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Why are atheists disliked in America?

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  • Samael
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Why was George W. Bush elected twice?

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  • Asphyxiated
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Because they believe in something, most are afraid to accept.

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  • Siggie
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Originally posted by Odysseus View Post
    i wholeheartedly agree with this, It comes off as very pretentious and annoying when irreligious philosophy is tied to something of its own religion, rather than disregarding the concept of god as you would a pok'e-mon like mudkip after you turn 12 it no longer matters one bit, you don't go around naming it and talking about how it never existed and make it a daily routine to hate mudkip for being fake., you just move on. however... it is kind of sad to see grown men still idolizing pokemon. as is our species someday the time to move on will come, yet there will still be those who stay behind..
    I like this quote (from memory, so unattributed) "Atheism is as much a religion as not collecting stamps is a hobby."

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  • Odysseus
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
    Who? G.W. Bush?
    i think he means Buddha.

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  • Odysseus
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
    That's precisely the problem. Atheists aren't irreligious, they have just invented a different type of religion.
    i wholeheartedly agree with this, It comes off as very pretentious and annoying when irreligious philosophy is tied to something of its own religion, rather than disregarding the concept of god as you would a pok'e-mon like mudkip after you turn 12 it no longer matters one bit, you don't go around naming it and talking about how it never existed and make it a daily routine to hate mudkip for being fake., you just move on. however... it is kind of sad to see grown men still idolizing pokemon. as is our species someday the time to move on will come, yet there will still be those who stay behind..

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  • bell-the-cat
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Originally posted by Armanen View Post
    He does exist.
    Who? G.W. Bush?

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  • Armanen
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    He does exist.

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  • KanadaHye
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
    It is always nice to see religious chrytians putting down women when the one they worship actually was saving women from being stoned to death. I am more then sure that these guys would have been the same ones itching to throw the first stone. This is a good example of the wonders of reigion. As for being agnostic it gets hard to differentiate yourself from athiests when it comes to explaining to others your beliefes. I also meet people who claim they talk to god and the only distinguishing characteristic i have noticed about these people is that they are self absorbed aholes.
    When did you meet G.W. Bush?

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  • Haykakan
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    It is always nice to see religious chrytians putting down women when the one they worship actually was saving women from being stoned to death. I am more then sure that these guys would have been the same ones itching to throw the first stone. This is a good example of the wonders of reigion. As for being agnostic it gets hard to differentiate yourself from athiests when it comes to explaining to others your beliefes. I also meet people who claim they talk to god and the only distinguishing characteristic i have noticed about these people is that they are self absorbed aholes.

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  • Siggie
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Originally posted by DHolyGhost View Post
    Hey it’s me again (Yedtarts)

    I asked my God, he said you’re (me) doing very well in letting her (you) put her foot in her mouth, keep on the good work son!

    Guess what? he sends you his regards, and asked me to give you this message: he said you won’t do well as a lawyer unless you defend only the criminals who scammed innocent people of their life savings and left them homeless not able to feed their kids, because you’re good in fabricating evidences and proofs, you will be given the power of banning the prosecutor just before he want to respond to your defense. And just because you’re a female you should be given an extra power. you would be able to ban even the judge in case you didn’t like what he was saying.
    Funny how god seems to be limited by your understanding. Would think that in addition to knowing the true point of the exercise, he would know that I have never had any intention of being a lawyer or at the very least that there are more options than criminal defense in the practice of law.
    I'm ignoring the remainder of this inane blather because it's just your anger talking and is nothing worthy of response.

    Originally posted by DHolyGhost View Post
    And for the "hallucination" thing, let's try this…

    To this one: This is the masterpiece of ignorance.

    So according to you, for thousands of years when people were praying to their God they were doing not so bad, but the minute he started answering to their prayers all of sudden they became hallucinators? Did you think that these people were knocking on a door for thousands of years with no avail, but they've kept on knocking till someone answered and then they were called hallucinators?
    I didn't mean if god answers prayers, but rather answers you... as in replies to you (btw there are studies of this and no discernible effect of prayer was found). I meant specifically in the form of visual and auditory "perception" (although in this case it would be perception in the absence of stimulus of senses, i.e. sensation). Of course, you would never think to clarify a point before reacting to it as you did... it's impossible that it was a language issue.

    Originally posted by DHolyGhost View Post
    But hey, you are much smarter than these people cause you’re a female.

    Now you can do me the honor and ban this account too.

    But be careful if you write back stupidities I will find a way to come back and say my word. Remember God will help me to do so (it was his words)
    I don't know where this smarter because female stuff is coming from, because I certainly never made any such claim. I think it's an overreaction to your own prejudices, if anything. Either that or you misunderstood something, yet again?

    Let's be clear on one thing though. The only reason you were banned was for breaking the rules. You can disagree with me all you want, but if you hadn't lost your temper while doing it, you'd still be here. Trying to circumvent your ban is not a great way to ensure a speedy return either.

    Originally posted by Jinx View Post
    The last post seems to have shut this thread down. However, rather than starting a new one I guess I'll just use this thread to ask a question that's been on my mind. For those of you who are atheists (seems like there's about 4 or 5 of us), are you openly atheist? Do your parents know you're an theist? Your friends? The reason I ask is because I actually know quite a few atheists who are Armenian, but only very few are actually open about it with their friends and family.
    Might have also been that I haven't really been able to post for a few days. Not even sure I'm coherent enough to be posting now either, given the pain killers I'm on, but oh well...
    I'm open about being an atheist. My friends and family know and there's no uncomfortable friction or anything.

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