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Why are atheists disliked in America?

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  • Jinx
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Originally posted by Yedtarts View Post
    Look who’s hiding behind mommy. What happened suddenly you got the courage to answer back after seeing a moderator answering?
    Siggie posting in this thread had absolutely zero influence on me posting. If anything, I get jealous when I'm not the first atheist on the scene

    Originally posted by Yedtarts View Post
    When in an argument you start attacking the messenger and not concentrate on the message, and start saying things like this: “The only "pure source" would be if God directly appeared to you or spoke to you in your mind. At which point you would either be hallucinating or schizophrenic.” Or things like this: “I'm noticing a trend here, I really can't do anything to help If you cannot follow the basic information being exchanged in the conversation” or : “It's hard enough understanding you with strange grammar and way of constructing sentences. Don't prolong the torture of reading your posts with extra, unnecessary text.” This is the only kind of answer you will get from me.
    The text you are quoting came after you had already demonstrated yourself to be unable to carry a conversation in any mature, proper, or interesting way. I didn't come out of the gate insulting you. Even now, I'm not insulting you, not really, I'm just pointing out everything I see wrong with a) your points, and b) the way in which you present those points.

    Now you can either dwell on that and waste more key strokes typing out responses to my responses to your responses to my responses about grammar and feeling insulted, or you can just properly defend and argue your points.

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  • Yedtarts
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Originally posted by Jinx View Post
    I never implied that. One of the strengths of religion is that once you believe in it, it's very hard to let go. All I said was that people turning to a reassuring or comforting god in their time of need says more about the person and their desperation than it does about whether or not a God actually exists.

    What does that have to do with anything? We're on a public forum here. You posted something in a thread, and I was inspired to respond to it. When someone posts something in this forum, it's not like they can add a "ps" at the end that says "...and only such and such members may respond to this post, the rest of you shut up..."

    Again, what does this have to do with anything? You have every opportunity to respond to the topic at hand here in this thread. I'm hoping you can not repeat the behavior of that other thread you're referring to, but it seems like we may already be off on the wrong foot. I'd prefer if you just focused on the arguments for your view.

    I never twisted your words or put any words in your mouth. One of the fundamental aspects of Christianity are the ethics of Jesus Christ, of which the primary one is compassion. This is very clear and controversial to no one who knows anything about Christianity or theology.

    I never implied you used the words compassionate christian or referred to yourself as such, but you were talking about Christianity, and intrinsic to that is the idea of compassion. You may not consider yourself a saint, but as far as I can tell you are a Christian. This in turn implies that people (yourself or anyone else) can be Christians and not be compassionate, and that is okay as far as you are concerned. If this is the case, then not only have you failed to show that atheists are hypocritical, but you've implied that Christians are.

    I also didn't bring up your bad grammar at all in this thread. All I was doing was responding to the points you were trying to raise and why I thought they were weak or failed at supporting your arguments.
    Look who’s hiding behind mommy. What happened suddenly you got the courage to answer back after seeing a moderator answering?

    When in an argument you start attacking the messenger and not concentrate on the message, and start saying things like this: “The only "pure source" would be if God directly appeared to you or spoke to you in your mind. At which point you would either be hallucinating or schizophrenic.” Or things like this: “I'm noticing a trend here, I really can't do anything to help If you cannot follow the basic information being exchanged in the conversation” or : “It's hard enough understanding you with strange grammar and way of constructing sentences. Don't prolong the torture of reading your posts with extra, unnecessary text.” This is the only kind of answer you will get from me.

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  • Yedtarts
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Originally posted by Siggie View Post
    Truly... From where do you get your information?
    Are there reliable numbers that show that more than 50% of atheists who become addicts convert? What is God's way anyway? Alcoholics Anonymous? There are secular groups too (e.g. rational recovery).
    Maybe it did not sound what I was trying to say the way I meant it to do. I wanted to say from most of atheist who acknowledge god when they have addiction problems be it drug or alcohol they go on TV channels and cry like little girls even some of them worst than little girls.

