Re: What should Turkey be proud of?
I dont have the time for a long winded responce like yours may but lets honestly discuss your points and for all our sakes please lets keep it short sweet and simple.
Seljuk architecture is worth seeing and visiting.
You gotta be kinnding right? Honestly how many tourists come there to just see seljuk architecture?If thats what your tourism industry was based on it simply would't exist and you know it.
Turkey's secular stance has a long way before flushed. I have worries as well, tough.
You should have worries as do i.The last think i want is a even more fanatic turkey.
Ottoman Empire, when its mighty arm was maybe the mightiest in its history, opened her gates to Sephardic xxxs who were about go extinct at the hands of fellow christian kings. Not much changed after the mighty arm weakened, and Turkey was the ONLY country in Europe that had guts to accept xxxish people escaping from Holocaust. A courage to be proud of, huh?
By the way, "so many" is how many?
Funny how turcks choose so conveniently to ignore their ottoman history when it suites them then all of a sudden embrace it when they see something they like.You cant have it both ways sorry.Funny you mention the xxxs that is a real good one lets go to turckey now and see how they safe and comfortable they are feeling.
Please let me know a country that did not try to expand in history, or expanded it via peaceful talks with the neighbours. Or is it also clearly documented and everybody knows that only Turks expanded in the history and they were the only one that used sword to do it?
Military wars have been fought a long time and that is how countries expand but when russia beat germany in ww2 despite all the people the germans killed it didn't try to kill every last german and try to eradicate all aspects of its history.Even when the germans occupied russia they had a rule if u resist we will kick your ass but if u submit we will spare you and leave you alone.Even towns that resisted were not slaughtered, it was nothing like what the turcks did to us.My grandmother lived through both wars she saw what the turcks did she was there in eastern turckey and she saw what the germans did she was in a german occupied russian city during ww2.Even when swinging the sword there is humanity to it unless it is a turckish sword.
Poet: Nazim Hikmet
Writer: Orhan Pamuk
Painter: Abidin Dino
Musician: Erkan Ogur
Mathematician: Cahit Arf
Chemistry/Biology: Oktay Sinanoğlu
Medicine: Hulusi Behçet
Pamuk basicly wrote exactly what i just said that turcks commited genocide and that turkish history is written with the blood of the people who lived there before the turcks what a good way to prove me right. As for the others all i have to say is they are so well known that i have never heard of them.I am sure no hlusi manuver exists,never heard of the oktay flask,nor have i heard the ogur symphony, never heard of the cafit mathametical formula,maybe dino painted the flinstone cartoons?where is the nazim haicoo?
At your service, Haykakan, non-existence that has been reported, well documented, whispered from ear to ear, has been disproved with first and easiest examples that come to my mind in, say, 15 minutes. Disproving a nonsense/prejudice is way more easy than you can think of.
You need to do way better then this. Seriously man i mentioned a 6th grader can prove me right and your wrong i guess i overestimated you im gona go with a fourth grader and cross my fingers.
I dont have the time for a long winded responce like yours may but lets honestly discuss your points and for all our sakes please lets keep it short sweet and simple.
Seljuk architecture is worth seeing and visiting.
You gotta be kinnding right? Honestly how many tourists come there to just see seljuk architecture?If thats what your tourism industry was based on it simply would't exist and you know it.
Turkey's secular stance has a long way before flushed. I have worries as well, tough.
You should have worries as do i.The last think i want is a even more fanatic turkey.
Ottoman Empire, when its mighty arm was maybe the mightiest in its history, opened her gates to Sephardic xxxs who were about go extinct at the hands of fellow christian kings. Not much changed after the mighty arm weakened, and Turkey was the ONLY country in Europe that had guts to accept xxxish people escaping from Holocaust. A courage to be proud of, huh?
By the way, "so many" is how many?
Funny how turcks choose so conveniently to ignore their ottoman history when it suites them then all of a sudden embrace it when they see something they like.You cant have it both ways sorry.Funny you mention the xxxs that is a real good one lets go to turckey now and see how they safe and comfortable they are feeling.
Please let me know a country that did not try to expand in history, or expanded it via peaceful talks with the neighbours. Or is it also clearly documented and everybody knows that only Turks expanded in the history and they were the only one that used sword to do it?
Military wars have been fought a long time and that is how countries expand but when russia beat germany in ww2 despite all the people the germans killed it didn't try to kill every last german and try to eradicate all aspects of its history.Even when the germans occupied russia they had a rule if u resist we will kick your ass but if u submit we will spare you and leave you alone.Even towns that resisted were not slaughtered, it was nothing like what the turcks did to us.My grandmother lived through both wars she saw what the turcks did she was there in eastern turckey and she saw what the germans did she was in a german occupied russian city during ww2.Even when swinging the sword there is humanity to it unless it is a turckish sword.
Poet: Nazim Hikmet
Writer: Orhan Pamuk
Painter: Abidin Dino
Musician: Erkan Ogur
Mathematician: Cahit Arf
Chemistry/Biology: Oktay Sinanoğlu
Medicine: Hulusi Behçet
Pamuk basicly wrote exactly what i just said that turcks commited genocide and that turkish history is written with the blood of the people who lived there before the turcks what a good way to prove me right. As for the others all i have to say is they are so well known that i have never heard of them.I am sure no hlusi manuver exists,never heard of the oktay flask,nor have i heard the ogur symphony, never heard of the cafit mathametical formula,maybe dino painted the flinstone cartoons?where is the nazim haicoo?
At your service, Haykakan, non-existence that has been reported, well documented, whispered from ear to ear, has been disproved with first and easiest examples that come to my mind in, say, 15 minutes. Disproving a nonsense/prejudice is way more easy than you can think of.
You need to do way better then this. Seriously man i mentioned a 6th grader can prove me right and your wrong i guess i overestimated you im gona go with a fourth grader and cross my fingers.