Originally posted by jgk3
OK, my main concern is this Ataturk. My initial reaction when the entire peoples worship a single person like a god and put all their blessings on his shoulders, is that either this man is a dictator and a tirant who has created an entire institution of lies glorifying him or the system of government has done so in oder to direct the people's attention away from the reality of corruption and greed. You saw this in Soviet Union, where people were brainwashed into believing that Lenin was a demigod, the immortal father who was the cause of all good. Thus Soviets would never believe and willingly conceed that Russians had committed a Genocide of Ukrainians or that the whole system was incredibly corrupt and evil. The same you have in Turkey, where the people are either sheep who know absolutely nothing of truth and don't really care, or people who know very well but are downright evil scum who say under their breath that Armenians deserved it (that includes the massacres, rape and pillage and of couse the horrific deportations).
So, Ataturk modernized Turkey. With what incredible riches did he achieve this feat at the time when the country was dirt poor and just coming out war? The answer is the riches and wealth that the criminal regime stole and robbed from a million and half of OUR people. So to admire this scum makes absolutely no sense to me.
Then, you say let's listen to his side of the story. I say we have and we have a lot. It's absolutely the same story we've heard thousands of times before. To "want to know the truth" and not know it yet after so much has been written and so much discussed is simply impossible. It's obvious that rather than hearing what we're saying, the turks that come here want to make us hear what they're saying, which is the same droll that Armenians backstabbed Turks and then Turks had to "pacify" us. Maybe then some will conceed that "Yes, many Armenians died and that's tragic". But, since Armenians stood up to the defense of their people against the barbaric way they were treated since before Hamidian Massacres, Turks are excused by drawing the civil war/self-defense card. It's an extremely simple argument, which they have been using since forever. So, I honestly don't know what loveata could tell us that is new and enlightening.
Finally I totally agree that noone expects Turks to give back the land willingly. Germans wouldn't have made reparations, if the Allies hadn't forced them. The same must hold with the Turks. They must either be forced militarily (yes through war where we destroy their armies and take back our land) or politically (and luckily we're doing better on this front). I also agree that right now, at least militarily we're nowhere near ready to take back our lands. But, my hope is that the desire to do so will not die ever, so that one day when the tide has turned we can be victorious. As far as politically, I also agree that things don't look too favorably for us, due to as you said the need of world nations to keep the peaceand stability, except in cases when chaos plays into their hands, and Turkey's geopolitical allignment in the world of politics that is very favorable to US and Israel.
I didn't mean to be harsh or arrogant. You're an Armenian and thus a brother. But some of your points were troublesome to me.