ASALA had an extremely short life span as an orginization and was not supported by anyone because they were in fact terrorists. What the Turks did on the other hand was BY the government of Turkey and while ASALA, a stupid group made up of extremist individuals and not supported by the Armenian government, did some damage, there really is no comparrison. A stupid extremist organization that was NOT supported by the people it was claiming to helping which killed 15 people and is no longer around VS a genocide that depleted about a sixth of an ethnicity's population? Please. I didn't think you'd stoop that low.
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Genocide Argument
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Originally posted by TufanGenocide article from Britannica:
The term was coined by Raphael Lemkin, a Polish-born jurist who served as an adviser to the U.S. Department of War during World War II, to describe the premeditated effort to destroy a population (see Holocaust). In 1946 the UN General Assembly declared genocide a punishable crime. By this declaration, genocide by definition may be committed by an individual, group, or government, against one's own people or another, in peacetime or in wartime. This last point distinguishes genocide from “crimes against humanity,” whose legal definition specifies wartime. Suspects may be tried by a court in the country where the act was committed or by an international court (see International Criminal Court). An example of genocide more recent than the Holocaust is the slaughter of Tutsi people by the Hutu in Rwanda in the 1990s.
Your assertions fail to make sense. We are not saying the Armenians are the only ones to suffer a genocide but we are one of the first ones to suffer one upon your hands and you getting on a forum doesnt absolve you from your cowardly killings upon Armenians as I said earlier.
Who said it is just skin and eyes? YES Turks have that look to them because they are mixed and have raped lots of white people during their reign of terror: Greeks Yugoslavians Armenians and lots of Macedonians. You are telling me after having your genes mixed with those lighter genes you wont come out looking like them? You are the reason why most Armenians look and resemble Turks, and the only Turks that look "white" are the mixes since they managed to steal even the Armenians' genetic make up along with the Greeks. Tufan, why are you going in circles? We are not arguing about physical appearance but I see that is your only way of dodging the guiltiness your people are guilty of and for. Sorry tufan, I would like to see things from your perspective but I cannot get my head up my rear end that high.When the World Wide Web was born, things were quite simple. The internet supported just one device (the PC) and the browsers available were too primitive for me.
Originally posted by Tufan"""""""" See I have problem with defining white solely based on skin color and eyes because if we assume then that being "white" is based on physical characteristics then some Turks can be defined "European" and "white", thus, there must be something more then skin color that labels someone "white" and "European" because a Turk can never be labeled "white" and or "European". """""""" Virgil
WOW! I was looking to other discussions at your forum and I found this. This is a good example for why this is a racist forum. You are hopelessly tring to proove that you are white, arian, etc. And stupidly you are trying to state that Turks are from central asia. Hey, I never deny that our origins come from central asia. Because I do not shame from my origin like you. So it is necessary to write that Turks came to Anatolia at 1071. This is a historical fact that everybody knows and I don't have a problem with this. A lot of nation migrated and settled from one place to another. British people came from Germany (Angles, saxons,jutes) invaded the island and settled. Hungarians came from central asia like Turks and settled to Hungary.What is the problem with this? One big millenium have passed and you are still talking about these things.
Friends, lets be constructive instead of hopelessly swearing to Turks. As I said at my first message I am really for the Armenians who died at WW1. At 1915 Armenians have faced with massacres at the deportation. Half of the population died, and this is really a shameful historical fact for Turkish history. I never denied this. Only what I said is that this was not a genocide. Turks and Kurds killed Armenians at 1915. Greeks and Serbs killed Turks after Balkan wars. Frenchs killed Algerians. etc. all shameful events. But none of them was a genocied. Please look to the article of Genocide at dictionaries. The word genocied even created after WW2 to define Jewish holocaust. That si why we deny your claims. Do you know that at the beginning of 20th century millions of Turkish people was living at Balkans. At the Balkan wars and after, most of them massacred and a few remained. All these are shameful but not genocied.
What the main problem between us and you is your way of supporting your historical thesis. You accuse us with GENOCIDE and this is not true. Moreover you support this thesis with swearing, racism and terrorism. Your Armenian terrorist organisation ASALA killed hundreds of people (Turkish diplomats and their families, innocent tourists waiting at airports) only to support your these thesis.
I am not a person influenced by propoganda, I really sorry for all those Armenians but please understand that also countlessTurks died at 1915.
You are all so reactionary that you can not see all these things. And this problem continues. Beside stupid teens I am sure that there are intelligent people in this forum.
Please try to look from our side, too. Maybe then we can find a solution.
Yes Armenians and the rest of Europe and half of Asia (yes that includes Indians) are Aryans and that has been proven whereas your Turks are just Mongol left-overs and if you feel that is "racist" then get the hell out of here you are just taking up bandwidth since your stupidity is clogging up this forum. You are just upset because we will not conform to your notion and you keep changing the subject to twist things around from the remorseless acts of your Turkic ancestry.When the World Wide Web was born, things were quite simple. The internet supported just one device (the PC) and the browsers available were too primitive for me.
