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Reviews & Ratings

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  • Re: Reviews & Ratings



    • Re: Reviews & Ratings

      Oh thank you so much One- Way.
      Positive vibes, positive taught


      • Re: Reviews & Ratings

        Push- 5-6/10?


        • Re: Reviews & Ratings

          Citizen Kane (Second Viewing)

          Even though this I watched this film in the middle of the night, it somehow felt shorter than the last time I watched it. I saw this film for the first time last year, in a film class, where we saw it on a big screen. I wasn't as affected this time around by watching it on an HDTV. Sometimes, you need that cinematic experience, and for such a film, it holds true.

          All the enjoyable moments were there; Orson Welles at his finest, great cinematography, the structure of the story. Citizen Kane is certainly one of the greatest American films and I will always enjoy watching it. I won't even attempt to review such a class; if you haven't seen it yet, you should.

          The Apartment (Second Viewing)

          What can I say about this film that hasn't already been said? This film is a timeless classic, I will never get tired of watching Jack Lemmon alongside Shirley MacLaine. I think I can also say it is my favorite film by Billy Wilder. Once again, I was completely captivated by Shirley MacLaine's performance. Her character is so quirky, it's amazing. The first few minutes we see her in the elevator is simply brilliant.

          Ararat (Second Viewing)

          I had not seen this film since it was in limited release in theatres. My girlfriend had not seen this film at all, and since I had been meaning to watch it, we put it on.

          Ararat is a very personal matter. At 15, when I first saw the film, I felt like this wasn't the best way to tell the story of the Armenian Genocide. After watching some of Egoyan's films and understanding his work ethic, I can see why this story is constructed the way it is.

          The Armenian Genocide is a very emotional matter for all Armenians. I think what Atom Egoyan was trying to do was to intertwine several stories together, draw parallels, and combine them near the end -- like all his other films. However, the multi-layer structure doesn't often make it easy for the viewer to get emotionally involved. Even it theatres, I remember being so affected by a scene but then losing the emotional impact because of an abrupt change of pace. The same held true for the second viewing -- I was nearly in tears twice -- until I casually held them back because we were taken out of the emotional stage.

          I think Atom Egoyan does a brilliant job of piecing this story together. Like Edward Saroyan (Charles Aznavour) says of his film is a personal story told from his mother's perspective, perhaps Ararat is just that for Egoyan. In the end, I highly recommend this to everyone; not just those who want to watch Atom Egoyan's films but those who don't really know much about the Armenian Genocide. One of the greatest things about this film is that it presents the story of the Genocide as if you know nothing about it; the interrogation scene between Raffi (David Alpay) and David (Christopher Plummer).

          The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (Third Viewing)

          It was around 2am when we put this film on but who can sleep when Jesse James is on? The Assassination of Jesse James is undeniably one of my favorite American films of all time. I can go on and on about why this film is amazing, but I'm sure most of you already feel the same way. I think Brad Pitt gives his best performance, as does Casey Affleck. Roger Deakins received his biggest Oscar snub, and no matter what he wins for in the future, nothing will make up for the fact that he didn't win for this film! Truly amazing. Breathtaking in every sense.


          • Re: Reviews & Ratings

            Downloaded the following films and will watch depending how the quality is:

            Waltz with Bashir
            Gran Torino


            • Re: Reviews & Ratings

              I have still yet to see Changeling, I want to see it really bad, but never got a chance. I'll probably rent it.
              Positive vibes, positive taught


              • Re: Reviews & Ratings

                Gran Torino

                I had heard a lot of good things and bad things about this film; it seemed like it was love or hate. In the end, I stand between partly for all the same reasons viewers have brought up.

                Gran Torino tells the story of a Korean War veteran who, to politely say so, likes to keep to himself. Surprisingly, he ends up making friends with his teenage neighbor after he tries stealing his car. I loved the simplicity of the film, especially in the first hour. I can tell a lot by the opening act of a film and this did surprisingly well.

                However, the film takes its time in the second act where Kowalski befriends Thao; having Thao work for Kowalski, Thao getting a job, etc. While it is essential to the story to emphasize their friendship, nothing else really happens during the film.

                In the final act of the film, I was surprised by the simplicity. The ending, in particular, along with a significant event which happens with one of the female neighbors. However, I was greatly disappointed by the Hmong actors; only one out of a dozen or so has any acting experience. Their underexperience shows, especially Bee Vang and Ahney Her, who do well for their first film but bring the overall quality down. The writing isn't particularly well either, and its only Clint Eastwood who brings any substance to the film.

                In the end, it was a good film which I would recommend to those seeking a change. The message is quite clear, and although it's not quite original, it works.


                • Re: Reviews & Ratings


                  Great movie really. I just finished watching and I was shocked and suprised. I loved it that simple. Although, not a good movie for learning about the AG it is a great movie. There's scenes where one would start to tear up or lose themselves but overall it was a great movie. Not for the weak.


                  • Re: Reviews & Ratings

                    It's a very good movie.
                    Positive vibes, positive taught


                    • Re: Reviews & Ratings

                      All I can say is HAHAHAHAHAHA! I could not stop laughing. Finally, a good comedy that avoids the "Scary movie" or the Seth Rogen-style comedies of late.

                      As good as I expected it to be. The movie is actually divided into two parts (The Argentine and Guerrilla) with the first part about the events leading up to the Cuban Revolution and the second part on Guevara's journey to Bolivia and his ultimate fate there. I got to see the first part for now and will eventually watch the second. Benicio's portrayal of Guevara is brilliant, you almost feel that he is still alive. The editing is well-done with the movie often moving back and forth through Guevara's UN speech and his war in the jungles.
                      Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!

