ultra nationalist grey wolves of Turkey ,make a war .than your lands will be yours,if you can win.and ı dont give a damn about your wars. when you kill each other actually , you will be cleaning the world from s.hit.

    religon is killing humans brain. it is a virus. I cant debate with you ı have nothing to tell you or learn from you. İf you can get rid off your religon illness some day, then lets talk about humanity.

    You are also not a very intelligent person, talking about good relations of armenians and other muslims today,and comparing it living in a multicultural society of muslims and christians . dont you see all muslim lands usa and eu is full of hate against each other because of religon clashes.

    so long,
    OK, you call me a "good Christian", "xxxx" and "not very intelligent"...I've only corresponded with you for a few are an ornery one.

    Where does this intolerant behavior come from...oh wait, you were raised in Turkey, right?

    I think you owe me an apology. It's not right to insult someone because they disagree with you.


    • Originally posted by Gavur View Post
      Are you serious?
      Because I had relatives in Turkey that were forced to convert to Islam and I also met some Turks that converted to Christianity!
      But what is always a constent is that a believer will never become an atheist.

      you must speak turkish,we have a saying you know,

      iki ucu boklu değnek

      christianity and islam is something like that. first they sound not bad. talking about humanity, help,being good etc. but when you go into deeper ,read the history ,you realise that ,reality of religon is, a human made imperializm, using the most disgusting methods of humans sprituality.

      people who have the power and rich lifes dont give a damn about religon. only poor ,ordinary people hope that they will be blessed in the next world, so this world can be for others.

      you must be able to realise the reasons of problems. you are the one suffered. and we ,the ones living here still suffer. you dont have to be an armenian to suffer, all the different ones are humiliated here.


      • Originally posted by lal View Post
        I have similar negative feelings about you. a typical clash starts like this. Even if one side is very much willing to reconcile, if the other side rejects it,then you never can have peace.

        your attitude is normal ,because you are a good christian. You are proud of your 4,000 years of historic past ,roots in Anatolia.the only correct way is christians way.And most logical solution is first to make Turks to confess their crimes and than take the lands back.and best ,to christianize all anatolia since turks are originally anatolians anyway.

        My answer is very simple to you. take your crusaders and attack to islamic ultra nationalist grey wolves of Turkey ,make a war .than your lands will be yours,if you can win.and ı dont give a damn about your wars. when you kill each other actually , you will be cleaning the world from s.hit.

        religon is killing humans brain. it is a virus. I cant debate with you ı have nothing to tell you or learn from you. İf you can get rid off your religon illness some day, then lets talk about humanity.

        You are also not a very intelligent person, talking about good relations of armenians and other muslims today,and comparing it living in a multicultural society of muslims and christians . dont you see all muslim lands usa and eu is full of hate against each other because of religon clashes.

        so long,
        Don't you think you are being a sort of an atheist missionary here. and btw all you do is talk but you don't listen (I'm sure you been told that before)
        "All truth passes through three stages:
        First, it is ridiculed;
        Second, it is violently opposed; and
        Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

        Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


        • Originally posted by crusader1492 View Post
          I see you are as dramatic as usual (isn't it this type of behavior that got you banned on the AC forum)?

          Anyway...regardless of the fact that the land in eastern Turkey is sparsely populated and could be handed over at anytime without "driving people off", I was asking the question in a rhetorical way to further fantasies here.

          Also, it would be nice if you let Lal speak for herself before adding your usual snide comments.
          At least be honest. There was nothing rhetorical in your words, and you are not interested in furthering dialogue.
          Plenipotentiary meow!


          • Originally posted by crusader1492 View Post
            OK, you call me a "good Christian", "xxxx" and "not very intelligent"...I've only corresponded with you for a few are an ornery one.

            Where does this intolerant behavior come from...oh wait, you were raised in Turkey, right?

            I think you owe me an apology. It's not right to insult someone because they disagree with you.
            Brother the intolarance comes from (btw every people from M.east has these desease including some of our own) having being oppressed tatooed in their genes, so the oppressed becomes the opressor given the chance.That is the desease and has no cure unless you are aware of it and take steps .
            "All truth passes through three stages:
            First, it is ridiculed;
            Second, it is violently opposed; and
            Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

            Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


            • Originally posted by Gavur View Post
              I stand by what I said .
              So you don't think most people in Turkey deny the Armenian genocide happened, and you don't think most people in Turkey believe that what actually happened was just an "tragic" and unintentional result of wartime conditions?
              Plenipotentiary meow!


              • Originally posted by lal View Post
                you must speak turkish,we have a saying you know,

                iki ucu boklu değnek

                people who have the power and rich lifes dont give a damn about religon. only poor ,ordinary people hope that they will be blessed in the next world, so this world can be for others.
                Every one is absolutely equal at least in one place, their deathbed!
                "All truth passes through three stages:
                First, it is ridiculed;
                Second, it is violently opposed; and
                Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

                Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


                • Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
                  So you don't think most people in Turkey deny the Armenian genocide happened, and you don't think most people in Turkey believe that what actually happened was just an "tragic" and unintentional result of wartime conditions?
                  She said no one believes it was a Genocide and that is not true at all!there are millions that believe it happened to the Armenians and it was done by the state.
                  "All truth passes through three stages:
                  First, it is ridiculed;
                  Second, it is violently opposed; and
                  Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

                  Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


                  • Originally posted by lal View Post
                    I have similar negative feelings about you. a typical clash starts like this. Even if one side is very much willing to reconcile, if the other side rejects it,then you never can have peace.

                    your attitude is normal ,because you are a good christian. You are proud of your 4,000 years of historic past ,roots in Anatolia.the only correct way is christians way.And most logical solution is first to make Turks to confess their crimes and than take the lands back.and best ,to christianize all anatolia since turks are originally anatolians anyway.

                    My answer is very simple to you. take your crusaders and attack to islamic ultra nationalist grey wolves of Turkey ,make a war .than your lands will be yours,if you can win.and ı dont give a damn about your wars. when you kill each other actually , you will be cleaning the world from s.hit.

                    religon is killing humans brain. it is a virus. I cant debate with you ı have nothing to tell you or learn from you. İf you can get rid off your religon illness some day, then lets talk about humanity.

                    You are also not a very intelligent person, talking about good relations of armenians and other muslims today,and comparing it living in a multicultural society of muslims and christians . dont you see all muslim lands usa and eu is full of hate against each other because of religon clashes.

                    so long,
                    Honestly, lal, I think you are making a bit too much of the religious aspect where it concerns Christianity. Given that the Armenian Church is a national church, it has never been very interested in prothlesysing beyond oppressing its orthodoxy onto other Armenians. In fact, the only religion in Europe and the Middle east that is currently actively expanding its range, and influence, and oppression, is Islam.
                    Plenipotentiary meow!


                    • Originally posted by Gavur View Post
                      She said no one believes it was a Genocide and that is not true at all!there are millions that believe it happened to the Armenians and it was done by the state.
                      She said, quote "everyone in Turkey".
                      Plenipotentiary meow!

