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Why are atheists disliked in America?

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  • Sip
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    KanadaHye, it's hard for me to know whether you are joking or being serious so I am going to assume you are joking ... The average person just maybe 15-20 years ago didn't know nearly as much as the average person now ... let alone 2000 years ago.

    I mean come on 2000 years ago people actually thought some magical God created everything in 7 days and then made a flood that wiped out everything except for one boat with ... hmmm ... wait .. maybe you ARE right!!! Yes, average people are still idiots.

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  • KanadaHye
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Originally posted by Sip View Post
    ok. There are also a lot of Genocide deniers out there and those that think we didn't go to the moon, Elvis is still alive, or that Global Warming is a "myth". Regardless of these things, facts are facts.

    Going back to the topic of this thread, in this day and age there are still those that believe the Earth was created 5000 years ago! I mean not that they believe in God or Jesus or some other supernatural thing ... they are actually fully sure that there was nothing before the Earth started a few thousand years ago!
    We didn't go to the moon. A couple astronauts went to the moon. When space travel to the moon becomes a regular trip then people can claim that we went to the moon. Of course, there is nothing on the moon for people to see so it would be pointless to waste money to go there .

    Global Cooling is also a fact... and it's a fact that the Earth undergoes periods of warming and cooling, usually by 25-50 year cycles.

    If NASA wants to improve the life of people on this planet, they should think about mass producing their space insulation. I'm sure that would take our home heating/cooling costs down to nil.

    This day and age? I guarantee you the average person 2000 years ago was far more intelligent than the TV watching drones that have been raised in the last 3 generations.
    Last edited by KanadaHye; 05-09-2011, 10:50 PM.

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  • Sip
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
    A lot of teachers of Evolution are closet creationists. Just like there are those who don't practice what they preach, many Evolutionists don't believe what they teach.
    ok. There are also a lot of Genocide deniers out there and those that think we didn't go to the moon, Elvis is still alive, or that Global Warming is a "myth". Regardless of these things, facts are facts.

    Going back to the topic of this thread, in this day and age there are still those that believe the Earth was created 5000 years ago! I mean not that they believe in God or Jesus or some other supernatural thing ... they are actually fully sure that there was nothing before the Earth started a few thousand years ago!

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  • Yedtarts
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Originally posted by Siggie View Post
    For the "hallucination" thing, let's try this...

    Bob's grandma is in the hospital dying of a low terminal illness. Bob has a vision in which he believes that God spoke to him and told him the humane thing to do would be to put an end to Grandma's suffering and reunite her with God. He takes his pistol to the hospital with him the next day and shoots Grandma in the head.

    Has Bob seen/heard God? Is he guilty of any crime?
    If you want to ban me you can go ahead and ban me for good after this one.

    First you send me a private message and warn me by banning, then you come here and post this? It takes a coward and a sissy to do what you did, especially since you are a moderator and you’re abusing your power.

    You must be a very happy person now that your ignorant clowns are cheering you on this one.
    How ignorant you can be since you don’t know one of God’s 10 commandment “Thou shalt not kill.” Yet you bring this pathetic example to demonstrate your ignorance.

    And for the "hallucination" thing, let's try this…
    What is the percentage of people around the world who believe in God in your opinion? It doesn’t matter what kind of God as long as they consider it their god, be it Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Joows, Satanists, devil worshipers etc. etc…
    What is the percentage of nonbelievers and atheists around the world in your opinion?
    When we put both believers and nonbelievers/atheist on the opposite sides of a scale which side do you think will tip?
    After answering that, what do you think most believers do when they pray? Let me explain if you don’t know the answer to that: praying means talking with God.
    So according to you and your ignorant clowns the majority of people around the world are hallucinating?

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  • KanadaHye
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Originally posted by Sip View Post
    Lets please not go down the line of questioning evolution. There are many good discussions about theism vs atheism vs agnosticism and there is basically 0 good discussions about evolution. When it comes to evolution, there are basically two types of people: Those who know the facts and those who don't. Among those who know the facts, there is very little debate on whether evolution is "true" or not
    A lot of teachers of Evolution are closet creationists. Just like there are those who don't practice what they preach, many Evolutionists don't believe what they teach.

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  • Sip
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Lets please not go down the line of questioning evolution. There are many good discussions about theism vs atheism vs agnosticism and there is basically 0 good discussions about evolution. When it comes to evolution, there are basically two types of people: Those who know the facts and those who don't. Among those who know the facts, there is very little debate on whether evolution is "true" or not

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  • KanadaHye
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Originally posted by Siggie View Post
    How were these debunked. Don't assume just because some christian websites said that was the case, that it was... I read one of them and their argument for why it was false was unpersuasive at best. Look into the evidence yourself.
    Scientists believed in the middle of the 19th century that the human embryo went through all stages of the evolution of the species. Scientific theories of that time said that the impregnated ovum grows into the freshwater hydroid, turns into the gilled fish, develops into a tailed animal and finally becomes a human being.

