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  • Re: Genocide

    Crimson Glow you are most certainly glowing. Very well put on all accounts, all your justified answers. I got tired of answering the last time when he tells me that I should be happy that I got a country now that I never had before. Where is this coming from? We were a nationality for over 6,000 years. We are older than the Chinese nationality who have been on this earth for 5,500 years. We had great kingdoms, culture, armies and an empire. All the lands that today they call it turkey was part Greece and the other part was Armenia. All of today's western turkey was Greece and all of today's eastern turkey was Armenia. We had "Poker Hayk" which was toward the northern middle of today's so called "anatolia" and we had "Partser Hayk" which was the whole eastern lands of today's so called "anatolia". Then below sections of Mesopotamia was Aramaic lands. And this young turk comes along supposedly is not denying the Armenian Genocide and tells me that I should be happy with the smidgen midget of the Armenian lands that we have it today, when after for almost a thousand years the seljuk turks came from Mongolia and bit by bit massacred, loot, stole and raped our people then committed the first Genocide of the 20th century to take over all our lands and sit on it as they have done it. And that's not enough, after the Genocide the turkish government made animal shelters of our Churches and Monasteries. They demolished our Khachkars and any ancient Armenian monuments that they found so that to conceal the fact that those lands once belonged to the Armenians. Exactly the same way that the "azeri" tatar soldiers did in Julfa Nakhichevan less than 2 years ago by demolishing 3,000 ancient Armenian Khachkars on broad daylight. Those 13th and 14th century Armenian Khachkars monuments not only belonged to Armenians but it belonged to the world as beautiful culture from the middle ages created by Armenians (every one of those Khachkars tells a story of the deceased families and what happened to them). But those "azeri" pogrom soldiers same as the turks wanted to demolish any and all monuments from our anscestral lands so that as if the world would not know that Armenians once lived there. How much more barbaric can you get?
    Last edited by Anoush; 08-20-2009, 04:36 PM.


    • Re: Genocide

      Originally posted by Pazooki View Post
      So you accept the fact that 1.5 Million Armenians were back stabbed by your country and lead astray into the desert and massacred?

      Oh and what I said in Armenian I told Crimson Glow Good job.
      Yes I do accept that.But you also know the leaders that are very crappy at the end of Ottoman Empire..


      • Re: Genocide

        Originally posted by jgk3 View Post
        And what were the demographics before 1890?

        We all know you did a nice, very thoroughly conducted house cleaning that resulted in a that whopping majority of 78 million (alleged) Turks.
        1890 was the time when Turks were in Anatolia but before we there were Romans,Persians and such..And if you dont believe the numbers do a research about them..


        • Re: Genocide

          Originally posted by Crimson Glow View Post
          If you are this unfamiliar with the AG, isn't it possible you are equally ignorant about the rest of your country's history? What is often referred to as the Armenian genocide was in fact more accurately the Anatolian Christian genocide. Armenians suffered the worst only because they were the largest minority inside the Ottoman Empire. However, Greeks, Assyrians, Lebanese, etc. all suffered immense losses as well due to being Christian minorities in a period where the fascist idea of Islamic pan-Turkism was at its peak.

          Pay special attention to the fact that I said Islamic pan-Turkism. It wasn't good enough to just be a Muslim. You had to be a Turk, as well. You need only look at the Kurds, who have been horribly treated for decades, to realize the truth behind this, and understand what pan-Turkism means. Just as Armenians were once seen as the biggest threat to the Turks due to being the largest minority, and therefore, received the brunt force of Turkey's fury, the Kurds now fill our shoes as the biggest minority/threat, and are being dealt with brutally.

          Where are you getting this from? There were Armenian empires and states long before Turks even existed, let alone migrated to Anatolia.

          First of all, we aren't interested in living under Turkish occupation again. We're talking about Turkey giving back what is rightfully Armenian lands, not sharing, or living together within a nation that already slaughtered 3/4 of our people the first time we tried this.

          Secondly, this time you will treat us better because there are already 50k Armenians living in Turkey? Are you kidding me?? There were 2.4 million Armenians in Turkey during most of the Ottoman reign, and that number didn't drastically drop because we were treated well. Even today, everyday, somewhere in your country, ancient Armenian history is being demolished, altered or rebadged as Turkish. Ever since it was established, your nation has been working hard to erase any trace of Armenian history and inhabitance from the historic Armenian lands it violently took, and you think Turks will allow Armenians to live in peace in Western Armenia today? Not without international intervention, and redrawing of boarders.

