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Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

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  • Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

    Originally posted by UrMistake View Post
    Man i like ur kind of people cause u all give me the motives to hate u,u just keep insulting other people intelligence and u keep playing the "i am superior from u and am a nice guy"living in ur fantastic world,in millenniums we can see nations come and go,nation that has no identity its doomed to expire over time.
    U have all the time the "i don't know who i am and were do i come from"crisis,so u need to make 1 false history cause in bottom line ur nation cant exists in 21 century of democracy.
    U have to explain allot of stuff that are not european originate the only thing that save u is the democratic stance of europe and the globalism,u are 2 different,ur position makes u natural enemy of europe as it were the Byzantine empire before u.
    Am I superior than you, i don't know. If I am, it is not bcoz I am a Turk, that I can say. I know who I am and I definetely know where I come from. The point is being Turkish in Turkey is not a racial thing. You are trying to impose it and I am rejecting. And yes, it was M. Kemal who I respect deeply created Turkish nation from disappearance not physically but practically as the result of treaty of Sevres. Turks were the last members of tebaa (they were masses not citizens) who were liberated from Ottomans by the foundation of the Republic. There was no other way of liberating the muslim masses of Ottomans in Anatolia without putting them together under an umbrella which I call the Turkish nationality.

    Did assimilation take place in Turkey, yes. Were masses (we can not mention citizens before the republic) forced to speak Turkish, yes. I don't deny any of these and I think they were bad and sad things and TO A CERTAIN EXTENT they were necessary. A revolution took place in Turkey by demolishing all the old beliefs of the muslim community and giving them a new identity and citizenship. This identity made us us. This identity provided us to be enjoy our independence. None of this could've happened without the independence war and the actions of the Republic. Some of the Muslims of Anatolia (Arabs, Circassians, lazs,...) might know their origins and some might not. But be aware that all of them are glad bcoz their grandfathers faught and died for them. And all are happy being called Turks. Right now, it is totally wrong to prevent people speak their mother tangue (my parents' native language is not Turkish and in 1980's due to the coup d'etat, my grand parents must have had some bad time.) People should be able to freely enjoy their cultures, religions etc.

    What I am simply saying is that apart from Kurds (assimilation is for sure not ok in 21st century), people regardless of their ethnicities call themselves Turks in context of Turkish nationality, I am an example of this. Saying that people in Turkey do not have a culture is ignorance. If there is one thing which will make this nation survive, it is the culture this nation possesses. It is Turkish people's love for independence. As long as you do not threaten my nation, I am your friend.

    As a clarification: I do not approve my country's stance against Kurds. I do not approve my country's denial for many things. We were taught as if no armenians or Greeks lived in Anatolia. We still have a propaganda machine running. We still have problems with free speech. Military is still influential in politics (decreasing). We have stupid laws like 301. People are taught to love Ataturk (we should teach students what he did, let the student decide what to do), he still can not be criticized,............
    Last edited by firat; 06-01-2009, 01:08 PM. Reason: changed my mind


    • Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

      Originally posted by firat

      A culture that wasn't made up from weird fantasies and dictatorship. Instead Armerican Culture is something these days we call democracy, republic and religious freedom.
      It was a reply for the comment above which was written bu someone I don't remember.

      I did not write them to legitimize Turkey's actions.
      Last edited by firat; 06-01-2009, 12:24 PM.


      • Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

        Originally posted by Palavra View Post
        That is why you ethnic cleansed azeris.

        Who killed who? Are you crazy or what???

        Todate 35,000+ Armenians were massacred in broad daylight in Baku and three other cities barbarically, the "azeris" barbarics ate an Armenian man alive just like hungry wolves. They undressed a woman on the streets of Baku and burned her with cigarettes all over her body until she died. Should I continue the unspeakable unGodly barbarity to the fullest that was committed by the azerbaboon barbaric nomad wolves?

        You think you are more superior?
        My race/nationality has NO Genocidal past like your turkey or the azerbaboons. My race/nationality is civilized! By stating the facts one cannot claim to be superior but just stating facts. You go and make any assumptions you can make; I have nothing to do with that.

