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Pentagon Attack on 911

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  • Re: Pentagon Attack on 911

    Yes as the Germans proved with their Reichstaff campaign. It's all too easy for the puppet masters.

    To answer my own question that I posed at the end of my last post ...

    The Boston Tea Party ... different yet the same. At that time I'm sure most ppl viewed the Native Americans as quite the terrorists. Capable of striking fear into much of the populace.

    With the Patriot Act in effect it feels like we're under the control of a Neo-Stasi regime.

    Check this out

    I read about the Stasi years ago and I am suprised no one that I am aware of has drawn any parallels b/w that period and our own.


    • Re: Pentagon Attack on 911

      Al-Qaida offshoot blamed in Syria attack

      By ALBERT AJI, Associated Press Writer

      DAMASCUS, Syria - Armed Islamic militants attempted to storm the U.S. Embassy in a brazen attack Tuesday, the government said. Four people were killed, including three of the assailants. There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but an al-Qaida offshoot group was suspected,
      Syria's ambassador to the United States said.

      No Americans were hurt in the attack, in which the militants used automatic rifles, hand grenades and at least one van rigged with explosives.

      The al-Qaida offshoot group, called Jund al-Sham, has been blamed for several attacks in Syria in recent years, the Syrian ambassador, Imad Moustapha, said in comments to CNN.

      The attackers apparently did not breach the high walls surrounding the white embassy compound in a diplomatic neighborhood of Damascus. But one of Syria's anti-terrorism security troops was killed in the attack and at least 11 others were injured including a local embassy police officer, two Iraqis and seven workers at a nearby technical workshop, Syria's official news agency reported.

      U.S. Secretary of State
      Condoleezza Rice, on a trip to Nova Scotia, praised the work of Syrian security agents who repelled the attack, but said it was too early to know who may have been behind it.

      In the past, the Bush administration has been very critical of the tight control that the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad has over its people, but Rice would not speculate on whether Tuesday's attack may be an indication that the regime's control is slipping.

      "I think it's very early to try and speculate why this may have happened," Rice said.
      Can you already see it? I can. What are the chances that this will be used as a pretext to go to war yet again?
      Achkerov kute.


      • Re: Pentagon Attack on 911

        Originally posted by Anonymouse
        Can you already see it? I can. What are the chances that this will be used as a pretext to go to war yet again?
        Syria is at least 10 years away from actual physical occupation plans (IMO). Iran is much more immediate for now, making Syria after Iraq and Iran a distant third (if ever).


        • Re: Pentagon Attack on 911

          Originally posted by karoaper
          Syria is at least 10 years away from actual physical occupation plans (IMO). Iran is much more immediate for now, making Syria after Iraq and Iran a distant third (if ever).
          What you say makes alot of sense but there are other factors as well.

          Obviously, according to the Neocon/Zionist formula, Iran and Syria are the next targets. However, the order in wich they will be attacked is dependant upon how the current 'Cold War' against Iran evolves.

          In reality, Zionist forces and Americans are at a severe disadvantage against Iran. Iran actually controls the economic, diplomatic and military aspect of the current crisis (although Iran has an internal danger to worry about - freedom minded new generation and Azeri Turks). If the State Department comes to the conclusion that directly attacking Iran is suicidal for American forces and Israel, they may decide to go after Syria first. Thereafter, they may want to squeeze Iran by further isolating it.

          In the aforementioned scenerio, there is a potential danger towards Armenia. If Zionist forces and America want to cut Iran off from Russia - Armenia will be a major theater of operation. Although so far it has been spared, the Armenian Republic may be a direct target in the regional mess.

          I remain confidant that Yerevan will stay true to its close relationship with Iran and Russia. As long as Iran and Russia are powerful in the region Armenia can survive.
          Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


          Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


          • Re: Pentagon Attack on 911

            Originally posted by Armenian
            What you say makes alot of sense but there are other factors as well.

