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Can I have a "Bride to Go" please?

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  • Can I have a "Bride to Go" please?

    This is a topic that must be explored. I have noticed more than ever this new craze with Armenian men. Whether they are Eastern or Western they all have the same fixation:

    Once they are ripe for marriage they leave their home for the land of Armenia to find themselves a nice Armenian wife, the younger the better. Then they set sails for their home with their new, young, naïve and with those “old fashioned morals” bride. Now twice their age and proud these Armenian men start solidifying their dreams of reproduction and creating a pure bred generation of Armenian boys (preferably) to continue the family business. Their first step is to keep their new wife aloof, with no resources for learning English and keep her occupied in the house to keep her away from these darn liberal American women is their strategy.

    So as they happily draw a plan of their glorious future with a sheltered and sweet Armenian homemaker wife, she is already starting to witness the liberal life that so many American women of her age possess. Who would have known that a woman has a career of her own here and that she can pretty much control her life without anyone gossiping about her loose ways? Alas, she becomes inspired to leave her boring life with a man almost her fathers age and a glorious ascending beer gut and liberate herself.
    And our dear Armo man is left astounded and speechless of course not without anger…So with a determination that our Armenian men are so known for he makes a firm decision…..

    “Next year he will leave to Armenia with a search of a new wife, but this time he’ll make sure that she’s younger, after all they are easier to mold at a very young age!”

    This is happening more and more often, the American-Armenian women are no longer good enough.

    I have met a nice number of men closer to my fathers’, age ready to settle down with me and making plans to visit my mom with “surprising presents” trying to impress me with the houses in the Hamptons and expensive cars. One went as far as telling me that he has enough money so that I never have to worry about working ever again! What the F?

    Is it just me, or do Armenian men view Armenian women as reproductive machines? They remind me of vultures in search of some fresh and pure prey!

  • #2
    Wow, bothersome phenomena going on there.

    I must say that I have never seen such cases in my environment.

    However, I will also go to Armenia to find a wife. Only difference is that I'll be the one that moves there, instead of the other way around.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Baron Dants
      However, I will also go to Armenia to find a wife. Only difference is that I'll be the one that moves there, instead of the other way around.
      You are a little too young to think of marriage, my young yet very mature yekhpair (wishful thinking). Why not come for a visit to NYC to see you mets kuyr instead, so that we can continue our battles of the languages.


      • #4
        While I do not agree with the usual male treatment of women as objects or machines or some form of material possession, I am not a fan of American liberal/feminist women, who are a very vociferous and irrational bunch, no different than the vocal homosexuals, or the anti gun soccer moms, or the anti abortion mobs.

        You see, in this country, this really fun and stimulating phenomenon called androgyny is popular these days, and with all this homosexual alternative lifestyle live in partner friends with privelages culture, there is a cultural imbalance here and is it any wonder why this "country" has the highest divorce rate?

        Gender has become nothing but a pliable "social creation". It's seen as some "social problem" that can be overcome, and you can always thank politics and political systems to be there to "fight for us". Who knew 500 years ago that we would invent the term "transgendered", or "feminist", which would go around talking about such things as "we are equal". Well I guess the Enlightenment does grow on people.

        I am not a fan of intentionally keeping women down, or oppressing them, or subjecting them to things against their want, such as locking them in the house merely for pumping babies every 9 months. I support their right to education, and to do what they do, however to try to go on a crusade of "doing away" with natural differences that occur between the sexes, and the overall promiscuity ( for both men and women ) that is encouraged in todays pop culture America, I wouldn't blame anyone if they went to Armenia to "find a bride". Truth is, Western women in general are very liberal and feminist women, and when it comes to "marriage" I see myself as somewhat of a conservative fellow, who has been brought up in a very family oriented conservative culture if you will, where male female differences have always been respected.

        Dating and finding a wife is a game of numbers. Western women are sabotaging the game. Armenians who live in the western world are exposed to this, and as is expected are transformed by this. And I don't blame Armenian men for not wanting to mary Armenian girls in the western world. Take a look at western women. Marriage in the west has become a losing proposition for a man, its an institution looking extremely vulnerable from a barrage of attacks from multiple directions.

        Feminism is undoubtedly the single greatest cause of the breakdown of marriage, and this shouldn’t be any surprise, as it was one of feminism’s stated goals from the very beginning to destroy "marriage" and the "nuclear family", which were regarded as “Patriarchal” oppression of women. Of course once again here you can thank politics for dividing and adding fuel to the fire.

        What exactly is an Armenian wife in the western world or any other wife offering to her man that she hasn’t already given to other men? She may have already shared her body with tens of other men, and she is likely to submit more to the masculine authority of her boss than she will ever do to you. The once known male/female differences and expectations in marriage have been eroded. Instead what you have is an unstable self-contradictory model based on androgyny and materialism. I don't need to go off on a rant to cite how men and women are different both on a biological and physical level as well as on a psychological and cognitive level.

        And then there is the divorce industry, nuff said.
        Achkerov kute.


        • #5
          See ani, he IS sexist.

