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Free Palestine - The Struggle

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  • Mos
    Re: Free Palestine - The Struggle

    If I were the Palestinians I would stay away from Azerbaijan given they are close military buddies with Israel...

    Sun 26 June 2011 07:00 GMT | 3:00 Local Time

    Mahmoud Abbas
    President of the Palestinian National Authority to visit Azerbaijan,
    President of the Palestinian Autonomy Mahmoud Abbas will visit Azerbaijan on June 28, APA reports quoting the Palestinian embassy to Azerbaijan.

    During the two-day visit, the Palestinian leader will hold talks with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and other officials. Mahmoud Abbas is visiting Baku by Ilham Aliyev’s invitation.
    During the talks, the parties will discuss the ways of development of bilateral relations, the current situation in the Middle East, and will have exchange of views on other issues of interest.

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  • Mos
    Re: Free Palestine - The Struggle


    Armenia supports Palestine’s demand of statehood – chief negotiator

    June 24, 2011 | 01:22
    Armenia will be supportive to the Palestinian people’s demands of freedom, independence and statehood, said Palestinian chief negotiator, member of Fatah party Nabil Shaath.

    In a statement following his visit to Armenia and meetings with Armenian leadership, Shaath stressed he had discussed the Palestinian plan to gain UN support for statehood, Ma’an agency reports.

    Nabil Shaath said he felt obvious support in Yerevan to the Palestinians’ cause at both official and popular levels.

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  • Federate
    Re: Free Palestine - The Struggle

    Palestine hopes to enlist Armenia’s support in independence recognition

    On June 20 Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan received the head of the Department of International Relations of the Palestinian movement, Fatah, former Palestinian Foreign Minister Nabil Shaath.

    Earlier, Palestinian news agency Maan reported that the purpose of the visit was to enlist the support of Armenia in the matter of the United Nations declaration on Palestinian independence.

    This issue was actually discussed during the meetings with both the foreign minister of Armenia and representatives of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun) with whom Fatah is friendly through Socintern.

    In September Palestine is going to apply to the United Nations for the recognition of its independence. That the U.S. may support Palestine was last month stated by American President Barack Obama. The matter concerns the 1967 borders, with some “adjustments” and now Israel is trying to do everything for part of Jerusalem to be included in these “adjustments”.

    Armenia is connected with the Palestinian issue in many aspects. First of all, the presence of the Karabakh problem, whose solution is also being forced by the international community. The recognition of Palestine will become another precedent for the realization of the right to self-determination, and it would be difficult for the world community to persuade the Armenian side that only in Karabakh this right cannot be implemented or can be implemented partially.

    Besides, Armenia’s attitude towards the Palestinian issue impacts the position of the Arab world on the Karabakh issue. In spite of Muslim solidarity, the Arab League does not provide unequivocal support for Azerbaijan in the Karabakh issue.

    Nalbandyan noted that the relations between Armenia and Arab countries are developing dynamically. He said that the president of Armenia was one of the first in 2000 to pay an official visit to Ramallah and meet with the leadership of the Palestinian Authority.

    “We welcome the initiatives which are aimed at a fair and compromise-based solution to existing problems,” stressed the minister.

    Shaath outlined the processes taking place before the vote at the UN General Assembly on the recognition of Palestine’s independence and asked Armenia for support in the process of the declaration of Palestine’s independence.

    In early May, a Dashnaktsutyun delegation visited Ramallah and on June 21 representatives of the Palestinian Fatah movement met with Dashnak representatives in Yerevan.

    Shaath said they would like to see an exchange of embassies in Palestine and Armenia.

    The delegation visited Tsitsernakaberd and paid tribute to the victims of the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey.

    The same day, Israel’s Ministerial Committee on Legislation refused to accept the bill of Professor Aryeh Eldad (Ichud Leumi) on the introduction of the Day of Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide, reported The MP suggested that every year on April 24 tragic events of 1915 be told about in schools. He urged the government “not to be afraid of Turkey” and recognize the Armenian Genocide. “I will raise this issue at the plenary session of the Knesset,” said the lawmaker. He noted that the initiative stood little chance [of passing]: “But I want the government to explain in front of all why it votes against recognition,” he said.

    On May 31, Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin decided that the Israeli parliament will hold an annual meeting devoted to the events of 1915.

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  • Federate
    Re: Free Palestine - The Struggle

    The Fatah delegation visited Tsitsernakaberd Such great news.

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  • Mos
    Re: Free Palestine - The Struggle

    Originally posted by Federate View Post
    ARF stands by Palestine’s side

    05:54 pm | Today | Politics

    The delegation of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Fath) today visited the ARF "Kristapor Mikayelyan" Center as part of the working visit to Armenia.

    ARF Bureau member Levon Mkrtchyan greeted the delegates, touched upon the Armenian-Arab warm relations, the ARF's positive stance on the Palestinians' just struggle and the close ties between the ARF and Fath, especially within Socintern.