    It was proved long ago that the hypothesis was incorrect, to put it mildly.

    The story began in 1866, when German biologist Ernst Haeckel decided to find a proof of Darwin ’s theory. Having studied human and animal embryos of different ages, he found many similarities between them. The scientist considered that the tail and the gills of the human embryo were not just a mere coincidence. He eventually concluded that each living being quickly repeats the development of its species in the prenatal development.

    The church did not like Haeckel’s ideas, although his colleagues renamed it into the biogenetic law. Unfortunately, it never became possible to prove the law in its original wording. The facts, which seemed to be indisputable at first sight, turned out to be wrong under a closer inspection.

    Embryologists have revised the Haeckel-Muller law, although its myths still live today.

    It seems that the gills of the human embryo give a precise indication of the place of the human being on the evolution tree. However, Haeckel only described the outward appearance of the embryos and left all the details of their internal structure aside. The scientist mistook the gills for the folding tissue which preceded the head and the neck. The folds became traditionally known as gill arches, although it would be correct to refer to them as visceral arches. The human embryo has no gill openings similar to those of cold-blooded animals.

    The embryos are often pictured with tails. It was revealed that the human embryo has a larger number of the vertebrae in comparison with adult humans – 38 against 33-34. The future skeleton undergoes a slight transformation afterwards and the baby sees the light having the usual number of spinal bones. Like the nervous system, the axial skeleton of the embryo grows slower than other organs and tissues. That is why the embryo has several large sizes in comparison with the whole tiny organism.

    There were many incidents in medical practice when children were born having small tails. Many still take such tails for the attributes of Homo sapiens distant ancestors. In India , such children were believed to be messengers from monkey god Hanuman. Thousands of pilgrims would come to touch the holy tail. In Europe , however, the fate of such children was very sad.

    Researchers determined that the tail of such children had neither muscles nor vertebrae – it was the embryo tissue which incidentally found itself on the wrong place.

    Newborns may often have lanugo on their bodies. Lanugo appears during the 28th week of pregnancy and disappears by the 40th week. Is it something that people inherit from fluffy apes? Everything that happens in the human organism happens for a reason. The underdeveloped hair performs a protective function – the hair comes in handy for the baby if it is born prematurely, for the thermal control system may not be ready for the cold air.

    Embryologists are unanimous in their opinion nowadays: the human embryo is a human being, not any other creature from the very start of its life. It goes without saying that humans can often be compared with animals: we are made of cells, we breathe oxygen, we have the head and four limbs, and the Darwin theory is still recognized as official. Modern scientists compare different species and study embryos by their genes, which manifest themselves in typical places of the embryo. For example, the genes producing the proteins of the nervous tissue become more active at the cephalic pole of the fetus indicating the location of the future brain.

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  • Siggie
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
    These are evolutionary myths that have been debunked.... that's not to say that the theory of evolution is invalid but rather some scientists like Ernst Haeckel have gone out of their way to publish fraudulent evidence.
    How were these debunked. Don't assume just because some christian websites said that was the case, that it was... I read one of them and their argument for why it was false was unpersuasive at best. Look into the evidence yourself.

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  • KanadaHye
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Originally posted by Siggie View Post
    Yes, they're not functional. The beginnings appear and then disappear. That's the point. We have stuff from other species in our DNA, but broken non-functioning versions of it. Like an yolk sac... We've mapped the human genome and enough of other speciec' genomes that we can compare.
    These are evolutionary myths that have been debunked.... that's not to say that the theory of evolution is invalid but rather some scientists like Ernst Haeckel have gone out of their way to publish fraudulent evidence.

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  • Siggie
    Re: Why are atheists disliked in America?

    Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
    I can't watch the video at the moment but claiming human embryos have gills is incorrect.

    “Early embryos have what we call pharyngeal pouches, or branchial pouches. Fishes have a branchial apparatus which develops and gives them gills which they need. A gill is a communication between the pharynx and the outside so that the large surface area of a gill can absorb oxygen and excrete wastes just like human lungs do. But the human embryo has pouches, it never has slits communicating with the outside.”

    A human embryo doesn't absorb oxygen from water as fish do with gills. The human embryo is fully supplied with oxygen through the umbilical cord.
    I believe all mammals (all vertebrates?) have the same... Shows common aquatic ancestor. Yes, they're not functional. The beginnings appear and then disappear. That's the point. We have stuff from other species in our DNA, but broken non-functioning versions of it. Like an yolk sac... We've mapped the human genome and enough of other speciec' genomes that we can compare.

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