          Also, your government is ALREADY helping Azerbaijan. The Azeris are seen as very close relatives of Turkey, thus why they placed a blockade on Armenia over the Nagarno-Kharabakh issue. If you don't think they'd jump to the aid of Azerbaijan at the drop of a hat, you know absolutely nothing about your country. The last thing they want to see is Armenia expanding, or strengthening, especially by taking away Turkic land.

          Lastly, granted Azerbaijan is a small, powerless country which Armenians could EASILY take if they wanted, the world is NOT behind Armenia. We have maybe the Russians, and that's about it. Otherwise, because they are a Turkic people, it is the Azeris that have the support of the US, Israel, Britain, etc, and of course, Turkey. It is not Azerbaijan that worries us. It's everybody else who would stand behind THEM that would be the issue.

          No, there are NOT "much non-Turkish historians that doesn't accept genocide". There are VERY, VERY few as I stated before, and the vast majority of those few are Zionists, and Turkish sympathizers like Justin McCarthy (served in the Peace Corps in Turkey, from 1967-1969, taught at Middle East Technical University AND Ankara University, and received an honorary doctorate from Boğaziçi University). The number of non-biased, non-Turkish historians who state that what happened in 1915 wasn't a genocide is almost non-existent. Stop reading unsubstantiated statements from Turkish propaganda websites.

          As for those links, I'm the one who created those threads (Anomalous). Even on an SOAD fan site, we have Turks coming in to tell people "we no make a genocide. ermeni is lie. dont spread such lies". Unfortunately, once in a while, Turks have the misfortune of running into someone like me, who can hand them (and people MUCH smarter than them/the people they copy/paste, or get their info from) their asses.

          BTW, I very highly doubt SOAD will ever play in Turkey. The were planning to a few years ago, and canceled the show because the government told them they can't "guarantee your security".

          No? What do you call this?

          And that's all JUST IN YOUR FIRST POST!!! I can show you dozens more examples. If you want to know why Armenians are hostile towards Turks, it's because we have dealt with Turks like you over and over again. Every single part of what I quoted is wrong. Everything else you wrote about in that first post is wrong on other levels (Turkey being a peaceful nation, Turkey wanting to be friends with Armenia, etc). You have NO idea how silly the things you claim sound to people who are educated about these subjects (not just Armenians). For example, do you really think a group of Mongols (Seljuk Turks) migrated from Asia all the way to Anatolia, and PEACEFULLY took the lands of the indeginous inhabitants? All these people that had been there for thousands of years just said "oh, hey new guy who isn't native here. What's that? Oh, you want our 1000s of years old ancestral lands? SURE! Come on over, we'll just become Turkish citizens!" Does that sound realistic, or make sense to you by any stretch of the imagination?

          You also claimed that Turks don't hate Armenians. What are you basing this on? The fact that a handful of people showed up to protest Hrant Dink's death? Did you see the photographs of the murderer? The police gave him a Turkish flag, and posed for pictures with him before arresting him. They were celebrating the fact that he murdered Hrant. Also, pull up ANY non-genocide related Armenian video on YouTube, and look at the comments. These are videos that have absolutely NOTHING to do with the Turks, so there's no reason for Turks to watch them, or comment on them. This means Turks are purposely looking for these videos on YouTube. Read the comments on those videos, and all you'll see from Turks is "ermeni steal this music/dance/food from Turkey", "armenian are theif they take turkish land", "we fuk your grandmothers and we going to do again".

          Don't speak for your fellow countrymen. You don't have the first clue about what is going on in your country right NOW, let alone the history of Anatolia, or your country. By your own admission, you didn't even know that something happened to the Armenians till recently (when you started listening to SOAD), or that anyone hated you, so you admit that this is all brand new to you. Yet you come here to tell people "the truth"? You come here and rant about how wrong we are about everything? Can you not see why that would make people angry?
          You didnt count the fact that Kurds are ignorant and have no contact with technology..And they are 11 million but Turks are way larger community than they are..And if you havent seen there are studies to better treatment to Kurds..And for the last time if our people slaughtered you many years ago it doesnt mean we are going to do the same..They were different people than we are..And this is not Ottoman Empire..This is Turkey..People arent same,ideas arent same,leaders arent same..Now we are equal to everyone..Like a Kurd who can vote,go to schools,work for the government..We closed our borders because if you are taking your lands back from Azerbaijan you would want your lands back from Turkey...In little things our government would help Azerbaijan but in war..Dont think so..For SOAD's chance to play at Turkey..I think that will happen because of great sells of CDs..For my first post I was trying to learn about genocide and I didnt know anything after all proofs you showed me I have agreed with you..Dont expect that much memory from me..And Turkey IS a peaceful nation if you want to make peace with us..Mongols are not completely our ancestors and they have attacked us too.(Cengiz Han)And if there was some ignorant police officers and some villagers holding a sign that says Armenians cant get in that doesnt mean we are all like that.I listened SOAD and I did a research about it then i came here and posted..And let me know a little better than you about my countrymen..If we were all that ignorant and hateful we would've attack you for saying there were a genocide..Dont make us into stereotypes..And with all do respect you wont get a part of Turkey..