Whatever and whenever that word was created it is the most succinct way to describe what the Ottoman Turks did to Armenians, earlier on in the 20th century. If you cannot stomach that I apologize but we cannot change the reality of your people's ineptitude for committing heinous acts towards Armenians.When the World Wide Web was born, things were quite simple. The internet supported just one device (the PC) and the browsers available were too primitive for me.
Originally posted by IvyLipstickYour assertions fail to make sense. We are not saying the Armenians are the only ones to suffer a genocide but we are one of the first ones to suffer one upon your hands and you getting on a forum doesnt absolve you from your cowardly killings upon Armenians as I said earlier.
Who said it is just skin and eyes? YES Turks have that look to them because they are mixed and have raped lots of white people during their reign of terror: Greeks Yugoslavians Armenians and lots of Macedonians. You are telling me after having your genes mixed with those lighter genes you wont come out looking like them? You are the reason why most Armenians look and resemble Turks, and the only Turks that look "white" are the mixes since they managed to steal even the Armenians' genetic make up along with the Greeks. Tufan, why are you going in circles? We are not arguing about physical appearance but I see that is your only way of dodging the guiltiness your people are guilty of and for. Sorry tufan, I would like to see things from your perspective but I cannot get my head up my rear end that high.
No comment.
Originally posted by nairiI'm not surprised you're quoting propaganda Tufan, because if you had some logic, you would see that your arguments don't make sense.HAHAHAHA.
When the World Wide Web was born, things were quite simple. The internet supported just one device (the PC) and the browsers available were too primitive for me.
WOW! I was looking to other discussions at your forum and I found this. This is a good example for why this is a racist forum. You are hopelessly tring to proove that you are white, arian, etc. And stupidly you are trying to state that Turks are from central asia.
Now, you may say "well, Turkey is a democratic country and because it is 'democratic' it must be European", for the sake of argument let us assume it is a democratic country. Japan is a democratic country as well, but is Japan part of Europe? No, should Japan become a member of the European Union based on the fact that it is democratic? No, why? Because the Japanese have no cultural and religious connection with Europe, furthermore, by your logic, if being "European" is based on the governing structure of a nation then any nation should has a right to join the European Union and or claim they are European if they are democratic, right? Wrong
Now as far as Armenians being "European" and "white" is considered my entire point was that if Armenians are not "white" and or "European" then much of our contemporaries are not "white" and or "European" as well. Turks and or anything related to modern Turkey is not what I mean when I speak of "our contemporaries" because when Armenians had a civilization, Turks, were living in caves in Asia.
Please, open up a contemporary history book and you will see one of two theories about our origins. The first theory is that that Proto-Armenians migrated from the "west" onto the Armenian highlands at around 600 BC, while the second theory is that they are natives of the Armenian highland themselves. However, because our language is directly related to Thracian and Phrygian, "western" historians, have a hard time accepting the second theory. Regardless of this fact, the "Armenian" people migrated from the "west", so, quit trying to imply that Armenians came from central Asia.
See, Tufan, the key here is language. The main reason behind the theory that links Armenians to the original European tribes is the fact that Armenians speak a much older language that is similar to these tribes. The Armenian language is directly related to Thracian and Phrygian. The Armenian culture is the last remnants of the ancient world and because we are small number much of our history has largely been ignored through out the 20th century, but in no way is it insignificant. In fact our history is drawing the attention of western historians and do not be surprised if Armenia becomes the center of attention for the years to come.
Hey, I never deny that our origins come from central asia. Because I do not shame from my origin like you. So it is necessary to write that Turks came to Anatolia at 1071. This is a historical fact that everybody knows and I don't have a problem with this.
British people came from Germany (Angles, saxons,jutes) invaded the island and settled. Hungarians came from central asia like Turks and settled to Hungary.What is the problem with this? One big millenium have passed and you are still talking about these things.
Friends, lets be constructive instead of hopelessly swearing to Turks. As I said at my first message I am really for the Armenians who died at WW1. At 1915 Armenians have faced with massacres at the deportation. Half of the population died, and this is really a shameful historical fact for Turkish history. I never denied this. Only what I said is that this was not a genocide. Turks and Kurds killed Armenians at 1915. Greeks and Serbs killed Turks after Balkan wars. Frenchs killed Algerians. etc. all shameful events. But none of them was a genocied. Please look to the article of Genocide at dictionaries. The word genocied even created after WW2 to define Jewish holocaust. That si why we deny your claims. Do you know that at the beginning of 20th century millions of Turkish people was living at Balkans. At the Balkan wars and after, most of them massacred and a few remained. All these are shameful but not genocied.
What the main problem between us and you is your way of supporting your historical thesis. You accuse us with GENOCIDE and this is not true. Moreover you support this thesis with swearing, racism and terrorism. Your Armenian terrorist organisation ASALA killed hundreds of people (Turkish diplomats and their families, innocent tourists waiting at airports) only to support your these thesis.Last edited by Virgil; 08-08-2004, 12:11 PM.
Originally posted by TufanSo Armenians resemble Turks because Turks raped Armenians and our primitive genes have mixed with your arian genes?
No comment.
