Originally posted by Darorinag
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Originally posted by AnonymouseI'll take this as a marginal post then, since you haven't addressed anything from what I had originally posted.
Originally posted by DarorinagWhat do you mean? It is relevant to the post because the post was about Iraq. You are obviously agreeing with the initial post, and believe that imperialist USA is very very evil etc. Besides the fact that it's funny how your multiple choices change with each question to options that render the Iraqis the "good" people and the Americans as the evil attackers.Achkerov kute.
Not by killing civilians, no. That is wrong in all situations.How can killing that Italian solve the conflict? That is why I do not and will not (EVER!) support the Arabs in their attempts to get their lands back. If the Arabs had united, they would've eliminated the state of Israel in one month. But fact is, Arabs are FAR FAR from united. They are worse than the imperialists. They are hypocrites. Just look at Saudi Arabia. Financing terrorists while Palestinian children are being killed each and every day... Using children for getting their own lands back? I doubt it. Perhaps for fuelling their agenda. Different name, same sh*t.
And then they b*tch and whine when Muslims get "harassed" at the U.S border or something? GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!! What a bunch of hypocrites these fanatic muslims are.
First Muslims disarm, then Israel. I would NEVER EVER trust a Muslim. And don't tell me I'm racist, because clearly I am not. This is a fact. Our ancestors went through this. They can ruin any country they set foot in. ANY country. Just name it and they will do it. I've witnessed this. But it's a shame really - because it's not the government that is armed, it's the Muslim militants that are armed. And as long as they are armed, the conflict will not be over and they will NOT, I repeat will NOT get their lands back or win U.S support. Gotta love the zionists for being able to control U.S.A. Muslims think they can solve everything through the "sword." Maybe it's time they did a reality check. If they had done that reality check years ago, they would've been able to take their lands back. What a bunch of idiots. Allahuh Akbar *shoots an Italian*...Yes, that's gonna solve ALL the land conflicts.
Originally posted by DarorinagNot by killing civilians, no. That is wrong in all situations.How can killing that Italian solve the conflict? That is why I do not and will not (EVER!) support the Arabs in their attempts to get their lands back. If the Arabs had united, they would've eliminated the state of Israel in one month. But fact is, Arabs are FAR FAR from united. They are worse than the imperialists. They are hypocrites. Just look at Saudi Arabia. Financing terrorists while Palestinian children are being killed each and every day... Using children for getting their own lands back? I doubt it. Perhaps for fuelling their agenda. Different name, same sh*t.
Achkerov kute.
"In the wrong"? Maybe they are in the wrong because they have given the wrong justifications for them going to war, but I can see a good thing coming out of this, believe it or not. If all the world would come down on these fanatic Muslims, believe me, the world would be a better place to live in. Fanatic anything is bad IMO.
I don't support the reasons or purposes, but I do support the outcome, unless the whole thing is abandoned halfway through. It would be great if they can finish what they started instead of chickening out of it at this point.
Why shouldn't the Italian have been there? So the thousands of Muslims shouldn't be in Italy either. Why are there double standards? He can be there if he wants to. They did the wrong thing. Desperate or not, it doesn't make it right.
Those Muslims you are defending would kill all Armenians if they had the chance to. In fact, they even shot at them a few months back, did they not? Keep it up. I love your ignorance.
Originally posted by Darorinag"In the wrong"? Maybe they are in the wrong because they have given the wrong justifications for them going to war, but I can see a good thing coming out of this, believe it or not. If all the world would come down on these fanatic Muslims, believe me, the world would be a better place to live in. Fanatic anything is bad IMO.
I don't support the reasons or purposes, but I do support the outcome, unless the whole thing is abandoned halfway through. It would be great if they can finish what they started instead of chickening out of it at this point.
Why shouldn't the Italian have been there? So the thousands of Muslims shouldn't be in Italy either. Why are there double standards? He can be there if he wants to. They did the wrong thing. Desperate or not, it doesn't make it right.
Those Muslims you are defending would kill all Armenians if they had the chance to. In fact, they even shot at them a few months back, did they not? Keep it up. I love your ignorance.Achkerov kute.
I don't give a sh*t about the "war on terrorism." i don't support the reasons for going to war on Iraq, but I do support the outcome of it. the reasons were obviously fake and the intentions financial (oil, etc.). I have no problem with non-fanatic Muslims. It's the religious fanatics I have a problem with - people who would kill on the bases of religion. OK fine, I don't support killing on the bases of money, but some good will come out of this if they can get at the militants. Fact is, the Shiites were not in power when Saddam was there. Now they're abusing the situation in order to get into power. If this had been a non-militant uprising, such as protests, etc. on behalf of ALL Muslims in the country, fine. But I can see how this might end - Shiites killing off Sunnis sorta like the situation in Rwanda with the Tutsis...
This is not a cold war. Not a single shot was fired in the cold war. This IS a real war. It is not an arms race. It is a race for domination , control, and spreading religion through the sword. Rest assured, if the Shiites take over Iraq, say bye bye to Lebanon.
Originally posted by AnonymouseIf you support war and innocent people dying, then you're no different than the war hawks. I have nothing more to say to you. Any way is bad.
I suppose the Armenians who would be killed if the Muslim fanatics come to power would not be all that innocent, eh?
I wouldn't be surprised if the Kurds are behind this.