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Can I have a "Bride to Go" please?

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  • #51
    Originally posted by ckBejug
    by the way... since your little mousey knows that my ip address is coming from Caltech, it should know what I do at caltech. I kill little mousies. sorry! hurry. hide it. before i get too close!
    Oh no! What shall I do, what shall I do. I will protect the mouse from people like you! Oh, I know what you do at Caltech, but I can't proclaim such information.



    • #52
      Originally posted by ckBejug

      w-h-e-n d-i-d i e-d-i-t m-y E-N-T-I-R-E p-o-s-t???
      and by that i mean what did i change to be any dfferent than what i have been saying all along? oh yeah. nothing. anyway don't reply back with a date and time.
      The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


      • #53
        Originally posted by Emil

        Oh no! What shall I do, what shall I do. I will protect the mouse from people like you!

        lol. you made a cute little rhyme
        The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


        • #54
          whatever the hell your querstion means...
          DON'T LIE...
          you know exactly what i'm talking about Mrs...."I go to USC to announce it later"
          I like the kids table better... at least you're not there...
          have fun showing off your caltechish trojanish capabilities at the "adults table" you LIAR ...


          • #55
            the only thing i have left to say to you on this subject jahannam is something i'm just going to quote anonymouse on (you don't mind right mousie?)

            Originally posted by Anonymouse

            They end with an insult because desperate minds, after having exhausted all possible resouces and routes out of their critical thinking blunder, resort to insults as that is the last refuge of the pointless.
            thanks for the laughs jahannam jan
            The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


            • #56
              and Jahannam in the spirit of letting things go, i will tell you what i did when i EDITED my post.

              I added this question:

              IS ANYONE GOING TO ANSWER MY QUESTION FROM BEFORE? I didn;t say armenian guys are stinky or evil or wife beaters or bad or etc etc etc I just want to know WHHHHYYYYYYYYYY??

              because i REALLY want to know the answer.

              So far the only respone I got for that question (which is also Anileve's question and purpose of this topic pretty much) is that Tigran wants to go to Armenia because that's the only place he will find a woman who knows fluent armenian and can cook and never eat mcDonals and raise his kids to be armenian. So far, I find that to be quite a weak excuse, and not just because it suggests that myself and fellow armenian females around here aren't 'good enough' almost.

              any more reasons why Armenia is the place to go for a wife?
              The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


              • #57
                Originally posted by ckBejug
                any more reasons why Armenia is the place to go for a wife?
                Maybe they don't post 3 pages of lame insults towards other women? I dunno...

                heh, I kid, I kid. Your fighting is quite entertaining actually.

                Well, not trying to offend any of you, but it is true that maaaany gitls (as well as guys) from Canada and the States only speak Armenian every time they go visit their grandmother. While I don't agree with Tigran's "wife must stay at home and cook" idea, it is true that you have higher chances of raising a better armenian kid, when your wife speaks armenian. Of course, as I've said all along, your chances of doing that are multiplied when you move to that little place where everyone, except the mutes, speaks armenian.

                Personally, I really wouldn't have an answer, as I don't think I'd make it a pre-requisite for my wife to be born in Armenia.


                • #58


                  no matter, i was entertained.

                  i figured out baron why that place sounded familiar. i visited there for 3 months. so yeah, probably cousins.
                  The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


                  • #59
                    Originally posted by ckBejug
                    the only thing i have left to say to you on this subject jahannam is something i'm just going to quote anonymouse on (you don't mind right mousie?)

                    Originally posted by Anonymouse

                    They end with an insult because desperate minds, after having exhausted all possible resouces and routes out of their critical thinking blunder, resort to insults as that is the last refuge of the pointless.
                    thanks for the laughs jahannam jan
                    the last time I checked, you were a feminist lol
                    Anon said that about WOMEN... you're not supposed to agree with him
                    all of a sudden you changed your WHOLE belief system lol
                    the truth of the matter is... Anon himself turns to insulting everytime he's at a dead end...
                    so cut the crap both of you HA!


                    • #60
                      Originally posted by Baron Dants
                      Arik are making waaaaaaay too many generalizations. Have you ever SEEN the girls in Yerevan with their mini-skirts and their partying? They party just like everyone else. Drop the misperception that they're at home knitting socks for their future husband.

                      Tigran, why not stay home with the kids yourself? Once the breastfeeding days are over (for obvious reasons), I think I would not work for a while and let my wife get back to her job. Sounds more fair, no? And why not share the cooking duties? Haha, now I've become a feminist. But seriously, if both the husband and wife have careers, both should make sacrifices. The wife shouldn't be forced to basically retire at age 30 and stay at home for the rest of her days.
                      Baron, you wouldn't mind if I suffocate you with kisses right now, would you?

                      You're the only rational guy here.

