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Working with Turks

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  • #31
    If the embargo is such a threat to Armenian economy, how come Armenia is doing better and better economically? Fair enough, any country is better off without an embargo, but at this stage it's an excuse for the Armenian government to be corrupt. As far as I can see.

    You'd be surprised at how much of our language we share with Turkish and v.v.


    • #32
      The only turks I've met have cussed me out, so I can't really say much of anything with them beign nice.
      Economy wise of course the blockade has hurt Armenia, how can you argue against it, the only beneficial part has been the sophistication of certain industries that might not have been brought forth if not for the blockade. All in all boo Turkey anyway.

      Dan your avatar is hillarious.
      Last edited by dstyle; 06-19-2004, 10:13 AM.


      • #33
        The day Turkey accepts and recognizes the Genocide will be the day I can truly trust one and define them as human beings.
        That's a little unfair. Actually, it's a lot unfair and I would argue that attitudes like that are what cause genocides in the first place.

        Until then, I will always continue to hate Turks no matter who they are.
        What a terrible world this would be if everyone had that attitude. Heck, I would have to hate, at the very least, all Frenchmen, Englishmen, Spaniards and Americans. Wait - does that mean I'd have to hate myself? All these old scored get tough to keep track of.

        Now I know, that there are a few Turks who do recognize the genocide and such. But what difference are they making? Is that supposed to make me feel better?
        Since when is it anyone's job other than your own to make you feel better?

        I hope they burn in hell until the current Turkish government publicly accepts our genocide and they acknowlegde it in their own history books.
        Damn. I wonder if Iraqis and Afghans and Palestinians and Japanese and Filipinos and Mexicans and Cubans feel the same way about you as an American. Pity if they do.
        Last edited by loseyourname; 06-19-2004, 05:17 PM.


        • #34
          Originally posted by fIReBuRntInHeLL
          Kemal Ata Turk had jewish origins and he was one of the organizers of the genocide.
          oh my God, u couldnt be wronger & it really scares me that some ppl think that's true

          u should really do a little more research before accusing somebody of such a horrible crime. Kemal Ataturk was a GREAT man. he alone is the one who is responsible for pulling turkey out of its muslim-fanatic state. he completely reformed the country, scrapped the arabic alphabet & used latin letters for a new standard turkish alphabet. he threw religious fanatics out of power & made turkey into a democratic country. obviously, they are still generally barbarians & still have a long way to go as a country & as a people (they can start by recognizing the Genocide) but u have absolutely no right to accuse Ataturk of being responsible in ANY way for the Armenian Genocide.

          Thats like saying it was Mesrob Mashtots' fault Armenians didnt have an alphabet until they did.


          • #35
            Ah crap. I'm sorry about that, Stud. I didn't mean to edit your post. I meant to click on "quote" and clicked on "edit" instead. There's no way to restore it, but at least I left most of it intact in the quotes. Again, I'm sorry.


            • #36
              Originally posted by loseyourname
              Ah crap. I'm sorry about that, Stud. I didn't mean to edit your post. I meant to click on "quote" and clicked on "edit" instead. There's no way to restore it, but at least I left most of it intact in the quotes. Again, I'm sorry.
              The "one time" where the post is from my heart.

              THE ONE TIME.



              • #37
                Originally posted by ardenik
                oh my God, u couldnt be wronger & it really scares me that some ppl think that's true

                u should really do a little more research before accusing somebody of such a horrible crime. Kemal Ataturk was a GREAT man. he alone is the one who is responsible for pulling turkey out of its muslim-fanatic state. he completely reformed the country, scrapped the arabic alphabet & used latin letters for a new standard turkish alphabet. he threw religious fanatics out of power & made turkey into a democratic country. obviously, they are still generally barbarians & still have a long way to go as a country & as a people (they can start by recognizing the Genocide) but u have absolutely no right to accuse Ataturk of being responsible in ANY way for the Armenian Genocide.

                Thats like saying it was Mesrob Mashtots' fault Armenians didnt have an alphabet until they did.
                No offense, but anyone who calls Kemal as a "great man", let alone ANY Statist, a "great man", needs to rethink their thought process. "Democracy" is the stupidest catch word. He made Turkey into a Nation-State. Nation-States are evil.
                Achkerov kute.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Crimson Glow
                  I was ringing up this guy at work, and he paid by credit card. Well, when you run a credit card, the name, #, and expiration date always come up. So I noticed the name. I asked him what nationality he was. He goes "Turkish". My eyes bulged for a VERY quick, split second, and I regained composure and nodded politely (cuz....I'd like to keep my job). I could see he was waiting for me to converse with my own answer, but I just stood their, patiently waiting for the receipt to come up. So finally, he asks me "what are you?" I said "Armenian". This time, HIS eyes bulged, and he went "OHH! On behalf of the Turkish people, I apologize!" I was a bit startled by this response. I was expecting a discussion of the region, or no response at all, etc. The last thing I expected was an apology. We talked for a few minutes about life here and back home (I was born and raised in America, so this was mostly him relying stories), and then he was on his way. So...yeah, there you have it.
                  Today I was talking to my friend who was the one to get me on the set in the first place. I wasn't there today, but he was and said that the head Turk really thought I was a cool guy and would like to work with me again. Why do Turks have to like me? makes it harder to hate them. If I ever see him again I'm tempted to bring up the issue to see what he says... if he responds in a way that the guy in your story did, then I'll be cool with him... he really did seem like a nice enough guy.
                  "All I know is I'm not a Marxist." -Karl Marx


                  • #39
                    Imagine how much more funnier this thread would have been if it was about "Working with Turds", instead.
                    Achkerov kute.


                    • #40
                      "I tell ya, it ain't no joke workin' in them septic tanks, but I'll be damned if I ain't got some interestin' turd stories to tell..."
                      "All I know is I'm not a Marxist." -Karl Marx