          • Re: Genocide

            Originally posted by Pedro Xaramillo View Post
            Okay humour me here, how is China's actions Genocide, please tell me I would love to hear this? How is the death of below 200 people, of which most were

            Please show me evidence of this fangled mass Armenian movement against Turks in freaking Bosnia, for God's sake at least base your opinions on solid facts that can be proven before making fallacious arguments, and when people disagree call it hate, it is not helping your case at all but actually making you seem quite foolish, again debate properly then people will award you more respect.

            So far all we have seen from you is that you are an apologist for the Turkish Government, deny the Genocide and claim Armenians hate Turks, whereas let me show what Turkish tolerance means towards Armenians :

            Tolerant huh?

            Now if this is Turks being friendly I wonder what you look like when pissed, maybe Genocidal?
            God damnit for the last and very last time I agree there was a genocide OK?And dont make us into freaking stereotypes if some ignorant villagers showed some idiotic panes...And China government was killing Turkish people and nothing but Turkish people..That was the beginning of a small Genocide until we put a stop to it..


            • Re: Genocide

              Originally posted by UrMistake View Post
              Do u think i were talking about all the turkey!
              No,majority of ethnic turks now days are about 50 million and in that particular piece of land are very few populated and the majority are Kurds.So if u make the numbers and find the population of other minoritys in the region under Sevres threat in Wilsonian Armenia that will make about 8-9 million people all will be of different groups.
              So to be a part of Armenia is still very realistic picture.
              Kurds are majority in East Anatolia.So what?They cant do anything..All they can do is to vote for DTP who wants to create Kurdistan..And all DTP got is %2 that proves that even Kurd people accepted the fact that they are Turkish citizens and there are studies to make Kurdish more comfortable like:Kurdish maps,Kurdish channels..


              • Re: Genocide

                Alpixoid ur country is the most expansionist and aggressive ,if there is danger for war then it comes from turkey and azer/jan,cause if your neighbours think like u then they got all the provocations to declare war.
                Last edited by UrMistake; 08-21-2009, 05:07 AM.


                • Re: Genocide

                  Originally posted by alpixoid View Post
                  ..And for the last time if our people slaughtered you many years ago it doesnt mean we are going to do the same..
                  Oh really? It is a known fact that the LAST PHASE OF GENOCIDE is denial.

                  ..And with all do respect you wont get a part of Turkey..
                  Your so called country turkey purposely and systematically killed and uprooted 3 Million civilian Armenians from their millenian anscestral lands, your great grandparents looted, raped, killed in a most unbelievably barbaric fashion our anscesters, then they confiscated and sat on our valuables, houses and lands; and after all that we will not get back anything? We are the heirs of those barbarically slaughtered martyrs. Your country rightfully owe it to us our lands back!

                  We shall see about that turk!


                  • Re: Genocide

                    You wanna know something funny alpixoid, if you were German and the Armenians in question were instead xxxish, you'd for your words be prosecuted for a hate crime by Holocaust denial, yet if you lot do that to Armenians its considered peachy. Tell me the fairness there.

                    Stereotypes, laddie Hrant was stabbed in the city, not in some rural countryside, what about like Mehmet Ali Agha who came from Central Turkey and conductedd operations in major Turkish cities for the xxxkurtlar?

                    If you are unwilling to give up land, financial compensation is at least a start that you can do, what about Armenian money in Ottoman banks of which records have been erased, family heirlooms, houses, all this was stolen by Turks, surely if you expect friendship an offering of peace is neccessary.

                    See how quick ye are to directly lie and deny that there are many in Turkey with this attitude regarding my pic that I linked.

                    You still haven't explained all these Armenians who supposedly fought en masse against Turks and Ottomans


                    • Re: Genocide

                      Lav, the guy recognizes the Genocide. Close the thread for it started to lead to side conversations and arguments.

