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Can I have a "Bride to Go" please?

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  • #11
    Originally posted by anileve

    You are a little too young to think of marriage, my young yet very mature yekhpair (wishful thinking). Why not come for a visit to NYC to see you mets kuyr instead, so that we can continue our battles of the languages.
    Eh, maybe so...but the Yerevan girls got me all excited.
    If I ever do visit NYC, I'll let you know, we'll debate over a 35$ coffee or something.


    • #12
      baron... you're 17
      she's 24
      don't tell me you guys are pulling another demi moore and Ashton Kutcher??


      • #13
        Originally posted by jahannam
        baron... you're 17
        she's 24
        don't tell me you guys are pulling another demi moore and Ashton Kutcher??
        haha, having a coffee leads to marriage eh?
        vay halebtsi kezi vay!

        I still say we should have a reunion (ok, it's the first time I say it), but let's make it on the east coast.


        • #14
          how about next summer...
          last weekend of august...
          Chicago Illinois...
          at some deep dish pizza place or somthing lol
          what do you guys think??
          (i'm gonna be there anyway hahah)


          • #15
            1. REnion? Doesn't that mean there was supposed to be some kind of union to begin with, so re-uniting can occur?? Hrm. Or is this one of those things that was determined to be true before I came into the forum, like have you guys all met before? or did you mean 'meeting' and am i being prissy grammar xxxxx again?

            2. So the population of (shnorkov, educated, nice, smart, thoughtful, endearing, manly in that 'would go out back and cut the wood' if there were an out back and any wood to be cut sort of way :arrow 'eligible' guys was aready so few to begin with, what with our being restricted (by choice) to marrying Armenians and those Armenians not always fitting the bill. Now I find out you guys are all going to run to Armenia when you 'come of age' to find a nice little bridey?? What the... HUH?!!

            Being brought up in an Armenian family from Beiruit/Syria I have known about and have all of twice been the object of the affections of those way older Armenian men who go 'shopping' for a wife once they are nice and settled in their work life and I shudder to say done 'spreading their seed', so to speak, and ready to procreate (by the way, both of whom just heard that I was educated and practically ran away! Which is good because if they had come any closer with 'gifts' i might have had to kick them). But I never thought guys who grew up in America and Canada and wherever else non-backwards thinking halebtsi-mentality 'need a pure, uneducated mama for my children' would want to do such a thing... Am I wrong to say this is a backwards mentality? I mean, come on!

            Can one of you guys explain to me this urgency to find a bride in Armenia?? It doesn't seem to be because you want what those older men who are shopping around want. Because they are looking for someone to be barefoot and pregnant and since you guys seem a level more intelligent that that I would assume you'd want to marry and spend THE REST OF YOUR LIFE with someone who is intelligent enough to carry on a conversation with you. I am not saying girls in Armenia are not intelligent, considering the fact that girls in Armenia, as with girls everywhere, can be just as educated as girls here if they put their mind to it. However, all things being equal for girls in armenia and girls here, I am left wondering what the heck is wrong with the Armenian girls where you live?? And don't give me this crap about feminism, etc. Being feminist (is apparenlty equivalent to being butch and homosexual... what???) doesn't mean having an inability to get along with men and make a good wife and mother!

            feminist=wants womens rights

            radical feminist= extremist, believes that women should be in absolute power.

            liberal feminist= see men as equals. do not discriminate against anyone based on their sex, race, class

            All women should be feminists. It means we all want to have rights. However, Not ALL women want to be EQUAL TO MEN IN EVERY WAY. That equality thing, for most women, it comes from our wish to have equal pay for equal work, which is the truest thing anyone ever said.. So why are you generalizing for the entire population?? I mean, if we're discriminating in that way because women are physiologically, biologically, and physically different than men (thanks for that clarification mousey) then anonymouse would you complain if some transsexual body builder who is physically stronger than you and biologically different than you got paid more for doing the same job you do just because he was different like that? I don't think so, I think you'd raise all sorts of hell. Just like we're alowed to do.

            And, newsflash, one can be 'feminist' and still be a virgin, love to cook, and want plenty of children she wants to raise!
            The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


            • #16
              I dunno why you guys keep choosing "feminism" out of his 3 page long essay...
              ckbejug... no one said something's wrong with us (armenian girls of the west)
              they just said they PREFER easterners over us...
              and I don't understand why it's so hard for you girls to accept that...
              there's very clear and natural mentality differences between the two...
              lemme give you an example...
              it's saturday night, a handfull of Armenian girlfriends decide to go clubbing... to drink, dance and socialize with guys...
              to me and you.. this is totally acceptable behavior... it's fun...we wouldn't mind doing it... we even look forward to such nights often...
              to someone from Armenia or Lebanon or Persia or Syria it is totally and unacceptably wrong... they think... getting drunk among random guys? wearing strapless tops? letting a stranger buy you a drink? dancing seductively on trance (aka ecstasy) music?
              SO when it comes to Armenian guys... they prefer girls who HAVEN'T been exposed to such atmospheres...(ALTHOUGH they actually enjoy those atmospheres themselves, but oh well)...
              it's just a tiny little example... but I hope you get my point...
              it's sad but true...


