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Can I have a "Bride to Go" please?

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  • Following are our biological and physical differences. However, can one conclude that our social environment should be dependent on the amounts of chromosomes or neurons? Our genetic makeup should not be the ultimate determination of our social status.

    :arrow: Whatever sets men and women apart, it all starts with a single chromosome: the male-making Y, a puny thread bearing a paltry 25 genes, compared with the female X, studded with 1,000 to 1,500 genes.

    :arrow: Y chromosome itself spurs the brain to grow extra dopamine neurons, which are partly responsible for Parkinson’s disease, which afflicts twice as many men as women.

    :arrow: Women and men age differently. First of all, women live longer than men. Part of women's advantage with respect to life expectancy is biological. They seem to be more resilient than men at all ages.

    :arrow: Women have another heady advantage--faster blood flow to the brain, which offsets effects of aging. Men lose more brain tissue with age, especially in the left frontal cortex, the part of the brain that thinks about consequences and provides self-control. If you have noticed men tend to loose their common sense with old age, while older women still maintain their rational way of thinking and speaking.

    :arrow: The oldest old in most parts of the world are predominantly women.

    :arrow: Women's longevity makes them more likely to suffer from the chronic diseases commonly associated with old age. Women are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis, diabetes, hypertension, incontinence, and arthritis than men.


    • :arrow: Men, overall, have larger brains than women (their heads and bodies are larger), but the sexes score equally well on tests of intelligence.

      Left Brainstep-by-step reasoning
      dominates right brain

      Right Brain
      submissive to the left brain
      pattern seeker

      :arrow: The left side of the brain is more developed in females, than males.
      Early in male development, male hormones slow the growth of the left hemisphere and accelerate growth of the right, one of the assumed reasons why autism develops more in males than females.

      :arrow: The male little dangly thing is (usually) a little longer than a woman's little dangly thing, and men usually don't have large breasts made up of fatty tissue unless they're overweight.


      • So now that we got a hefty lesson in Biology we need a lesson in Psychology. I will be the generous soul that I am and enlighten you free of charge.

        The only aspect that might restrict a woman in her rights is the fact that she gives birth. Where as a man never has to worry about the consequences of his actions and keep spreading his seeds, a woman has to be overly concerned with a possibilities of being responsible of bringing another life into the world. That contributes to their being less promiscuous.

        Also many companies prefer not to hire women for certain positions, afraid that motherhood might jeopardize her commitment to work. Also women are more pressed for time to have a child, not many men would settle for a woman who refuses to have children and adopt instead. So we are given this blessing yet restricted from other aspirations. That might be a reason of why it transpires into an instant categorization of our position in the society. Other then that, our needs and capabilities are identical, taking generalization into consideration.

        But ultimately the subject of this forum is what you expect in your marriage. For statistical purposes do share.


        • Originally posted by anileve
          Originally posted by Emil
          One of the best threads so far on AC. What other tangent can we go off on?
          Come and join the party Emil! Your contribution is essential, since you are the only one in the forum (from the participants) who is older than me.
          So you saying I am old?! Yes, I know the words of the wise one are essential. 8) But I don't feel like participating in the bickering.



          • Wise one? I don’t believe I uttered such misrepresented words. :shock: I merely said older and barely by one year, my dear.

            Bickering will only be applied if ignorance is demonstrated :!:


            • Originally posted by anileve
              Wise one? I don’t believe I uttered such misrepresented words. :shock: I merely said older and barely by one year, my dear.

              Bickering will only be applied if ignorance is demonstrated :!:
              I know you didn't call me "wise one" you silly goose. I bequeathed the term onto myself.



              • Originally posted by ckBejug
                Definition of Modesty: Natural delicacy or shame regarding personal charms and the sexual relation; purity of thought and manners; due regard for propriety in speech or action.

                WARNING the following quote would never in a million years be spoken by a person who clims to be 'modest'.

                Originally posted by jahannam
                I don't want him to FEEL insulted...
                I just want HIM...
                I like torturing my guys like that... mentally AND... ummm what else is there? i wonder lol

                come on flames...
                you know these things...
                when you tell a guy you like em or you wanna kiss em , they don't pay attention.
                but if they're a kinda interested...and you insult them they want you even more...
                that's the mental part...
                when it comes to "PHISICAL", which is the word I was hoping you'd get without me announcing it...
                guys just GO CRAZY when you treat em bad in bed = insult them physically...(not literally)
                but I guess Baron's too young for these things huh...
                it's allright
                he's mature enough...
                Your submissive attitute toward men is not modesty, it's a welcome mat for guys to walk all over. Even girls who like men to take charge and agree than men are different than them and should have a bit more 'power' should have a backbone!

                damn. did you bend over to tie your shoelaces when God was giving everyone backbones?

                have you seen the movie "JOKING"???
                I'm not a


                • But anileve all social differences arise from biological differences.

                  That women are physically weaker is why they have traditionally not been involved in combat during war, and even now, despite vociferous feminists, there are good arguments that show women pose a threat to the unit cohesion in military matters, which stems from their physical inferiority. I use the term inferiority because that is exactly what it is. If it is "offensive" I couldn't give a xxxx.
                  Achkerov kute.


                  • I honestly try comprehending this fallacy you consider your opinion, but every time I attempt getting past your first line a very powerful yawn takes over me. I guess that happens when I am bored. Hmmm…Yawn…


                    • Originally posted by ckBejug
                      by the way... since your little mousey knows that my ip address is coming from Caltech, it should know what I do at caltech. I kill little mousies. sorry! hurry. hide it. before i get too close!
                      Speaking of your assasination of mice. I have 2 in my garage, I put a trap last night, but they ate the food and left, didn't spring the trap. I don't want to put poison, because they'll eat it and go die somewhere and stink up the garage. Do mice like peanut butter?


