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Arvestaked's Satanic Bible Preaching, etc...

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  • #11
    Originally posted by violette829 I think you are unrelated to this forum. You're such a maniac!! Who would object to you posting a picture of Lucifer (LMAO) saying something bad about him? Yea, that would be satan worshipers such as yourself. Why don't you just admit that you love God just as much as we do..I'm so sick of your whiny, I'm too good to conform, pissed off, bitter, lonely, GOD HELP ME, attitude that exudes out of the pores in your skin.

    LIGHTEN UP!!!!!!!!!!! The world is not your enemy! SHEESH..

    I think you should just look at my avatar, and drink your coffee. That seems to help me!
    Thank you for proving me right.

    You need to do the most lightening up. I am fine. Being angry and unhappy is only one part of my character as it is for everybody else. Try to be a little perceptive. You got more angry when you perceived my words as an insult than I ever did in any other post.

    I will not reply to you about this in this thread anymore because it is off my topic.


    • #12
      Re: Arvestaked's Satanic Bible Preaching...

      Originally posted by dusken .

      God is very much alive for everybody. You are God. Worship yourself. You create your own reality and power over reality is a dimension of God. You create pain and suffering, you create joy and elation, you create indifference... The existence of any other God is dependant on you and therefore you are the God of gods. The world began when you were born. Reality became significant when you had the capacity to remember it.

      I agree. I think that people underestimate the phenomenon of Being.

      We are constantly looking outside of ourselves to find greater ‘meaning’ and power. But we bear it all. There is no ‘God' outside of ourselves. God is our creation, and not the other way around.


      • #13
        God created each and every one of us (yes including Arvy) to be representative of himself. So, yes I do believe that we are all gods in some sense...But, there is an creator of all this and whether they stray from their Father or not, he will remain the creator! God stresses that your body is a temple, in it where we have our souls. There's no doubt about it. Why do you think that most Christians are against peircings and tattoos.....It is our temple. Just because you are a being right now, does that mean that you forget/disregard your mother? No...YOU HAVE LOVE AND RESPECT FOR YOUR CREATOR FOREVER> When a parent dies, does that mean that they never existed just because they are not present at this time? UH NO..they will FOREVER remain a part of your heart...


        • #14
          Re: Re: Arvestaked's Satanic Bible Preaching...

          Originally posted by spiral I agree. I think that people underestimate the phenomenon of Being.

          We are constantly looking outside of ourselves to find greater ‘meaning’ and power. But we bear it all. There is no ‘God' outside of ourselves. God is our creation, and not the other way around.

          People also underestimate the phenomenon of God.


          • #15
            Re: Re: Re: Arvestaked's Satanic Bible Preaching...

            Originally posted by violette829 People also underestimate the phenomenon of God.
            Who does this? I do not. Not the external gods. As an external god, He has flexed his muscles. Millions of people bend to his word, kill for it, and cry for it. This is quite the accomplishment for something infinitesimal.

            It is you that are underestimated in the universe. Fight back!


            • #16
              I think Viollett's understanding of God, and Duskeen's is much different. Viollette's is more biblical.

              God created each and every one of us (yes including Arvy) to be representative of himself. So, yes I do believe that we are all gods in some sense...But, there is an creator of all this and whether they stray from their Father or not, he will remain the creator! God stresses that your body is a temple, in it where we have our souls. There's no doubt about it. Why do you think that most Christians are against peircings and tattoos.....It is our temple. Just because you are a being right now, does that mean that you forget/disregard your mother? No...YOU HAVE LOVE AND RESPECT FOR YOUR CREATOR FOREVER> When a parent dies, does that mean that they never existed just because they are not present at this time? UH NO..they will FOREVER remain a part of your heart...

              If you see that it is incontestable that someone or something had to have started all this, that something had to have created all this, than who/what created this something? If everything has an origin, so does this force called God. And so the chain of ‘creation’ can cyclone backwards into infinity.

              As far as your arguemnt for parents goes.

              After the creation, you are one being, you are in no way part of the two. You are you. You grow, you bloom you flourish in the world, as yourself. Separate from your parents. It has nothing to do with respect.

              Creation is your prologue, and life starts from Chapter 1.

              like the quote form dusken "You are God. Worship yourself. You create your own reality and power over reality is a dimension of God. You create pain and suffering, you create joy and elation, you create indifference... "


              • #17
                Creation is speculation and, for that reason, infinitesimally significant and should, therefore, hold no bearing on the self and the philosophy of the self as related to the universe.

                Parents are loved when they have not given reasons to be hated.

                The "temple" of another will always be vague but your own is solid and unexplainable.

                Hail Satan.


                • #18
                  "Hail Satan?" says the god-fearer. "But what happened to the self?"

                  Satan is not worshipped. He is the epiphany. A symbolic memory.


                  • #19
                    What has Satan done for you...Besides lead you into tempation and sin?


                    • #20
                      Satan has not lead anyone to sin. Sin is a concept relating to insignificant external gods. And it is all relative. I would bet that there are plenty of Christian priests who would feel that publically and willingly revealing one's mammary glands and kissing someone of the same gender both constitute as "sin". Does that mean it is wrong? No. Sin is not defined as "what is wrong" but "what the user of the words feels is wrong". Satan is the epiphany of an embracer's godhead. He is a symbol and has not existed to any greater capacity than that of a symbol. Temptation? Sin? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. And what is temptation? The desire to perform cunnilingus and have sexual intercourse? The desire to drive a sports car and drive it fast? The desire to eat well? These are all actions fit for a god and you are a god.