No you unevolved savage, when a group of people rape and kill another group of people THEIR GENES like it or not transfer over to the victim which in this case was the Armenians. It is not "arian" you moron it is ARYAN and if you cannot see that please do us all logical people a favor and delete your existence from here and YES that is true, wow you finally can think for once.When the World Wide Web was born, things were quite simple. The internet supported just one device (the PC) and the browsers available were too primitive for me.
Originally posted by VirgilTufan, are you stupid? Turks are not "European" and "white" because being "European" and "white" is a label given based on culturally and religious similarities. My piont was that if we are to assume that being "white" is solely based on the "Northern European" variant of "white" then much of Southern and Eastern Europe would not be considered "white" and "European". So, Turks, who are Muslim and share no cultural similarities with Europe, are in no way "white" and or "European".
Now, you may say "well, Turkey is a democratic country and because it is 'democratic' it must be European", for the sake of argument let us assume it is a democratic country. Japan is a democratic country as well, but is Japan part of Europe? No, should Japan become a member of the European Union based on the fact that it is democratic? No, why? Because the Japanese have no cultural and religious connection with Europe, furthermore, by your logic, if being "European" is based on the governing structure of a nation then any nation should has a right to join the European Union and or claim they are European if they are democratic, right? Wrong
Now as far as Armenians being "European" and "white" is considered my entire point was that if Armenians are not "white" and or "European" then much of our contemporaries are not "white" and or "European" as well. Turks and or anything related to modern Turkey is not what I mean when I speak of "our contemporaries" because when Armenians had a civilization, Turks, were living in caves in Asia.
Please, open up a contemporary history book and you will see one of two theories about our origins. The first theory is that that Proto-Armenians migrated from the "west" onto the Armenian highlands at around 600 BC, while the second theory is that they are natives of the Armenian highland themselves. However, because our language is directly related to Thracian and Phrygian, "western" historians, have a hard time accepting the second theory. Regardless of this fact, the "Armenian" people migrated from the "west", so, quit trying to imply that Armenians came from central Asia.
See, Tufan, the key here is language. The main reason behind the theory that links Armenians to the original European tribes is the fact that Armenians speak a much older language that is similar to these tribes. The Armenian language is directly related to Thracian and Phrygian. The Armenian culture is the last remnants of the ancient world and because we are small number much of our history has largely been ignored through out the 20th century, but in no way is it insignificant. In fact our history is drawing the attention of western historians and do not be surprised if Armenia becomes the center of attention for the years to come.
Listen, Tufen, I can not deny what I am, but "Asian" and or anything related to "Asia" is not what I am. However, the same can not be said of Turks because Turks are directly from Asia, which is why you are having a hard time accepting Armenian history as it is. Instead, you think by making Armenians "Asian" you can make Turks more "European". I have no problem being "European" and or "Asian", but the fact of the matter is, Armenians are not "Asian" because historically Armenians are "European". Before your ancestors made their way towards the Armenian highlands, Asia Minor and the Armenian highlands, was as European as it can get. It was the center of trade, civilization, and wealth, now; it is a shadow of its former glory.
The problem is that you have no relations to Armenians and are living on our ancestral lands, while at the same time are claiming ownership to our historic monuments, which you do not adequately preserve. Furthermore, you purposely deny and distort history in order to destroy any Armenian claim to lands. it is true that all tribes have history of migration, but the fact remains that if any migration took place, Armenians most likely migrated from the "west", while Turks migrated from "Asia".
No, it was genocide and as long as you claim otherwise you have not matured as a people. Do not insult me and my fellow Armenians by claiming that you are a friend because a "friend" would have apologized and corrected any mistake he or she may have made.
Again, you see how Turks use a double standard? When they butchered the families of the ASALA members it was not "terrorism", but when they retaliated a few years later it is deemed terrorism. Get a life, if those Armenians had not done what they did, you would have gotten away with the crime. Your government brought it upon themselves.
xxxx you, you xxxxsucker. Do not make it seem like there are two sides. Turks were on the offensive, while Armenians were on the defensive. Yeah, the solution is invading Turkey and renaming it Chicken because only a "chicken" would butcher helpless men, women, and children, xxxx off.
He thinks his primitive false claims and mediore mind is going to justify for us all on this Armenian forum that (i dont know what but) supposedly Turks were "always in ASia minor" and "are white" and "did not kill armenians," like any other souless dolt would who is too afraid of his consequences and their ridiculous savagery thus they resort to all absolve themselves of the crimes they are all guilty for and of, only because their propoganda taught them no better and they are just as usual taking up space here with invalid illogical remarks in an effort to conceal the truth that his ancestors are guilty about.When the World Wide Web was born, things were quite simple. The internet supported just one device (the PC) and the browsers available were too primitive for me.
Originally posted by Tufan1. Unfortunately it is true.
1982-ASALA attacked Ankara Esenboga airport, killed 10 innocent people, injured 72.
1983-ASALA bombed Paris Orly airport Turkish Airways stand. 5 died, 63 injured. (Most of deads are American tourists.
From 1975 to 1991 ASALA killed many innocent people to support your thesis.
2. Turks died but not only in the war but also at Armenian attacks. Please ask your historians.Achkerov kute.