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Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

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  • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

    And the board of jury conceded fit to "retribute" TomServo as the man who started all... ))


    • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

      Originally posted by HayotzAmrotz View Post
      To all the forum members:

      Creatures like arabaliozian are the Turks best friends. Turks love them and support because their only hope to completely escape the punishment for the murders of our people and their only hope to retain our lands are ara's of this world. Through them the Turks will try to show the world, by parading these traitors in front of the world's mass media, that Armenians are divided on this issue, that there are "Armenian intellectuals" opposed to "extremist", "terrorist" and "aggressor" Armenians. Some of these lowlifes hate us so much that they would volunteer to help our enemies, they would knowingly help Turks kill other Armenians just like they did on April 24, 1915 when they helped Turks do compile the lists of our true intellectuals who were brutally murdered. Do not give them a second chance!!!
      You know what troubles me about this subhuman called Baliozian? It's not his utter self-hate, absolute ignorance or twisted mentality, its the thought that there are people out there that actually think of him as a representative of Armenian intellegencia. Without sounding egotistical, until I made my first post in his garbage repository called "notes/comments" all the posts there by various board members were more-or-less one of awe. I, at first, could not believe my eyes: How could such an intellectual midget, such a self-hating pseudo-Armenian be given a honorary stage inside an Armenian community, albeit a virtual one? Nonetheless, this garbageman who thinks is a writer/thinker needs to be followed everywhere he posts his absurd anti-Armenian rants and set straight.

      On the bright side, he is old and besides a few lowlife pseudo-Armenian vermin that like to humor him he has long been rejected from the Armenian community. Today, he is living alone and on welfare in Canada. Soon he will cease to exist. And once he is gone so will his life time works. The works of "writers" like him last as long as they do.
      Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


      Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


      • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

        Meet the famous one


        • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

          Sunday, January 20, 2008
          Readers who disagree with me and engage in verbal abuse are not my enemies. They are enemies of free speech, and enemies of free speech are fascist bullies who have no place in civilized discourse for the simple reason that they are against discourse.
          I did not create free speech. Free speech has been around for a long time. So have been its opponents and victims, of course. Greeks, who 2500 years again disagreed with Socrates, also rejected the concept of free speech and dialogue by silencing him permanently. We have come a long way since then. Heidegger, one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century, was also a Nazi, and as a Nazi he deserved the hangman’s noose. But he was left alone, probably because Americans, like Armenians, don’t think highly of philosophers because they favor philomorons, like Senator McCarthy, Kennedy’s “best and brightest” of Vietnam fame, Bush and his gang of neo-cons, and televangelists and their “moral majority.” As for Russians, our “Big Brothers”: they are worse. My guess is, Russians have silenced, exiled, and exterminated more intellectuals (including our own) than all other nations combined. Chekhov was right when he predicted that 20th-century Russia would be at the mercy of “crocodiles,” that, unlike their jungle counterparts would engage in cannibalism.


          • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

            critics i welcome.
            fascist bullies...that's different.


            • more on bullies

              Toothless Dogs And Prophetic Goats
              Whenever I am insulted anonymously or from a safe distance, I think of the old Armenian saying: “A toothless dog always barks from a distance.”
              There is more common sense in our people than in the wisdom of our bishops. Hence the saying, “If there were wisdom in beards, goats would be prophets,” and “Better a wise delinquent than a foolish saint.” . .
              Willed ignorance is the kind of ignorance that is freely chosen because it is thought to be to one’s advantage. People who know or ought to know better but pretend otherwise are like the jackass that “travels to the Holy City forty times but it still comes back a jackass.”
              You may think of reading and writing as harmless activities. Medieval xxxish scribes who copied the Holy Scriptures knew better. “A single misplaced word or even letter," they said, “may mean the destruction of the world.” The bloodthirsty disposition of men is such, however, that even when copyists do a perfect job the result may be war and massacre. Millions of people have died because someone at the top of the food chain did not understand what he was reading, or he understood but pretended not to. What could be more clearly and unequivocally stated than “Thou shalt not kill”? And yet, at one time or another theologians have justified and legitimized torture, war, and massacre in the name of the Almighty.
              At the source of all our divisions and misfortunes search for the “fool who threw a stone into a well and forty wise men could not haul it out.”
              Hagop Baronian: “Do you want to dine and wine to your heart’s content every day? Be a bishop.”
              Rick Bayan on bosses: “The alpha male in a tribe of baboons.”
              Neshan Beshigtashlian: “Priests wear black cassocks because they are in perpetual mourning, and what they mourn is the death of the human being within.”


              • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                Gypsies, Kurds, and Armenians
                ************************************************** ***
                If you ever read a book on gypsies and Kurds you may be surprised to learn that (a) they have been a source of interest, even fascination, to many odar scholars, and (b) they brag about the very same things that we do (long history, resistance to foreign tyrants, adherence to ethos and identity, traditions, music, resourcefulness, adaptability, instinct for survival, and so on). As for their corrupt or incompetent leadership and total absence of solidarity: these things are seldom or never mentioned by them only by outside observers.

