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Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

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  • #81
    Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

    Originally posted by firat View Post
    They are not the copy of Armenian culture. It is the combination of Armenian and Turkish culture. It is something that did not exist 1000 years ago. That is what Anatolia is. When you go to West, you are gonna see the same. Some culture combination of Greek and Turkish culture. In the south, you're gonna see the combination of Arabic, Turkish and Kurdish cultures.

    Nobody denies that but only stupids.

    I am gonna acept this "we were there in the first place" explanation when other new comers to the new world are gone back to Europe. It does not make sense. The difference is Native Americans do not have the power to voice their wishes, or they do not wish it or there is too little of them.
    What is Turkish culture?what exactly did not exist 1000 years ago?I did not talk about turks of west nor east i don't give a dam about ur differences they are all coming from the different population that u have in east Kurds and west turks,Cultural similarity's we have even today with greeks mostly with pontus greeks (dances music songs legends atc.)


    • #82
      Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

      Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
      No more than a wet dream.

      Look at the curves on your borders - magnificent. Shake those diplomatically-enhanced Armenian vilayets for me. Show me more baby. More! MORE!!
      Spread your territorial claims wider. Wider! Yes - I can see Van, Bitlis, Erzurum, Erzincan! Come on, show me even more! Show me EVERYTHING I want to see!! You can do it, you know you want to. Wow! Now I can even see Trebizond. I love you Wilsonian Armenia. Never leave me!
      Keep it coming, fuel our fire pu$$y cat.
      "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


      • #83
        Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

        Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
        No more than a wet dream.

        Look at the curves on your borders - magnificent. Shake those diplomatically-enhanced Armenian vilayets for me. Show me more baby. More! MORE!!
        Spread your territorial claims wider. Wider! Yes - I can see Van, Bitlis, Erzurum, Erzincan! Come on, show me even more! Show me EVERYTHING I want to see!! You can do it, you know you want to. Wow! Now I can even see Trebizond. I love you Wilsonian Armenia. Never leave me!
        Why the fark would you care????
        "All truth passes through three stages:
        First, it is ridiculed;
        Second, it is violently opposed; and
        Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

        Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


        • #84
          Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

          Originally posted by Anoush View Post
          I think turkey should realize that it is far better for Wilsonian Armenia to be given the rightfuel heirs of Armenians who were annihilated that are quite civilised and very constructive than to the Kurds who happen to be very tribal and will fight till the end and take control of those same lands. Which countymen will be better after all? Turkey should ask herself intelligently and weigh.
          Amongst an enlarged Armenian and Kurdish country, you mean? ) I assume i have no other choice.

          I would definetely prefer you. Armenian population is much more educated, civilized, used to be hard working (i don't know how soviets changed the structure of the population) etc. But our issues with you is much deeper than the ones we have with Kurds. Will you be able to love us again? I don't think so. I love you no matter what you think though. I have problems with the policies of ROA and the diaspora institutions, I don't hate people, it is ridiculous.

          Thank you any way since you did not insult me at all by any means (I am not just adressing to you, Anoush, Everyone). Let me say this, I am a good guy, I do not want any one to be harmed, at least physically. Sentimentally, what I wish for my country is no good for Armenia, I am really aware of that. I just want you to know that I think what I think for the good of my country not to harm any Armenians and I'd know my limits if I was the one to take actions for my country. Being civilized is important in 21th century, isn't? (This is the part I might expect to hear such sentences from you: Turks and civilization, no way, they are like the opposite poles of a magnet. I know many think this way but I really don't care any more.)

          Be in peace.


          • #85
            Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

            Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
            Keep it coming, fuel our fire pu$$y cat.


            • #86
              Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

              Originally posted by firat View Post
              Amongst an enlarged Armenian and Kurdish country, you mean? ) I assume i have no other choice.

              I would definetely prefer you. Armenian population is much more educated, civilized, used to be hard working (i don't know how soviets changed the structure of the population) etc. But our issues with you is much deeper than the ones we have with Kurds. Will you be able to love us again? I don't think so. I love you no matter what you think though. I have problems with the policies of ROA and the diaspora institutions, I don't hate people, it is ridiculous.

