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Coming to terms with the events of 1915

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  • #41
    As a "theoretical experiment", maybe hoping to cause some mind exercise, based on Ottoman and Turkish Republic census figures, i calculated what Turkey's population composition would be if an ethnical cleansing didnot happen since 1908:

    Total: 90.6 (millions)

    Turk: 53.6 (59.1 %)
    Greek: 9.1
    Armenian: 8.7
    Kurd: 8.7
    Arab: 3.5
    Caucasian*: 2.0
    Balcan**: 2.0
    Assyrian and Ezidis: 2.0
    Jews: 1.0

    *: All Caucasia oroginated ethnicities
    **: All Balcans based ethnicities


    • #42
      dear children,although we humans cant really know what is humans mission in this world and the secrets of universe,it may be a good thing to believe a creator,and after life and the judgment day, for our mental strength.but ı advise you not to follow naturally what your parents belong to. ı advice all of you to learn about buddizm also.
      I have. I just don't see why your so keen on making all of us Buddhists. I would like to know what you understood though and especially which line of Budhism you particularily like.

      it may be okay to believe in allah or god and pray towards the space.but it may be not okay to believe in abrahamic religons,islam and christianity and judaizm, since these three are very imperialist and discrimative ideologies.
      Am I the only one hearing this ? Lal Jan, I told you more then once that it's not a religions fault that it's followers do wrong things. You talk of religion but you don't seem to know about any of them properly. Sorry. You think in Buddhism there aren't wrong followers? You'd be surprised. And just in case, I could give you a religious book to study as well, a book that explains a lot but religion is not the case here. I feel great believing in Christ, in going to church, in following his words. I'm not a fanatic though saying all besides Christians are hell spawns. I respect all religions and don't do something because someone told me to.

      ı want you all to think that if you didnt have a race ,like turkish or armenian, and if you didnt have a religon like islam and christianity, what would cause you to fight with each other.
      The minds of stupid leaders! Religion is not what drove men to murder each other. That was just a small (minute) reason to make their actions seem reasonable. You don't seem to understand what the words "Make religions suitable for themselves" imply.

      minister of education of peaceful federal republic of anatolia.

      Dear Minister, please answer my other posts . I answered most of your current questions there.


      • #43
        Originally posted by Saco View Post
        I told you more then once that it's not a religions fault that it's followers do wrong things. You talk of religion but you don't seem to know about any of them properly. Sorry. You think in Buddhism there aren't wrong followers? You'd be surprised. And just in case, I could give you a religious book to study as well, a book that explains a lot but religion is not the case here. I feel great believing in Christ, in going to church, in following his words. I'm not a fanatic though saying all besides Christians are hell spawns. I respect all religions and don't do something because someone told me to.

        The minds of stupid leaders! Religion is not what drove men to murder each other. That was just a small (minute) reason to make their actions seem reasonable. You don't seem to understand what the words "Make religions suitable for themselves" imply.
        A butcher will talk about the low-quality of rival butcher's stock, but he will never tell customers to eat less meat.
        Plenipotentiary meow!


        • #44
          Originally posted by ardakilic View Post
          Oh thank you, i am getting old i think. A sign for demens...
          not really, how old are you any way?
          I have been there... I have seen ruins of St. Karapet!


          • #45
            Originally posted by VaheTheGreat(e) View Post
            not really, how old are you any way?
            26... Just kidding for demens.


            • #46
              A butcher will talk about the low-quality of rival butcher's stock, but he will never tell customers to eat less meat.
              I'm saying this just once Bell, hope you get my point. I find it sometimes difficult talking to you, sorry if that sounds bad. I wasn't saying that all the religions in history have ALL been perfect and the followers just suddenly screwed up. I'm saying 90% comes from the followers. I also said that I have seen so many great followers of many different religions, more then I can count, and many awkward followers as well. The interesting fact is that they all read the same book. Why is it then that different followers get a different idea of what they should and shouldn't do? Plus, a lot has been altered which no one seems to want to really look at as a real cause for many of the problems we face today. There are religions that ask followers to not do very simple things, not asking for much, but people still don't follow those simple rules so what makes you think that the religions are always wrong? Religions are being made suitable for the followers not the other way around today. Don't underestimate what men when have done to religion and themselves, not to speak of how they seemed to translate the word "peace" into "war", literally.

              You underestimate religion, what it can do, and what it does and just like every other aspect of this world, it has side effects. That, 95% of the time, if not 100% of the time depends on the followers. I have to agree though that the Muslim culture has done a lot to this world and there are still many question marks in my head regarding many of their rules and regulations. I would be simply stupid to disagree. I have felt myself what good and bad Muslims are like and many actions appaul me. That's why, when I talk of religion, I usually don't dwell into Islam a lot because it has a lot that is hard to understand or is completely un-understandable. Still, I don't hate anyone and I try to see the good in everything, which there is, don't doubt that for a second, although I judge anything and everything equally. There is a lot to work on and there are many problems but still, religion isn't the one to blame 90% of the time just like you can't blame a school because it has bad behaving children. A lot comes from the environment, the people, the followers, what they feel etc. Hope you got my point.