            Obviously, according to the Neocon/Zionist formula, Iran and Syria are the next targets. However, the order in wich they will be attacked is dependant upon how the current 'Cold War' against Iran evolves.

            In reality, Zionist forces and Americans are at a severe disadvantage against Iran. Iran actually controls the economic, diplomatic and military aspect of the current crisis (although Iran has an internal danger to worry about - freedom minded new generation and Azeri Turks). If the State Department comes to the conclusion that directly attacking Iran is suicidal for American forces and Israel, they may decide to go after Syria first. Thereafter, they may want to squeeze Iran by further isolating it.

            In the aforementioned scenerio, there is a potential danger towards Armenia. If Zionist forces and America want to cut Iran off from Russia - Armenia will be a major theater of operation. Although so far it has been spared, the Armenian Republic may be a direct target in the regional mess.

            I remain confidant that Yerevan will stay true to its close relationship with Iran and Russia. As long as Iran and Russia are powerful in the region Armenia can survive.
            Like you said Iran would be a tough nut for US to crack. Why I though Syria is not under direct military threat is that Syria is foremost a savvy and powerful political foe, thanks to its support of Palestinian groups and clever control of religious and ethnic groups. But militarily Syria is not a threat (though I may be wrong), at least compared to Iran, which manufactures their own weapons. So, logically I would think Syria would be handled more economically and politically, especially if Iran is to be tamed.

            As far as Yerevan staying clear of danger, it will take politicizing from our friends and our lobbies to win for Armenia a position of neutrality without the cost of America's anger. Well, rather we can expect US to favor and lavish Azeris (I assume Azeris will roll over for US) more than Armenia, which already was true in terms of economic gifts after Iraq. But like you said, for Armenia to be able to reject American demands for air use and logistics without serious consequences will not be an easy political task. I also assume Iran will understand enough not to demand Armenia's active help, knowing her precarious position in such a situation.
            Last edited by karoaper; 09-12-2006, 06:55 PM.


            • Re: 9-11 Truth ...

              Originally posted by Lamb Boy
              Ok Sip I'll be nice about this one but your incessant attitude and arrogance that somehow you know more than everybody else is getting seriously old. You haven't even taken the time to view any of the lectures, so whatever.

              Does Osama hate America ... duh yes that's a "no brainer". Has Osama also stated on multiple occasions that he had nothing to do with the attacks on 9-11 ... yes. In fact there is only ONE tape, "the smoking gun tape", in which he admits it was "his" plan.

              Sip, if you actually had an open mind and viewed any of the material covering this topic out there you would already know this. One tape he states that he was responsible for 9-11, which most ppl of average intelligence can ascertain is certainly NOT Osama, and on several occasions where he states he had nothing to do with it. Aside from not looking like Osama he also wrote with his right hand, Osama is a lefty, and was wearing a gold ring which is highly unlikely for a Muslim zealot like himself.

              Here is a picture of him from the "smoking gun tape" which Muslims are quick to point out is in fact NOT Osama.

              Here's a link ...
              Smoking Gun Osama?

              Well pre 9-11 he hated America and so this in and of itself doesn't make him the chief culprit ... just a patsy. Keep in mind a patsy is someone with ALL of the criminal intent in the world just incapable of performing the crimes without outside resources. In no way is he an innocent man but according to the horse’s mouth on several occasions he had nothing to do with it. Here ya go ...

              September 28, 2001. In this interview, bin Laden says of the September 11 attacks in the US:

              "I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other humans as an appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women, children and other people. Such a practice is forbidden even in the course of a battle.

              Finally, as you seem to have forgotten some basic American history in all of your CS classes. What is one of the first and still most celebrated American false flag acts of terrorism ever committed by our own ppl? No where near as bad as 9-11 but same idea ...