              Thank you any way since you did not insult me at all by any means (I am not just adressing to you, Anoush, Everyone). Let me say this, I am a good guy, I do not want any one to be harmed, at least physically. Sentimentally, what I wish for my country is no good for Armenia, I am really aware of that. I just want you to know that I think what I think for the good of my country not to harm any Armenians and I'd know my limits if I was the one to take actions for my country. Being civilized is important in 21th century, isn't? (This is the part I might expect to hear such sentences from you: Turks and civilization, no way, they are like the opposite poles of a magnet. I know many think this way but I really don't care any more.)

              Be in peace.
              You would be correct if hiding bitter truths were good for anyone's country.If you think true democracy is bad for your country then you will deserve what you get.If not, you should support Armenia and Armenians, because we were one of the pioneers of democracy in Turkey and paid a heavy price for it.
              "All truth passes through three stages:
              First, it is ridiculed;
              Second, it is violently opposed; and
              Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

              Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


              • #87
                Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

                Originally posted by Palavra View Post

                Population exchange. Anyway, Pontus rums did not copy armenian culture. I am sure you have zero idea about what are you talking. Pontus rums dance, music or food has zero relation with armenia or georgia. You are funny. Go and ask a pontus rum.

                Also, region is not armenian at first.

                Anyway my friend, as you know orginal anatolians are our ancestors. So people at Turkey(and now majority of them call themself as turk) have enough right to own all anatolia and It is not your job, which religion, langauge or culture people of Turkey choose.

                We are local population. DNA searchs show this.
                DNA search shows 14 different races that u have in ur blood,that only can make u claim all the east and Balkans,here we are again talking about Turkish Empire(Ataturk's dream u cant avoid it Ottoman Empire has fail but u got ur new Dream) really what can i do about it?So now that i got the legal right to claim this region i cant?Benizelos voted for Wilson's Map cause he know that Pontus state cant be exist it were 2 far away from Greece,Armenia were the right decision to cede it to them he knew what he were doing.Todays Turks are far away legal owners of those lands,in 94 years u have found the legal owners of those land ha?So why did the Genocide happened cause obviously u were the legal owners of those lands.Ur blood dose not mean any thing u are more mongol that any thing else,face it behind all those blood paths u will always serve ur first blood line,even if ur government makes u think that ur are the ancestors of those lands and try to find proofs that u exist in those land so long as the 1 that u have murder all those centuries,its all part of ur propaganda.


                • #88
                  Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

                  Originally posted by firat View Post
                  Amongst an enlarged Armenian and Kurdish country, you mean? ) I assume i have no other choice.

                  I would definetely prefer you. Armenian population is much more educated, civilized, used to be hard working (i don't know how soviets changed the structure of the population) etc. But our issues with you is much deeper than the ones we have with Kurds. Will you be able to love us again? I don't think so. I love you no matter what you think though. I have problems with the policies of ROA and the diaspora institutions, I don't hate people, it is ridiculous.
                  Very good points. If I am a true Christian and I am, then I must not hate you as you are as well as myself created by the same God that you believe in as I do. Then I shouldn't hate you if you people can control some of your fascist's brothers' hate. I am sure most Armenians in Armenia that are the new generation of the Armenians do not hate turks as they wanted to see the borders open and most of them were hopeful for the betterment of both countries. My goodness look at Hrant Dink, how hopeful and well meaning he was towards your people and even your government. All he wanted for the turkish people and the government to bravely come forth and recognise the Genocide so that we would be able to come to grips with our almost a century ago differences. I call him a saintly man and I know from inside sources that he was just that. Even through the Ottoman times the bulk of the Armenian people wanted to live peacefully and be treated fairly and to live without persecution or criminality. They just wanted to work hard, be treated somewhat fairly and to live in peace. Now most of the new generation of the Armenians in Armenia just wished the Genocide to be recognised and did not exercise hatefulness towards your people. Some are afraid as it is very uncertain how turkey behaves (they say one thing but they do another). Armenians are more forthright, straightforward, trusting and civilised.

