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  • #31
    Originally posted by TigranJamharian hehe. you already have. dont worry though if and when i become president you can come to Armenia and ill take good care of you, youll probably be an old man then.

    Not elected yet, and ALREADY corrupt. very, very impressive.


    • #32
      the lincy money joke was good by the way

      """"you know what it actually doesnt bother me that he is kharabakhtsi although it does bother a lot of people in Armenia that the Kharabakstsis are taking over the country, which they are. And ill tell you something now, if it wasnt for kharabakh Armenia would be in a lot better economic situation right now, im not saying we should abandon it now because we have put in way too much to back out now, but kharaback problem has held back Armenia for 12 years.and if it. 3 of my cousins fought in the war too and i sure as hell will go back once i turn 18 and there is any need for me to go back and fight the xxxxin turks so please dont talk as if only the kharabakhtsis held of azerbaijan, because there would be no Armenians left in kharabakh if it had not been for Armenia's and our men's support. The reason my parents came here and brought me with them is because my dad had no job and had to sell chocolate on the street just so he could make enough money to feed us, so please dont try to tell me that i have not suffered my share. """""""

      go to Armenia and see what economic situation you are talking about. My cousin went to medical school for 4 years and then served in the army for 2 years and after all this he could find any work so he had to come here to tennessee so he could at least work a little and send some money to his dad and sister because my family has to support 3 families in Armenia right now with the money my parents make. russia is not just helping it is taking over the country and if you are too padosh to see that i dont know what else to tell you. no i dont read aravot and i actually dont repeat what my parents say, i dont know where you got that from.

      if not kocharian then.... KAREN DEMIRCHIAN . The very man that kocharian murdered.

      """"the lopaz are the kharabakhtsis, you lived with the turks so long you are practilcally the same as them, same as bakvetsis. You dont see the plain truth right in front of your eyes. Actually those brothers and sisters never came to help, they came and say nice old yerevan on summer break and stayed in 200 dollar a night hotels while there was a poor old woman down on the street who couldnt survive off the $7 she gets from the government per month so she had to be on the street the whole day selling semushki. Open your eyes, and stop reading kocharians propoganda telling you everything is nice and good, see the truth in front of your own eyes. so the one that is brainwashed is not me my friend but you. """"""""""""""""""""""

      Where there do i blame anything on Artsakh. i blame the deplorable economic condition not on artsakh but on the war, read it its right here. And yes they are turkified somewhat, have you ever met a kharabakhtsi,i dont have anything against them but frankly i have to listen and concentrate really hard to understand what the hell they are saying, they have a really strong accent and a very distinct dialect with a lot of turkish words in their everyday language and they have a lot of azeri customs and are pretty close to the azeris culturally.

      so whatever keep on xxxxxing at me if you people want i am not retracting anything or changing any of my opinions its all there just give it a closer read and stop putting words in my mouth.

      by the way when i become president im gonna make artsakhtsi my minister of defense, and anonymouse could be the ombudsman or prime minister, and baron i think ill make you minister of finance and economy. im not sure, let me know ahead of time what posts you people prefer.


      • #33
        [QUOTE]Originally posted by TigranJamharian [B]
        Where there do i blame anything on Artsakh. i blame the deplorable economic condition not on artsakh but on the war, read it its right here. And yes they are turkified somewhat, have you ever met a kharabakhtsi,i dont have anything against them but frankly i have to listen and concentrate really hard to understand what the hell they are saying, they have a really strong accent and a very distinct dialect with a lot of turkish words in their everyday language and they have a lot of azeri customs and are pretty close to the azeris culturally.

        so whatever keep on xxxxxing at me if you people want i am not retracting anything or changing any of my opinions its all there just give it a closer read and stop putting words in my mouth.

        Hahaha, well it's your problem that u do not understand us, and it sure doesn't make us turkified you jack ass!
        The one that is totaly turkified is you , i'm starting to think that you are azeri, coz you sound like them.....
        Yes, we do use some of prsik words, but if you would read a lil bit of armenian history you would know why is that.
        And don't you talk about language, people in Hayastan use russian words ..they still think that is very "tuff" hahaha so pathetic!

        Azeri culture? r u out of your mind? they don't have any..... Every time i read your messege i feel sick,,,, u r realy dumb u poor thing......


        • #34
          ([QUOTE]Originally posted by Artsakhtsi [B]
          Originally posted by TigranJamharian
          Where there do i blame anything on Artsakh. i blame the deplorable economic condition not on artsakh but on the war, read it its right here. And yes they are turkified somewhat, have you ever met a kharabakhtsi,i dont have anything against them but frankly i have to listen and concentrate really hard to understand what the hell they are saying, they have a really strong accent and a very distinct dialect with a lot of turkish words in their everyday language and they have a lot of azeri customs and are pretty close to the azeris culturally.

          so whatever keep on xxxxxing at me if you people want i am not retracting anything or changing any of my opinions its all there just give it a closer read and stop putting words in my mouth. )

          Hahaha, well it's your problem that u do not understand us, and it sure doesn't make us turkified you jack ass!
          The one that is totaly turkified is you , i'm starting to think that you are azeri, coz you sound like them.....
          Yes, we do use some of prsik words, but if you would read a lil bit of armenian history you would know why is that.
          And don't you talk about language, people in Hayastan use russian words ..they still think that is very "tuff" hahaha so pathetic!

          Azeri culture? r u out of your mind? they don't have any..... Every time i read your messege i feel sick,,,, u r realy dumb u poor thing......


          • #35
            ankap ankap menak khosas debili nman. we use russian words because we think were tough? do you even realize how stupid you sound. the reason we use russian words is because we were in the soviet union, just in case you forgot, and russian was the first language taught in schools. noone thinks it tough ay padosh, we are just used to it. get a xxxxin brain, shat hastaglukh es du, marte mi ban kassi heto du enkomits ankap durs ktas. karogha ADD unis, chgitem gna stugvi. stop reading the messeges if you feel sick, maybe you have a condition you have to get treated.


            • #36
              Originally posted by TigranJamharian ankap ankap menak khosas debili nman. we use russian words because we think were tough? do you even realize how stupid you sound. the reason we use russian words is because we were in the soviet union, just in case you forgot, and russian was the first language taught in schools. noone thinks it tough ay padosh, we are just used to it. get a xxxxin brain, shat hastaglukh es du, marte mi ban kassi heto du enkomits ankap durs ktas. karogha ADD unis, chgitem gna stugvi. stop reading the messeges if you feel sick, maybe you have a condition you have to get treated.
              Apriss, hima karti inches grel karogha heto sxalet haskanas apoosh
              Indz hetakrkir chi ko het zrutsel vorevetev makardaket shat tsartser e ahper , metsatsir

              p.s. im hastiin kho hachotse - inkhet khez es n@karagrel !


              • #37
                Can't we all just get along?

                Think UNITY people...UNITY!!!


                • #38
                  Originally posted by sSsflamesSs Can't we all just get along?

                  Think UNITY people...UNITY!!!
                  Exactly my Point!


                  • #39
                    The Arsakh war might have made the economy in Armenia a tad weaker, but i do not see all that great of a difference. If tigrans....'s point is that of the blockade, I personally think that the turks would have done that regardless. The problem with our economy, is that the governement in place right after the fall of the soviet union stole so much that nothing was left for the regular person. I dont think anyone can really disagree with that point, but im sure some will.

                    Peace out and happy thxgiving.


                    • #40
                      Ahhh, my thesis in full effect, namely that political systems create more divisions than "unity".
                      Achkerov kute.