    My information I get it when I watch satellite TV that I have at home, there are lots of religion channels on it, no they are not just Christian channels, you have all kinds of religion channels there, also sometimes there are shows on regular channels when they talk about addictions, and most of addicts that have stopped their bad habits and they are drug or alcohol free for log time and never went back to their addictions are the ones that “found God” it’s one of their words, which some of them they admit that they never believed in God and some say we believed in him but we never prayed or we never took the religion seriously.

    I also want to clarify that you're not saying (because you didn't quite state it this way) that atheists have a higher incidence of drug addiction.

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  • Jinx
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Originally posted by Yedtarts View Post
    Then they go back and become atheists again. Right?
    I never implied that. One of the strengths of religion is that once you believe in it, it's very hard to let go. All I said was that people turning to a reassuring or comforting god in their time of need says more about the person and their desperation than it does about whether or not a God actually exists.

    Originally posted by Yedtarts View Post
    First of all I wasn’t responding to you.
    What does that have to do with anything? We're on a public forum here. You posted something in a thread, and I was inspired to respond to it. When someone posts something in this forum, it's not like they can add a "ps" at the end that says "...and only such and such members may respond to this post, the rest of you shut up..."

    Originally posted by Yedtarts View Post
    Secondly: it was you who said “I really can't do anything to help If you cannot follow the basic information being exchanged in the conversation”. So why bother to quote me and answer back.
    Again, what does this have to do with anything? You have every opportunity to respond to the topic at hand here in this thread. I'm hoping you can not repeat the behavior of that other thread you're referring to, but it seems like we may already be off on the wrong foot. I'd prefer if you just focused on the arguments for your view.

    Originally posted by Yedtarts View Post
    And thirdly: I never said that I’m a “compassionate Christians” nor said I’m a saint, I will say what I want to say just to show what kind of hypocrites most atheists are. You can go ahead and attack my grammar or the way I construct my sentences or twist my words and say me being a “compassionate Christians”, if it will make you feel that you are winning this argument.
    I never twisted your words or put any words in your mouth. One of the fundamental aspects of Christianity are the ethics of Jesus Christ, of which the primary one is compassion. This is very clear and controversial to no one who knows anything about Christianity or theology.

    I never implied you used the words compassionate christian or referred to yourself as such, but you were talking about Christianity, and intrinsic to that is the idea of compassion. You may not consider yourself a saint, but as far as I can tell you are a Christian. This in turn implies that people (yourself or anyone else) can be Christians and not be compassionate, and that is okay as far as you are concerned. If this is the case, then not only have you failed to show that atheists are hypocritical, but you've implied that Christians are.

    I also didn't bring up your bad grammar at all in this thread. All I was doing was responding to the points you were trying to raise and why I thought they were weak or failed at supporting your arguments.
    Last edited by Jinx; 05-08-2011, 11:44 AM.

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  • Siggie
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Originally posted by Yedtarts View Post
    Most atheists acknowledge God after they become drug addicts or alcoholics and want to overcome these addictions, after trying everything that money can buy and fail there, they try God’s way, and you see them going on TVs crying like little girls, saying only God was able to help them and ask for forgiveness.
    Truly... From where do you get your information?
    Are there reliable numbers that show that more than 50% of atheists who become addicts convert? What is God's way anyway? Alcoholics Anonymous? There are secular groups too (e.g. rational recovery).
    I also want to clarify that you're not saying (because you didn't quite state it this way) that atheists have a higher incidence of drug addiction.

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  • Jinx
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Originally posted by Yedtarts View Post
    I will say what I want to say just to show what kind of hypocrites most atheists are.
    Except that you haven't.

