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Working with Turks

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  • #61
    NO, im not hating anyone personally but im hating who ever denies that turkish crimes against the armenians...and azeris who do this as well.


    • #62
      Originally posted by ardenik
      no. ataturk became in charge of turkey after the fall of the gencturk party & ittihad ve terakke commitee. he reformed the country. he threw the radical religious views out the window, giving women more freedom to dress normally & participate as members of society, he changed the official alphabet from arabic letters to latin letters. he pushed turkey far forward in terms of national development in every field.

      the 3 head honchos of the Young Turks were: Mustafa Talaat Pasha, Cemal Enver Pasha & the 3rd dude, i just remember it was something Cemal.. anyways... no Kemal Ataturk.

      well i certainly dont hate them.
      & u know what that is? that's freedom.. thats moral freedom. because when i meet turks & they turn out to be nice ppl, i dont break my head over it like u guys do, all confused... "why do i like this dude? i should want to kill him.." no u shouldnt... u were brainwashed since u were a kid to be programmed to hate turks, but the area in which our parents' generation's calculations fell short was that as much as they talked to u about these ugly disgusting turkish ogres, eventually we were gonna run into a few & maybe.. just maybe, if ur mind is capable of handling so much freedom.. then u would realize that this eternal & unconditional hatred for our turkish contemporaries is nothing more than a HUGE moral burden.

      Now, u can either surrender urself body & soul to this demon called HATE, to whom u will remain a SLAVE all ur life.. or if u grow up & open ur eyes.. or meet enuf nice turkish ppl in ur life who might help u out in ur endeavours if u let them, then maybe u might realize that HATE is just a BIG word thrown around by small people
      Nothing can change whatever was done, I dont respect a nation who denies its past and the truth. I dont care if there are plenty of good turks!!! Still they dont accept the fact that their ancestors killed armenians. And again about At a Turk I must remind u that he contributed for turks, not for us, and I will hate them deep inside my heart until they apologize of what they did. Because if one armenian forgets his/her past than he/she is no longer armenian. the past makes us tomorrow's persons. I can have turk friends but it's not gonna be pure friendship b/c both parts will have the hate against each other. Im not the brainwashed one u are, b/c by being friends with the ones who once killed ur kind that would be "anvoghnasharutiun".
      Im not blind from hate, just to clear it up for u, but i am angry. Genocide is one of the main reasons that broke our nation apart and until today we struggle to survive in other parts of the world.


      • #63

        my conclusion for u is
        ardenik loves turks=>ardenik is traitor
        and dont deny it, u try to convince that is good loving turks, and im gonna scream ARE U OUT OF YOUR MIND??????? whats ur point i dont get it. To forget everything and start new begining? are u John Lennon or something? Once they sign that they are at least SORRY then UU should think of having turk friends otherwise why bother staying armenian! u can change ur name to Jonathan Roberts and have multinational friends. PLus u wont have problems with racist and nationalist armenians who hate turks.


        • #64
          Originally posted by fIReBuRntInHeLL

          my conclusion for u is
          ardenik loves turks=>ardenik is traitor
          and dont deny it, u try to convince that is good loving turks, and im gonna scream ARE U OUT OF YOUR MIND??????? whats ur point i dont get it. To forget everything and start new begining? are u John Lennon or something? Once they sign that they are at least SORRY then UU should think of having turk friends otherwise why bother staying armenian! u can change ur name to Jonathan Roberts and have multinational friends. PLus u wont have problems with racist and nationalist armenians who hate turks.

          thats hilarious.... ok so, let me get this straight.. because i fail to HATE perfectly innocent ppl (contemporary turks, who dont know anything about the genocide who just want to live a normal life & interact with normal ppl) this makes me a traitor.... thats so absurd, its just hilarious.. haha

          u can scream all u want, but between the two of us, who do u think is gonna be the one who looks like they're out of their mind??

          why bother staying armenian yegher...... i make hundreds of armenians sing & dance to armenian songs almost every week. what was the last positive thing YOU did to preserve Armenian culture in the diaspora? can u answer me that?

          im not John Lennon, but i think it wouldnt hurt if we all had a little bit more of John Lennon in each of us. im not saying to forget anything. for ur information, ive supported the cause of getting the genocide recognized at least as much as u have. this doesnt keep me from meeting common turks & respecting them as human beings. because they have nothing to do with neither the genocide, nor its recognition.

          i dont have to change my name to jonathan roberts in order to have multinational friends, i have multinational friends already & they respect me as an armenian. & i can safely say that i have given these multinational friends & acquaintances of mine a good image of what it means to be armenian. & id MUCH rather make friends with an innocent turk than a racist armenian. & u can quote me on that ANYTIME...