              I am glad you are posting in this thread. I want us all to see real dangers that await us. These are historic times we are living in, and strangely it all looks so familiar. History repeats itself. Blood-thirsty demons of the past have reincarnated and they have once again chosen to wage war in the name of greed and power.
              Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


              Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


              • Re: Pentagon Attack on 911

                But like you said, for Armenia to be able to reject American demands for air use and logistics without serious consequences will not be an easy political task.
                Karo, both Georgia and Azerbaijan are quite afraid to let Washington conduct any anti-Iranian operations from their territories. I doubt either of them will give Washington any conscent let alone Armenia. Iran's threats are quite real and quite serious. Oops we detract from the subject a bit, I guess the last few threads belong in the middle east war thread.


                • Re: Pentagon Attack on 911

                  Originally posted by karoaper
                  Like you said Iran would be a tough nut for US to crack. Why I though Syria is not under direct military threat is that Syria is foremost a savvy and powerful political foe, thanks to its support of Palestinian groups and clever control of religious and ethnic groups. But militarily Syria is not a threat (though I may be wrong), at least compared to Iran, which manufactures their own weapons. So, logically I would think Syria would be handled more economically and politically, especially if Iran is to be tamed.
                  I agree on all points. But I would add, Iran is much more capable than Syria in the field of dipolmacy and politics - because it is very wealthy, controls a vast rugged land full of natural resources, an advanced military and a close relationship with Russia and China. In short: Iran is 'not' a "though nut to crack" - Iran is an 'impossible' nut to crack.

                  And therein lies the inherent danger: Zionist forces of American may resort to using atomic bombs against Iran in order to defeat it. However, prior to such an action, there will need to be some bloody attack against American forces or civilians that can be blamed upon Iran. Only thereafter, as in 9/11, power brokers here and elsewhere can justify such an attack on Iran.

                  As far as Yerevan staying clear of danger, it will take politicizing from our friends and our lobbies to win for Armenia a position of neutrality without the cost of America's anger. Well, rather we can expect US to favor and lavish Azeris (I assume Azeris will roll over for US) more than Armenia, which already was true in terms of economic gifts after Iraq. But like you said, for Armenia to be able to reject American demands for air use and logistics without serious consequences will not be an easy political task. I also assume Iran will understand enough not to demand Armenia's active help, knowing her precarious position in such a situation.
                  I agree, but you must realize that there is alot of Russia-Iran transit that goes through Armenia and that they (Washington, Tel Aviv, London, Islamabad, etc) may want to stop. Therefore, its not just access to airbases. Armenia must do everything it can to help Iran directly or indirectly. If Iran falls under attack, the region will experiance a disaster of biblical proportions, the outcome of which will only be detrimental to our tiny republic.
                  Last edited by Armenian; 09-12-2006, 07:13 PM.
                  Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                  Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                  • Re: Pentagon Attack on 911

                    Originally posted by skhara
                    Karo, both Georgia and Azerbaijan are quite afraid to let Washington conduct any anti-Iranian operations from their territories. I doubt either of them will give Washington any conscent let alone Armenia. Iran's threats are quite real and quite serious. Oops we detract from the subject a bit, I guess the last few threads belong in the middle east war thread.
                    I agree, everyone in the region sees that as a scary prospect, but if someone cracks, I'm sure it will be ..shvilis or ..medovs.


                    • Re: Pentagon Attack on 911

                      Originally posted by Armenian
                      I agree, but you must realize that there is alot of Russia-Iran transit that goes through Armenia and that they (Washington, Tel Aviv, London, Islamabad, etc) may want to stop. Therefore, its not just access to airbases. Armenia must do everything it can to help Iran directly or indirectly. If Iran falls under attack, the region will experiance a disaster of biblical proportions, the outcome of which will only be detrimental to our tiny republic.
                      I see what you mean about transit lines. At the very least an economic blokade on Armenia from the entire south would be severe. I just heard about the atomic plans on Iran from that lecture on 9/11. Honestly, I can't concieve off it. But yeah, a broken Iran is very bad for Armenia, more directly in relation to our stance against Azeris. Scary time.

