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Opinions of a Turk, or two (hi from Turkey)

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  • Originally posted by cemil
    My estimation inside kemalism concept is, probably when there were 1.000.000 armenians, there were 1000 churchs; when there is 50.000 armenians churchs will be reduced in the same ratio.

    If there is another reason, its probably because of anti-kemalist, anti-republican government of today. Which tries to apply imperialst EU aims on the country.
    There were actually between 2500 to 3000 churches. Does that mean you think the Armenian population of Turkey was once 2.5 million?
    Plenipotentiary meow!


    • List of Turkish-paid "Historians" -

      Next, let us examine the background of these 69 - "the majority of American
      academic experts on the late Ottoman history".

      All of the signatories of the ad have at some time studied, taught or written
      about some aspects of Turkey -- history, anthropology, linguistics, literature,
      political science, or folklore.-
      Dear Armenian friend,i have read your posting.Please let me to make some comments on...

      "They studied,taught or.... about Turkey." I could not see any wrong thing here.Did they sign someting about American Civil War irrelevant to their studies? They had to be politician or parliamentarian or artist?

      But an analysis of their areas of expertise reveals a striking fact:
      of the 69 signatories, only 8 are concerned solely with the 20th Century, the
      period encompassing the Armenian genocide. Another 10 are scholars of the 19th
      and 20th Century. Put together, only 26% of the signatories are scholars on
      the broad subject of pre-republican Turkish history during the 19th and 20th
      Dear Winnoman,i think you are touching the crux of the all problem;Now,the issue is being dealt with by irrelevant people not even historians having particular expertise for the period,but statesmen ,politicians,parliamentarians...

      Here,you criticize the case of not being historians on the specific term.I am sure that you are questioning genocide claims of irrelevant people to the specific term! For example,what dou you think about Hitler,Churchil,L. George,Morgenhtau .....? These were not even historians...

      A significant number of the "scholars" have received fellowships and/or grants
      from pro-Turkish organizations to conduct their research.
      Dear Winnoman,is taking grant/fellowship an evidence in order to claim ; "this is an "ad" or "lie" ?

      If your reply is to be "yes".... then, lets we examine pro-armenian historians' backround....

      After the publication of the "ad",....
      Please let me continue...

      Ok.This can be an ad or sincere opinions.But,the reality is that all historians were intimidated,threatened afterwards... only a handful of them dared to resist... the result for them has been the end of his careers because of Armenian loby in America.

      My personal view:

      Now,Turkey proposes of an international comission of historians from all over the world.But,Armenian government turns a blind eye to this...Why?

      They prefer leaving the issue to "parliaments" ... !


      • I only know , before WW1 number of armenian member of parliaments was 14.

        the rule was 1 member for 100.000 people. so in our resources ,estimated armenian population is between 1.3-1.4 million.

        I have no knowladge about churches.


        • Victor Hugo once said that "the murder of a man in Europe is a crime and is punished by the capital punishment of the murderer: Whereas the massacre of thousands of Christians by Turks in the East is only an 'event' and none of the murderers is punished in any way."

          And the famous French politician and historian Louis Adolphe Theirs said regarding the Sick man of Europe, "The sick man will die soon, but its corpse will stink up all of Europe for 50 years to come".
          Achkerov kute.


          • Originally posted by cemil
            I have no knowladge about churches.

            Well, you were the one that mentioned churches.
            Plenipotentiary meow!


            • no one whispered to us "this may be a genocide" I SAID! we have always had ONE STORY and only ONE STORY! but for the turks, stories change with time...

              if you are such great muslims then why do you let the US come and put their weapons in your country? why are you helping the US kill more muslims...???

              it is YOU who is hear talking to us... we are not in your forum... we are not trying to convince you... YOU DECIDED to come to a forum called "ARMENIANCLUB" and you decided to post your rehtoric... this forum isnt called the turkishclub... DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM SAYING? CAN YOU READ ENGLISH?

              YOU are after us... we ARE NOT! after you...


              we do not have lobbyists that make politics... the armenians have a total population all over the world of about 5 million... you keep fighting us, but you cant fight us we hold the truth, we are the bearers of the TRUTH! and thats why you are here in this forum, and thats why your people make up their own versions of history, and thats why you will always be known as tyrants...

              it is in GERMANY of all places where they know why HITLER thought no one would care about the holocuats... he did say "Who today remembers the extermination of the Armenians?"

              WE DO! the whole world does, MUSEUMS (NONE AREMANIAN) filled with FACTS about the genocide...

              tkem yeresit trki vastak
              Last edited by nunechka; 05-10-2005, 04:09 PM.


              • and i see these great advertisments about "visiting" turkey... well, its nice of you to advertise for your country but DONT PUT the OLDEST standing building which has ARMENIAN LETTERS INSCRIBED on it [americans cant read it since it is in ARMENIAN] (usually were we performed out Mataghner) and say its ancient turkey?

                the words ancient and turkey cannot go together considering that turks only have a history of about ~800+ years... ARMENIANS! on the other hand have a history of MORE THEN 3,000 YEARS!

                and the words CHURCHES and turks dont go together?

                lets see -
                visitor: hey turks how did you get so MANY churches in your country? and why are you breaking them down?
                turk: umm ancient turks were christians, ancient turks, ancient turks,,, i dont know... ok? are you armenian? you will never leave turky if you are...

                and why do you have rules for armenian in turkey right now? about how they cannot leave the country with their wealth? if an armenian perosn wants to move out they cannot take their money with them... and if an armenian person starts to take a lot of moeny out of the banks the turksih government watch over them like HAWKS and they will have a visitor from the militia? WHY? WHY? WHY IS THE TURKISH GOVERNMENT STILL MISTREATING ITS ARMENIAN POPULATION?! WHY?!!!

                answer these questions - this isnt even about a genocide...


                • Originally posted by cemil
                  I have no knowladge about churches.
                  I can think of another thing of which you have no knowladge.


                  • Originally posted by Red Brigade
                    .No Armenian ever lived happy under the Ottoman tyrany.I know that you are afraid of us.You are afraid because your end is coming..
                    you dont know anything about reals.ARmenians was Millet-i sadıka(loyal community)you were happy because armenians were like a Turkish citizen.they were deputy in Ottoman assembly.

                    and Turkey is there and Turkey will be there also in doomsday dont worry.we can beat all world again if they attack us and we can get all Asia,Europe and Africa Again like Ottomans.all world need to peace like İn Ottoman centurys


                    • Originally posted by nuneckhs
                      and why do you have rules for armenian in turkey right now? about how they cannot leave the country with their wealth? if an armenian perosn wants to move out they cannot take their money with them... and if an armenian person starts to take a lot of moeny out of the banks the turksih government watch over them like HAWKS and they will have a visitor from the militia? WHY? WHY? WHY IS THE TURKISH GOVERNMENT STILL MISTREATING ITS ARMENIAN POPULATION?! WHY?!!!

                      answer these questions - this isnt even about a genocide...

                      firstly we are in this forum because we want to say you reals.your brains heve washed with some wrong STORYS you can go Turkish forums that about lie genocide but there isn't any.because we dont care about lie history.

                      than while you were leaving from anatolia we were helping you like building up a hospital for contagious illness.and we have posted letters some Eurpoen countries.and Spain decided to sent you patetoes.they have sent it because England didnt let to do it because Turkish soldiers were shareing their foods with our food would finish and Turkish soldiers could be hungry and could England didnt let.

                      finally you dont read our posts thereis every thing in Turkish posts.pleas read dont be fixed idean,compare,ask and try to understand pls