                The question that we must ask here is: Why do perennial losers feel the need to brag?

                To make a good impression, of course; to compensate; to give a negative reality a positive spin; to justify themselves in the eyes of the world…. All these are more or less harmless reasons. The danger is elsewhere, and more precisely in what remains unspoken but clearly implied: There is nothing wrong with us. Why fix what ain’t broken?

                Why mess around with perfection? Let’s count our blessings – even if on closer inspection they may turn out to have been curses. As for our victims: they are an irrefutable proof of the fact that the world is a rotten place and everyone in it (except us, of course) is either a murderer or a hypocrite with a forked tongue.


                • Re: more on bullies

                  Originally posted by arabaliozian View Post
                  Toothless Dogs And Prophetic Goats
                  Whenever I am insulted anonymously or from a safe distance, I think of the old Armenian saying: “A toothless dog always barks from a distance.”
                  ...and what would you expect one to do - fly up to Canada and pull a "Ogun Samast" (Turkish national hero) on a senior citizen? A senior citizen with and unhealthy mind, none-the-less?

                  No Ara, that would be cruel.
                  Last edited by crusader1492; 01-20-2008, 11:43 AM.


                  • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                    It seems everyone in this (heated) debate is quite familiar with nazism, fascism, zionism... some having expressed sympathies with the former, others with the latter (Ara). So it would be enlightening to have your respective takes (including Ara's) on the following:

                    Originally posted by Adolf Hitler
                    The xxxish domination in the State seems now so fully assured that not only can he now afford to call himself a xxx once again, but he even acknowledges freely and openly what his ideas are on racial and political questions. A section of the xxxs avows itself quite openly as an alien people, but even here there is another falsehood. When the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the new national consciousness of the xxxs will be satisfied by the establishment of a xxxish State in Palestine, the xxxs thereby adopt another means to dupe the simple-minded Gentile. They have not the slightest intention of building up a xxxish State in Palestine so as to live in it. What they really are aiming at is to establish a central organization for their international swindling and cheating. As a sovereign State, this cannot be controlled by any of the other States. Therefore it can serve as a refuge for swindlers who have been found out and at the same time a high-school for the training of other swindlers.

                    Now an excerpt from Roger Garaudy's "Founding Myths of Israeli Politics" a book which is banned in France (in accordance with freedom of speech laws) made up of selected quotes mainly out of xxxish sources:

                    In a memorandum of June 21st 1933 to the Nazi party, the "Zionist Federation of Germany" expressed itself as follows :
                    "In the foundation of the new State, which has proclaimed the race principle, we wish to adapt our community to these new structures... Our recognition of the xxxish nationality allows us to establish clear and sincere relations with the German people and its national and racial realities. Precisely because we do not want to underestimate these fundamental principles, because we too are against mixed marriages and for the maintaining of the purity of the xxxish group...The xxxs who are conscious of their identity and in whose name we speak, can find a place within the structure of the German State, for they are free of the resentment that the assimilated xxxs must feel;...we believe in the possibility of loyal relations between those xxxs conscious of their community and the German State.

                    To attain its practical objectives, Zionism hopes it will be able to collaborate with a government that is fundamentally hostile to the xxxs....The realization of Zionism is impeded only by the resentment of xxxs from without against the present German orientation The propaganda in favor of Zionism currently aimed against Germany is essentially non-Zionist... "

                    Source : Lucy Dawidovitch, "A Holocaust reader", p. 155.

                    The memorandum added that "should the Germans accept the cooperation of the Zionists, these would try to dissuade xxxs abroad from supporting the anti-German boycott."

                    Source : Lucy Dawidovitch : "The war against xxxs (1933-1945)" Penguin books. 1977. p.231-232

                    The Hitlerian leaders were well-disposed towards the Zionists, whose exclusive aim was to create a state in Palestine, thus favoring their own designs to get rid of the xxxs. Alfred Rosenberg, the chief Nazi theoretician, wrote :
                    "Zionism must be vigorously backed so that a yearly contingent of German xxxs shall be transported to Palestine."

                    Source : A. Rosenberg : "Die Spur des juden im Wandel der Zeiten". Munich 1937. p.153.

                    Reinhardt Heydrich, who was later to become "Protector" of Czechoslovakia, wrote in Das Schwarze Korps, the official organ of the S.S. in 1935, when he was head of the S.S. security. In an article entitled "The invisible enemy", he made a distinction between two kinds of xxxs :

                    "We must separate the xxxs into two categories, the Zionists and the partisans of assimilation. The Zionists profess a strictly racial concept and, through emigration to Palestine, they help to build their own xxxish State...our good wishes and our official goodwill go with them."