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  • Yedtarts
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Originally posted by Jinx View Post
    Even if this were true, and it may very well be, this says nothing at all about the truth or falsity of the statement "There is a God," and has everything to do with what people will believe to help them through a difficult period time in their life once they are desperate.
    Then they go back and become atheists again. Right?

    Originally posted by Jinx View Post
    However, I do find it distasteful, assuming you are a christian, that you would make fun of or demean your fellow Christians who turned to your God and savior in their time of need as "crying like little girls on TV." Drug addiction is hardly something to be made light of, especially by "compassionate Christians."
    First of all I wasn’t responding to you.
    Secondly: it was you who said “I really can't do anything to help If you cannot follow the basic information being exchanged in the conversation”. So why bother to quote me and answer back.
    And thirdly: I never said that I’m a “compassionate Christians” nor said I’m a saint, I will say what I want to say just to show what kind of hypocrites most atheists are. You can go ahead and attack my grammar or the way I construct my sentences or twist my words and say me being a “compassionate Christians”, if it will make you feel that you are winning this argument.
    Last edited by Yedtarts; 05-07-2011, 10:04 PM.

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  • Jinx
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Originally posted by Sip View Post
    Practically speaking, atheists are saying there is no God. No mortal can know this with absolute certainty. So I do agree it is another kind of religion (belief system).
    Wrong. Atheism simply is the lack of belief in God and other supernatural entities, and the lack of belief is usually based on the lack of evidence for such a being or beings. Lacking belief in something is fundamentally different from saying "there is no..."

    What makes religion what it is is the fact that there are certain unquestionable truths you have to accept to be a believer, whereas atheists tend to be people who are incredibly skeptical about such claims. There is nothing in common between the two. Religious people like to make Atheism sound like a system of faith because if you (the religious person) are coming from a position of faith, it's easier to feel as though you're on equal ground with, and with authority enough to attack, another position of faith.

    Originally posted by Yedtarts View Post
    Most atheists acknowledge God after they become drug addicts or alcoholics and want to overcome these addictions, after trying everything that money can buy and fail there, they try God’s way, and you see them going on TVs crying like little girls, saying only God was able to help them and ask for forgiveness.
    Even if this were true, and it may very well be, this says nothing at all about the truth or falsity of the statement "There is a God," and has everything to do with what people will believe to help them through a difficult period time in their life once they are desperate.

    However, I do find it distasteful, assuming you are a christian, that you would make fun of or demean your fellow Christians who turned to your God and savior in their time of need as "crying like little girls on TV." Drug addiction is hardly something to be made light of, especially by "compassionate Christians."
    Last edited by Jinx; 05-07-2011, 04:36 PM.

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  • Yedtarts
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Originally posted by Sip View Post
    Practically speaking, atheists are saying there is no God. No mortal can know this with absolute certainty. So I do agree it is another kind of religion (belief system).

    We can't know if atheists are right or wrong and it doesn't really matter. What we do know with very strong confidence is that the fundamentals of what Christians and Muslims claim are absolutely bogus with no basis in fact or reality. So even though we can know with very high certainty that the Christian God is complete make-belief, there is really no way to know if there is a "God" or not.
    Most atheists acknowledge God after they become drug addicts or alcoholics and want to overcome these addictions, after trying everything that money can buy and fail there, they try God’s way, and you see them going on TVs crying like little girls, saying only God was able to help them and ask for forgiveness.

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  • KanadaHye
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Originally posted by Sip View Post
    We can't know if atheists are right or wrong and it doesn't really matter. What we do know with very strong confidence is that the fundamentals of what Christians and Muslims claim are absolutely bogus with no basis in fact or reality. So even though we can know with very high certainty that the Christian God is complete make-belief, there is really no way to know if there is a "God" or not.

    Edit: and lol @ siggie
    The fundamentals of what J3ws believe predates those of Christians and Muslims and according their belief, it's the year 5771 because they start counting from the day Adam and Eve were created (the sixth day... no not the Schwarzenegger film).

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