          Genocide is one of the main reasons that broke our nation apart
          while this is true, an even more important cause of our nation being broken apart is that armenians have been sabotaging each other throughout the entire 20th century. Tashnak, Hnchak, Ramgavar..... fuuck em all. kouner em ammenoun al.. u cant imagine how much more progress our people would have made if these dumbasses worked TOGETHER for once, instead of these stupid tashnak sh!ts having petitions signed to oppose the opening of a new Echmiyadznagan Armenian church. (this happened a couple of years ago in my neighborhood) now who's the traitor?? hmmm???
          Last edited by ardenik; 06-23-2004, 10:29 AM.


          • #65
            Originally posted by ardenik
            while this is true, an even more important cause of our nation being broken apart is that armenians have been sabotaging each other throughout the entire 20th century. Tashnak, Hnchak, Ramgavar..... fuuck em all. kouner em ammenoun al.. u cant imagine how much more progress our people would have made if these dumbasses worked TOGETHER for once, instead of these stupid tashnak sh!ts having petitions signed to oppose the opening of a new Echmiyadznagan Armenian church. (this happened a couple of years ago in my neighborhood) now who's the traitor?? hmmm???
            Sadly, we all know this and the "lack of unity" babble that spews constantly is because of this, and sadly, once again, nothing changes.
            Achkerov kute.


            • #66
              So its ok too spew hate against your own, but not those that have caused so much damage too your people, good good ardenik, I always had it the other way, thanks forthe light.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Anonymouse
                Sadly, we all know this and the "lack of unity" babble that spews constantly is because of this, and sadly, once again, nothing changes.
                sadly, u are right.
                an army cant go to war if its divisions are sabotaging each other's progress because they would be crushed. & thats what has been happening with armenians in the past 100 years. we will not win this fight for recognition unless we fight it together & that doesnt seem to be happening. while i appreciate the work that organizations such as tashnagtsoutioun have been carrying out for the recognition of the genocide & i realize the fact that its mostly thanks to them that we were able to get an official recognition here in canada, i still scorn them that they often regard other non-tashnagtsagan armenians as non-armenians & refuse to work together. & that is their biggest flaw & for precisely that reason, i think they have contributed more for the regression of armenian people and their cause than for its progress. of course they dont realize this because they're too fukcing full of themselves & of course i expect a panel of pro-tashnags on this forum to attack me & call me a traitor & a disgrace to Armenians......

                funny..... i think the same thing about them.........


                • #68
                  I think Armenians need to stop being Armenians for a week, to cool off.
                  Achkerov kute.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by dstyle
                    So its ok too spew hate against your own, but not those that have caused so much damage too your people, good good ardenik, I always had it the other way, thanks forthe light.
                    i dont hate. i scorn.

                    & in case u dont realize, the goosagtsagan division among armenians has cause much more damage to our people since the genocide (not including the genocide) than common turks have in north america & around the world who r just here to make a comfortable living for themselves & their families. they dont hate armenians & they hardly need to put up a fight against us because we're too busy bashing each other anyway. remember that joke about not having to worry about the 2 armenians trying to climb out of the hole theyre in because soon as either of them tries to escape, the other one pulls him back in. its sad, my friend.. VERY sad... but its SO true....


                    • #70
                      u guys should really take a look at this thread.

                      im not wise enough or skillful & clever enough with words to make an impression on u guys that will affect the mentality u have been living by for 20 or more years... & thats not my purpose either. but this guy ara baliozian seems to have a much better chance at it than i do... i would recommend that u read his entries in this thread.