              • #17
                i have to add one thing: YOU CANNOT GENERALIZE THAT FOR EVERYBODY, whoever goes and brgins bride from armenia is TUNEMNATSATS, he didnt get the chance to get marry thats why he goes there to bring, not necessarily to use and abuse his wife.....
                also lot of guys wanna marry girls who grew up here not u cannot say for every case. Whoever grew up here wants someone who also grew up here. :?


                • #18
                  Originally posted by Anonymouse
                  While I do not agree with the usual male treatment of women as objects or machines or some form of material possession,and materialism.
                  And then there is the divorce industry
                  Interesting I find every thought expressed by you indirectly contradicts your quote. Secondly Flames is right “vocal homosexuals, or the anti gun soccer moms, or the anti abortion mobs” are absurdly irrelevant to this discussion.

                  You see in this country, this fun and stimulating phenomenon called feminism is popular these days. It’s like an epidemic, you see women everywhere…politics, NASCAR, shooting some killer pool (in tight jeans and a bear and making it the sexiest sport ever), movies, CEOs, boxing, tennis, wiring computers, drilling through the ground, water rafting, flying planes… dammed they are everywhere!!!! And it is all feminism to blame!

                  Now they are actually making a choice whether they can travel the world, be a doctor, or raise children, and imagine it’s their choice, just imagine for a moment that women no longer have to fit the standard of being “a proper woman” they can just be themselves!!! They go as far as making deals with their husbands to pursue their career while their men take care of the home. A woman can pursue her passion to be a journalist and work for the UN and why not if she has a compromising (sissy in definition to an Armenian “REAL” man) companion who is willing to make his wife happy.

                  Imagine women trying to run for presidents! I mean the world has gone mad! Now our leader is going to bring us to a complete destruction, since women are generally ruled by their emotions (excluding Elizabeth, Joan of Ark, Cleopatra, Catherine the Great, Mother Theresa just to name a few who have been one of the most significant contributors to our history and brought nothing but success to their people) and not their rationale.

                  Women can actually smoke cigars, vote, and play poker and go to male strip clubs and be promiscuous and go to clubs and dance their plump behinds off leaving their inhibitions behind.

                  This is outrageous; this world has caught this contagious disease which is called FEMINISM. If you have trouble understanding the effects of this awful plague then this is sure to make you understand this term. This disease is most known for:



                  So I cheer for women and laugh at the power of one single word that makes men run to other countries in search of “healthy women”. And I think to myself how proud I am of our mothers that have done so much for us, for the women that fought against discrimination, for the women that lost their husbands in genocide and yet gave their children the world.

                  And then I look up and see a guy sitting across from me…legs spread, gut worth a million words, hands on his crotch while he pouts his lips to give me an air kiss and then sticks his finger in his ear and gives it a nice spring cleaning…he thinks he’s God’s gift to women he is so proud of himself, he is just being himself, a piece of pork and he is a senior executive. He doesn’t have to be soft spoken, wear appropriate clothing, think about giving birth, think about appearing beautiful, he is just himself. And women keep being pushed around into categories to fit a certain image.

                  So I realized, perhaps we are not the ones that started this plague called feminism, perhaps the men have been carrying this contagious disease without a title all along, and we finally caught their illness and gave it a name, we stopped preventing ourselves. Because dammed this plague as now we know it is xxxxING GREAT, I wish I would have caught it earlier.

                  And by looking at Joe across from me, and this time he was scratching his manly balls, I understood they have been ill for to long they will never understand the thrill of our discovery. I felt an itch between my legs, so I reached out and scratched; Joe noticeably astounded immediately closed his legs and took his hand off his crotch…enlightenment…

                  P.S. Check your statistics genius; Belarus and Russia are far ahead of USA in their divorce rate.


                  • #19
                    thats cuz they are alchoholics .


                    • #20
                      And for the record... I was born and raised in Yerevan, speak 4 languages, can cook a hell of a dolma, love a pair of high hills and a miniskirt, will voice my opinion even if it is risqué, give a man a run for his money when it comes to pool, can troubleshoot any PC and enjoy batting my eyelashes at delicious men on the 6th train. And yet never once did a man avoid commenting me on my femininity.

                      Strange...all of those bazaar qualities uncharacteristic of a "real woman" and yet all these Armenian men, Western or Eastern, stumble to get in line (don't forget, I'm quite a catch, I am straight from the old country and speak English as well as Armenian, and have curvy hips, that means good and pure sons!). Well they can fall over themselves all they want, because guess what? I am going to Milan to find myself a nice, tall, strong, handsome and intelligent Italian husband who will cook me one hell of a dinner every night and will enjoy giving me a foot massage and whisper in his sexy Italian “Amo mia moglie di femminista”

                      My sexy Armenian-American ladies perhaps you would like to join me in my trip to Italy?

