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Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

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  • Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

    Wow, this thread really picked up since I have been gone (I gotta do some catching up). Way the go Anoush jan……….you tell’m girl.

    Hey firat………….what is your parent’s first language?

    Anyway, I wished there were more Turks like you in Turkey but the reality of the situation is much different. Here is a perspective I got from another Turk a while back (can’t remember if it was here or somewhere else). He said Turks are unaware of the phrase "Do onto others as you would wish them do onto you". They have no sense of empathy. They always claim possession over everything and always consider themselves absolute right. What they have is a national arrogance and they can not think properly and lose their sense of Truth. So losing the sense of Truth causes a national madness and hysteria.

    In my opinion the Turkish nation is suffering a mental sickness right now and it is called national paranoia and alienation. They feel so alone in the world and think that everybody in the world is the enemy of Turks. Everybody is a traitor in the world and only they are very right. There is a saying in Turkish as you know: "There are no friends of Turks except for Turks". This is a very crippled way of thinking.
    You must think about this; The Greeks hate Turks, The Armenians hate Turks, The Bulgarians hate Turks, the Romanians hate Turks, the Kurds hate Turks, the Serbians hate Turks, the Iranians hate Turks, the Arabians hate Turks. A proper person must be able to ask himself; "Is there something wrong with me?" Maybe I am wrong? But Turks never ask these kinds of questions. They don’t settle accounts with themselves. They don’t confront with their mistakes. In their minds they are always right. Actually it must be very unpleasant to live in a sick minded community like this as this community is losing touch with the world community and humanity day by day. Also there is no freedom of speech in Turkey because if you express your opinions about the Turkish community they make you pay for this for the reason of "insulting the Turkishness".

    So in my opinion the country MUST question itself from the beginning to the end. There must be a cultural revolution. They must question how the Kurds were persecuted since 1923………………how many thousands of people killed by the Republic in 1921-1925-1928-1937 Kurdish rebellions. What happened in Diyarbakır prisons? They couldn’t even question the junta leader Kenan Evren.
    Remember democracy does not mean to do and believe everything your government tells you. As a citizen of a democratic nation it is your highest duty to question and hold your officials responsible to do the best they can for the benefit of its people.

    With that said……………there can never be democracy in Turkey because democracy is a way of thinking, a way of life; it is respect for freedom of thinking, freedom of speech. Turkish people have never adopted this way of thinking because they are familiar with dictating one's ideas by force, oppressing people with intolerance. This is the way you do it in Turkey.
    B0zkurt Hunter


    • Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

      Eddo jan,

      Myself and others too in here are simply stating the facts. As you yourself stated some facts too; but we would have wished that the facts were not so and we hope and wish that things start changing in turkey for the sake of the people, for their belief system and their mental health too.

      Of course it would be very good to have neighbours that we can trust and have them more like allies rather than number one enemies; but quite unfortunately we don't think it is bound to happen in the foreseeable future. It may take a century or two and numerous generations for things to really get better.
      Last edited by Anoush; 06-02-2009, 01:46 PM.


      • Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

        Originally posted by Palavra View Post
        My trueself? you guys are realy hopeless..

        No. I am dreaming. That is why all azeris home under armenian occupation is empty..

        You are denying ethnic cleansing. So You are guilty from ethnic cleansing.
        Vay yes ku moret....


        • Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

          I've met and spoken to some educated Turks who think like Firat.... so just because many of the ones on the internet are a pain in the Sultan's behind doesn't mean that they are all incapable of independent thought. As Eddo said, Turkishness is what makes the citizens so loyal to the state. I find it a lot like someone who attends a state college/university in the US. How many Americans associate their identity with which school they attended? I know I've met many that spit out where they went to school nearly every other sentence, lol.
          Last edited by KanadaHye; 06-02-2009, 02:04 PM. Reason: I can't spell
          "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


          • Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

            Originally posted by Anoush View Post
            Eddo jan, Myself and others too in here are simply stating the facts........
            Somehow the way you present the facts hit deep in what I consider 'the Armenian heart'
            B0zkurt Hunter


            • Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

              Any kind of discussion can only come with the repeal of 'insulting turkishness'.


              • Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

                Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
                Somehow the way you present the facts hit deep in what I consider 'the Armenian heart'
                You understood me well Eddo jan; I couldn't hide my emotions behind the keyboard could I? Thank you janik?

                It takes one to know one!!


                • Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

                  Originally posted by Saco View Post
                  And thanks for the history Joseph. I doubt Palavra is going to go through it though!
                  Few will search through a mountain of trash to find the one valuable item.
                  Plenipotentiary meow!


                  • Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

                    Originally posted by Joseph View Post
                    During the war, the Armenians were first expelled from Shahumian, Shushi, Hadrut, and sections of Martuni. When the Armenian forces went on the offensive they retook most or parts of those regions, the Azeri population followed the retreating Azeri forces. Later, the Armenians would indeed take over Azeri regions outside of the NKR where again the Azeri population followed their retreating army. The Azeri citizens were geneally not forced to go and in some cases, the Azeri troops fled well-before the civilian population could organize a retreat. They were not slaughtered, molested, harrassed.

                    The only known case of Azeri civilians having suffered a massacre was at Khodjali. This massacre was conducted by the Soviet 366th Mechanized Regiment { Soviet troops were still stationed in the region at this time}. Why? A day before the Azeris launched an artillery barrage from the Khodjali Airport into the Soviet baracks outiside of Stepanakert and hit the mess hall during lunchtime. Several soldiers were killed and one of their most beloved officers was among the dead.

                    The Armenian forces did have the town surrounded from three sides, to the north, west, and south with a corridor left open to the east so the Azeri civilians could flee. The Armenians were certainly going to attack at some point. Instead, most of the Soviet 366th crossed over the Armenian lines and at nightfall and attacked the Azeri defenses, the Azeri forces retreated all the way to Aghdam. The 366th then massacred several hundred Azeri civilians. A portion of the Azeri civilians were accidentally shot by the Azeri forces stationed to the east outside of Aghdam. It was nighttime and they were mistaken for Russian troops.

                    Thomas Goltz was one of the first to report on Khodjali. He created he myth of Armenians committing a full-scale massacre of Azeri civilians. He would refute this later in an article called "Russian Hidden Hand" in 1994.

                    The 366th Regiment would be evacuated very soon after. Some of their troops would stay on and fight for the Armenians. The 366th would be active later in Chechnya and in 1995 committed a similar massacre of Chechen civilians at Samashki.
                    Given the significance that the Azeri propagandists have put on the Khodjali events, why has nobody in Armenia got the facts straight? There seem to be numerous versions, each claiming to tell what actually happened.
                    Plenipotentiary meow!


                    • Re: Erdogan Finally Admits Turkey Practiced Ethnic Cleansing

                      Originally posted by Kiffer View Post
                      Not only the Turkish Government, but all the countries do the same thing, look at England, France and above all
                      Germany during the génocide. And even the US. They all
                      shut their eyes, they had all the letters from diplomats,
                      but they did not do anything.
                      And what should they have done? What could they have done?
                      Plenipotentiary meow!

