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  • #31
    Originally posted by jahannam
    it's saturday night, a handfull of Armenian girlfriends decide to go clubbing... to drink, dance and socialize with guys...
    to me and you.. this is totally acceptable behavior... it's fun...we wouldn't mind doing it... we even look forward to such nights often...
    to someone from Armenia or Lebanon or Persia or Syria it is totally and unacceptably wrong...
    Why do i always seem to have to contradict you? sorry! but just as there are some armenian girls in the 'west' that like to go out and have fun and hang out with guys and go to a club, etc, there are girls in armenian and lebanon and syria who do the same. on the same token, there are armenian girls in the 'west' who think going out and doing that stuff is "wrong". If you had been to armenia, lebanon, and syria you would see the proof in your own eyes. i can personally attest to the fact that some middle eastern girls who live in the 'east' are worse than girls here. so. lets not generalize. it seems we're all slave to this damn generalization disease.

    IS ANYONE GOING TO ANSWER MY QUESTION FROM BEFORE? I didn;t say armenian guys are stinky or evil or wife beaters or bad or etc etc etc I just want to know WHHHHYYYYYYYYYY??
    The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


    • #32
      megha asdoodzo
      she sounds EXACTLY like the American women Anon was talking about...
      you don't know what feminism is..."
      blah blah blah
      you chics sound like the biggest sexists yourselves...
      girls defending girls ... how cute
      I'm soo blessed that I don't think like you two
      I'm gonna go to church and light a candle for that tomorrow...


      • #33
        Originally posted by jahannam
        megha asdoodzo
        she sounds EXACTLY like the American women Anon was talking about...
        you don't know what feminism is..."
        blah blah blah
        you chics sound like the biggest sexists yourselves...
        girls defending girls ... how cute
        I'm soo blessed that I don't think like you two
        I'm gonna go to church and light a candle for that tomorrow...
        well afterward you can go to work and get paid 40 grand less to do the same job as the guy sitting across from you and then oh wait! without feminism you wouldn't be in school or working or whatever. you would have like a middle school education and excellent cooking, cleaning, and baby making skills. like i said before. feminism means rights for women. now if you bag on feminism you'll have to agree to give up every single right you have that has been given to you after the 'wommens rights' movement started. ready to give it all up? Whether you like it or not, as long as you take advantage of higher education and all other opportunities provided to women as well as men, you have to see that feminism, to a certain extent is the reason you can do all that.
        The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


        • #34
          How can you be treated equally when people themselves are all different and unequal?

          That defies logic, but then again when do women ever use logic?

          There is no "equal treatment", never has been. Just a political ploy to get you to adhere to the political doctrine known as feminism and vote Democrat.

          Such mindless fools.
          Achkerov kute.


          • #35
            ok ck im gonna tell you why im gonna marry a girl from Armenia. But first of all let me just dispell this myth about girls from Armenia being prude and not going clubbin or anything like that, they are just like girls here in the US, they are fashionable and they date and go out and go clubbing and drinkin and everything else you do here.

            Now the reason i would want a girl from Armenia is because no matter how long she lives in the US Armenian will still be her primary language and when i have kids i dont want my kids to speak English at all in the house. And hte only english they will learn is in school not from me or my relatives. And yes my wife is gonna stay home and watch the kids because thats how its supposed to be. The children need human contact and their mother so that it fosters a strong bond for the future. i dont want to leave them at home all day with some babysitter.
            and yet another reason for getting a wife from Armenia is that she probably knows how to cook good unlike you girls here, and also if in 5 or 10 years i decide that i want to go and live in Armenia i will know that she wont have a problem with it because she has such a strong bond to the country and probably loves it like me.


            I hope everything is clear now.


            • #36
              Why don't you move your ass to Armenia?

              If it is "Armenian heritage" you seek to preserve MOVE like Mr. Dance.
              Achkerov kute.


              • #37
                interesting tigran jan

                Just outta curiosity how old are you??

                Anyway i can understand why people make the generalisation of the Armenian woman.
                I think that this perception exists among males that havent grown up in Armenia(like me) that Armenian Women are no-goers when it comes to partying,drinkin,smokin,taking drugs,having sex etc etc.Now this may be wrong but i know a lot of people who think like so of the armenian women.I stand corrected if im wrong on this by the way.So naturally they would want to settle down with a goody twoshoes Armo woman who hasnt been around the block.

                Im not a typical armo male...due to the fact that i moved to Ireland when 10.Me and all my mates drink heavily, smoke , have the odd rifter, go clubbing, have tatoos and piercings, sometimes bleach our hair.(my dad disaproves saying were Armenian men that should behave accordingly but xxxx all that old-fashioned xxxx i say.Same with the ladies.....we dont live in a village what you feel.....set yourself free.

                Anyway as stated previously the Armenian male is one that is extremely proud and feels he should be in control.that im afraid is the armenian tradition.....i dont agree with it but its fact.

                For example in ireland All the women get together on weekends especially caught up in a heavy heavy drinkin culture.It is the norm to go to clubs absolutely pissed,crack on to boys,have sex with strangers on the 1st nite,wear little to no clothing etc etc.This is the culture that yhey have been brought up on.Just like the Armo girls have been brought up on the opposite culture.So while youre sitting there thinking xxxxs...theyre sitting there thinkin "nuns"
                Cultures differ...
                so just respect it!


                • #38
                  Arik are making waaaaaaay too many generalizations. Have you ever SEEN the girls in Yerevan with their mini-skirts and their partying? They party just like everyone else. Drop the misperception that they're at home knitting socks for their future husband.

                  Tigran, why not stay home with the kids yourself? Once the breastfeeding days are over (for obvious reasons), I think I would not work for a while and let my wife get back to her job. Sounds more fair, no? And why not share the cooking duties? Haha, now I've become a feminist. But seriously, if both the husband and wife have careers, both should make sacrifices. The wife shouldn't be forced to basically retire at age 30 and stay at home for the rest of her days.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by ckBejug
                    Why do i always seem to have to contradict you?
                    cuz you're stupid and I'm not!
                    you changed your WHOLE message through the edit button
                    (your first message of the 3rd page of this thread... and anyone can notice after reading MY reply to you, which, thanx to YOU, is now irrelevant... so basically I won and you couldn't take it lol)
                    Attention stupid forumers: the edit button is for editting grammar and spelling mistakes or adding or deleting a sentence or two... it's not for deleting whole messages! thank you thank you
                    (uhum uhum BUSted)

                    Originally posted by ckBejug
                    there are girls in armenian and lebanon and syria who do the same. If you had been to armenia, lebanon, and syria you would see the proof in your own eyes.
                    ummm not quite dear.. I used to LIVE in Syria and I"ve been to Lebanon AND Armenia... In Syria there's some getto clubs for MEN and prostitues!!In Lebanon there's a couple of cool clubs in the christian side of the country... whereas in Armenia the cheapest xxxxtiest girls are the ones that go clubbing...

                    Originally posted by ckBejug
                    on the same token, there are armenian girls in the 'west' who think going out and doing that stuff is "wrong".
                    are you TRYING to find excuses?
                    NO GIRL that was raised in the west thinks partying is wrong...

                    I was gonna say you sound like Fireburntinhell, but WOW you're worse!


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by jahannam
                      cuz you're stupid and I'm not!
                      Oh Jesus, that is misrepresented quote Jahaha! God you give me a headache with your clodpated posts!

                      Wait I hear something:

                      *IGNORE ALARM* *Immediately evacuate the urge to respond to THE LITTLE GIRL FROM HELL!*