    During the meeting, Fath International Affairs Coordinator Nabil Shaas noted that the Fath has the desire to open embassies in both countries. He also presented the ARF representatives with the current stage of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and mentioned that in September, Palestine would appeal to the UN with the request for recognizing its independence. Levon Mkrtchyan mentioned that the ARF was ready to support the Palestinians' just struggle at the international level.

    The sides also touched upon the current state of negotiations over the Artsakh issue, issues related to the rights of Armenians in Palestine and Jerusalem, as well as the opportunities for strengthening cooperation between the two political parties.

    Nabil Shaas officially invited the ARF representatives to Palestine.

    Information provided by ARF Press Divan
    Not surprised, ARF historically has had good relations with Palestinians given its heavy connection to the Armenian community of Lebanon. Though what's more important is what the ruling party's stance is, which I would think would be more milder.

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  • Federate
    Re: Free Palestine - The Struggle

    ARF stands by Palestine’s side

    05:54 pm | Today | Politics

    The delegation of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Fath) today visited the ARF "Kristapor Mikayelyan" Center as part of the working visit to Armenia.

    ARF Bureau member Levon Mkrtchyan greeted the delegates, touched upon the Armenian-Arab warm relations, the ARF's positive stance on the Palestinians' just struggle and the close ties between the ARF and Fath, especially within Socintern.

    During the meeting, Fath International Affairs Coordinator Nabil Shaas noted that the Fath has the desire to open embassies in both countries. He also presented the ARF representatives with the current stage of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and mentioned that in September, Palestine would appeal to the UN with the request for recognizing its independence. Levon Mkrtchyan mentioned that the ARF was ready to support the Palestinians' just struggle at the international level.

    The sides also touched upon the current state of negotiations over the Artsakh issue, issues related to the rights of Armenians in Palestine and Jerusalem, as well as the opportunities for strengthening cooperation between the two political parties.

    Nabil Shaas officially invited the ARF representatives to Palestine.

    Information provided by ARF Press Divan

    A1+ The most urgent and objective information from Armenia. News, videos, live streams/ online/. Politics, Social, Culture, Sports,interviews, everything in a website

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  • Mos
    Re: Free Palestine - The Struggle

    xxxs in US are highly organised, and intertwined. There's no disputing that.

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  • Federate
    Re: Free Palestine - The Struggle

    Originally posted by Mos View Post
    It's like Turkey being the sole mediator in the Karabakh negotiations...
    Indeed! It's pretty ridiculous They really need to re-think their negotiations strategy.

    In other news, it seems J3ws are promoting so-called "conspiracy theories" of J3ws having connections . If anyone else accused them of "having connections" with "decision makers", they'd all be labeled "anti-semite conspiracy theorists" .
    Israel's UN ambassador tells U.S. xxxs: Prepare for September vote on Palestinian state
    Ron Prosor urges leaders at closed session of the Conference of Presidents of major xxxish American Organizations to use connections to stop upcoming UN vote.
    By Shlomo Shamir

    Israel's new ambassador to the United Nations Ron Prosor urged xxxish American leaders on Monday to form a clear and operational plan ahead of the United Nations vote in September regarding unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state.

    During a closed meeting of the Conference of Presidents of major xxxish American Organizations in New York, Prosor said that talk was not enough at such a crucial time, and that the U.S. xxxish community must prepare a clear operational plan.

    In an unconventional appeal for unity, the new ambassador, who started serving as Israel's UN envoy less than a week ago, urged the xxxish leaders to work together despite their differences ahead of the September vote.

    Prosor stressed before the xxxish leaders that they must take advantage of the xxxish community's connections with decision makers in order to get results.

    Prosor also said that regardless of the outcome of the UN vote, a Palestinian state will not be created and added that the UN is not authorized to dictate borders between countries. He stressed that a unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state will bring about another cycle of violence that will only lead to a dead end.

    Least week Prosor said that the September vote was at the center of the Israeli delegation's life.

    "The mission regarding the unilateral declaration is one heck of a challenge, but I believe the chances of the declaration to succeed are actually very small. It will only bring things back and take nothing forward; I say that as the director general of the Foreign Ministry during the disengagement from Gaza. Unilateral moves are not constructive," Prosor said after his first day on the job, emphasizing that there was still time to act before the vote.

    Ron Prosor urges leaders at closed session of the Conference of Presidents of major Jewish American Organizations to use connections to stop upcoming UN vote.

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  • Mos
    Re: Free Palestine - The Struggle

    Originally posted by Federate View Post
    I don't understand why the Palestinians don't turn to Russia and demand that it becomes as important to the negotiations as the US. It'll at least come a little bit closer to balancing the equation. And don't even bother mentioning the so-called "Quartet". It's simple enough to say that the US is only the "mediator" by itself.
    It's like Turkey being the sole mediator in the Karabakh negotiations...

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  • Federate
    Re: Free Palestine - The Struggle

    I don't understand why the Palestinians don't turn to Russia and demand that it becomes as important to the negotiations as the US. It'll at least come a little bit closer to balancing the equation. And don't even bother mentioning the so-called "Quartet". It's simple enough to say that the US is only the "mediator" by itself.

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