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The Narcissist Thread

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  • The good narcissist lusts after his sisters because they resemble him.


    • No sweetheart, that's called incest.


      • The good narcissist does not actually violate the sanctity of interfamilial relations; he only lusts.

        He also thinks a disembodied eyeball would make the perfect woman. All it could ever do is look at him and adore him.


        • Hi again...It has been along time and now i was checking this thread and its hilarious but there are the negative parts too. I am not trying to judge here so be calm with me guys.
          I was asking my self "What is narcissism? "and i got to a conclusion.We can look at the dictionary and the encyclopedia until the cows come home.But in layman's terms I can only describe my experience as living with someone as if you are "Walking on eggshells."
          Much like any abusive relationship you never know what reaction you will get on any given day. Sometimes they are caring the next minute you are being ridiculed, humiliated, put in your place. Whatever the narcissist can do to remain in control and to have you constantly off balance. One minute they will build you up and then the next minute knock you down with their verbal assaults.
          Master manipulators who feed off your insecurities and weaknesses only to use them at some later date to devalue you. Living with a narcissist is a harrowing experience it is emotionally exhausting.
          Maybe you my reader are sitting there thinking to yourself, staring at the ceiling with tears running down your face and your heart heavy in despair. Maybe you are thinking to yourself as you lay there confused,your self esteem dissected that maybe he'll change, maybe he's under alot of stress at work, maybe he is sick. Well I'm sorry but the truth is he won't change and yes he is sick and unless you get help and support you will lose not only your self esteem you will loose your very self to this tyrant.
          Thank you for lsitening Adam
          "An angel runs
          Thru the sudden light
          Thru the room
          A ghost preceeds us
          A shadow follows us
          And each time we stop
          We fall"


          • I got something else tooab

            Common characteristics of a severe(good and bad) Narcissistic Personality

            He is a charmer.
            He loves to flirt.
            Has an elevated image of himself.
            Is never wrong.
            Often a perfectionist.
            Considers himself of superior intellect although he maybe credentially deficient.
            More often than not an atheist- how could anyone be above him?
            He sees himself as being one of a kind, unique. He's right about this one.
            Exploits others to elevate his position or gain control of a situation.
            Incapable of true intimacy.
            Lacks empathy or I would go further and suggest is incapable of empathy.
            He is arrogant to the point of nausea.
            Regards sex as a right and is void of sexual intimacy.
            Often a philanderer incapable of being monogomas.
            Aggressive and abuse with the potential for violence.
            Hot blooded often with high blood pressure which further elevates is vicious temper.
            A bully
            He is who he is accept it.
            These characteristics I have compiled from my experience and you the reader. This is not a diagnosis, it is a general outline of common traits associated with this personality.Your partner may possess some or all of the above.Please feel free to reply me...

            "Having an elevated image of himself or herself" Is what i dislike and disesteem...
            Good-humored is what i am surrounded with...
            "An angel runs
            Thru the sudden light
            Thru the room
            A ghost preceeds us
            A shadow follows us
            And each time we stop
            We fall"


            • Originally posted by loseyourname The good narcissist lusts after his sisters because they resemble him.
              I think you should tell your sisters this little bitty.

              Then be locked up you nut.
              The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


              • I saw a narcissist once and I laughed so hard I broke my mirror.


                • Damn, Jenny, that's a pretty good assessment, but I'm not violent and I do prefer monogamy. I don't have high blood pressure, either.


                  • Originally posted by loseyourname Damn, Jenny, that's a pretty good assessment, but I'm not violent and I do prefer monogamy. I don't have high blood pressure, either.

                    Thank youThe onset of narcissism is in infancy, childhood and early adolescence. It is commonly attributed to childhood abuse and trauma inflicted by parents, authority figures, or even peers.
                    There is a whole range of narcissistic reactions - from the mild, reactive and transient to the permanent personality disorder.

                    Narcissistic supply is outside attention - usually positive (adulation, affirmation, fame, celebrity) - used by the narcissist to regulate his labile sense of self-worth.
                    Narcissists are either "Cerebral" (derive their narcissistic supply from their intelligence or academic achievements) - or "Somatic" (derive their narcissistic supply from their physique, exercise, physical or sexual prowess and romantic or physical "conquests").
                    Narcissists are either "Classic"

                    The classic narcissist is self-confident, the compensatory narcissist covers up in his haughty behavior for a deep-seated deficit in self-esteem, and the inverted type is a co-dependent who caters to the emotional needs of a classic narcissist.
                    "An angel runs
                    Thru the sudden light
                    Thru the room
                    A ghost preceeds us
                    A shadow follows us
                    And each time we stop
                    We fall"


                    • Sorry, wasn't abused by anybody either. I just got a lot of positive attention from impressed teachers and fawning schoolgirls growing up. I think it went to my head.