        Anyway do You mean, ROA will accept 10 million Turkish people?
        No. Go and read the above post again. I said when Armenia will be able to claim Wilsonian Armenia, then.

        You still did not answer me. What will you do 10 million people If wilson armenia happens.
        Are you asking me? I am not the law here; however if you ask me I would let the 10 million turks live in Wilsonian Armenia as citizens of Armenia. They will have to pay taxes same as Armenians and abide by the laws of the country same as Armenians. I said it above, go and read it; I said they'll live and practice their Muslim religion and Armenians their Christian religion, the same as Americans do.

        If you want to occupy my land and ethnic cleans my people, You are my enemy. Nothing more nothing less. It is not racism idiot. It is seeing reality.
        Armenians DO NOT do such things. Armenians are NOT like the Ittihadists nor like Attaturk nor like the "azeri"-tatars to do ethnic cleansing. Your country did that to us and the "azeri"-tatars did it to us. Again, Armenians are civilised people.


        • Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

          Originally posted by Palavra View Post
          That is why you ethnic cleansed azeris.
          That has got to to be the stupidest thing you have ever said. Please don't show your face in this thread with such stupidity. Now you show your true self, huh Turk?


          • Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

            Originally posted by Palavra View Post
            That is why you ethnic cleansed azeris.
            Do you even believe your own Palavra?
            "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


            • Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

              Originally posted by Pazooki View Post
              That has got to to be the stupidest thing you have ever said. Please don't show your face in this thread with such stupidity. Now you show your true self, huh Turk?
              Agreed fully!!!!!


              • Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

                Originally posted by firat View Post
                Ethnic cleansing Kurds? There are 12M-15M Kurds in Turkey. If Turkey was to make ethnic cleansing, how could their population increase much more faster than that of Turks?

                You are applying everything just to make Turks seem inferior which decreases your credibility.

                >Discrimination of black for how many years?
                >atomic bombings
                >not to mention what was done to Native Americans
                >death of thousands of Iraqi civilians just bcoz of the non-existing WMD's

                We don't claim those lands, we have them.
                No. There is a significant difference between the notion of racial superiority and moral superiority. The difference being one side has committed more acts of goodness than the other.

                As for America:

                1. Discrimination of Blacks was widespread in the whole of Europe I advise you to read some of Shakespeare...Othello is quite good. You cannot hold America solely or even remotely responsible for a view widely established in Europe and brought to the USA. The reason why it stopped largely in Europe was because there were very few if any Blacks, mainly because they were undesirable and very few were let in.

                2. Again Slavery was not an American concept in origin as it was brought again by Europeans. It was used by all the Empires at the time. When the European Empires and others did remove slavery. It made little difference. They were still just as bad off as their American Black counterparts.

                3. Atomic Bombings. Don't even go there. Japanese don't like what happened there, and can get angry over it sometimes. But they don't hate the USA. You are not Japanese therefore you have no right to claim what even the Japanese don't claim themselves.

                4. The Native Americans were destroyed by what you refer to as 'American's' who were actually French, British, Dutch and numerous other ethnic groups. But what about the Aztec's, the Incan's, the Persians, the Assyrian's (wiped by none other than Turkey). Also you seriously need to read up on the concept of 'white man's burden' which was a concept that ruled basically all European colonisation of the time.

                5. Now you are going into current Issues. I like this. Democracy lesson for you:

                Even in the democracies like Australia where 90% vote. You must factor in this. 1) 10% do not vote thus are not represented 2) of that 90% there is always an opposition and winning party 3) wining party needs only 51% of vote to get elected or 45.9% of the population (including those that did not vote) 4) 44.1% which constitute the opposition are not represented, nor are the 10% who did not vote 5) Thus 54.1% of the population are not represented, more than half the country.

                In the USA there is far less representation than this as only half the country votes. So ignoring some of the system that is 1) 50% not voting 2) opposition party+winning party 3) 25.5% of pop min. needed to get elected ) 4) So that leaves even on the most extreme estimates 10% in opposition and another 50% that did not vote (60%). Again an overwhelming majority against any American government.