                    Source : Hohne. "Order of the Death's Head", p.333.

                    "The German Betar received a new name: Herzlia. The activities of the movement in Germany had to obtain, of course, the approval of the Gestapo; in fact, Herzlia acted under the protection of the Gestapo. One day, a group of SS attacked a Betar summer camp. The head of the movement then complained to the Gestapo and, a few days later, the secret police declared that the SS in question had been punished. The Gestapo asked the Betar what compensation would seem most adequate. The movement asked that the recent prohibition that had struck them, forbidding them to wear brown shirts, be lifted; their request was granted."

                    Source : Ben-Yeruham, "Le livre de Betar" T.II, p. 350.

                    A circular issued by the Wilhelmstrasse indicated :
                    "The goals that this category of xxxs have set themselves (those xxxs who oppose assimilation and favor a regrouping of their co-religionaries within a nation), with the Zionists in the front rank,are those least distant from the goals pursued in reality by Germany's policy towards the xxxs."

                    Source : Circular letter by Bulow-Schwante to all the Reich diplomatic
                    missions. #83. February 28,1934.

                    "There is no reason," wrote Bulow-Schwante to the Ministry of the Interior,"to impede by administrative measures the Zionist activity in Germany ; for Zionism is not in conflict with the National-Socialist program, whose object is to make the xxxs leave Germany progressively."

                    Source : Letter number ZU 83-21. 28/8, April 13, 1935.

                    These directives confirmed previous measures and were applied scrupulously. By virtue of the privileged status of Zionism in Germany, the Bavarian Gestapo addressed the following circular to the police on January 28,1935: "By reason of their activity orientated towards emigration to Palestine, the members of the Zionist organization must not be treated with the harshness needed in dealing with the members of German xxxish (assimilationist) organizations."

                    Source : Kurt Grossmann : "Sionistes et non sionistes sous la loi nazie dans les années 30" Yearbook.Vol.VI, p.310.

                    "The Zionist organization of German xxxs had a legal existence until 1938, five years after the advent of Hitler....

                    The "Judaiche Rundschau" (the German Zionist newspaper) came out until 1938."

                    Source : Leibowitz : "Israel et Judaisme". Ed. Desclée de Brouwer, 1993. p.116.

                    In exchange for their official recognition as sole representatives of the xxxish community, the Zionist leaders offered to break the boycott which the world anti-Fascists were trying to organize.

                    Economic collaboration began in 1933 : two companies were created : the "Haavara Company" at Tel Aviv and the "Paltreu", in Berlin.

                    The mechanism of the operation was the following : a xxx wanting to emigrate would deposit a minimum of 1,000 pounds sterling at the Wasserman Bank in Berlin or in the Warburg bank in Hamburg. With this sum, xxxish exporters could buy German goods for Palestine, and pay the corresponding amount in Palestinian pounds into the Haavara account at the Anglo-Palestine Bank at Tel Aviv. When the immigrant arrived in Palestine, he received the equivalent of the sum he had deposited in Germany.

                    [b]Several future Israeli prime ministers took part in the "haavara" undertaking, including Ben Gurion, Moshe Sharret (who was then called Moshe Shertok), Golda Meir (who supported it from New York), and Levi Eshkol, who was its representative in Berlin.[:b]

                    Source: "Ben Gourion et Shertok, dans Black": L'accord de la "havaara", p.294. Quoted by Tom Segev in "Le septieme million", (Ed. Liana Levi. French translation. 1993, p. 30 and 595).

                    The operation was advantageous for both parties : the Nazis thus succeeded in breaking the blockade (the Zionists managed to sell German merchandise even in Britain); whereas the Zionists were able to operate the "selective" immigration they desired : only millionaires were able to emigrate, their capital providing the funds needed to develop Zionist colonization in Palestine. In accordance with the goals of Zionism, it was more important to save xxxish capital from Nazi Germany that would permit the development of their undertaking, than to save the lives of poor xxxs, unable to work or fight, who would have been a burden.

                    This policy of collaboration lasted until 1941, in other words eight years after Hitler's rise to power. Eichmann liaisoned with Kastner. The Eichmann trial revealed to some extent the mechanism of this connivance, of these "exchanges" between Zionist xxxs "useful" to the creation of a xxxish State (wealthy personalities, technicians and youngsters who could serve to reinforce an army, etc.). with a mass of xxxs who, being less favored, were left in Hitler's clutches.

                    Haven't brought Anthony Sutton's thesis in the picture yet to avoid complicating things further. It is already quite confusing, to say the least.


                    • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                      Originally posted by TomServo View Post
                      Baliozian's Birthday Bash = 2007 thread of the year!
                      totally agree!

                      I like it though, I like how everyone contributes/fights in their own way without really achieving consensus, but still leaving their mark.