          Anon, you claim that you "do not agree with the usual male treatment of women as objects or machines or some form of material possession," yet say that "the once known male/female differences and expectations in marriage have been eroded". (For the record, what ARE the differences and expectations of marriage ?) See where I'm headed with this?

          What the hell do androgyny and homosexuality have to do with a heterosexual marriage???

          Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems as though you are advocating the submissiveness of the wife to the husband, even though you try to fool us into believing that you're not a sexist a-hole.


          • #6

            interesting post anileve jan
            im afraid you may be right and that Armenian men do find armenian women to be reproductive old-fashioned washing machines

            From a personal point of view i would eventually like to settle down with an Armenian girl (who preferably lives abroad).

            I dont plan to get married till im about 22 some hot Armenian tanned chick from
            Ive had a number of birds here in Ireland but just could never see myself marrying one as i would like one on an armenian wavelength if you know what i mean.

            Armenians are by nature stubborn and proud men who like to control their women and have them cook and clean.Its sad but i think its true.

            ps anileve and armenian is a bit xxxx after 13 you still speak it fluently at home??


            • #7
              Originally posted by sSsflamesSs
              See ani, he IS sexist.

              Anon, you claim that you "do not agree with the usual male treatment of women as objects or machines or some form of material possession," yet say that "the once known male/female differences and expectations in marriage have been eroded". (For the record, what ARE the differences and expectations of marriage ?) See where I'm headed with this?

              What the hell do androgyny and homosexuality have to do with a heterosexual marriage???

              Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems as though you are advocating the submissiveness of the wife to the husband, even though you try to fool us into believing that you're not a sexist a-hole.
              RIGHT ON SISTA! He is either sexist or he's trying to push our buttons, he's already pushed mine and I am trying to suppress the steam that is rapidly exuberating.

              If he is attempting to play a role of a provoker then it's a bit dangerous since this forum consists of mainly young impressionable men who are already somewhat gearing towards his chauvinist ideas.

              If he really is as chauvinist as he sounds, we just might have to attempt to enlighten his Medieval mind, though God knows his extremely stubborn ways.

              I am gathering myself to respond to his narrow-minded statement. Flames, your input is greatly appreciated.

              Anon, I am very much interested in your response to Flames question “For the record, what ARE the differences and expectations of ”. Sounds to me that you have formed a very firm opinion, will you the honors of sharing it? And do me a favor do not use “feminist” as a derogatory word, it is unfortunate that you have no clue of the history behind it and obviously fail to realize its significance to women.


              • #8
                I'm gonna have to agree with barondants in that I've never witnessed such cases myself...
                when it comes to the sexes...
                males and females are Anon pointed out, both physically and psychologically...
                we CAN never and WILL never be equal...
                there's a reason why ALL the world records in any sport belong to men.
                there's a reason why the leaders of countries and armies of the past AND present world are of male species...(exceptions are always there)

                it's not "old fashioned"...the female in a family is the caregiver... (from breastfeeding to cooking and cleaning)
                now you guys are gonna say I'm looking for a sugardaddy to depend financially on...
                I'm not... lol relax...I plan to work and am going to...
                but raising my kids (instead of giving them up to a babysitter) and taking care of my family will always come first...
                females have worked since the hunter gatherer days...

                but when it comes to Anon's "She may have already shared her body with tens of other men"
                why would YOU (men) get to share your body with tens of other women before marriage??
                now THAT makes you a sexist...
                don't reply to me saying it's one of the physical differences... men
                like sex more than women... cuz guess what... that's WRONG... I'M a living proof...(which doesn't necessarily mean I've shared my body with lots of men)
                I know a lot of you girls are gonna disagree with me...
                before doing so... please consider that I was raised in the east!
                and it's obvious that you would disagree with me... since you've been to the "west side" schools... and have been exposed to western media since you were kids...
                it's ALL about backgrounds...
                so... basically yeah... western and eastern women ARE different...
                and since us armenians are an eastern based nation(Armenia, Persia, Lebanon, etc...)our men prefer the "eastern" mentality... don't blame them...


                • #9
                  i dont know about the whole Mentality thing but im definately going to go to Armenia as soon as i make some money and get married with a nice girl who is maybe 5-6 years younger than me and live out my life happily ever after and of course ill have 4 kids cuz i come from a small family and that makes me want my kids to have a lot of siblings and have a big family later on and to increase Armenia's population.i think that in 10 -15 years Armenia's population is going to start growing at a very high rate because all the people like me that left during hte economic hardships will decide to come back and live in their homeland once the economy gets back on its feet which i think will fully happen by 2015.


                  • #10
                    You see one of the ways in which politics blinds the mentality of the mob or any political group, in this case the feminists, is it makes them believe things, otherwise not known to be rational.

                    Such is the belief that men and women are 'equal'. You can go on a rant of all the names and insults you can think of and pin it on me, yet it won't make you anymore equal to me, than one could make a cat equal to that of a lion. With that said, stop trying to poke into this forbidden future where "we are equal". Such a fallacious egalitarian idea is unheard of in biology. And when biology contradicts ideology, you're better off with biology.
                    Achkerov kute.