                Thus do not suggest that the war on Iraq was agreed by the majority as it wasn't. It was ruled on by a minority. Thus as such trying to claim most Americans are criminal is false. Most American's didn't vote for it. Only that select 25.5 to 40%.
                Last edited by hipeter924; 06-01-2009, 04:22 PM.


                • Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

                  Originally posted by hipeter924 View Post
                  No. There is a significant difference between the notion of racial superiority and moral superiority. The difference being one side has committed more acts of goodness than the other.

                  As for America:

                  1. Discrimination of Blacks was widespread in the whole of Europe I advise you to read some of Shakespeare...Othello is quite good. You cannot hold America solely or even remotely responsible for a view widely established in Europe and brought to the USA. The reason why it stopped largely in Europe was because there were very few if any Blacks, mainly because they were undesirable and very few were let in.

                  2. Again Slavery was not an American concept in origin as it was brought again by Europeans. It was used by all the Empires at the time. When the European Empires and others did remove slavery. It made little difference. They were still just as bad off as their American Black counterparts.

                  3. Atomic Bombings. Don't even go there. Japanese don't like what happened there, and can get angry over it sometimes. But they don't hate the USA. You are not Japanese therefore you have no right to claim what even the Japanese don't claim themselves.

                  4. The Native Americans were destroyed by what you refer to as 'American's' who were actually French, British, Dutch and numerous other ethnic groups. But what about the Aztec's, the Incan's, the Persians, the Assyrian's (wiped by none other than Turkey). Also you seriously need to read up on the concept of 'white man's burden' which was a concept that ruled basically all European colonisation of the time.

                  5. Now you are going into current Issues. I like this. Democracy lesson for you:

                  Even in the democracies like Australia where 90% vote. You must factor in this. 1) 10% do not vote thus are not represented 2) of that 90% there is always an opposition and winning party 3) wining party needs only 51% of vote to get elected or 45.9% of the population (including those that did not vote) 4) 44.1% which constitute the opposition are not represented, nor are the 10% who did not vote 5) Thus 54.1% of the population are not represented, more than half the country.

                  In the USA there is far less representation than this as only half the country votes. So ignoring some of the system that is 1) 50% not voting 2) opposition party+winning party 3) 25.5% of pop min. needed to get elected ) 4) So that leaves even on the most extreme estimates 10% in opposition and another 50% that did not vote (60%). Again an overwhelming majority against any American government.

                  Thus do not suggest that the war on Iraq was agreed by the majority as it wasn't. It was ruled on by a minority. Thus as such trying to claim most Americans are criminal is false. Most American's didn't vote for it. Only that select 25.5 to 40%.
                  You just proved there is no such thing as democracy....
                  "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


                  • Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

                    Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
                    You just proved there is no such thing as democracy....


                    • Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

                      Originally posted by hipeter924 View Post
                      No. There is a significant difference between the notion of racial superiority and moral superiority. The difference being one side has committed more acts of goodness than the other.

                      As for America:

                      3. Atomic Bombings. Don't even go there. Japanese don't like what happened there, and can get angry over it sometimes. But they don't hate the USA. You are not Japanese therefore you have no right to claim what even the Japanese don't claim themselves.
                      Apart from the above, I'd like to remind firat that if the Japanese didn't bomb Pearl Harbour unexpectedly, fiercely and viciously, Americans whouldn't have bombed them. The Japs did a real number on American personnel and ships and very unexpectedly. At the time, America wanted to show them not to fool around with the US, that America is not asleep.

                      5. Now you are going into current Issues. I like this. Democracy lesson for you:

                      Thus do not suggest that the war on Iraq was agreed by the majority as it wasn't. It was ruled on by a minority. Thus as such trying to claim most Americans are criminal is false. Most American's didn't vote for it. Only that select 25.5 to 40%.
                      America went into war after 9/11. They went to war against terrorism. Out of the 100 senators who previously received all pertaining literature and the agreements to go to war on Iraq, ontly 6 of the senators made time to read it. The ones that agreed to it as hipeter said it above, it was the minority who agreed to it. America has been mostly a democratic country.
                      Last edited by Anoush; 06-01-2009, 05:07 PM.