                  Thank you any way since you did not insult me at all by any means (I am not just adressing to you, Anoush, Everyone). Let me say this, I am a good guy, I do not want any one to be harmed, at least physically. Sentimentally, what I wish for my country is no good for Armenia, I am really aware of that. I just want you to know that I think what I think for the good of my country not to harm any Armenians and I'd know my limits if I was the one to take actions for my country. Being civilized is important in 21st century, isn't? (This is the part I might expect to hear such sentences from you: Turks and civilization, no way, they are like the opposite poles of a magnet. I know many think this way but I really don't care any more.)

                  Be in peace.
                  You are welcomed. I hear you and understand you that first off you think for Turkey as I do for Armenia. I shall be a hyppocrit if I don't admit or understand that. As you put it well; we are living in the 21st century and wouldn't it be better all around if instead of shedding blood and creating war, we come to terms with our differences and give or take the just parts that belong or not belong to us for the good of living in peace as neighbours? Anyhow now there's a great deal of turkish people that are mixed with either Greek or Armenian blood but the mentality is very turkish still, I know that. Well, stay and live as a Turkish man while I stay and live as an Armenian woman; but it would be better to learn to be fair and live fairly towards other human beings for the sake of peace, while we're all living under the same sun.

                  And you be in peace as well.
                  Last edited by Anoush; 05-31-2009, 12:49 PM.


                  • #89
                    Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

                    Originally posted by Gavur View Post
                    You would be correct if hiding bitter truths were good for anyone's country.If you think true democracy is bad for your country then you will deserve what you get.If not, you should support Armenia and Armenians, because we were one of the pioneers of democracy in Turkey and paid a heavy price for it.
                    I don't think at all that democracy is bad for my country. I have the feeling that we are not a first class democracy but things are a lot better as compared to other muslim countries.

                    I know that there are many university graduates who are very well educated and i also know that the average literacy rate is 4th or 5th grade in the country or something like that. I happen to think that democracy take its power from the citizens. No body gives it to you, you fight for it.

                    Education and welfare are the very things that will make this country more democratic.


                    • #90
                      Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

                      Originally posted by Anoush View Post
                      Very good points. If I am a true Christian and I am, then I must not hate you as you are as well as myself created by the same God that you believe in as I do. Then I shouldn't hate you if you people can control some of your fascist's brothers' hate. I am sure most Armenians in Armenia that are the new generation of the Armenians do not hate turks as they wanted to see the borders open and most of them were hopeful for the betterment of both countries. My goodness look at Hrant Dink, how hopeful and well meaning he was towards your people and even your government. All he wanted for the turkish people and the government to bravely come forth and recognise the Genocide so that we would be able to come to grips with our almost a century ago differences. I call him a saintly man and I know from inside sources that he was just that. Even through the Ottoman times the bulk of the Armenian people wanted to live peacefully and be treated fairly and to live without persecution or criminality. They just wanted to work hard, be treated somewhat fairly and to live in peace. Now most of the new generation of the Armenians in Armenia just wished the Genocide to be recognised and did not exercise hatefulness towards your people. Some are afraid as it is very uncertain how turkey behaves (they say one thing but they do another). Armenians are more forthright, straightforward, trusting and civilised.

                      You are welcomed. I hear you and understand you that first off you think for Turkey as I do for Armenia. I shall be a hyppocrit if I don't admit or understand that. As you put it well; we are living in the 21st century and wouldn't it be better all around if instead of shedding blood and creating war, we come to terms with our differences and give or take the just parts that belong or not belong to us for the good of living in peace as neighbours? Anyhow now there's a great deal of turkish people that are mixed with either Greek or Armenian blood but the mentality is very turkish still, I know that. Well, stay and live as a Turkish man while I stay and live as an Armenian woman; but it would be better to learn to be fair and live fairly towards other human beings for the sake of peace, while we're all living under the same sun.

                      And you be in peace as well.
                      Hrant Dink's unfair death is still a great pain in the hearts of many Turks.

                      Just don't believe that only Armenians were in his funeral but not Turks. It is so untrue. There were many Turks there as well.

                      Hrant was not the first person and unfortunately will not be the last person this nation lost because of political beliefs. We lost our 37 can (this is a Turkish word meaning live or life but it has a much deeper meaning) in 1993.
                      We lost many intellectuals.

